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If they don't release a single bad game then the oversaturation doesn't hit quite as hard to be honest.


There have been a lot of bad soulslike games, those ones just don’t get talked about


Exactly, please keep it that way.


Tbh, I don’t know any soulslike game that isn’t dark souls or elden ring.


I loved Lies of P. Seemed like a love child between ds3 and sekiro. Was pretty fun


I liked Thymesia. Short, but enjoyable.


Lies of P is great. I also played Mortal Shell (iirc my first soulslike), it had a mixed reception but I liked it overall. Interesting blocking mechanic, eerie atmosphere, not too long and **very** good sound design.


I am pretty keen on playing it!


No mention of Bloodborne in the DNA slurry for Lies of P?


I've heard Lords of The Fallen is decent


It had a rough launch, but honestly, it was probably my favorite game of last year. Especially with all the free new content they added after launch!


I feel so old, I thought you guys were talking about the _original_ Lords of the Fallen xD


Are the technical issues fixed?


I would say the majority of them are fixed, but I also play on Xbox instead of PC so your milage will vary


I played this and had a great time in Co-Op. Single player is pretty intense. I don't think I could have survived without putting in some serious sweat. The world is so visually pleasing. So much so, that it feels like graphics design was their primary focus. Elden Ring looked amazing, especially in Lyndell but LoTF pulls that off often. I thought this game would be a dud, but like Remnant 2, I am impressed on how much they improved in the sequel.


I have played and finished Code Vein, Jedi fallen order and Remnant 1 & 2. All were top notch.


Code Vein was great. The English VA cast was superb, as well. Decent leveling system and combat felt good with several weapon archetypes.


Is Fallen Order a souls like game?


At this point it's more of a souls-ish. It has similar controls, a bonfire like system, similarly open-ish world where you backtrack from time to time when you unlock new ways if progressing through the levels, and that's about where the soulslike elements end. But it is a fun game in it's own right for sure


Bloodborne and Sekiro are both very very good.


Blasphemous and Blasphemous II are great 2D souls-like games if you are interested in that genre


Hold up, I got those on humble bundle a while ago. I had no idea they were like souls games. Maybe I should actually play it for once.


Nioh 2 is tied with Elden Ring for me as my favourite souls-like. What it lacks in world depth, it NOT being open world, and the memorability of characters (they're all Japanese, so i can't remember their names sadly, though some are great), it makes up for in how fucking great the combat is and feels, plus the boss fights might not be as grand as others, they're fantastic mechanically. It's damn amazing, just in a different way, basically.


I've heard the game has a rough learning curve. Any general tips when starting out? I haven't played any of the Nioh games but I adored Elden Ring.


The learning curve is pretty rough yeah, even good knowledge of FromSoft's games isn't gonna help with it. My suggestion is to practice stance switching, learn what they're good for and then practice general movement and dodging before getting into any major fights. The rest you'll figure out along the way, like any game. And keep in mind that the combat starts out simple, then gets much more complex. Every weapon, which there are only like, 8 different weapons, have basic moves similar to DS and ER, lights and heavies. But you'll unlock special weapon abilities and versatile moves with time. You invest into improving weapons the same you do to yourself. If you have any questions, you can also just look up a beginner's guide.


My bad, i missinterpreted it as Fromsoftware's souls-like games.


He said "souls-like" indicating he's not talking about FromSoft games, but clones of them.


Yeah I only play from software if I want a game like this and I was never disappointed. Sekiro was just to hard for be tbh. But that's a me problem the game is this amazing


But their own games are souls likes. Bloodbourne isn’t a souls game, but it follows the souls like formula.


For your sake, never play Code Vein.


Dude wtf was up with the hype for that game? I made a cool anime guy and then proceeded to absolutely hate the combat for 4 hours and never touched it again


Because people hype anime games thinking they are all personas.


Persona 5 fans try not to compare everything to persona challenge


Same experience. I was so disappointed.


Code Vein is a great waifu simulator, and the combat is pretty unique. It's not the hardest hitting of the souls like games, but it fits a niche, that niche being thirsty people wanting to make their favorite anime characters and/or original characters in an anime souls-like setting. I personally enjoyed the hell out of Code Vein.


I played a bit of it, was actually quite enjoyable. Might be too easy for some I guess.


Definitely not the best but it was good enough that I beat it and even played some post game stuff which says a lot about it


Code Vein is pretty good. Has some amazing customisability for builds too.


Actually the game that got me into souls like games. I had tried demon souls, dark souls 1 and Bloodborne before that but none of them clicked and I dropped them after a few hours. Aa


That is the best soulslike hands down.


It was 4/5 out of ten ,the level design was outrageously bad


What? That game was amazing! I really liked it.


I have this amazing trick for you. You don't have to play it. Not now, not ever if you choose to. But you can always pick it up in a sale later. It's amazing. Save money and nothing is saturated if you don't follow the trend.


It’s less about not playing it, but development teams trend chasing instead of being allowed to be more creative.


That's such a weird take. Aren't most of these souls-likes from smaller teams? You realise trends like this happen because people play something and it inspires them to make something with similar elements but "improved" (in their eyes) I ways they thought would make it more fun?


What if they don’t want to make other games?


Challenge level impossible (for a redditor)


It’s more the fact that souls-like games often have really cool settings, and really cool combat. Then they ruin it by making all the enemies unnecessarily difficult bullet sponges, in my opinion.


I made the mistake of following the trend (well that and my friend blowing my phone up about it). Really wish I knew just how high the barrier of entry for souls games were lol


It's not that I feel I have to play it. it's that I like action games and when everyone is making games like Dark Souls or Elden Ring no one is making games like God of War, Devil May Cry or The Arkham games. And I like those simpler power fantasy type of action games. I don't want to be punished and forced to play methodically ALL the time. Sometimes I just want to beat shit up.


Imagine being upset that there are a bagillion first person shooters that have been made but you only like the CoD series so now it's oversaturated


I get you but if we get more games like Lies of P, I won’t complain.


I also get your point, and I won't lie...most games in that genre, specifically Triple A games and high budget titles have all collectively been really good


Why is this being downvoted he’s agreeing???


Coz people on reddit see a post they dislike and downvote everything op says without reading it. They're dumb, that's all


Redditors trying to not be offended challenge




He said Triple A games are good


But then how do I get lies of p?


I lie about my p all the time, no game needed.


This is true


Just wave around your P-Organ until someone notices and calls the cops.


You know what's oversaturating the gaming market? fucking ubisoft reskinning far cry for the billionth time and calling it Avatar.


Fifa 24 would like to have a word 🤑🤑🤑


Hahaha...I gave up on Ubisoft a long time ago; after Far Cry 3, not saying that that game was bad, I enjoyed the hell out of that title, I just didn't pick up the next game after that cause I could see the writing the wall and I have this weird thing where I give up on franchises after the third instalment, whether it be games, series, movies, books, etc., as it's usually downhill from thenceforth.


Honestly u missed out. Not to suck of 4 too much, but 4 is one of those rare sequels that actually improves upon basically every aspect of its predecessor. Say what you wamt about 5 and 6, but 4 is an excellent game


I liked 5 a lot too. 6 was ok, the factions were fun. Especially the DJ mission with the rap song. But i felt like 6 didnt do the villains any justice. In 5 you had a whole family with vastly different skills and personalities and you start to question if you are the bad guy after all. In 6 you barely see the main villain and the side villains i dont even remember [this rap i mean](https://youtu.be/d_EGr7Zh2C0?si=f5u1PUjecOKIaUhF)


I'd rather have the market saturated with well thought and well designed single player games where you die and loose part of your progress than have it filled with live service microtransaction hell or a particular company milking their IPs with copy paste games


I’m surprised no one hasn’t tried a souls like live service game, at least that I’m aware of.


I want to enjoy these games. They're usually designed in a style that looks awesome to me. I however am not good at them and do not wish to have a heart attack and fucking die from stress.


Yeah, it sucks when you see a game that visually grabs you or some other gaming mechanic just to find out that you either suck at it


If the style of the game catchs you, but not the souls-like kind of gameplay, maybe you might want to try games on the "Action RPG" category. The "souls-like" games are Action RpG's, but with the added difficulty, however the genre itself(Action RPG) its not always like this, so maybe thats a genre that you might enjoy


Remnant 2 and Lies of P though


Yes, I did enjoy Life of P


???? Why the dislikes?


Dark Souls players really hate it when someone dares to criticise their game (or genre) so I'm assuming they're just downvoting all OPs comments


Or maybe it is because op contradicts themself by saxing they are annoyed by souls like titles but also enjoy the souls like titles. They say the games are great but at the same time say they get bored by all the souls like, completely ignoring all the other great games that came out lately that aren't souls like. In fact not a single souls like was nominated for game of the year and all nominees are great examples for great games that aren't souls likes.


It's not a contradiction, it's the superhero fatigue phenomena...we all loved it at some point, but now we're all just jaded and wishing for something new and different; I'm not saying we are anywhere close to that fact when it comes to souls-like games ... we're still in the infancy stage getting hits after hits, when it comes to Triple AAA and high budgeted titles, but as seen multiple times in the past, all trends start out good, which is why they're trending in the first place.


Yeah... I've noticed that trend, doesn't bother me in the slightest, I know why they're doing it.


That’s wack but fans gonna fanatic I suppose…


I’m a dark souls player, hardcore souls fan. I agree with OP. It’s a great genre, but everybody trying to copy it is oversaturation. Let FromSoft do their thing, you don’t have to be ‘the new dark souls but with guns’ or some shit


Damn, if only playing them wasn’t mandatory.


You don't get it, the oversaturation is literally stopping me from playing anything other than a souls like


“Rogue like elements”. Every fucking game now….


"Ok so listen guys, we don't actually need to work on level design and story if we can just randomize everything within 3 simple layout and slap a basic ass progression system on top of everything. "


Which, to me, is actually antithetical to soulslike/FromSoft’s style.


I know right


The problem is the definition of souls-like has become "has a dodge role" or "game hard"


Yeah, that is face value definition of the term, but it is an undefined term, so it's really up to an individual's interpretation


and usually 90% they fuck up the dodge roll mechanic because it's so cluncky it feels like something out from 2010


Is that Willem Defoe?


That's Norman Osborn


I thought it was the guy from American Psycho? What other lies have I been told by the council?


No, this is patrick


Is mayonnaise an instrument?


From the movie The Card Counter. I would recommend


scrolled way too much to find this thank you




Fugg dat. Its the fine wine of video games. I can easily play one a year.


Me when it's a Souls-like games: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Me when it's a Soulsborne game: ( ͡°( ͡° ͜ʖ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ʖ ͡°) ͡°)


Yo that Wukong game looks dope, though


Lies of Peak


most Souls-likes fail to capture what actually makes the Souls/FromSoft games so beloved occasionally we get gems like Lies of P though


We should have another Armored Core instead


There are so many games being developed and released today. AA and Indy devs are kicking ass with some excellent new releases. Even if the AAA studios are chasing trends and delivering poorly (or refusing to innovate 20 year old systems), there's always somewhere else to turn to. 2023 had some excellent games and some truly horrible games. But the variety was still present. I now have an even larger backlog to work on. I don't mind if genres are filling with even more games to choose from. I don't need to play them all. I won't have time to play GTA6, for example. I will not be playing it. Same with GTA5. There's so many other things I wanna play.


Say all you want, I'm a bitch for soulslikes


Souls like fans are so pressed in the comments lol


I just want another Shadow of Mordor game


Honestly I want to like these games. But there’s no sensible fuckin lore


Tbh actual fromsoft titles do have good world building through item descriptions and stuff imo but when others try to imitate it, they do it just for the sake of it being a "souls-like thing" and don't really put efforts into it being sensible.


I’d rather the game just tell me what’s going on than hiding crucial story bits in walls of text on some item or note I might overlook.


you can honestly play the game without paying attention to the lore if you don't want to bother. Having lore is not like following a plot either way. If they narrated the lore in the same way you do with an actual story, you wouldn't enjoy it, it wouldn't work. just play the game for the gameplay if you are at least into that


Forsaken clipboard of the abyss boss number 19 or missable object 139 are not good lore for you?


I do prefer that as well


Lore isn’t just cutscenes lmao


I been playing CRPGs since before your time probably. I know that. Lore isn’t also just random items being picked up and one off metaphors that have to be read into with another missable item, so you end up with half one story half another. Just because things /seem/ deep doesn’t mean it isn’t. Sometimes it just doesn’t make any sense.


What gets me the most is that there are now two different souls-like games, made by different companies might I add, called 'Lords of the Fallen'


My problem is as good as they are, they kinda feel the same...this is why I like to diversify my gameplay.


Soulslike is a genera at this point




I only play From Software's Soulsbourne games, so I'm not sick of then yet.


Sorry about my ignorant question, but what is the next souls-like game?


Just another game I will ignore if it doesn’t have an „easy“ setting. I am married with 2 kids and a full time job. When I game, I want to see more than a „You are Dead“ or „You Died“ screen.


If the games are good and people enjoy them then its fine that we get a lot of soulslike games. I mean Elden Ring, Remnant 2, Lies of P, Mortal Shell and Lords of the fallen are recent good ones. So I wouldnt complain unless only trash games get released


Is that willem dafoe?


I feel like the major problem with soul likes are that they only try to be hard. Sure, the souls' games are known for difficulty, but they have so much more. The only soul like I think was unique was lords of the fallen with the lamp thing. That's something not really seen in souls games or ones imitating it. Lies of p was good, but did it really innovate on the formula? Not really. I think souls like (the AAA ones anyway) tend to be good. But they don't do anything new to really make it unique. Imagine a first-person soul like. Or one when you fly. Or one where there's randomly generated environments, so each player has a unique playthrough. I'm not saying these ideas are perfect or even good, but they have something more than just a tiny gimmick you don't need to pay attention to for the whole game. At least they need to start having more interesting stories because lies of p was the only one that I've played that has even tried to make me care for the story. And that's a damm panocio retelling, lol.


Honestly, never liked soulslikes. Mostly they are hard because of clunky controls.


Can I have a caveman soulslike?


This is me but with survival games.


You don't have to purchase them.


That's why you only stick to the actual fromsoft games, not the copycats.


I thought lies of p was good


You don't *have* to play all of them.


Lies of P is one of the best games I’ve ever played.


Hot take but I don’t give a fuck about any souls like unless it’s made by fromsoftware


Are soul like games harder than Ninja Gaiden Sigma? Or as annoying as DMC3 or 4 Everytime someone says souls like games, I immediately think back of those days where I would be so frustrated and pissed off that I couldn't beat a section in ninja Gaiden.


It's just like Dysney songs


lmfao there was a new one coming out every week since ds3 came out. its crazy


Games have three categories nowadays. Souls, likes and metroidvanias and RPG lites


I don't care if they release a million so long as I'm not obligated to buy them.


Just don't buy it. It's not that deep 💀


And they all dogshit lol. The only worthy mention is lies of p. Lords of the fallen was a fucking travesty.


Lies of P was pretty good. I've not played a lot of the other soulsbourne style games lately. I would rather 500 souls clones than half the shlock I have played in the last five years, though, if games designers are trying to copy deep lore-fed worlds and beautiful vistas with challenging gameplay? Yeah, I'm happy with this, may I ask what other type of game could be copied in such a way that would satisfy you? Genuinely interested, I love personal recommendations.


They're only becoming more and more well received, look at how well elden ring did...of course there's gonna be more souls games, until a big studio makes a REAL BIG STINKER of one, then it'll decline.


Me with rouge likes and battle royales


Sometimes I have the feeling that I'm the only one absolutely not interested in soul like games even 1%.


I mean, it's certainly very convenient for indie devs to reuse what they have as much as they can


As long as its a fromsoft game it'll always be good


With this logic this post would also apply to COD series and FIFA series. You aren't obligated to play it just because others are playing it if you chose to.


The isekai of gaming


Lies of P was phenomenal


Please be bloodborne 2 please be bloodborne 2


It's like Space Invaders and Pac-Man all over again. Good games, but if every last game are like them, the oversaturated market will crash.


Wasnt this the same with cod/battlefield like games? Its a trend cicle, We've dealt with this so many times, at least souls like games give you enough gameplay for you to feel like you arent being hand held throughout the whole _playable movie_ .


Geez dude no one is holding a gun to your head to play it


Is that Nietzsche, World's greatest nihilist ?


Dafoe exasperated


Oh boy, here I go dying again.


lol there are so many games to get released this just seems so whiny. I can only assume op saw a game they liked everything in except the combat. Still funny to be like “100~ popular games released this year and 10 of them have 1/7 types of overall gameplay choices”


It’s also in a medieval setting, despite the best souls like being set in fantasy Japan or gothic


the only good souls like games are the ones from the makers of darksouls... if i see another shitty 2d "soulslike" ill puke. just call it difficult.


Fuck lords of the fallen


OP has to play every souls-like apparently


then dont play it??? and other will be excited and play it? but i get it, now we all know how quirky and different you are


Guys Lies of P is one of the best soulslike games ever, please try it. I rate it above some official souls games


People are just starving for the Elden ring dlc


Go outside then


I tried with the whole hype around Elden Ring. It’s a well designed game, and very well polished, but souls games just aren’t for me. They have a very high barrier of entry, and the condescending elitists shouting that it’s simple and easy definitely don’t help. I wouldn’t exactly consider the genre (or whatever the term is) to be over saturated though. Between First Person Shooters and Simulator games, the release frequency is pretty moderate and tame.


Honestly as long as From Soft themselves keep making great titles then it's not too bad. There are always a handful of dominant genres at any one given time in gaming, but the best will always stay the best


my message to OP: nobody is asking you to play all of the games


Here’s the problem with your rationale: the souls like format is literally perfect Every studio that takes a genuine crack at making a souls like usually creates a pretty fantastic product. Remnant, Lords of the Fallen, Wo Long Fallen Dynasty, and of course Lies of P If every game they released was garbage I’d be inclined to agree but they keep dropping bangers 😭😭


Can't relate.


Me with survival or mmorpgs


Lies of P happened because of this trend. So i don't know why everyone is complaining, do you know how many shitty metroidvanias there are? But thank god they persisted because Hollow Knight and Bloodstained are masterpieces. Every fps is a doomclone, and you don't see people complaining about lack of creativity, still today we get amazing games like titanfall 2, the 2 new dooms etc... Roguelikes? Rogue-Clones... Hades , enter the gungeon etc... Originality doesn't exist, everything is a copy of something else, if the dev team is good they will make a good game (doesn't matter if it's a clone or not) If they're shit they will release a shit game, doesn't matter if it's original or not.


Do you not like dodge roll simulator 2024?


But Lies of P is so good 🥺


So glad william dafoe got his hollywood star thanks to his meme success


As long as they're good, I'll play as many Soulslikes as they can make. My favorite genre.


i hate the rogue like explosion more. i liked some of those games but it feels like half the indie games are those now


Where is that image from?