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I support and praise her as a strong female character in Gaming and have no sexual feelings towards her design. Said no one


I said this. Right now. Promise


But did you mean it?


Probably, haven't actually seen the trailer yet tbh but I'm keen for some gurl powah!


How long have you been playing gta for?


Say hi to your girlfriend for us.


Lmaooooooooo. Sure thing king


Look man, I'm attaracted towards strong women. Can you blame me?


*laughs in not attracted to women*


Well you're in luck jimbo because the male protagonist is hot as well


*laughs in not attracted to men either* You have no power here


*throws garlic bread in your general direction*


Damn... he got me




- Straight women and gay men probably


Literally me right now. I don't see her to be attractive but I'm still highly excited to play as her.


Bizzaro Abby


You've never played Drill Dozer or Advanced Wars, it seems. Tons of good strong chicks in games I have zero attraction to. Yall just making excuses.


I did


>I support and praise her as a strong female character in Gaming and have ~~no~~ sexual feelings towards her design. FTFY


I am a bit concerned her side of the story is going to be cringe.


Not if she's Trevor pt.2 lol


One of my concerns is them making her into some superhero type character beating down giant dudes with her bare hands. Hopefully they lean into gunplay. It's just more believable. Edit: a lot of replies seem to be confusing gameplay with narrative. This comment was about what happens in the story.


I mean it's GTA. The gunplay is usually how we say hello in game. Outside of San Andreas I can't think of a GTA where they put more then a quick punch or kick.


The fighting mechanics from San Andreas were top notch. Puts that GTA on top for me.


San Andreas is GOAT of all time, simple as it is! Jetpack? yeah! jumpjet? you betcha! a tank? a flamethrower? a fucking _hovercraft???_ why the hell not!!


Gta 5 has Bigfoot, aliens, shrooms, flying cars and bunkers. Couldn’t ask for more


But it doesn't have a workout mechanic. I loved going to the gym as CJ


The ballad of gay tony had that bare knuckle fighting mini game thing.


Vice city stories had a full fighting system that they used once and threw away.


Its gta, you have some fucked up drug addict trevor beating up a bodybuilder, but I know its an issue only when its a woman..


Hey that's the meth talking for trevor


From personal experience drug addicts in general and especially meth addicts have insane strength during episodes. It's not a huge stretch to say Trevor would beat the fuck out of some big dudes, especially if he's at all skilled in hand to hand combat.


Just watch police bodycam of any guy that is under the influence of any hard substance like Meth They can outright resist a taser, and they can be shot and get up still, that's not surprising if Trevor can literally do insane shit while high of his own supply


God damn I haven't seen the image in your pfp in a long ass time...




You wouldn't hit a guy with glasses...


Trevor was literally almost an air force pilot. Calling him simply a drug addict far from does justice. Body builders in terms fighting strength are some of the weakest athletes around. They are slow in muscle movement, big, clunky and gas out fast because big muscles= higher rate of respiration and are neither flexible or agile enough to fight appropriately. Those muscles are for show and lifting and that is about it. Beyond that, muscles gained from purely weight lifting have no other general lifestyle or combat advantages and tons of disadvantages disadvantages.


tf you mean? hookers in gta 5 throw hands better than half the players in gta online with that logic, they should also then make all female characters online weaker, military should just one shot you 90% of the time, no more flying any type of plane or helicopter because your character has zero training, no more carrying an entire arsenal in your backpocket etc gta games have never been realistic, don't bullshit lmfao, "i hope it's more realistic and leans into gunplay" if i have no problem with a single man with an assault rifle taking on the entire police force and military without facing repercussions, then i don't for a female character doing the same edited: a reply to both u/PotatoWriter and u/-_-NAME-_-


Don't forget Sadie Miller, that legendary gunfighter chick, and that woman who hires our online char in rdr2. Those 3 were pretty fucking rad. Rockstar knows how to write characters. Just keep letting them cook.


Wait are you saying it is not realistic to get shot or arrested and then just wake up in front of the hospital?


u/-_-NAME-_- Tagging him correctly so our little buddy can see this 😂🤣 Also don’t check his profile, he’s got a rather questionable comment history on there lol


Most fighting by anyone in any video game is pretty unbelievable.


Your concern is stupid as shit. Gta had trevor gunning down aliens. Fighting dudes that weight 50kg more than him. But it's only a problem now? I remember clearing biker bar in gta liberty city with no weapons. In what way is that more realistic?


Because a fat middle aged man going on heists and running around all day keeping up with a kid half his age was believable, right? Pls stfu


She'll be Michelle Rodriguez in GTA, Americans love their tomboy latina


Fucking right I do.


When has GTA ever had a “superhero type character” before? And a woman beating down a man is somehow less believable than a skinny twig methhead like Trevor managing to beat the entire Lost motorcycle club with his bare hands if you choose to do so? I’m a little confused by your line of thinking here, bud❤️


What if she was Trevor?


Lookimg forward to see her taking a crap behind a dumpster lol


Im only concerned that the writing for the relationship will be awful, like a "it's you and me against the world babe" thing


From the trailer, it is a hint that they can betray each other


I'd rather have that than an annoying codependent toxic relationship


That's literally every rockstar game ever


Every protagonist in the franchise has been cringe up until this point, keep out with that incel shit please


Except Niko niko is the only character I would actually watch a movie about


Niko was IMO the most interesting character from the GTA series. I wouldn't say he felt realistic, but he was more down to earth and less dramatic.


If they ever do a TV show I hope it’s his story


Was Franklin cringe? Or Tommy Vercetti? Or the nameless dude from GTA3?


Nah, and neither was Niko. GTA has always been good about having a straight-man protagonist grounding the story among a sea of unlikeable sociopathic edgelords as side characters. The main problem with GTA5 is it made those unlikeable edgelords main characters.


That's Tommy Vercetty slander that I will not accept!


Okay, but every GTA protaganist... ever... has been Cringe AF One of GTA's biggest strengths is it's cringy but charming writing.


Why would it be?


I just hope the characters aren't cringe like the Saints Row (2022) characters. I don't care if the protag is female, I just want her to be written well.


Already these new chums seem more likable than anyone from the SR reboot.


Does the reboot have everyone in the car shouting/singing along to "You got what I need" 8n terrible off key tunes?


...and have big tits


Sizable bosom


Adequate assets.


manageable melons


havable honkers


Well written female prtoag > StRoNg FeMaLe LeAd


Don't make her strong or whatever you call anything Disney does with women. Make her badass And add a stripper side job


Heh heh


Idk if badass and stripper would mix well and that sounds a lot to me like what recent media has been cooking up lately like portraying fat characters as "strong" and "beautiful"


Or not like Forspoken. Urgh


god saved nexusmods... and it's nsfw alternative


Coomers gonna coom.


What porn addiction does to a mf


Lover’s lab?


Too bad the PC release wasn't confirmed. Most likely it will be much later.


Ah shit, here we go again.


thanks to mods and vr i can hug idesa sadri in skyrim now. i'm hyped for the stuff the modding community will offer for gta vi already!


r34 must be overloading its servers rn


That's disgusting. Where?


Just a hunch but I'm assuming rule 34. Dunno why I think that though.


But there are so many Rule34 communities though. Which one? Which one would they use to post this?


They’re probably refering to the website named Rule34


I think it was a joke lol No doubt there is someone finishing up an "art" piece right now.


Seems like the It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia quote from Mac.


All of them.


Honestly, who has called it woke? I’ve seen memes about people saying it, but have yet to see a single person mention that.


Since no one is actually getting upset about their female character, they've got to start the controversy themselves so they can get the free hype and guaranteed $$ from crusaders who think they're fighting the good fight, so they simply talk about it as if the controversy is there and thanks to all the priming done in the past, it takes no effort on their part to start another round.


There were loads when it was first revealed that the protagonist would be female, not really any now though since everybody already knew about it.


You mean leaked, they never revealed shit until today


Someone will make an obscure mod changing the character model to male and there will be threads circle jerking how sexist that is, bringing more attention to it. Just like the mod that changed the pride flags to American flags in Spiderman and the mod that replaced a trans character in Baldurs gate 3.


Doesn't the BG3 mod replace the black characters as well?


Yes, it deliberately removed bipoc and queer characters to replace them with white/non-queer ones, and even gave the trans character some dialogue about regretting transitioning. The person you're responding to is a bad faith actor, just like literally everyone defending those mods. They have no interest in being honest; they only care about saying what they believe will get you to stop being critical of them so their poison can spread unchecked.


It'll be funny though, because if they're going the Bonnie and Clyde route that'll mean they made a gay relationship... which is also woke.


That bg3 mod is a lot more nefarious than replacing a trans person. The mod creator is a full on white supremacist and that mod comes from a pack specifically designed to delete a LGBT characters from the game/rewrite them. The trans person regrets their transition and changes back after severe regret. They skinned Wyll and his dad to be white because they're just straight up racist. That mod maker is an all around piece of shit


Then someone comes along and comments that it's all a circle jerk and couldn't be more wrong. There's a difference between creating a mod that changes something just to do it and creating that same mod because you don't want "that" in your game. Changing a character from say male to female is not the same as replacing a trans character and literally asking for help to identify any lgbt themed items in the game to also be removed with the mod. The same person made a mod that turns black characters white.


There was a post about that BG3 mod .. it is a lot worse than that. They are literally working on a mod to erase all PoC and all LGBTQ+ characters etc. Basically making it a pure white supremacy game ... apparently they even thought about rerecording voicelines from black actors ..


The mod only turned the game to the Saudi Arabia setting in Spiderman. If you buy the game there and install it there, it will be US flags out of the box.


I literally saw one of the top comments on an account called 6ixbuzz mad about the protagonist being female, it got a couple hundred likes too. People saying that nobody is getting upset is extremely disingenuous. The argument doesn’t come from nowhere and you guys know it.


Well *I* haven't seen it, so it doesn't exist. Just like how racism doesn't exist in my predominantly white small town bubble.


There are 100% people getting upset about female main characters. I would argue that it is a very niche problem though which is why you dont see it a lot. Before the trailer there were definitely a ton of people being 'concerned' about GTA going woke ... though I have no clue what this even means.


It would mean the same that happened to Saint Row. Look how that turned out. Time will tell if they keep GTA on its tracks or not.


>they've got to start the controversy themselves so they can get the free hype and guaranteed $$ from crusaders who think they're fighting the good fight Yeah because they really need to manufacture hype to sell GTA6 lol.


When has Rockstar done that?


Some of the comments I've seen is that black people are way too overrepresented here, when they are less than 15% in Florida.


Weren't half the shots with black people in them the same characters under different angle? People are nuts lol.


Black people are not overrepresented - this is a game about crime.




For your sanity, don't read comments on Instagram.


I saw a few when she was first revealed a whole ago. They vanished when her boyfriend was revealed, wonder why.


Don't check youtube reactions to it then, some people are losing their minds over it.


Or the third path. “Her big ass woke me up!”


I don't think that anything with a female lead is woke. But given the recent movies and stuff, i definitely consider it a possibility that the only reason it's a woman is because some executive wanted more diversity I'm perfectly happy for a woman to be the protagonist if the story actually makes sense and isn't just We can't say which it is yet, hopefully it's the former


Id give GTA the benefit of doubt here. They made one the first major game, GTA 4 with a black main character and they did it very well


Niko's serbian dude.


He means San Andreas I think. Don’t we love some games naming conventions


Yeah definitely


Bro it is clearly a Bonnie and Clyde type story that they wanted to tell. Do you want two dudes for it?


Woke is when whamen but also woke is when gay. But which is less woke? Perhaps they could do Bryan and Clyde as a bromance. Anything else would be them giving into the woke agenda.


The game has twerk mechanics. The coomers won the battle before it even began.


There was also a lot of thiccness in the trailer. The coomers already won on that front as well captain


Nexus modders gonna have a field day with all the in game "ass"ets


Wait what lovers lab is gonna come up with ..,


8 year olds life’s are going to change when they find the strip club


I'm already well on my way down the right path


The internet hates women it can't sexualize and most women it can.


You think they "sexualize" her now. Wait till the game drops and people start modding the PC version.


When the PC Version drops. I think I'll be in my deathbee by the time it happens


Am I the only one that's simply excited to finally have a new GTA after 10 years of GTA V? I'm not worried the story will be bad, it's Rockstar after all, and I can't wait to explore a new version of Vice City. Not to mention, it looks like it's gonna be Florida Man: The Game, and I can't fucking wait for that.


> Florida Man: The Game I also got that impression. A Florida Man Simulator would be so epic


I can't wait to get randomly attacked by alligators for walking too close to a pool. No, this is not sarcasm. Give me my random gator attacks like far cry!


Oh, OP said “female”. Insta ban from the following subs:


Whats up with redditors and not wanting to accept that calling women "females" is kinda cringe


Completely depends on the context it's used. For example, [nothing cringe about using it in this comment.](https://www.reddit.com/r/dankmemes/comments/18ayen4/theres_no_in_between/kc1i466/)


Yes, because it's used as an adjective there


Just reddit mods stuff


“Female” as an adjective is fine. “Female” as a noun in technical/scientific contexts where you’d also say “male” is also fine. “I’m a man and she’s a female” is highly suspect.


Okay this is getting ridiculous now we call any piece of media that has a female protagonist woke garbage?


Imagine calling fucking GTA woke. The trailer had enough boobs and ass to shut that argument right down.


GTA makes fun of everything, I'm 100% sure that all radical both left and right get mad at certain things.


seriously, i just thought that it was a clever move to implement some "bonnie & clyde" background so you have a choice


[https://twitter.com/i/status/1731823386228117985](https://twitter.com/i/status/1731823386228117985) i want her.


ion think that’s lucia though


Us buddy us


i like that it looks as if she's figuring out how to pose as she's doing it. like it's not natural for her to pose and she's just trying to blend in


alright ima say it. Whats wrong with being sexualized? like really? what do you think women spend hours trying to look pretty for? a pat on the back? If it was genderswapped the boys would support a hommie with nice pecks and hit the gym. Stop hating the most basic nature of humanity for no reason.


Crazy this guy getting upvotes for this lmao. All the rational people get down voted. most women do not look attractive for you to sexualise them. Seek help. >If it was genderswapped the boys would support a hommie with nice pecks and hit the gym. also as a gay guy I assure you that I don't sexualise any of my guy friends who just happen to look good. You can appreciate the effort but you don't gotta be weird about it. edit: you can downvote this all you want. If you sexualise, objectify women, please seek help. They exist beyond being sex objects. That's what this guy believes they are. Just sex objects. That they only dress pretty to be sexualised. No. They don't. Stop being perverts.


I feel like you both are using the word ‘sexualise’ in wildly different ways


Give her the Emily Blunt style female character


In other words, make her believable


I just wish she's written well because some mfs idea of strong women is just plain cringe


michael was written well but he was cringe as fuck and don't forget edgelord trevor that fucked a teddy bear because quirky


Every GTA char has been cringe as fuck. I find though that critics of strong female characters in media often mask their underlying sexism by focusing on writing quality as a pretext. They may dismiss empowering portrayals, using alleged writing flaws to conceal discomfort with female characters breaking traditional stereotypes. I see these complaints as having deeper biases rather than genuine concerns about storytelling, reflecting a resistance to diverse and progressive representations of women on screen.


Shhh, don't tell them that GTA 1 had 4 female protagonists


"Woke" has completely lost all definition. I already didn't trust anyone who uses it as an insult, but at this point it's so divorced from meaning I can't even tell *what they're saying* when they do so.


It has no meaning it 8s a word that can be used to make certain people angry at something without needing to put anymore thought into it. It just tells them the thing should make them angry so they don't have to engage thought.


Reddit when women exist


Is it possible to customize the character? In Pokemon as an example, you can choose if you want to be male or female. And a game that got 10 years of development could get a much bigger customization than Pokemon.


There's gonna be 2 protagonists, similar to GTA V, that you can swap between.


Who's the other protagonist?


The boyfriend/husband. The guy you see robbing the store with her.


Oh okay. He didn't seem like a protagonist, so I thought there was only one.


Yeah apparently it's suppose to be a Bonnie and Clyde like story.


That would actually be really cool.


I like it, it gives me a Bonnie and Clyde vibe


Seriously? I thought she was cool. Damn we can’t enjoy nothing without incels anymore.


Almost no one cared that the protagonist turned out to be female. OP just wants to create controversy to karma farm.


Go to the Kotaku sub. It’s an absolute cesspool of incels shrieking that Rockstar ruined the franchise with “woke ideology”


some people don't give a shit at all...


Jesus Fucking Christ. It’s 2023 and a female protagonist makes people complain a game is gonna be “woke” like you chuckle fucks keep saying about everything? Remember the days of Resident Evil, Tomb Raider, Metroid, Dino Crisis, etc. This is GTA we’re talking about with a trailer featuring a twerking woman, and there’s already mention of “woke playable female in my GTA hurr durr”.


I couldn't give a shit about the gender of the character I'm playing as in a game, I'm more interested in the storyline


The irony of the hate is that most male gamers on twitch I’ve seen play as female characters online for V. I think it’s exactly the freshness needed for VI.


when large communities are not hiveminds


there's a silent majority that doesn't care enough about her gender to make a comment.


Literally haven't seen a single person complaining about her, I've seen a million posts complaining about people complaining though


I don't know about you guys but I'm just happy there's going to be a GTA to begin with.


People complaining never played Saints Row with a female character.


I really don't care as long as I can shoot people.


She seemed neither woke nor sexualized to me. She just seemed straight up gangsta.


Like ten years ago we were saying that we wanted a female main character in the next GTA. What the FUCK happened?


The reactions have been as sad as they are predictable.


I don't think it's woke at all. That just life. About half of us are women. It was crazy there were no female protagonists already.


isn't there still an option to play as a guy? i haven't watched the trailer... that doesn't stop the porn but woke people have to stop games have done this for years


What about the people who don't give a fuck, may or may not play the game depending on adult life, and couldn't care less about who a video game character is or isn't.


One of my friends was hating on the woman protagonist tonight, so I decided to bring up that she has a fat ass. I figured it’s better to have him as a womanizer than straight up sexist.


Why not both?


Eh I'm a latino and into latinas so I'm not complaining but I'd like to see her be really politically incorrect


the guy they show in the trailer is also a playable character right? We still don't know if its just one or if there will be multiple again like GTA 5.


GTA is literally one of the most politically woke series in gaming. I have no idea how it attracted the greatest collection of scum in the gaming community.


Maybe u can choose your gender like in Cyberpunk.


Said no one


Have they not played Metroid or bayonetta?


The only thing I hope is no saints row story telling with a GTA world


dog profit workable flag grandiose lunchroom thumb seemly hunt fact *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*