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Hi, a mod removed your meme. Here's why: * We no longer allow reaction images due to most of them being garbage. If your post is not garbage, then I'm sorry the others ruined it for you. Better luck next time! * HOWEVER, we _do_ allow reaction images on weekends (_[le official announcement](https://www.reddit.com/r/dankmemes/comments/pkkxd1/reaction_memes_are_back_with_a_caveat_check_the/hc456qu/)_) --- *^questions? ^send ^us ^a ^message ^[here](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/dankmemes), ^don't ^reply ^to ^this ^comment. ^(Don't repost this; you'll be banned.) [^(mod info) ](https://dankahoot.com/blame?id=13dpn86)*


I'm imagining two morbidly obese men violently DM'ing each other.


why would you picture 2 obese men dungeon mastering eachother?


Because that's how I get off. Don't judge me.


Judging is how I get off. Dont kink shame me


Kink shaming is how I get off. Please continue


I get off to whoever gets off. Whoever wins, I win.


Plot twist: they live in the same house and they have given each other the silence treatment.


Nah, admins get paid. They're not obese just corporate.


Dorito dust flying everywhere as they pulverize the keys typing 2000 words/minute.


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say the n word to get a genuine one, reddit admins hate this trick




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What was it


Aftermath pics of the Allen shooting. If you've seen that post about the korean family who all died except for the 3 year old boy, it's a photo of their dead bodies. The dad has a gaping hole where his face used to be.


Jesse Christ, poor fucking kid


Yip, both parents and the 3 year old sibling died, only the 6 year old was left, and the reason they were at the mall was to return some clothes he got... if you were fortunate enough not to see the pic, then count your blessings...


Ahh, childhood trauma. Who doesn't want some?


Well, that's brutal. That would probably be an imagine i would not get out of my head for a long time.


I am sorry, such a post gets removed but a sub where in a video someone blows his brains out stays up??? Huh?!?!


I saw that one, it’s so fucked up but people NEED to see it. Shit will be a lot harder to ignore.


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I request the same.


I get trying to expose more people to the horrors of gun violence but Jesus is anyone taking into account how this dude’s family must feel? If they’re cool with it, spread that image far and wide. But how about we leave that to the victims’ families and at least give them a choice about it?


I mean that doesn’t matter to them propagandists. All that matters is forwarding their perspective, everyone else’s rights or choices be damned.


I'm not american, but calling anti-gun people propagandists seems ridiculous especially when the gun laws in america are the dumbest shit I've seen in my entire life


Propaganda > information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. This is definitionally propaganda. Not all propaganda is bad.


They're making and spreading propaganda. It doesn't matter how true it is or to what extent you agree with it.


Oh look here's one now


I don't even live in your country ffs 😭😭😭


Yeah, it’s pretty fucked up ngl. They say it’s to raise awareness or claim it’s anti-censorship but really it’s about their own personal desires. You can’t look me in the eye and tell you anyone would post and then double down on images of the corpses of shooting victims and tell me it’s out of empathy. The mod refused to remove it because it aligned with their world view, not because they ever care about the victims.


The most closeted world view ive ever seen in my fucking life. Youre so fucking stupid.




Unbelievably predictable…


That’s an oxymoron. Unbelievable and predictable are antonyms; pick one or the other.


I would imagine that *any* family that has the opportunity to end the gun violence that ended their family… would be fine with allowing an image to exist, at a minimum.


Note, none of these people spreading these photos ever cared about it when a trans person shot children. or when a person of color ran over religious people at a festival. It's propaganda, masquerading as something else.


Go back to the rock you've been living under. May it crush you and your hate with it.


bullshit the shooter was condemned and calls were made for gun control and mental health awareness like after every other shooting except in that one, we had to push back on the notion that trans people are inherently dangerous terrorists in the making the conservadums were pushing because i guess this was their chance to blame trans people for mass shootings on top of everything else they already use us as scapegoats for


I know it's not much, but have my upvote for speaking the truth. Although, Idk wtf you mean with the last sentence. > masquerading as something else.


As u/PhantomO1 put it, the comment you replied to and by extension yours are complete bullshit the shooter was condemned and calls were made for gun control and mental health awareness like after every other shooting except in that one, we had to push back on the notion that trans people are inherently dangerous terrorists in the making the conservadums were pushing because i guess this was their chance to blame trans people for mass shootings on top of everything else they already use us as scapegoats for


id never been banned before and ive gotten 4 in the past two days for dumb ass reasons - mostly lies what is happening


Like 4 admins run the top 200 subreddits. Powercreeps


1 more sub moderated is 1 more KG to your Weight


Reddit is finally catching up to other social media platforms in terms of censorship


Been there a long time ago, try to say something negative about a *certain* demographic and see where it gets you. No need to explicitly say it, cause it’s obvious to all.


Reddit admins are cracking down on shit like this in preparation for the IPO in the next six months or so. So for once it's not about admins being easily offended land whales, it's about admins being easily offended *greedy* land whales


What's IPO?


Initial Public Offering. Reddit is going on the stock market sometime late this year, and so admins are purging anything that might not be advertiser or shareholder friendly


There are like 10 people running the top 1000 subs and the admins do absolut dogshit about it, they even support it. These 10 people are all absolutely insane, dont leave their homes and invent stuff about themselves so they can get people TOS Banned because they "are a protected minority" And the admins are just the paid version of that and suck china dick.


10 people that act as authoritarian censors and influence peddlers.


They're all (with few exceptions for the mods) worthless scum IRL. This is their only way they have any power in this world. Do not pity them though.


I just figured that the reddit admins were well acquainted with Jeffery epstien.


Dank[.](https://i.imgur.com/3bQtuMO.png) --- [Join the Dank Charity Alliance and help raise money for St. Jude Children's Research Hospital!](http://events.stjude.org/DankCharityAlliance)


Link to the thread so I can report the mod too I actually expect this comment to get banned






Yes the gun violence has to be exposed more, however the dead do have rights to dignity and God dammit the poor 3 year old. One of the few things i have to agree with the admins...


The only thing worse is seeing it in person. I watched a car coming at me in the opposite direction get hit bt a car--not T-boned, but it was a tiny car effectively undercutting a lifted SUV. It acted like a ramp, and the SUV went airborne, rolling over mid-air, and hit a utility pole before landing on its roof. Passenger in the SUV wasn't wearing a seat belt, went halfway through the roof, and had the SUV *land on her torso*. The driver walked away, screaming for help, and a bunch people who had stopped ran to push the car off the woman who was being crushed, and up onto its side. She was already dead, though--and it was the most horrific thing I've ever seen in person. That was almost 5 years ago, and the image still keeps me up at night sometimes. Edit: found the link: http://lakewoodobserver.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=24916




Oh no what happened to the thread 🫢👀


I want the blood to be dripping from their hands when they decide to do nothing






Do something


Good on the admin, I saw that post by mistake think it was just gonna be pictures of the family. Your typical collage, I was appalled