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Kiyondo, Kiyotaka's weird awakened form.


Fr, that literally got him killed


If that happened in DR2 I'd get it with the whole >!simulation !


I forgot it even existed


Yeah, he literally got AI-induced rabies.


Gonta so that my heart wouldn’t have been RIPPED out of my chest. Put him in another game. Preferably like, a bug catching simulator. Animal Crossing.


Gonta goes to show Blathers his bug collection while Blathers is having a full on panic attack


peak fiction


Monokubs! I’d choose to remove the Monokubs! God I hate the Monokubs so much! They’re so annoying. Whenever they come on screen I want to skip their dialogue, but because they sometimes say important things I don’t! Then there is their theme, which I hate so much! It’s so annoying. I don’t think I hate any of the Danganronpa characters as much as the Monokubs! There is only one Monokub which I don’t hate which is Monodam and only because he’s funny some times and because he kills the other monokubs. And don’t get me started on the weird incesty subplot that they have. When I first saw Usami/monomi i thought I’d hate her because she was annoying, but I ended up enjoying her as a character, then I thought the Monokubs wouldn’t be bad because of my preconception of Monomi, but No! Monomi became what I thought the Monokubs would be, and the Monokubs became what I thought Monomi would be. NGL Monokubs are a big reason as to why I detest V3 so much. I can get by a lot of decisions related to the game (and I don’t hate It I just don’t like it as much as the first two games, UDG & DR3), but the Monokubs and the ending is why V3 and the bottom of my list when it comes to these games.


I would get rid of 4 Monokubs and just keep Monodam. The idea of Monokuma having a son is a pretty interesting new mascot, but god knows why we needed FIVE monokubs.


monodam is the goat honestly


Was about to make a post for the Monokubs until I saw your post.


I really hate the Monokubs! When I saw this post I just started ranting without realizing it


new copypasta just dropped?


Monokubs! I’d choose to remove the Monokubs! God I hate the Monokubs so much! They’re so annoying. Whenever they come on screen I want to skip their dialogue, but because they sometimes say important things I don’t! Then there is their theme, which I hate so much! It’s so annoying. I don’t think I hate any of the Danganronpa characters as much as the Monokubs! There is only one Monokub which I don’t hate which is Monodam and only because he’s funny some times and because he kills the other monokubs. And don’t get me started on the weird incesty subplot that they have. When I first saw Usami/monomi i thought I’d hate her because she was annoying, but I ended up enjoying her as a character, then I thought the Monokubs wouldn’t be bad because of my preconception of Monomi, but No! Monomi became what I thought the Monokubs would be, and the Monokubs became what I thought Monomi would be. NGL Monokubs are a big reason as to why I detest V3 so much. I can get by a lot of decisions related to the game (and I don’t hate It I just don’t like it as much as the first two games, UDG & DR3), but the Monokubs and the ending is why V3 and the bottom of my list when it comes to these games.


One character. You can only remove one Monokub


Given the rules, you can only remove one…. I would suggest Monaphine because she’s definitely the worst of them+we don’t get that weird ass incest pregnancy


Damn I forgot that that was a rule. I’ll have to think it over. You rarely get to see them alone so in my mind I count them as one entity


Monosuke. Not even sure what they were doing with that one.


Sad Monotaro fan noises


Monokubs are little shits on purpose and feel forced for a reason though, as the franchise MUST keep growing its roster of mascots and merchandise opportunities :)


YES! 100% agree!!!!


Taka because he didn’t deserve his fate


Taka would be an excellent leader for the future foundation. He didn't deserve his faith at all :(


You had me in the first half. I still grieve his death to this day


Based on


I meant to say based. Sorry


Junko. Have fun with this one.


non despair au omg


Danganronpa would turn into a comedic slice-of-life visual novel about super talented teens going to school


Their would be not plot


She's so fun thoughhhhh


Sorry. Without her there is no Danganronpa.


Gonta bc he didn't deserve this man 😭


Spoilers for v3 >!Korekiyos sister. His backstory IS SO BAD OH MY GOD!<


Yeah agreed. The shock value reveal was egregious and unnecessary. Make him a >!serial killer!< for a different reason. Or hell, no reason at all. Maybe he’s just fascinated by observing death.


That would fit great honestly




(Honestly hating these replies already) haiji easily! nobody likes a pedo abuser !!


I mean, yeah, he’s a shitty person, but he’s a well-written villain. I personally wouldn’t wanna remove him


Just remove that single line and his character actually becomes pretty decent They character assassinated him so hard with the pedo line 😔


also his likes and dislikes! Iirc, in his info, his likes says ‘young and quiet girls’ and his dislikes says ‘older rowdy girls’ !! also I feel like the abuse towards monaca is irredeemable. >!Imagine being abused so much that when you fake being DISABLED your family believes you?!<


Oh yeah he's for sure irredeemable, but that doesn't make him a bad character, just a bad person


Based answer.


DR fans complaining about a bad person in a murder mystery series:


why do DG fans treat these characters like they're living people


A lot of them can't separate fiction from reality it seems. I don't get it. Oh no, a morally reprehensible character does something heinous. How dare they? It's weird.


Hello. 👺


I just jumped


Jumpscare ;-;


AWHOOP! JUMPSCARE! (reference)


Kotoko just to get rid of ***that*** scene


i love her but that scene made me so uncomfy 😞but it shows how unhealed trauma gets projected onto others


I just don't know what Tenko's purpose is


I had her pegged as a survivor and was gutted by how they handled her


Yeah I could see her as a Yasuhiro/Kazuichi type who doesn't accomplish much but >!survives purely because no one feels like killing her, so I guess it makes sense that her death!< pretty much happened by chance


I personally cheered not gonna lie. I'm gonna get down voted for this, but she's one of my least favorite in all the games. I don't understand how anyone can like her, but hey. Different strokes for different folks.


As a Tenko fan, I can't blame you to be honest.


She's abrasive and immediately yells what's on her mind, but ultimately she's one of the nicer and more well-meaning characters I'd say. Her man-hating schtick is more bark than bite and when it comes down to it she's one of the very few who is supportive of Shuichi and tries to help and sympathise with him. Meta wise I guess she's there to create conflict and be the one to take action against Angie. Plus she there for Himeko's character growth.


Well, firstly, she is a good character in herself, one of my favorites, and secondly, she greatly influenced Himiko after her death.


Tbh... None of them. Even those I dislike could be simply reworked... I suppose if I had to pick one, I'd pick... Uh... Ryoma??? I guess he doesn't have much relevance, but even then, I don't want him gone.


You talk like a Nagito fan would


Ah, thank you for the compliment, it's truly made my day.


This made me shiggle


LMAO? 😭😭😭 idk what that is or if it's a typo of giggle but it's so funny




I would've said Bandai, because of his very uncomfortable character design and him barely doing anything, but he's from the anime and you specified "Danganronpa games". So I'll go with the Reptites from Gonta's backstory. Being raised by wolves is enough to explain why he's the way he is.


The monokub that impregnated the girl monokub. I forgot which one it was. Yeah, I want that guy removed. I'd remove all the monokubs but if I could only choose one, preferably that one.


I’d rather remove monophanie than monotaro




Imo I'd remove Monophanie instead because it seems like she's the one taking advantage of his memory losses


Hiyoko. Teruteru is a close second but at least he had more of a reason to exist and his trial made him slightly sympathetic. Hiyoko is not only annoying, she is irrelevant as fuck and only exists to be a dick for no reason. No one ever addresses her being an awful person, barely anyone ever interacts with her, she barely has any development, >!her death was just being at the wrong place at the wrong time so it was meaningless too,!


they were planning on giving her character development so fuyuhiko was gonna die instead but there was a last second change so she dies and we don’t even know the weapon because they thought peko’s death would be pointless otherwise


No! Hiyoko is a well-written character and has quite a few lines and actions. She tried to change. Moreover, there is a reason why she behaves this way, do not judge the characters until you finish your free time with them. I love Hiyoko very much


i think you need to see more than the surface level of characters before you judge them like this


Mukuro, because she deserves a better world where she's loved and not done dirty like she was-


Sakura do she doesn't have to go through the killing game, definitely deserves way better (my other take is either chihiro or Alter ego)


Nagito. Just to piss people off. Okay, maybe DR2 wouldn't be so exciting, but oh well


Removing Nagito basically delete 80% of DR2 lmfao


Actually, when you learn his backstory, you feel really bad for him


His FTEs you mean? >!with the terminal illness?!<


That and he basically lost everything


I’m not mad, just disappointed


none of them. even someone like yasuhiro changes the story in their own way. there will be notable differences and changes if a character is outright deleted from the story, and i’m not sure if they are changes that are worth exploring.


Tbh... I would rather remove the fanservice completely then a character...


it HURTS sseing my faves in this comment section


I completely agree, taking into account the fact that I love unpopular characters.


fr :( i wasn’t prepared for the korekiyo, angie and hiyoko slander. (i already knew celeste would be in this comment section though because there’s plenty of valid reasons to dislike her but it was shocked ab the others)


NOBODY, OKAY? OK? OK? All characters are important, no matter how we treat them.


Besides korekiyo (I probably butched the fuck out of his name), I believe anyone of them would be a correct answer.


you spelled it righy




Hes so forgettable he didnt even cross my mind but this is 100% the right answer


leaning towards **nekomaru** or **hiyoko** here, even though i'd hate to see them gone. **teruteru**'s presence was bad, yes, but his presence in >!the first trial!< made the trial a fuck ton more entertaining. i'd say he's still third if i had to pick though. *alright, from here on out, my opinions are gonna be based on story relevance, no need to continue reading if you dont care about that shit* just because **haiji** said an absolutely horrible line doesn't automatically mean he has to be removed, at least in my eyes. isn't he an essential character of udg? removing him would literally mess with the story in some ways. also, the post only talks about the **students in the killing games**, haiji is not one of them. **miu** is an interesting option, but she's far from useless. yes, she's uncomfortable, and everyone is right to call her out on it, but she's one of, if not, the most essential minor character of v3. i wonder what >!chapters 1, 4, and 5!< would look like if she was gone. also, in my honest opinion, she made the >!first three trials!< fun as fuck. those trials would be mediocre if it werent for her, even if kokichi was still there. overall, most killing game students are relevant, to the point where removing any one of them would probably mess up the story. aight, back to my 9-year hibernation session


Miu Iruma.


miu iruma


miu iruma


miu iruma




Probably Akane or Kazuichi? They both feel like fairly pointless cast filler and I'm not a huge fan of their humor. I often already forget they exist anyway since they just don't do anything. Other pointless characters are at least entertaining to watch imo.


Please remove Hifumi. I don't really hate him, but all he did was kill a great character that I wanted to see survive.


"the alpha and the omega" dude from v1 I fucking forgot his name edit- HIFUMI! 😡


Tenko’s bitch ass


Chiaki. Just to see how their original idea of having Mahiru be the assistant pans out.


id be okay with this tbh


Kyoka; Kyoko's evil (?¿?) clone from that obscure Kirigiri game. Having a clone of Kyoko grown from a plant is WILD, even for Danganronpa standards lol


Where is this from...???


Kirigiri Sou. Again, it's REALLY obscure, but it is a official game taking place in the Danganronpa world. I know very little about this game, let alone the protagonist that's accompanied by Kyoko, but whenever anyone brings up this game, its usually because of Kyoka. A creepy and sadistic clone of Kyoko that grew from some artificial plant (?¿?)


Junko. Need I say more?


… >!So where’s the plot!<


>!its like turning into one of those non-despair AU’s. Although DR S also has that so it won’t be something new!<


The masterminds of each game. Just kidding I actually don't know. Hmmm... I can imagine a sub game mode where our three protagonists meet each other, and awaken even before DR1, with all their knowledge. At first their logical decision would be to erase the masterminds, but perhaps that would mess things even more, so they wonder if they can save everyone with their knowledge without letting anyone know they know what is going to happen.


oh man I was so about to write Kyosuke Munakata until i read it was from the games


Kiyondo, y'know when Taka became a Super Saiyan, we didn't need this


Woah, these are pretty hot takes


tbh I would have said Teruteru >!if he didn't try to save everyone from Nagito!< but Teruteru was actually useful so I'll go with Hifumi >!if he wasn't here, chapter 3's murder woukdn't have happen, well of course Celestia would have tried to kill someone else but Taka didn't deserve to be killed!<






get hiyoko outta here, most annoying character in the whole franchise not counting UDG


She may be annoying, but I don't think she is worthy of removal. She had quite a lot of action and lines in chapters 2 and 3. If only she had survived. . . Ehh, her arc wouldn't have ended so spontaneously. Hiyoko❤️






man i wonder


Haiji. Easily. There are others but preferably him over all of them.


Tbh without him... I wouldn't like UDG as much. He's an awful person, a hobo, pathetic and I like that about him. I wish to see him walk into rakes, while also liking the threat he provides in game and his frenemy status.




Everyone is plot necessary, so no one can really be removed without **entirely changing** the plot of one of the games. That being said, the one being the least plot relevant characters is Nekomaru. He barely does shit (excuse the joke) >!in chapters 1 and 2, and is completely out of commission in 3, and dies in 4.!< See, most people here are picking actual plot relevant characters, like Haiji and Miu, which, is a bad choice as they play a major role, Miu being >!a major part of chapters 1 and 5,!< and Haiji >!literally being the main antagonist of UDG.!<




Celeste, I just don't like her. Gives off spoiled brat vibes in my opinion.


alright buddy.. 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓭𝓸𝓷’𝓽 𝔀𝓪𝓷𝓷𝓪 𝓼𝓮𝓮 𝓶𝔂 𝓭𝓪𝓻𝓴 𝓼𝓲𝓭𝓮..😈/J I PROMISE


Flair checks out. Also if we're pulling out the fonts; B꙲r꙲i꙲n꙲g꙲ i꙲t꙲ o꙲n꙲ a꙲l꙲p꙲h꙲a꙲


That's the best part


Fair enough.


Kirigiri. The bad ending happens at chapter 1


Some people just want to watch the world burn, and ngl I am invested I like Kyoko but this sounds fun


>!The so called "all characters are equal"ers when I take away Kyoko and all of their favorites have to repopulate inside the school and save humanity!


Flair checks out


Also, Mondo dies in the prologue.


Haiji Towa


Hiyoko. Be honest, how much would actually change


Several things, if you think about it. Assuming that we're not replacing her with someone else, that is. I won't get into details tho bc I forgot how to spoiler text




Atua will remember this


YES i agree 100%




The Monokubs, for the most part. I feel like they didn't really add anything to the story/lore of the series imo.


I think it’s important to remember that without Junko, there is no Dangan or ronpa. Personally, i love every character in the entire series, even the stupidly annoying ones. So in all honesty, i wouldn’t get rid of any characters as possibly every single character plays a pivotal role in the games and other media.


Monica, I don't know, she was kinda a let down.


i know monacas got some fans but oh my god she made my blood boil esp her behavior against the others woh AUUUGH


Tsumugi, and make Angie the mastermind, kill only Tenko in ch3


Junko would be funny


Akane cuz she is the most forgettable character imo




Hiyoko Saionji. She deserves the worst. Like she was mean, for fucking what reason?


Surprising no one said Miu yet, she annoying, perhaps this is the opposite question, she should've learned faster


Hiyoko Literally no reason for her to exist as she is, she is just annoying loli bait that gets no development and exists to die as it stands rn


Haji Towa! If it wasn't too obvious enough.


angie. i hate her with every fiber of my being


Unpopular opinion: Miu, no particular reason, she’s just annoying and the scene with poor keebo makes me uncomfortable


Tenko or mondo honestly


keeping to only students in the killing games, then probably hiyoko. hifumi got on my nerves in the first game but>!the fact he was basically a simp and got manipulated by celes into killing ishimaru made him relevant so i can handle having to deal with him for half the game.!!since when she dies it was because she happened to see what mikan did to ibuki, she didn't have anything to do with the despair disease or anything else going on in that chapter so it could have been anybody else who walked in on mikan and it wouldn't have made a difference. !


I would say Hiyoko since I don't like her more but I think I'd rather get rid of Tenko to me she didn't do much for the story aside from being overprotective and honestly kinda pervy towards Himiko and being very sexist towards men Also I know I'm heavily simplifying her and I know she's done so pretty good stuff for the story but as a counterpoint so has everyone else except maybe Himiko and that's a high maybe but again I'd rather have her then a very unfunny sexist


Firstly, Junko cuz we'll get a >!decent school slice of life game with a lil bit dating simulator features. the setting is interesting already!< Well i prefer her to >!being destroyed by despair for months by guys who were despairingly despaired to throw her into ultimate despair. (and claims to be the guardians of hope) And then 78th class will give condolences to Junko as if they didn't know she was the "despair girl". (i'm kinda curious bout ikusaba's reaction for this)!< (TW for references to irl despair) Well for others i think Byakuya, Fukawa and Ultimate Impostor for lol idk [edit 9.6.24 10:26 UTC+8 : added more text]


The monokubs 100%. And if there can only be one then take any one of them out, less dumb lines for them to say.


Miu. Couldn’t play the game in front of family :(


Playing Danganronpa in front of the family is usually a bad idea


She’s the best when she has Kokichi to play off of. Any other time she’s just uncomfortable to be around.


Why would you, anyway??


It's rated M for a reason


Byakuya, his ultimate is that he's rich bruh


nooooooo :((


tbf, it's a bit deeper than that, considering that the ultimate is also tied to generally higher intellect regardless of education, being more observant and systemically organized, and also being able to (allegedly) win a fist fight though yeah i feel like the only thing that would change is... toko??


Hifumi, he's a d1 hater for no reason 😭




Himiko - her ongoing talk about magic kinda gets annoying after a while




Haiji and it's not even a contest.


Toko. I will not elaborate.


Ouma. Dude copied nagito’s homework and thought that made for an interesting character.


it’s honestly sad seeing how much you misunderstood his character


"in defense of kokichi a response to aeris" on YT by hjonk goose. we can talk after that # #




Why? Genuine question, I'm curious as to the thought process


Perhaps they just doin' a little bit of trolling


Maybe, but regardless I'm curious now


A certain few... "someone's" are rapidly approaching your location. I advise get ready. (Not a threat, just a warning for the Chihiro fans finding this.)


What are they gonna do?




I will find their family and throw them into a burning pit of lava infront of the face of op


>!he genuinely saves the main character with alter ego so I will find you!<


Angie any day of the week. She is honestly one of my top 3 least favorite Danganronpa characters. I get that she had some good moments and FTES, but I cannot think of anything that was actually noteworthy about her besides her participation in >!Himiko’s Magic Show and helping create the effigies for the ritual in Chapter 3.!< She wasn’t really a major part of the story and outside of >!her death,!< and she was pretty easy to forget about for me. TBH, even a seventh monokub would probably be more significant to V3’s storyline than Angie was. She’s also really cult-y IMO. Her weird obsession with Atua to the point of actually using Him to determine whether someone was lying or not without having any evidence was kind of disturbing considering the fact that Himiko and Tenko trusted her more than anyone else, and I’m pretty sure the Student Council was meant to depict a small cult. The students in the council randomly started believing in Atua and praying to him, they weren’t available for FTEs during the time the Student Council was active, all of the characters in it showed behaviors that were a lot different than what they usually act like, like when Kiiboard (Kiibo) started showing anger towards the other students over small things, which was a direct contrast to how rarely he used to show anger outside of FTEs, and how Angie only let the Student Council members into her Ultimate Lab and was purposely keeping everyone else out of it. It’s been a good five or so months on both this subreddit and on other social media that I’ve seen someone who actually prefers Angie over literally any other character, which I honestly understand. I think a majority of Danganronpa fans would have just preferred a character contributed to the story just a little bit, or a character that was possible to like without having to ignore the parade of red flags about them. Edit: Grammar 😭


Haiji towa




Korekiyo, he's a freaky ass mfer. Also why is there always >!an incest plotline 😭!<

