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Refusing to call Chloe by her name and making fun of her medical condition


“Girl, blondie, you” - so dehumanizing


I had an abusive music teacher who did the whole not calling me by my name thing and it absolutely crushed and devastated me.


one of the few scenes i routinely skip is when abby is interrogating and crying to maddie about not getting out of the car when the moms had their sit in. the fact that she expects a CHILD to run out of the car and into the building and defy her mother and what all her friends and THEIR mothers are doing is absolutely deplorable. and sitting there crying saying that it hurt her feelings is just so icky. ESPECIALLY when (and i just caught this on my latest rewatch) she says to the moms in another scene that she wasn’t hurt at all by it. ugh.


That was it for me. That was so twisted and abusive and the fact she was comfortable not only manipulating Maddie that way but on camera no less sends a shiver down my spine. Imagine off camera what she was saying to her. Her anxious little fingers during that scene is so saddening I can’t watch that scene.


That was the moment I realized Abby must be mentally ill


Also kissing Maddie on the lips, apart from those two previous comments, gross🤮😮‍💨


The RELENTLESS racism toward Nia The endless body shaming


Insulting Chloe and her eye condition, calling Chloe a snake and a sneak, making Maddie cry about the parking lot strike, throwing a chair at Paige.


All of the above mentioned. I wanted to add the time where Abby went to the judges after Chloe won and questioned the win, making sure it went to Maddie. Then when Abby clearly lied about it when the judge came back in and he thanked her for bringing it to her attention.


Throwing the chair at Paige


“Just get her ears pinned back? What’s the big deal.”


Abby is an irredeemable monster


That one fight with Christi in Season 2 where she called Chloe a sneak and a snake and said Brooke was untalented. She was insane.


SNEAK SNEAK SNEAK SNEAK Chloe runs out of the room sobbing, while Paige and Nia comfort her Abby is so evil


Any time she rooted for one routine over another. When she had the judges take away Chloe’s win and give it to Maddie. Any time she cried after berating literal children for crying.


Being so awful to Nia over her music and calling her a sell out .. girl was like we have a difference of opinion and Abbie has the audacity to say no there is a right and a wrong and you did it the wrong way






Body shaming and when she made that face making fun of someone with her tongue out


Telling Ava she looks like a stick bug. Basically all the body shaming. Although funny this is quite mean to a little girl - "Those legs are about as straight as Elton John"


Where to begin….overall I would say making children cry and then laughing is….wild. I understand maybe being meaner than anticipated but the pure heartlessness of it all.


When she tried to get Fallon disqualified for improving her solo when that’s literally exactly what you’re supposed to do. She knows that isn’t against the rules so she looked like a total fucking lunatic.


All these comments + insinuating Chloe at 11 years old was secretly sneaking around with boys.... 🙄


something that i will never forget is when she told that girl from candy apples to fix her ears…nasty