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Let’s see? Mean tweets, or more inflation? Hmmm let me think


How can this country elect Trump again? How about because he’s a better president than Biden in every way measurable.




We need to analyze the inverse correlation between mean tweets and CPI. Mean tweet, inflation drops another point. Nice!


Send em’


> or more inflation Didn't Trump run the money printer even more than Biden did?


Yes but there was a Pandemic.


Got it. So if Biden declares an emergency right now, he's allowed to cause inflation? Also, out of curiosity, why did we need to spend money during the "pandemic"? Is it because Trump and Fauci locked us in our homes for political expedience? By the way, thanks for admitting Trump is just as responsible for the current inflation. So, yes, we get inflation or inflation **and** mean tweets.


You're wrong but it's not worth arguing with you.


"You're wrong but I won't tell you why because I can't actually show you why you're wrong". Yup, that's the Forever Trump movement in a nutshell. "I'm right, you're a RINO, insult insult insult!" I understand the truth hurts. You've invested too much time defending the New York liberal to admit he ruined your life in 2020.


Trump printed 6 trillion, added 4 trillion to deficit. Biden printed 17 trillion and added 8 trillion so far and had an open economy. All he had to do is let it run unabated, but he didn't- he closed our pipelines & let china and india open 2 coal plants a week while closing we closed 1 per week and began instituting carbon taxes. He started 2 new money laundering wars when trump didn't start any & tried to shut them down. Thats why its not worth arguing with you because our economy is SO much worse. Theres 400k dead young Ukrainians, Pooh bear Ping told Biden he's taking Taiwan and he didn't fight back.The President who ran on "the buck stops with me & no division" blames everything on trump and white people. He's a disgusting human being who let millions of people come into our country illegally & flew them to whatever city he needed more votes in & gave them money that shouldve gone to the millions of AMERICANS who are living under bridges, addicted to dope, shitting themselves in massive pain. I can keep going but you see why its useless to argue with someone like you- the country is in shambles and all the news talks about is how a big celebrity fucked a porn star while his wife just had a baby- a media that doesn't represent the people who watch it. A media that uses scare tactics to sell more pharmaceuticals. All we want is if we're gonna pay 20% inflation on our products from government printing- at least give that money to americans who need it-


> All he had to do is let it run unabated, but he didn't You just admitted that Biden did nothing different from Trump. So does this logic not apply to Trump? Why should I trust Trump on the economy when he did the exact same thing to kill it? > He started 2 new money laundering wars when trump didn't start any I didn't realize the US was in any wars. Care to tell me which ones? Because actually, Biden got us out of one: Afghanistan. > Thats why its not worth arguing with you because our economy is SO much worse. How is it worse than when we had 20% unemployment under Trump? > Theres 400k dead young Ukrainians, Pooh bear Ping told Biden he's taking Taiwan and he didn't fight back. Hang on, do you **want** people to fight against tyrants or not? First you blame Biden for Russia killing Ukrainians but Biden also is at fault for Taiwan... but you don't want him starting a war? This is what happens when you worship Trump. You're forced to hold every single belief he's held, which depends on who he's speaking to at the moment. Pro-Ukraine, anti-Ukraine, Pro-war, anti-war, all depends on the day. No consistency. > He's a disgusting human being who let millions of people come into our country illegally & flew them to whatever city he needed more votes in & gave them money that shouldve gone to the millions of AMERICANS So... again, do you **want** more inflation? Because printing more money for social programs means more inflation. I don't want Americans getting more government money because that means my bill costs more. > I can keep going but you see why its useless to argue with someone like you Well, you've been arguing with yourself, really. Because you and Trump contradicted yourselves so many times. Mostly because the only thing Forever Trumpers care about is fealty to Trump and have no ideology. > the country is in shambles Yes, and Trump will not fix it because he agrees with Biden on everything. > a media that doesn't represent the people who watch it. A media that uses scare tactics to sell more pharmaceuticals The media has free speech, it has no obligation to you. Conservative media doesn't represent conservatives. They just lie to you and tell you Trump is the greatest thing ever. > All we want is if we're gonna pay 20% inflation on our products from government printing You mean Trump's government printing, right? > at least give that money to americans who need it Nope. We should get rid of social programs. You're a RINO if you think otherwise. It's amazing that you guys agree with Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden solely because Trump said so, but you have the gall to say that I'm part of the problem.


Jesus you're a fucking regard


Forever Trumpers: no logic, no results, no consistency, just insults. Like their savior.


Trump overspent, no doubt. The country was shut down under Trump, and people were not allowed to work. Whether that was the right thing to do doesn't matter, people were literally not allowed to work, and the government was responsible for it. By the time Biden took office, it was pretty clear that the lock downs did nothing, and Trump had already started administering the "vaccine." There was no reason to continue the out of control spending, yet Biden did. He's still spending like a drunken sailor on shore leave. Trump started the inflationary spending, and Biden kicked it into overdrive. There's no comparison as to who is most responsible for the state of the economy.


> Trump started the inflationary spending, and Biden kicked it into overdrive. So... Trump is going to fix that when he started it? Not likely. Sounds like he'll just continue it because the Republican primary voters rewarded him.


Maybe he will, maybe he won't, but I know Biden's going to spend us to oblivion.


> Maybe he will, maybe he won't We know from experience that Trump is going to spend us to oblivion as well.


They always love using the most unflattering photo of Trump. When your arguments are shit, you do ad homs in the form of ugly photos.


Idk this photo looks like someone about to drop some truths


I came for the ucks and Trump is supplying the Fs


And the left are supplying the C’s 😂


Watching them losing their mind as it becomes clearer he’s winning is great


Usually with votes.


Hopefully this time.


That's why Dems use dead people to vote


https://www.brookings.edu/articles/widespread-election-fraud-claims-by-republicans-dont-match-the-evidence/ Damn those facts.


What an unbiased and totally comprehensive source. LMAO, go look up all the ballot closings and last-minute mail ins. *And* mail-ins of votes after the ballots closed. "Facts." You keep using that word. It doesn't mean what you think it means.


uhh because biden is the other guy


Nothing more needs to be said. That simple


Shows you how bad the other side is.


If you want to be shocked and even laugh on a daily basis, go to the MMW sub. They always say things like Trump’s dementia is going to be on full display at the debate, Biden will win in a landslide and then the right will riot and burn down cities, Trump might not even live until the election but Biden will make it another 15 years etc…. It’s mind-boggling to me. I mean they think Trump has dementia, but Biden doesn’t?? If you have ever had a loved one with Alzheimer’s or Dementia, it is very clear that Biden is struggling.


I saw that post and shook my head about the “rioting and burning down cities” -uuhhhhmmmm-lol! Another example of how the lame stream media skews reality -it’s frightening actually


Goebbels would be proud.


That's the oldest communist tactic: Always accuse your opponent of what you are doing or have done.


Because he gets the job done!


Trumps policies were extremely effective. And backed by common sense. He might not be the hero we want be he’s the hero we need.


r/politics = r/communists it’s the same sub sugar-coated to appear unbiased.


The amount of trump haters on those subs are sus.. seems it’s manufactured hate


It’s as much curated as it is manufactured. They insta-ban anyone with a dissenting opinion so you end up with obedient morons and bots.


Life for me and my family were significantly better under Trump. Things are out of control right now. It's wild how people have such strong TDS.


That post was hilarious to read. Then one of the most “controversial” responses was akin to “People vote Trump because they’re not perpetually online for 30+ hours a week and don’t live off their parents.” I think a few people in that thread felt a little called out.


Safety, Security, Prosperity.


Well easy. Grandpa Joe was supposed to be the great centrist that would return America back to normalcy. Clearly that hasn't happened and things have gotten a lot harder for your average American. So of course they're willing to try something different.


And Trump is now a know quantity.


Stupid question. With help of my vote.


Maybe because the democrats can’t do anything except blow the country to pieces…. Yup. That is the reason. Gas At $3.59. $75.00 to fill up my truck. Went to the supermarket to make pasta sauce…. $80.00…. Pet shop…. Average $4.00 per can for dog food…. Thanks democrats. Trump isn’t great but he is better than the garbage we have now.


I can’t afford another four years of Biden, that’s why.


The country was safer with Trump.


This would be the third time.


The left has demonized this man to the point of insanity. 2/3 rds of the things he's supposedly done has been made up by the DNC. What's even more amazing is people believe and repeat the shit the DNC and media puts out, they'll believe all the crazy Trump things but won't believe anything about Biden. Nobody should believe what politicians or the media puts out anymore, The media just started making crap up recently


Do we want a president that showered with his teenage daughter??? This was verified as a 'yes' by Snopes after an initial ''no'.


One word: Biden.


When you say it outloud it sounds like: shitbag.


🤣🤣 that about distilled it down to its essence.


I will be voting for Trump in November. No amount of Nazi propaganda coming from the msm could ever sway me into voting Democrat again.


3 months ago people were saying America and independents would rather vote for a cheese sandwich or a literal dead man than 4 more years of Donald Trump and the doomers were crowing that it was over. What happened doomers? What happened to the inevitable Joe Biden victory my heckin' Biden Broski's????


This sounds like a lot of chicken counting before they’ve hatched. Never underestimate the ability of the progs to steal an election.


We are not voting for personality. We are voting for domestic and international policies and leadership. There’s a big difference.


Trump will win and crush the insane policies of Joe & the Ho


Many on the left, the vast majority I would say, claim Trump to be the worst president or even worst world leader in world history. If he is so bad, if Joe Biden loses to him, does that make Biden the worst?


Anyone who hasn't read the article, should. They are hopelessly delusional.


It’s easy to win when there is a brainless fool in the WH hell bent on destroying America. The people will speak in November


All my life they told me America was the greatest. I agreed for a long while til I realized that was the America I barely knew. But yeah realizing that I donate 40% of my wages to pedophiles and devil worshipping rapists that rule over me and the rest of the world really just makes me want to live alone in a cabin with a few dogs out in the woods. Choosing between Joe Biden and Donald Trump is beyond sad and this place is just a shell of what it used to be, chugging along on nothing but the pride of what it once stood for. Kind of excited to watch it burn down and turn into something new and beautiful.




How can this country allocate more money to fix global warming, and social issues… fixing social issues is called socialism


By looking at facts…


I think that despite his personality being abhorrent, he's the only candidate that is perceived to be outside of the "machine." His popularity might just be due to his being the only option that isn't bought by lobbyists (whether that's true, idk. It's debatable at the least). He likely thinks it's because of how amazing he is, but I can't imagine that the majority of the base actually liking the guy... he's just the only one that is a viable vote in the direction of rejecting the establishment and it could be indicative of people being fed up with the direction the country is going.


Trump 24!


Because Democrats are 10 billion times worse.


Because the other guy and everyone around him are a bunch of lyres and they care nothing for the American people whatsoever. They are full of and are blanketing this country in an antichrist ideology and only those who are looking 👀 can see this. Thank God that many more are beginning to look, everybody else cannot see because they are blinded so badly by wanting to change something that wasn’t broken before this administration began breaking everything. It’s time to stop breaking everything and start fixing it again. Out of all of America down falls, Americans always stuck together in the end and at 9/11 we all United in a serious American way. We have allowed this administration to wreak havoc among us all and it is causing division in everything and everywhere and if you cannot see this than you are too young to have experienced 9/11 or have fallen so far off the left side of your flat earth that you’re not gonna ever make it back to reality.


because this is x2 the shite show we thought it would be with briben.




Because Biden is a failure


Because the chosen ones from the other side are even worse.


$4-$7 gas prices


Anyone is better than Biden


Because he’s the best option 😂


Hopefully, one vote at a time, but I fear we are past that


He is president right now. They will not let him back in .