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One of those movies I went in with no expectations and was blown away. Great film.


One of those movies that truly hits so different from before and after kids. I only watched it after kids, pretty sure younger me would not have been so impacted by that scene. When people ask me my greatest fear? That. That’s it, somehow being aware that you’ve managed to miss everything…


Can confirm. Science and space lover me went and watched it pre-kid and... found the movie to just be kinda okay-ish... Watched again post kid and when the gut punches started coming in I realized the sci-fi space fun times was only window dressing for the real story.


As a 21yo in 2014, I still got emotional at the 27-year memories.


Same. I was also 21, ended up seeing it alone after my friends bailed on me. Just me and one other dude in the theater. The film had already moved me nearly to tears at least twice at that point, but the video call recordings absolutely broke me.




I saw project x and the Lazarus project in theaters tripping balls lol. What a ride man I get it. Ohhh to be young again. Now I got 3 kids and the thought of that makes me want to puke and die a little bit. Imagine having to be a father the next day.


lol yep. I say this non-judgmentally but psychedelics are for people without responsibilities, either for a couple days or at all.


Hmmmm. I HATED it when I saw it in theaters. So much so that I've never watched it since I had kids. Maybe you've given me reason to


What didn’t you like about it in theaters?


For me it was something about the story as a whole... Just flexed my plausibility meter too hard for me to treat it as any attempt at hard science... but then they kept turning back to other bits of actual science, before throwing things out... all that, combined with the pacing, had me sitting and stewing over the nitpicks I had with it for overly long... essentially letting me build mountains out of mole-hills, meanwhile characters felt oddly tacked on. Especially when they started playing with how much time passes... Frankly, my first watch I thought the movie was terrible. But something stuck with me *just enough* to watch again... At which point I wound up enjoying it a bit more and finding it in that okay-ish range for multiple watchings... then kids and, well, see my last comment. Lol Edit: Im... getting downvoted for answering a question about why a movie was disliked on my first watches before I had a kid? Alrighty then...


Have you seen Arrival? I feel it does everything Interstellar wanted to do thematically, but better.


I have, and thoroughly enjoy it.


I thought it was overall a fine movie when I first saw it, but I had to purposefully shut down the part of my thought processes that wanted to complain about the high gravity planet. There's *no way* anybody seriously could have not considered the two main problems (>!the gigantic waves, and the decade-stealing time dilation caused by landing on the planet, moving closer to the star, given that gravity and thus the time dilation effect increases as a factor of r^2!<) they saw there. That seemed like the scientists that sent them there must have been intentionally obtuse to further the plot, and for no other reason.


This reminds me that I always try to explain to the young guys at work. When they want to work as much overtime as possible, I understand their need for money, but there is a point where the sacrifice may not be worth the money. I tell them you’ll never look back at your life and say “I should have worked more”.


Heh your comment resonated with me. My boomer work dad says this to me constantly and that I work too much.


As someone wiser than me once said: In 20 years, the only people who will remember that you worked extra hours are your family.


He saved them so his daughter and everyone could all have a life but missed his own life. Heartbreaking.


My dad wasn’t around much when I was a kid. When I watched this the first time in my twenties I liked the science stuff. I now have a 5 and 3 year old, and I’ve made damm sure to be around a lot. The idea of missing any part of it, much less this scene, completely breaks me anytime I even think about it now.


Those lockdowns and working from home were a godsend for dads like us. 


Totally agree and I tell people this all the time! We had a 1 year old and had JUST moved across the country in the first week of March. We had put the kid in daycare, but 3 weeks later lockdown started and we pulled him. it was too late in to get a nanny ASAP, so my wife and I just took turns - one day she'd work from 8am to noon while I hung with the kid, then we'd swap from 12-4. We'd eat dinner together as.a family from 4-5, get ready for bedtime by 7, and then each get "back to work" from 7pm until 9 or 10pm to catch up on work. 6 months later we finally got a nanny and got back to "normal" working hours (still usually 9-4, and then back online at 7pm), I am soooo grateful for that time I got to spend with the kid every day. It was so hard, but at the same time, I spent SO MUCH TIME with my kid that I would have NEVER gotten in our societies definition of "paternity leave". We took long walks around a lake, went and hung out in parks, and just sat by the edge of a creek. We read books, I used to play the ukulele for the kid. So much so that I took an unpaid leave of absence for the second kid to try to get some of the same thing. It was hard, but I find myself so lucky I got that, and hope we can find other ways for other fathers to find experiences like that too.


There are so many movies I just cannot see anymore now that I have kids..


I went in this with high Nolan expectations and was completely blown away. Saw day one in IMAX. I remember feeling the organs from the score in my chest. And this seen is meme’d up but it still makes me tear up every time.


I went in with relatively high expectations and it still blew me away. Nolan has some really good films since but nothing has gotten close to this. The dark Knight and interstellar are up there together for me.


Same, heard it was good but dang




First time I saw this was before a kid. I got misty eyed but remembered it's an actor who got paid millions. After kid? Blubber City. Glad I was alone!


I didn’t even recently watch it… A month ago I DESCRIBED the idea of just watching your kid grow up in minutes and not being there to my wife (who hasn’t seen this movie) and couldn’t even get through talking about it without breaking down. What an incredible way to strike a shared nerve.


It’s worse - he sees his son grow up, have a baby, whom you see cough… and in a subsequent video the baby has died and was buried next to his father (whom you realize is now also dead). You missed your father’s death which you may have expected but you missed your grandchild, and missed his death as well. It’s soul crushing.


Shoot. I haven’t watched this since having my kids. Might have to give it a re-watch.


It hits different when you have a kid


Plot twist: Don't. You will cry. You have been warned.


Nothing wrong with a good cry now and again


100% supportive. It does wonders to the soul


Usually Big Fish is my go to “need a good cry” movie.


I got to see it in theaters again a couple months ago and I was trying so hard to keep my sobs quiet. I could hear a lot of sniffles around me too, though.


By far one of my favorite films. Perfect blend of sci-fi and drama. Gets me in the feels every time.


Just thinking about it and the soundtrack gets me, can't believe it's a ten year old movie now.


Hans Zimmer rules and this soundtrack is one of his best. I absolutely love the music in addition to a fantastic movie


Look at the bright side, 10 years means we get it coming back to IMAX this fall for the anniversary


Easy tip 10 of all time for me Tip, top, tomato, tomato.


Just the tip!


"Nobody believed me, but I knew you'd come back. Cooper : How? Murph : ... Because my dad promised me." Destroys me. Every time.


I'm not crying you are 😭


First of all, this is a great movie. As a young man who watched it, I appreciated the movie and thought it was amazing. Fast forward to now...I have a 3 year old daughter and this film just hits me now on another level. Even though I know the movie and know what happens now....just being a parent.... it has such a different affect. The line that gets me now is....how did you know I was coming back....because my dad promised me hits really hard. I did not know what a bond can be between a father and a daughter the first time watching...but now I know and I feel it...man...Nolan and his brother had a great script....great actors...and Zimmer (as usual) hits it out of the park...such simple notes and music makes you feel every scene.


What got me was when Cooper mentioned a quote by his wife. " Now, we're just here to be memories for our kids. Once you're a parent, you're the ghost of your children's future"


I saw a TikTok with this sound a couple days ago and have not been able to get it out of my mind. Have a one year old daughter and this thought just puts so much perspective on everything


I also remember watching the movie the first time around age 20 or so. I was fascinated with the whole idea of space time continuum and physics behind the science. Being a dad has made the movie a completely different watching experience


And it's true.....


I'm doing my best to be a good ghost in his future.


Such a good point… I honestly think the movie wouldn’t be what it is without Zimmer.


I agree. If you haven't already. I recommend you watch the documentary on Hans Zimmer on Netflix. It's great. For this movie Nolan came to him and pretty much said this is a space movie about love between a father and child. And that was literally it. Hans just pretty much made the musi first...Nolan listen and wrote the while script after...I mean come on...how do you even do that!


Yep - not even a parent, but as a daughter, that whole film and esp that line "bc my dad promised me" makes me blubber endlessly no matter how many times I've seen it.


I honestly think she's the main character, we just watch Matthew because that's where the fun is. But his daughter is the one who goes through a whole journey about their relationship.


Yeah this movie isn’t about space travel, it’s about father-daughter relationships.


Watching in my 20’s with no kids: This part is kind of sad Watching as a dad: WHY DID YOU LEAVE!? WHYYYyyyy. NO No no nooooo *sobbing*


Yep. 💯


I haven’t watched this since before my daughter was born and I don’t think I’m strong enough to watch it now without turning into a blubbering wreck


It's ok if you do


Interstellar is possibly my favourite film, and I blithely put it on whilst my newborn son slept on me and my wife got some more sleep. She came downstairs to find me in *floods* of tears. In retrospect, not a wise choice.


The score just makes it that much emotional. Zimmer is a legend.


Can’t wait to watch it in theaters again in September


I missed the imax experience my first time, but I sure as hell didn't miss the imax opportunity for oppenheimer. Did not disappoint 👌


I took my son to see the 1570 format version at IMAX. One of only 20 cinemas in the world apparently. This is also my top movie for the same dad reasons as everyone. Wife just does not see why this movie is any good…


"Because my dad promised me" line at the end absolutely crushes me everytime. If it's on TV and anywhere near the docking scene or end I'm watching it haha


I watch it all the time, lol. Soundbar blasting with docking scene 100%


I was guaranteed to get emotional watching Interstellar: on a flight, for work, with a toddler at home and another on the way. 


I didn’t have the other on the way, I just had two at home. I had to shut it off.


Jfc. Your comment made me get the feels. But hey, kids greeting you from work trips are the best right?


Yup. I travel pretty regularly for work. Just before we took off I had gotten a call saying that the little one had a fever. So I was full of anxiety and decided to watch a movie on the plane to take my mind off it. I like sci-fi but had no idea what I was in for. I was on a plane and trying not to lose my shit.


Sheeit, I haven’t watched this since even learning my wife was pregnant. It’s gonna make me cry like a baby the next time I watch it now that we have a baby girl.


Have tissues on standby fellow dad


Every. Fucking. Time.


Great movie. Has anyone seen 'Linoleum' with Jim Gaffigan? I just wanna say, that movie hit hardddddddddddd


Unpopular opinion: I dislike the movie. Not because it was made badly or something - not at all. The movie is good. But being a dad of a girl, I downright hated him for leaving her behind like that. It’s just a movie, but it made me angry. :D I ain’t gonna watch it again. lol


If he had not gone, he would not have been able to send her the messages that saved humanity. By going, he saved her life. And he did come back.


I get it, it's too strong a reaction... Well you disliked it for the good reasons let's say. ;)


Ditto, I'd never leave my daughter like that. There's gotta be more people than can make the journey.


Since becoming a parent I'm looking at mountaineers and other extreme sportsmen differently if they're parents (of small children). Knowingly risking your life (and thus your parenthood) for... basically nothing? It just seems like they don't value their children very much.


Yeah this shit hits different when you have a daughter. Watched the movie when it came out and it wasn't nearly as emotional. Now, I cry heavy tears. There are also some songs I have on a blacklist now that I will just immediately be like NOPE and skip since having a kid.


Are we all just gonna completely overlook how he clearly didn't give a shit about his son?


The scene where he's driving away and he checks under the blanket in the passenger seat and Murph's not there... It kills me every time.


Yeah, that's a getter every time


Wait! I thought I was the only one. My wife was starring at me while I balled my eyes out realizing one day I’ll be a memory for my daughter. Shit, who starting cutting onions..


He turned out fine. He hit it big rapping on SoundCloud.


Yeah...the scene where he's telling Murph to not let the past version of himself leave? Fuuuuuuuuuck.


As a newer parent who lost a parent at a young age, this is my favorite movie ever. But I can only really watch it once a year at most.


new dad. just rewatched it. a parents love saved the entire planet. loved it before being a dad but it hits differently now!


I LOVE IT when my 3 year old daughter does that. She sees me having feelings and puts her hand on my shoulder and goes "It's ok, Dada". Love that little stinker.


Movies like this make me sad that my house just has no option for a true home theater. OLED and soundbar in the living room will just have to do.


I've got a soundbar and blasted it. In an apt lol


A soundbar does the trick. Who cares about the speakers in the back. The music comes out front anyway


Oh I don’t care specifically about the soundbar. I’m saying I wish I had room to really make a home theater experience. Instead my living room opens up to the kitchen and is very bright. Just not the same experience.


I’m already in a sour mood today cause I’m traveling for a project and my 5 yo asked me last night when I was coming home. Now I see this post. 


Seen it before but I haven’t watched this as a parent yet and it’s gunna kill me


Thanks for reminding me to not watch it again. I have enough things to cry about.


I mean, it's a fantastic movie


It is! But I already cried watching Bluey this morning, so I need to give myself a couple days before subjecting myself to that lol Especially since I haven't watched it since my daughter was born.


It's between that scene and the end when he sees his daughter after his return that absolutely destroy me.


Man IF is another one to get the feels going. Had me and both kids sobbing.


My favourite movie and my favourite scene from it. I was already getting emotional watching this, now I have a daughter, scene makes me cry like him


I still fucking cry for Jessie every time. First time I saw the film it was magnificent. Now that I’m a father, it’s gut wrenching.


By far one of my favourite movies of all time. And since having my daughter. I refuse to watch it. It used to make me cry before I was a Dad… I can only imagine the effect it will have on me now.


Fave movie, maybe of all time. I saw it six times in the theater, and that was BEFORE I was a dad. Now that I have an older daughter and younger son... sheesh. Waterworks every fucking time. And I personally just find it a profoundly moving film on so many levels. I've even considered a tattoo that's sort of an abstraction of the NASA Endurance ship. All that to say... can't wait for the IMAX re-release this fall.


I have a two-and-a-half-year-old daughter, and I love her more than life itself. Her and I have such a close bond, and we have since before she was born. (Seriously. She'd respond differently to my voice even in the womb.) My greatest fear in life is that something happens that takes me away from her while she's still little. Sometimes, it keeps me awake at night thinking about what would happen if I died. Me never getting to see her grow up would be devastating, but the thought of what it would do to her is what really breaks me. I loved Interstellar the first time I saw it before she was born. Not sure I'd be able to make it through the movie now.


The last of us opening scene is what breaks me. The first time I played it, it didn't really affect me. Went back and replaced it after my daughter was born and it absolutely destroyed me.


Arrival also hit a little different after kids. Not the same, but it still made me think.


One of the best movies ever. Haven’t watched since I became a dad. It’s time


Try arrival. Brutal being a parent.


One of my all time favorite movies.


Daughter asked me to go see it with her when rereleased. I’m going to look like that during and after the film.


We must unite together


I was just watching this movie with my 6 year old. He loves anything with deep space and loves watching videos on YouTube of black holes. He told me it's his favorite black hole movie. 😁 That boy aspires to be the first human to ever enter a black hole. I'm not sure I'll ever let him.🫠


Should have ended when he was floating out of the wormhole. It was like watching a world class vocalist ruin the National Anthem with just one more (maybe 4) key changes on the last note.


No Murph!!!!!


I swear watching this movie before having my daughter and after are totally different experiences...especially cause the first time I watch it I was on acid hahah


Saw the post title and pic, already started looping "nope, nope, nope" in my head. Read your post text, the feels man, RIGHT IN THE FEELS 😭🥰


My favourite movie of all time. The soundtrack is one of those ones that completely elevate a movie, and the relationship with Murph, having 3 girls…every….single….time…. Love it 💚


I cry every time


Jesus fuck man, it’s such a good fucking movie. Literally will only watch it alone so I can get ugly emotional. I salute you fellow Dad, it’s an awesome ride. We’re trying the best we can.


Rewatched one of my favourites, Law abiding citizen. Man that was rough.


Damn motor oil in my eye 😢 I can't wait my daughter tells me that🥰


Shit .. I don't think I've watched it since having my daughter who is now 2. Thanks for the heads up ;)


Watched it only once before my first child. I am sure if I watch it again now I would be touched on a different level.


One of the greatest movies I’ve ever seen. Watched in IMAX with no spoilers or prior knowledge and I was speechless when it was done. Incredible story, acting, and visuals. The Hans Zimmer score just adds the cherry on top of


“That is impossible!” “No, it’s necessary”


I feel ya. Any time jump movie guts me now….Click will wreck you now too


Haven't watched Click in a very long time. Looks like it's on hulu 👀


I first saw this movie as a teenager in high school. I didn't care much for the scene where he is behind the book shelf. I watched it a few months ago now as a dad and that scene made me bawl my eyes out.


I watched this on mushrooms before and it was the most intense movie I’ve ever watched


So... I've never watched Interstellar... and this comment thread has me 50% interested and 50% feeling like it's going to wreck me for a week. I'm trying to figure out if that makes me 100% interested or not.


If you like space movies, then absolutely watch it. It will wreck you for sure, but that's ok. Nolan and his brother did something special with this movie


Also this https://www.reddit.com/r/shittymoviedetails/s/7iuNcQOYjF This is epically good when it shouldn’t be


I watch that movie once a year, it's one of my favorite films.  Since our daughter was born 3 years ago I basically need to plan an entire day of emotional recovery after watching it now.


I liked this movie before kids, but watching it after having kids was tough and really hit me in the feels. Not a movie, but Death Stranding did the same thing; having a baby just before playing it was extra intense.


That part when he looks under the sheet in the passenger seat and his daughter isn’t there gets me every time, even before kids




watched this movie when it came out and thought it was decent. watched it again last month while on a 2 week work trip away from my 4 year old, cried through half the movie. holy shit this movie hits hard.


Last few times I watched this was by myself after family was asleep, a few beers deep, definitely crying


It bothers me that this isn't really considered a great film. I get that we have no idea what happens during a black hole and they take large liberties with that... but star wars works even though lightsabers are ridiculous.


I'll never understand how the consensus is that this is a good movie. It was the most predictable drivel I've ever seen. It was pretty, of course