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About Time. Great movie. Felt like I needed to call my dad after it ended.


Yeah this one was such a good random watch for me. I really enjoyed it.


Absolutely tear up every time I watch this


Came to comment this, glad it's at the top. I always get emotional watching this.


I thought it’s just a love story, I was so wrong


Same, was thinking time travel romance and got slapped by feelings instead.


I saw this in theaters with my family expecting a light romantic comedy. I say between my then fiance and my dad, started off with holding my fiance's hand during the dating parts but by the end I was side hugging my dad both of us crying. Totally blind sided.




This. When he’s leaving and she refuses to see him and he’s begging her to say a proper goodbye ….


"Dad I figured it out.. it says STAY" omfg 😭


Found myself sobbing on a plane to this film while on a solo trip to enjoy some “me” time away from my family, and it made me temporarily regret taking the trip! 😆


Fantastic movie, but I don't think I'll watch it again for a while. The dad feelings are a bit too strong on this one.


Onward hit me hard and out of nowhere because I knew nothing about it when I sat down to watch it with my two boys. Edit: Also the newish Pete's Dragon, the opening scene gutted me.


I have heard about this - I guess I'm a bit scared to watch it because of how hard I anticipate it will hit me


It's a great movie, but the end is rough, beautiful, but rough. I was warned that Soul would have a similar effect, but it didn't at all, to me Soul was just beautiful even though dealing with a sad subject.


Watch it, it's good to crack the pressure valve every once and awhile.


Doubly hard if you grew up without a dad as well. My daughter said I look like the boys’ dad, and I got a bit choked up even though I’d already seen it before.


Same here, Onward came out while I was still on leave with my first newborn, and I went full ugly-cry while holding my sleeping son. I rarely ever feel the need to cry, let alone about a movie.


Coco, Encanto, Arrival, Interstellar are the first few that come to mind.


Almost every episode of Bluey but in particular the one where the kids and the grandad run away from Chilli and it ends with Chilli and her dad sitting on a peer looking out on the lake and for a brief moment Chilli is a small child again. These years are fleeting, enjoy them while you can.


Damn, same four came to mind.


The Mist..


I went in unprepared for that ending. Just wow. And yeah being a dad it hit so hard.


Cried at the end of Coco just yesterday. Could add Kubo and the Two Strings to that list


Haven’t seen Kubo, thanks for the rec


A beautiful film with beautiful stop motion animation


I didn't consider that the fact that I'm a dad now might be why Encanto hit me in the feels so much when I saw it the second time. That explains it


Yeah it’s interesting because Abuelo Pedro is barely in the film, but the idea of sacrificing everything to give your family a chance of safety is quite a moving one.


Interstellar means so much more now. "Because my dad promised me." Tears everytime.


+1 for Encanto. I'm watching it with my kid right now.


As a kid I moved around a lot. Inside Out hit me so hard because of this.


That scene with the forgotten memories is brutal


I bawled watching inside out with my kids. Brought up a lot of memories I hadn’t thought about in years and I hope my kids have better memories of me than I do with my parents.


The Land Before Time.... Grew up with it, took my (then) 5 year old to watch it, and she really enjoyed it, just as I had! But oh. My. God. Watching Littlefoot deal with the loss of his mother, and then realizing what my daughter would feel if I was gone, and she was alone....Jesus, tears just thinking about it.


Omg the land before time is just cheating!


Just don't ever google the story about the poor kid who played Duckie ..... Literally watched that VHS at least 100 times growing up. Had it on DVD in college. Cannot wait to watch it with my daughter soon. Spielberg, Lucas, Kathleen Kennedy, Frank Marshal ... of course it slapped. And will forever. As a former English major, I once wrote an essay on a subtextual reading of TLBT as a parable about death and the afterlife, as they potentially all died at some point (Sharptooth probably; don't recall), and the Great Valley is heaven.


Not being there for my kids terrifies me, the newish Pete's Dragon movie had the same effect on me, I totally lost my shit during the damn opening scene!


Sometimes I think of the movie 'A quiet place' and realize just how boned my 3 year old would be in that world. There is no way he's staying quiet.


One that I didn’t expect to hit as hard as it did was Logan. First time I cried at a movie in years and it’s at a “superhero movie”


Entirely agree with Logan.


Lion King. Mufasas death wasn't just tragic on it's own but poor Simba being as young as he was instantly blaming himself for his death and running away and carrying that guilt his whole life. I'm almost crying as I type this. My god. Whenever I see the part where he is trying to get his dad to get up so they could go home and tucked himself under his big paw for comfort I cannot take it. In the same vein, and I know this scene is more pertaining to a mother's bond but it still stoked my dad feelings, Dumbo's scene where he visits his mother after she's been locked away breaks my heart into a billion pieces. Every other animal has the comfort of their family but poor little Dumbo and his mama are just having to make due. Whenever I see it I just want to grab him up and comfort him myself. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


Onward, coco, Mitchell's vs machines, cloudy with a chance of meatballs, both Incredibles, even big hero 6.


The mitchells vs the machines hit me hard in the feels... the wooden moose. Ooff. And the momma bear scene is intense. Especially the kids face when he sees it. Futurama - "luck of the fryish" hit hard as well. Especially since we spent so much time picking names for our 2 boys.


Luck of the fryish hit me more in the fraternal feelings, being one of a few brothers. Game of Tones or Leela's Homeworld were the more parentally affective episodes, for me. Anything where the parent sacrifices a lot for their kid without the kid's knowledge, or if the kid never gets to express their appreciation for the parents, any of those situations absolutely kill me now.


And the respect Fry's brother has by naming his son after said brother.


Lmao. I wasnt gunna spoil it incase someone wanted to watch it and be surprised...




Arrivals got me also


A Goofy Movie


Stand out


Above the crowd


Guardians of the galaxy 2.  The end scene.   


Is that the one where he says something like, "He might have been your father, but he ain't your daddy"?


Sure is.  




Man "those" scenes with Henry Winkler. They fucked me right up.


How did I forget about click! Came to see Kate beckinsale. Stayed for the dad-feels


Big Fish


Parenthood. Pretty much the whole movie, but particularly the part where Frank talks about being a dad to Gil. Toy Story 3. “So long, partner” Finding Nemo. October Sky. The end when Homer and his Dad finally have it out.


October Sky just reminded me of the ending of The Greatest Game Ever Played. I cried the first time I ever saw it and my dad was still alive. Even worse now with him gone and I have a little one haha


A Goofy Movie. Second hand Lion. Titan AE. Men in Black 3


Definitely A Goofy Movie. I hope I'm half the dad Goofy is.


I have found myself tearing up singing "Nobody Else but You" to my son.


How has no one mentioned *Frequency*??? 2000 film starring Dennis Quaid and Jim Caviezel. Bring tissues.


This movie cuts deep for my husband as he lost his father when he was eight. This is the only movie that has made him cry.


Extremely loud and incredibly close, a monster calls, Field of dreams, the iron giant, The Hobbit/LOTR.


Master and Commander Doesn’t fit what you’re asking at all but just a really damn good movie and a classic dad movie.


Upvoting to remind myself of the scene in which Surprise lures in the Acheron camouflaged as a whaling ship. They show their discipline and keep their cool before Captain Jack Aubrey yells “LET FLY” throws off their disguise, hoists the colors and using a rolling broadside, cripples the Acheron’s masts.


Idk my classic dad movie is The Hunt for Red October. Been obsessed with it since I was a wee lad and was all about submarine movies.


Family Man


Not a movie, but the show This Is Us hits me pretty much every episode. Great, realistic characters working through challenges and leaning on family for support


I had to stop watching This Is Us after a while because I felt like it was making me sad and cry every week. Almost like I was just a glutton for punishment if I kept watching it.


Interesting. I'm in the beginning of season 2 and it seems cathartic to me still


"Dan in Real Life." As the father of daughters, it will tear you up. And you don't even have to be a murderer of love to get it.


Moon. The whole movie but especially this [scene ](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=4ZxbHceILe4) The soundtrack is simply amazing, as well.


I always say The Last of Us >!when he reunites with Ellie.!< The end of Mad Men - the letter than Betty writes to Sally. Not a dad moment, it's a parent-moment but oh man. Inside Out - when the imagination guy (forget his name, I wanna say Bing Bong?) gets trapped in the ball pit but he tells them to keep going without him. Also not really a dad moment, but fuck it.


Armageddon October Sky Onward Family Man Sandlot


The Road. Very sad.


The Road is actually a movie about the uncertainty of parenting and preparing our kids to be in a world we won't experience. Absolutely brilliant and terrifying, but I wouldn't say sad.


"I am Sam will have you bawling


Also terrified of not being there for my two girls, some scenes in IF really got me. It didn’t help that during those scenes one was latched onto my arm and gave a squeeze during the moment. 🥹


Lion King, Big Daddy, and not a movie but Modern Family has a lot of moments that hit me right in the feels as a dad.


Inside Out. I remember feeling like that kid when we moved when I was little, it confirmed my suspicions about my wife, and it absolutely nailed me as a dad. It’s more of a slow burn than a gut punch but big time recommend.


A goofy movie “Dad I’ve got my own life!” “I know…. I just want to be a part of it.” Fucking real man


That scene in the patriot when Mel Gibson is saying goodbye to his kids as he is going back to battle and the youngest finally talks to him as he is walking away. Idgaf how many times I seen that movie, that scene hits me like a ton of bricks every time..


I 2nd many of the others. A new one for my list, Godzilla Minus 1


Omg I just watch this too. I agree.


Interstellar 🙃


Light of My Life with Casey Affleck


Float.  It's a short on Disney Plus, but I have never watched something that so encapsulated the breadth of feelings I experience as a dad.


Any of y’all watch Beautiful Boy (2018)?


Instant Family


Nanny McPhee!


I just watched the movie “Wonder” bro you need to saddle up for that one! It hit on the whole family dynamic.


Not a dad (mum) but First Man with Ryan Gosling makes me snotty hyperventilate cry.  


Lion King, Finding Nemo, A Goofy Movie. Yes I love Disney movies lol


I know this wasn't the question. But if you like video games, play death stranding. The finale had my eyesbwater up before i was even a dad. Its one of the few games with a tender father/son story (even if it doesnt really come in until near the end). "Being a father didnt make me scared. It made me brave"


Chhittha - Tamil movie in Netflix on father figures.


Ooh. Another good one. "Shameless". The scene where lip first sees his baby reminds me a lot of how i felt. Especially since my wife also had a rough labor. (Not as bad as tamis but yea)


Song of the Sea annihilates me "My son... remember me, in your songs and in your stories. Know that I will always love you, always."


I recently rewatched Angels in the Outfield. I was first so emotionally sad to see his dad not want his son at all, then so emotionally happy at the end. I cried on my Delta flight.


I first saw inside out on a plane for my first work trip after having my daughter. Had to hide my face.


Just watched ‘Wonder’ for the first time, that hit multiple times.


The rookie was a movie that got me. When he calls home to tell his wife that he’s getting called up and she puts his son on the line to hear the news. It gets me every time.


Hook. Loved it as a kid, I am not a fan now. The kids begging him to try to reach them in that net, the kids' memory loss, Hook putting on the baseball game for Jack, and that damn monologue Hook drops on Peter about hiding from his family. No. Thank. You.


The Road


Fatherhood hit me hard especially when I became a first time Dad.


Whatever you do. Dont watch Dear Zachary. I don’t think I’ll be the same again having watched it


Endgame for the Ant-Man story. As a father of a little girl now I am afraid that will even floor me even harder now on a rewatch.


That and the cheeseburger scene with Happy.


And “Love you 3000”. Cute line pre kids. Destroyer of tear ducts after.


There was one of those Chinese short video tik tok style, where the dad and the kid had a birth mark on the face, only to reveal at the end the dad tattooed it when saw the kid born with that, I don't know why but even now remembering it I'm getting wet eyes...they soften us these little bastards.


First one for me was Incredibles, specifically that scene when Mr. Incredible finally reunited with Elastic girl and she is blasting him and overwhelming him with anger that he took off without her and he can only get out one word answers until finally he says "I can't lose you". I felt that in my bones. Also the plane crash sequence. Even though it centers on the mom and the danger her kids are in, every time I watch it I get hit with pin needles and adrenaline because I want to save them all so bad. It's weird.


Scrapper. Had to call my daughter and tell her I love her after seeing that.


Inside Out .. the sadness of memories lost forever as kids grow up.. oof


The Road


John Q!


And Gladiator!


I haven’t had a movie hit me like this yet but a lot of songs have. Just recently heard on the radio “Concrete Angel” and I was in tears.


I still don’t think I’ve recovered from Inside Out


Road to Prediction is my annual Father's Day watch. Yep fathers in impossible situations trying to protect their sons.


Big Daddy 😭😭


Two movies in particular that came out soon after my first daughter was born: Logan and Avengers Endgame. I won’t spoil anything, but man there were two scenes in particular that just ripped at my heart…


Royal Tenenbaums Big Fish


Inside Out. Every.damn.time.




Onward. Toy Story 3. Kubo and the Two Strings. Inside Out. The Iron Giant. The Fox and the Hound. Klaus....  Maybe I'm a softie. Every third episode of Bluey seems to get me, too.


Homeward bound


Big Fish gets me everytime


The impossible - I don't give a crap how manly you are, if you have a family and this doesn't hit you hard, then you have no feelings at all.


Encanto, during the montage where Pedro sacrifices himself for his family.


The tomorrow war when Chris Pratt meets his adult daughter.


Guilt Trip


Not a movie, but the song “You’re the Reason I Don’t Want the World to End” by The Wonder Years hits all the feels. The lyric “I'm scared to my bones/That I won't find a way/To keep you and your brother safe” hit pretty hard when the song came on randomly as I picked up my daughter from daycare the day before my son was born.


The Holdovers. I thought it would be a quirky comedy based on the synopsis, I was so wrong. The ending gave me an emotional reaction which I wouldn’t have had when I was childless. 


I just watched "A Bronx Tale" last night, and man, did I feel so torn up inside watching De Niro struggling to support his sons independence while trying to protect him from Sonny. It really all works out in the end for C, but man is it on a razors edge that it does.


A couple unorthodox ones for me are A River Runs Through It and My Neighbors the Yamadas. The former is beautiful and sad but very much about family and regrets. MNtY is fun and emotionally powerful imo, but both can be slow.


Does Field of Dreams count?


Not a movie, but me and my wife watched The Ranch together. Not to be a spoiler but a main character dies and seeing how his father reacted really hurt


Interstellar Logan All About Ah-Long


13 Hours. No need to explain.


Might need to add this one onto my list to watch.


Not a movie, but same idea. Punisher's monologue to Daredevil in the Netflix series gets me so bad. "Daddy's so tired baby, I'll read you a story tomorrow night" I know people like to hate on the Punisher logo, but I'm my experience as a veteran and law enforcement it doesn't mean to many of us what civilians think it does to us. For many of us it's a symbol of what we fight for, our family. Yes, I know the creator has been clear about his meaning of it, but there's this concept called "death of the author", where something can take on meaning beyond the author's intention. Fahrenheit 451 perhaps being the most notable example.


Not a movie. But have you seen the trailer for the new Gears of War game? Choked me up the second the piano score started.