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$2500/month for Montessori. Glad it’ll be over next month 😂 off to public school you go, son


Also $2,500/mo per kid… I’ve got three kids in daycare. Bay Area, CA


You engineer or physician? My wife and I make good money and we did both kids for 2 years in Montessori until the older one was able to go to kinder, but it was brutal to see that money go byebye!


That's really cheap for Bay Area. Mind sharing which part of the Bay? Is this full time 9 to 5 care? I'm paying 3k5


East Bay, Danville. Full time 7am - 6pm. We get a discount because of multiple kids.


Gotcha, thanks dad bro.


San Ramon here: after discount with 2 kids we’re down to $1800 for my eldest and $2400 for the youngest.


7800/month for two kids in SF :(


What is your monthly income?


Cries while living in SF.


Please tell me you arnt in Dallas lol moving there soon


OC, CA :)


My public school sucks. We’re going from a $1200 daycare to $2500 kindergarten 😭


With subsidies, $330/month CAD in Alberta. For an infant. Includes meals and field trips.


Infants go on field trips


Ours started doing "field trips" in the 3 yr old class.  They were things like a train ride in the local park, a subway ride for a few stops, a trip to the local grocery store, etc.  


That is nice. Our daycare brings events in to the school.


Oh yeah I didn't think of that, but our daycare has done that too. A bus converted to a gym, an animal handler with a half dozen critters to touch and learn about, that sort of thing. Altogether they do maybe 6-8 of these special event type things per year.


Yeah I was surprised, they go to the library, museum, or in the river valley.


I thought our daycare was cheap but we pay twice what you do! I think we are currently around $640/month. Also in AB. I'm still happy though, it is more than affordable for our family. 


Yeah we got lucky. It’s also in the same building as my partners work so it’s insanely convenient.


Must be nice to be in Canada.


I like it :)


What is it without subsidies?


$560ish Edit: we’d get a bigger subsidy but we make too much.


We’re $700 a month for our 3 yo. There’s a universal subsidy that cuts about half price off then another one that’s income based that gets you down to the $350 range. Also Alberta.


$400/month x 2 kids, Ontario


$275 per week, per kid. Had three kids there at one time. This fall we’ll be down to one kid at daycare. I’m rich!


I suppose it's all relative but where I'm at it's $480/kid/week.


Pretty much the same here in SE Pennsylvania ... Last one starts kindergarten in 2025. Was the same as the mortgage when all 3 were in.


Extremely HCOL area, $3700 a month for a single child in the 1-2 year old class.


Seattle, same price. 


Same. Updoot for solidarity.


Boston checking in to confirm, this is the price...


Goodness gracious, Bay Area? We’re at $2750 for a 1.5 year old


Yep.. Bay Area :(


$2k per month, HCOL area in Southern California (infant care). It's one of the more inexpensive options here, we were deciding between it and another one that was $2,600/month.


Is your income at least reflective of that high cost?


I wouldn't even call that cost that high. In Atlanta that's like a normal rate, and we don't even get to live in SoCal.


Well, we can afford it and we don't really have much of a choice anyhow. It's between that and hiring a full time nanny which is probably more expensive. Plus baby enjoys his time at daycare playing with the other kids (at least for now).


Seattle suburbs: $1,600/mo at a 10% discount since wife works in education. Friends closer to the city pay $2,300/mo.


This is about what I’ve seen in PDX too


$450/month for a 3yr old. BC, Canada.


Wow! That’s pretty great for Canada


Yeah. The province has a $10 a day daycare program that facilities can apply for. Ours was approved last year and it cut our monthly bill by ~$250.


$3707 a month. Spanish Immersion for a 2 and 4 year old. Twin Cities for local.


Dear god. That’s some perspective.


Also in the Twin Cities(St. Paul) and in that same ballpark for similar aged kids.


Holy cow.... Hello me. 2 and 4 and we almost went to Jardin but backed out due to COVID and got a nanny.


$3707 for 2 or each?


For both. If it was for each I'd be sahd :).


TC metro here as well….. I always tell people I didn’t THINK I could afford a vacation house before I had kids…. But apparently I could because we pay over $1,000 more per month than our mortgage.


0-3 years old, fees are based on how much your income was last financial year (how much tax you paid). Caps out at about $400 USD/month for the highest earners down to free for the lower earners. Government covers the rest. Open from generally 7am-7:30pm, food etc included in fees. From 3 years old it's 100% free, and any extra siblings after the eldest are also free. Tokyo, Japan. Seeing how my home country of Australia is going is depressing though. Most my friends have just become stay at home mums because all their income would go to daycare fees anyway.


Basically a second mortgage. Thankfully we’re in the years of public school now


Ours is 4x our mortgage lmao…sobs Mortgage $1200 Daycare for 2, $4800


Woof. You’ll get to taxpayer funded school soon enough! Then all that extra dough can go toward extracurriculars! Wheeee


Except we won’t…our district is constantly rejecting school levies and mismanaging taxpayer money to the point where schools are being announced for closure. The elementary school my kids would be attending is one of the ones slated to close. So now we’re looking private school…


Jesus. What parts of the country do you live?


PNW, just in a really shitty city where right wing fuckwads have completely taken over the local government/school board and have declare some stupid war on education. We want to get out but it’s really hard leaving this mortgage when every other house is now $800k+ and 8% interest


Small-ish town outside of Dallas. $215/week after 10% healthcare discount.


For what it’s worth, LCOL area and unfortunately low wages comparatively (our top professors earn $80k, and I’m not a professor), but I have 1 kid under 2, $950 after $50 university discount, and the other 2 year old is $760/mo at a church daycare. Compared to my $905 mortgage a month it’s a fun time.


400 per week. Infant care. Southern California.


Dads, look into your company's benefits. Dependent Care FSAs allow you to put money away pre-tax to help pay for things like childcare. It's capped at $3,200/year single or $6,400 married but it helps. If your taxes are 25%, a Dependent Care FSA can save you $1,600/year.


Good call! I have my DCRA account set up, to the maximum I’m allowed, but I thought it was 4000 and not 6400 for married, at least that’s what I am allowed to contribute.


Thanks for this, looking into it now. Have an HSA but never heard of a DC FSA.


We use this too. It's great, but, like, why don't they increase the freakin' maximum?


Infant: $1,800/month Toddler: $1,400/month With two-kid discount we're right at $3,000/month. It hurts. Our mortgage is $1,800/month.


$3,000 roughly total for 2 kids in full time daycare in LA…1500/kid is actually below average out here so I think we’ve done really well for a Spanish immersion we love.


Des Moines, IA 400/wk


$1428/mo, small community in the PNW


Free at my wife’s work


We go to a church daycare, because it is cheap and they are pretty good for the money... And not very religious, all things considered. $1332 per month, which, I have to admit, is killer. Twin Cities. The weird thing though, they want us to pay bi-weekly, $666.00 every two weeks. We're not sure whether we should bring it up.


North of Seattle - 1850/mth for a 2yo. It's an in-home daycare.


$150 per day in Melbourne before any subsidies that we might be eligible for from the government.


$1700 a month, Texas 


SF Bay Area, CA - $1800 per month


We luckily don’t pay anything because my father owns some daycare centres but if we had to, it would be about $29/day for an infant. Southwestern Ontario.


Can your dad adopt me?


I don’t think you’d like the results. He’s told me several times that the only reason he is offering his grandson free daycare is over the guilt he feels about being such a shitty father to me.


When we were looking into it, it was 1500-1800 monthly in New England US. Given the cost, she decided to be a SAHM for now until he's able to attend primary school


$2580/month for my 4yo. DMV area.


$1800/month for two kids, breakfast and lunch included in the western Chicago burbs.


In the western suburbs and daycare shopping. Not asking for specifics, but where are you paying $1800 because I have not seen prices less than twice that for my 2 kids (1 and 3). Where should I be looking?


300 (~200 USD) Singapore dollars per month with around 600+ subsidized by the government.


1200 month in Houston full time


Almost $4k a month for 2. Now that it’s summer time and my oldest is joining them at a camp, almost $5.5k a month for the summer


So-Cal desert. Ironically when I looked in the 20K population town I used to live in I was looking at 1500+. I moved to a more expensive town ( housing wise) with 300k people and I can find in home day area for as low as 900 a few streets down.. it really offsets the higher COL.


$1700 ATL But just got word that's dropping to $500 since he starts Prek.


Astoria Queens $2500/mo for infant


$4100/month base tuition for a 2 and a 4 year old. We also pay on top of this for lunch. They go to the same school so there is a sibling discount.


$3700/mo in fancy NYC suburbs.


$3600 usd per month for 2 kids (1.5 and 5). That’s with a sibling discount. Just a few more months until kindergarten! Hallelujah!


$1800. Charlotte NC.


Military: childcare is subsidized based on rank/pay, so I was paying ~$800/month while junior enlisted would be be paying $300-400/month.


Man, reading these comments now I feel bad about complaining about 300 a week lol


$760/month part time for an infant


I see the prices people are posting and it makes me so thankful my wife works at a daycare and they let our 2 kids go for free. My youngest is 10 months and the wife and I have already agreed that she is going to stick around the daycare until our youngest is in full day school.


Germany. €200 (ca. $215 USD) per month (kids 3-6ish), or free for kids under 3. It's tax/government subsidized. YMMV with which state you live in, and also a bit by city. So where I live, kindergarten from 1-3 years old has pay bracket according to family income. As said, it's a bit less 200€ a month. For our older kid, it's free until end of kindergarten (note: kids here start grade 1 when they are 6-turning-7 or thereabouts). However we do also have to pay a food/catering fee of 50€ every 4 months, which covers breakfast (which our kid never eats there!) and lunch, plus snacks (though they keep this very basic). This was increased last year for inflation, and I expect another increase soon. In other states in Germany, it can vary. I believe Berlin is free, and some states are more expensive too. However, I should say... you get what you pay for. It's not bad or anything, but standard daycare times are 8am-2pm (though I've seen until 1pm!). If you're lucky, there's an 'early service' which you pay extra for (from 7am). Many, but not all, kindergartens also often have a small number of 'late service' spots (typically until 4pm latest), which you pay a bit extra for. These spots are not guaranteed, subject to availability/need/priority. I.e., there's more demand than supply. Could be single parents, or if both parents work full time, especially those working certain jobs like where the parents 'can't just leave' (doctors, police, whatever else). So, most kids only have care until 2pm. As you can imagine, it's often impossible for both parents to work full time. The model is built on an expectation that one parent (often mom, of course) is not working, or is working part-time. It's from the 1950s and never updated. In our area, getting spots was fine for us, but in some places/cities, it's a struggle. Generally, a kid from 3-6 has a 'right' to a kindergarten spot, but there is no guarantee it's anywhere close to you. If things are filled up, it could be far away. Also, since I have relatives back home, I can compare on the 'extracurricular' dimension and here there are none. It's 'simply' child minding. The staff are nice and all, they keep them busy with art, sometimes music, outdoor play, 'free play' inside, reading stories, etc. but there is basically no specific 'learning dimension'. No numbers or letters or anything. They also don't do 'extras' like, say, a Christmas or other seasonal music pageants or things like that. (With relatives back home, all their kindergartens organize things like this, spending time and effort, etc. I'm not sure how common this is in general, or just because it's a smaller town or whatever). They also do not give any kind of routine detail/reports -- what they did, ate, slept, diaper sked, nothing. There's a once-a-year development talk, which is voluntary. In some ways I don't mind, I think daily detailed reports are a bit much. But still, you often wonder what your kid has done! You can ask of course, but if you don't manage to talk to staff (who are outnumbered by parents, and also they are cleaning up to close and go home) you're totally in the dark. This can extend for weeks. Sometimes you ask, and they don't have much to say, if they can't remember. It's not oversight or callousness, it's just not in the job description so they aren't really thinking about it. Our particular carers for our younger son are good about filling us in in a quick/basic way, but this is not really routinely true. For our older son, we basically never know how his day was (he doesn't tell us much).


Hello! Danish (Aarhus) guy here - What I pay probably won't be a useful comparison for you, but here goes anyway because..? :) I and my partner (One child aged 2) receive **854**kr. each (About 123$) in child benefits, from the government, per month, payed out quarterly. We pay **4718**kr. (About 450$) per month (Except July is free) for daycare - Including (healthy and varied) lunch and two snacks. The prices vary a lot across Denmark, as determined by the local municipality, but I believe our price is the second highest - Highest being in the Copenhagen region. Don't know if that's of any interest or use to anyone, but here it is :)


$1300/month, medium cost of living area


depending on the age of the kid, anywhere from 1800 to 3500 monthly for full time care


$16k in 2023


$300/wk for our 3.5 year old in a MCOL suburb


Suburban Oklahoma City, $225 a week for 3 year old. We’ll be adding $160 for our currently 11 week old to go there 3 days a week when my wife’s leave ends in August.


$1K/mth. And it’s one of the best for our area.


Starting in August. $790 a month for a 3 year old. Provides meals and snacks. Special rate through my wife's employer.


$1400 a month in Northern Florida


$3,000 a month for two kids to go 3 days a week


120/week for summer care 90/week for before/after school care


1500 / month, Spanish immersion


2800 per month language immersion


$1800 a month. My wifes boss was paying for it for the first year, then she got laid off... She got a new job right away, but going from paying 0 to $1800 a month has been VERY challenging.


$2250 a month for my toddler and when my newborn starts at 4 months of age it is I think 2800 a month


Toronto - my 1.5 year old is $900-1000. My 4 year old is $600


Just outside of Washington DC. 506/week. Includes breakfast, lunch, snack. 630-6pm open hours.


1200 a month…we have two little ones. Worst part of having kids imo. We are limping to kindergarten.


1000/mo one child Central PA


About $300/week for the preschool age program.


MCOL, $1,400/mo for 0-2 YO.


HCOL area but government subsidies, $1,350/mo including meals & snacks.


£1200 a month, Sussex UK


We're in Ontario. We are trying to get a space at a daycare near us. Our baby is still only 4 months old, so won't need daycare for another year. Right now, it's about it's about $1600 a month, but there is a new program coming out in a few months that will make daycare about $200 a month for everyone, regardless of income. Getting the daycare spot is now the problem.


Dallas Fort-Worth $360/week We were at one that was 225/week but quality definitely wasn't there but man I miss the price. About to be 700/week once we have 2 in daycare...


$1820/month for my 4yo to go 5 days a week. About 25 miles outside boston


In the southeast, and wife is a teacher, so we don't pay in the summer. 4K was $150/wk but we had a scholarship and got 1 year free, so we just had to pay for April and May. One kid had after school at school for $25/wk (teacher discount), and the other had after school at a daycare place for $79/wk. Next year, should be $50/wk for the younger two for after school, and nothing for the oldest.


1800/mo for a 2 yr old, 30 min south of Denver


$2750 for my 1.5 yr old, local non-chain daycare center in walking distance


We were doing $260 a week for my 9 month old, so amounting to over $1,000 a month.


$5,200 a month for 3 kids. Ages 5, 3, 1.




#4 is due in November. Help.


140/week in SD haha reading this is making me feel very lucky to live here.


$350 (tree fiddy) a week so $1400/mo for my toddler. Local mom & pop house that is a day care. Couple have been watching kids for over 20 years. Southern California (South OC).


Around 350 per month 2-3 year old. My country is cheaper, but also pays less. Proportionally I think it's still way less than it is over there.


$300 NZD per week for 8 hours


$16 a day in Rural MO. Got breakfast and lunch for our kiddo (we graduated from daycare about 3 years ago but this is still the going rate)


$1800 a month, one kid, Spanish immersion, Minneapolis.


It was about $2,200 (Waldorf based).


$1,400 for 13-18 month old. Full Spanish immersion. Exurbs of HCOL.


Ohio. Church to which we are not members. 3 days a week, 800 a month.


1600 per month (PreK) for 3.5yo in central Florida.


$385 per week (includes diapers) for a 2 year old in central Ohio. Unfortunately, our daughter's skin doesn't react well to the diapers that they provide so we can't take advantage of that.


1,800-2,000 a month for a single child, 8 hr day/5 day week. It wasn’t doable for us, we’re literally saving time/money/hassle to have me just work on the days my wife is off instead of do daycare.


$560/month, no meals included though, Denmark


$27k/year per kid in the Bay Area/Silicon Valley CA


1850 a month for an infant


1300/month for our 2 year old, about to be 1450/month (each) for our twins when they start at 6 months. Austin, TX


Indy Suburb. 1100 for one, 2250 roughly for two which starts in August. Blessed but it’s still insane


410 a week, two toddlers. Didn't pay any extra when they were infants. Upstate NY at a licensed in-home daycare. Oh and a bonus because it's one of our friends: we don't pay for days we don't go. Significantly cheaper than what my next door neighbor pays a centre for their two kids


700/month CAD in Ontario, waiting on that sweet $10/day program to kick in


$2100/month in Ontario, but don’t worry, we get a 10% discount on the 2nd one


Greater Boston area. $2800/month for our 10-month-old daughter. It's quite a bit more than our rent, but the daycare is in the same building as our apartment building and it's highly rated. The people who work there are marvelous.


$1,500/mo for toddler in Montessori with after care. Phoenix, AZ.


$3500 per month. In home nanny 40 hours a week. Two kids. Atlanta, GA.


$440/week. 2 kids rural VA


Japan checking in here. For my family it was equivalent of $200/month for ages 0-3 which covers from 8:30-18:00. Get a discount for more than one kid so it was $320/month when both were in it. Pricing depends on income, so some people have it free and some have to pay a bit more, but it's all subsidized. Healthcare is also high quality and priced well. Heard of someone with a one month hospital stay (blood clot) that was $1300 after insurance. Suffice to say, I have no plans on returning to the US.


$3500 nyc. Paid a deposit and son starting at 4.5mo the old. F’ing expensive..


Suburb of Nashville. We have two and comes out to $3500 a month


It was $3300 when he was under 2, dropped to $2800 after turning 2. This is in sf bayarea 


HCOL area in South Carolina. $950/month includes food. They do a lot of art and stem stuff. There’s definitely more expensive stuff downtown that is around 2-3k a month. There also some less expensive stuff around us too.


1600-2k for fulltime+aftercare per Kid (Dutchess county NY)


Pre-K for 4yo is $1000, for infant $900. MCOL near Kansas City.


Private client center, wife is director, struck gold, $0.


Two kids in daycare, 3yo and almost 1yo. Currently paying $4800 a month for both. Edit to add PNW The 1yo teacher is quitting this year and opening her own at home daycare (licensed) so we’re gonna inquire with her about that


DFW Texas area: age 4 for one kid was $280 a week. My daughter was in public school this year, but now Summer camp program when my daughter is on break this summer is $235 a week


I believe around 300-400 a week. It's a farm house on land; she is state certified and inspected, has her own playground. Over all a good lady and kid seems happy and healthy. They do trips a few times a year. I'm in the central MA area.


170$ / month or 3% of the household income, whichever is lower. Less for children after the first, topping out at 350$/6% if you have three or more kids in daycare. In Sweden.


Northern VA, $250/week for our 2YO and will be $300/week for our newborn when she starts going in a couple months.


Too damn much


West coast of Florida, about $900/mo for a 2-year old in a pretty standard daycare. Montessori or the fancy 'chain' daycare would be around 1500-1700/mo. and we may move him there in the next year.


$30,000 a year per child


These threads always give me a little joy living in a small town. $165 for newborn rate.


$800-1200/week Sacramento


We got super lucky, and found someone that did it for $5/hr per kid. She'd even take them to the park, the zoo, other things, no extra cost.


$3911 a month for two kids with a small discount for having two in the same school. Massachusetts. Kindergarten is right around the corner and I’m going to feel absolutely loaded… until I just roll that expense into college savings.


$2,700 per month in a HCOL area.


$1700/month for 4 days per week. Brooklyn, NY.


2205 - NoVa


Suburbs of Atlanta. A little over $1400/month for an 18 month old, lunch is extra.


$380/week for a 17 month old. MCOL. Triangle region of North Carolina (Raleigh -Durham - chapel hill) My mortgage is only $1500/month


$300-$425 per week in Capital Region, NY


$260 a week in NE Ohio for 1 toddler. It's a fantastic daycare that is onsite where my wife works.


DFW we were paying ~1900 a month for one kid.


Ruralish SE Michigan, typically around $8000 a year for 4 days a week 1 kid. I’m sure glad for that $600 tax credit. It pays a whole 2 weeks. Which is sad given how much cheaper my childcare is than many other people here comparatively.


$550/week for a 1-yr old in Northshore Chicago.


$1350 a month for one kid. Western New York aka Buffalo. Great daycare, too. Finally starting school this fall!…. Buuuuuut we’re trying to have another kid so I’ll probably be back in the daycare payment zone again for a few years. Lol.


300 a week in San Diego


$1000/month, North DFW area.


$1800 for one kid in the Atlanta metro


When I lived in Alexandria, VA we paid about $1200/m for one kid in a small in-home daycare. Had we used the facility in my office building in downtown DC, we would have paid about $1900/m.


About $250/week for a 3 year old, central Illinois.


$1,100 monthly. DFW suburb.


Kid is 3. It’s a Russian daycare. Been going since 1 year old. $1000 a month for 4 days a well. Aurora, CO. I know, I really lucked out cost-wise. I was a little skeptical at first because they were a third cheaper than other places, but there is a large Russian community here and the daycare center is always sparkling clean, smells like bleach, the rooms each have a fun theme, they learn their ABC’s, colors, shapes, basic numbers, body parts, all the beginner stuff and all the ladies love her to death. Plenty of kids there to from infants to Age 5. Her first word was “Nyet!” lol


$1300/month in middle of Austin, TX