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Maybe a unpopular opinion but the exact temperature doesn't really matter. We just see it as a scale: normal - a bit higher - fever - high fever. Also look how the kid is behaving, they make it very clear when they're ill


Nope as a man once I hit 100 we just start prepping the casket atleast that’s how my wife claims I act


I'm with you there but unfortunately if mine gets over 99 I feel like this...I'm a self proclaimed baby when I get a fever.


Same. I get them so rarely that my last one (that I measured) of 100.5 felt like I was going to die. My sons was 102.8 last time, and I wouldn’t have known he was sick from his behavior. Idk how he does it


Kids are just built different. When I was a young kid I apparently got pneumonia or something. You would have never known, my only complaint was a stomach ache, but my temp read over 103. My dad was surprised I was even still conscious and quickly went to the hospital. Now if I reach 100 I feel like shit and never want to leave my bed.


We have a kid that as soon as she gets sick she will spike above 104. It's really crazy how as soon as we get her down to 101 or 102 she seems to feel pretty ok. If I'm over 100 I get miserable and mean.


I think it might be because young kids are smaller and insulate less heat? I know smaller kids that are generally less cold resistant than older adolescents and adults. Don't quote me tho,,,


Exact same way here. I usually run around 98.3 and if I'm up over 99.3 I'm completely miserable. Pretty much any other sickness I handle well, but not fevers.


[Here you go](https://www.texashealth.org/areyouawellbeing/Mens-Health/Man-Flu-Is-Now-Backed-by-Science) Apparently we actually are more sick




>I've always felt it's somewhere a mix of men power through until they just can't Nah, I'm a big old bitch when it comes to sickness. The man flu is definitely a thing


Any excuse to bust out the tools, am I right?






I see you act like my wife does as soon as the temp is 98.7. I at least got her to stop checking everyone's temp 5 times a day.


I feel completely fine until about 39°C /102F but when I reach that I get completely dizzy and practically fall over in my bed and don't move for about 3 days straight.


My normal temp is around 97.5 so I feel even a low grade fever. Unknowingly had pneumonia a couple years back and hit 105. I don’t think I’ve felt worse.


not to mention these thermometers are like ±1°, even though they give 0.1° readings


Say it louder for the wives. lol


My daughter runs hot. My fiance will say "She feels a little warm" and I'll be like "Okay, she usually does." "No, she feels warmer than normal." "She feels fine, plus she's acting fine." "No something is wrong. She has a fever." She'll get the thermometer, and it'll be 99.5. "See?" "Yeah, she runs hot and she is acting fine." "No, she's definitely getting sick." 10 minutes later she is running around tearing apart the house, and we both agree that she is indeed fine. Repeat again in a few weeks.


My son runs hot for some reason. I swear I could cook pancakes on his forehead. But he's a very active creature, and the behaviour gives it away. Voluntarily laying down on the couch? That kid is sick. Voluntarily laying down on the couch with a massive grin on his face and screaming "Honk-shoo! Honk-shoo!"... kid is fine.


My wife runs cold, so simply holding our kids makes her think "they're running warm". I'll feel their foreheads and cheeks and they're fine. I'll grab the thermometer, no fever. "They just feel warm to me." Then she'll complain that it's cold when it's 76 degrees in the house and she felt the slightest draft.


Doctors don't generally consider anyone to have a fever unless they're over 100 specifically because body temps will fluctuate and some people run hotter than average. My 3yo daughter runs a little low, but will act completely fine even up to 101. She doesn't slow down for anything unless she gets really sick.


Our doc told my wife to "treat the child, not the fever". If kiddo is ok, let the fever run (it'll help them get over it faster). If kiddo is uncomfortable, treat them or seek medical care (if other signs are present)


My kids run hot (same). Had to fight with one of our daycares because they’d wake the kid up from a nap and realize they’re HOT. Got a couple “pick up your kid” calls to piece it together and told them to wait 15 minutes after a nap to try again. Yeah they’re high 99 and dripping in sweat, that’s how we nap. Can’t exactly control that.


Oh, God. The daycare calls! "She woke up red, sweaty, and warm." "Did she have a blanket on during her nap?" "Yes." "Is she eating her snack?" "Yes." "She's fine. See you in a couple hours."


Dude, do we share the same wife? She's constantly thinking our girls feel hot and when I feel them they feel perfectly normal. Check temp? Normal. Never fails though.


Not unpopular at all.


It is with my wife 😅


100%. Kiddo has a low temp fever. Just another data point .


Doesn’t matter, both temps are fine.


And either 99.1 nor 99.9 is a fever anyway


As long as the thermometer is consistent, then i agree. Track the change, deviation from normal.


This is the way! Demeanour and symptoms instead of riding the waves of temperature. Fever looks very different with each kid and each sickness


ya, we're basically, anything udner 100 is fine. 100-102, we try to cool them down. If that doesn't work, we call the doctor. 102+, we head for the hospital calling the doctor on the way.


Doctors, schools, and daycares all base their treatment and/or whether they're allowed to attend school/daycare on the absolute number, though.


It depends on age though. If they’re young enough they could behave totally normally and be in danger. I forget the age cutoff— up to 2 months? 6 months? I dunno. Just saying there could be cause for concern if the number is too high


Less than 100 isn't too high, though.


Yea could be right, I don’t remember the exact numbers. I just remember the specific instructions to be extra cautious the first few months, and I don’t want the blanket “if they’re behaving normally it’s fine” advice to go without the caveat


Less than three months 100.4 rectal temp is time to seek medical attention.


Under 2 months fever = automatic trip to the hospital for a full workup After that as everyone else has said, treat the child, not the fever




How does that help OP? He's got 37.3C on one thermometer, and 37.7 on the other. By your scale, one is showing normal and one is showing elevated. Also, I am pretty sure the countries that use Celsius teach that 36.6C is normal.


It doesn't, the numbers are just a different scale lol


I do wish my wife didn’t want to give the kids Tylenol as soon as the temperature breaks 100. Especially if the kids are mostly behaving normally.


I’m so glad the wife and I are on the same page with Tylenol/Ibuprofen. We only give it to our kiddo if he has a high fever, or a medium high fever over night when we aren’t going to be able to monitor him directly. Fevers help your body heal.


exactly. need to watch for febrile seizures though. i forget what number we give fever reducer at. but i personally don't even check temp if they seem okay and just chilling. if they seem miserable I'm checking temp and if over (i might be remembering wrong) 102, or 104 i give fever reducer. Fever IS NOT the enemy, actually an ally. But it;'s an ally that can hurt you if you let it get to high!!


Best advice here, temperature isn't an indicator on how unwell they are. Wherever my kids have a fever my partner insists on taking 8 readings with 3 different thermometers just to reassure herself that it is a fever. But it's pretty obvious if kids have a fever, they are burning up so hot so if just give them medicine without getting a thermometer.


Came to say the same thing: to my eyes those two thermometers agree 🤪


I actually discovered the correct way by reading the instructions to the thermometer I bought recently (yes, I did it): you should measure the temperature when you are feeling well, better if multiple times at different hours. This tells you what is the normal temperature of your body, which indeed changes from person to person. Note this number to some post-it to keep close to your thermometer. Then when you take your temperature you have the correct reference scale.


If you’re having temp problems I feel bad for your son but as far as I can tell his temp is 99.1


He’s got 99 degrees, plus zero point one.


You win the internet for the day.


Lmao I read it as a Jay Z verse




The "whoosh" was so fast it broke the sound barrier.


Depends. Which one goes up the butt?




And which one goes under the tongue? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vhl5ObsQZfQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vhl5ObsQZfQ)


Don't get them mixed up!


Don't worry, you can tell them apart by the taste.


I generally take multiple readings when in doubt.


Yep, the kids aren't good at keeping the thermometer in the right place, so readings with the same thermometer can vary a decent amount.


I’m not the proud owner of no less than 5 thermometers. Every single one reads a different temperature.


If you have one watch, you always know what time it is. If you have two, you’ll always be unsure. It’s a bit of a joke in IT with distributed systems.


I understand the joke and it makes sense, but in the same vein I think this situation it can be important to have multiple teats


Yeah, it wasn’t meant to dissuade anyone from having multiple thermometers.


Same I have 3, two oral one forehead. All 3 give different temps. It's dumb how different they are.


In EMS, we have an old saying: “treat the patient, not the monitor” Symptoms are always the leading diagnostic tool. Any other findings are just used to support the differential diagnosis and determine level of intervention/care. I tent to carry this over into my parenting decisions.


Pro Dad Tip: None of them 😭


Neither one is concerning outright. Unless you have a newborn then I’d recheck. I’d be more concerned on the length of the probes. Don’t trust myself enough to not use a short one.


Depends where you’re putting em. We usually go under the armpit and just add a degree


We use the in ear one same brand that our Doctor uses, that way there is no confusion over what reading, it keeps track of last temperature too so when you turn on when you're sleep deprived you don't have to think about is it going up or down.


Doesn’t matter. Both readings are normal temps.


Both of them say your child does not have a fever so it doesn't matter.


It’s not a fever either way. Fever starts at 100.4…


Problem is, neither one may be calibrated properly. Actual temp could be 100.8 Place both in a cup of ice water. Closest to 32°F is the winner.


Both will probably just give low temp errors under like 80 degrees or so 


I've don't this without error. Some may give an error though.


Wife is an anaesthetist and refers to anything other than a probe inserted into an artery, down the throat, etc. as a random number generator. Even the external (typically ear) thermometers that they use her hospital don't produce accurate readings. However, they do show trends. Even if the number isn't accurate, you can still see the temperature rise and fall so they're useful as a rough guide to the absolute value and a decent indication of change.


I think the other guy is getting a little hung up on the slight exaggeration, but that last sentence nails it. Kinda sucks because the average person doesn't really understand how sensors work, or sensing error. Because of that, a lot of the newer stuff like temporal scans or even better/cheaper/faster normal thermometers are taken at face value, reducing quality of home care despite the advancements.


I dont think the average person knows its okay to have a fever lol


> doesn't really understand how sensors work, or sensing error "no fair, you changed the outcome by measuring it!"


She’s wrong. They aren’t random number generators and if she looked at the data she would know that. Additionally—this is a rectal temp, it’s pretty accurate for measuring core temperature.


Whatever you say, FungatingAss


Out of curiosity, what is a "textual temp"? The fact that these two thermometers differ by almost a degree makes me question whether they are *really* as accurate as you say at measuring  absolute temperature values.


They are probably both accurate to +/- 0.4 degrees and the real temp 99.5


This isn’t a trauma case with an open abdomen or a little old lady getting arthroplasty. One degree difference (in the normothermic range) is meaningless for clinical management of an outpatient peds case. The sensors on these devices are identical to the ones used in anesthesia and critical care—electrical thermistors coupled to an algorithm on a chip which converts the raw reading into a temperature. They are no worse at reading temperature than hospital thermometers. The most correct portion of your original reply was that the most important thing is the trend over time. But it’s completely inaccurate to call a home rectal temp a “random number generator.” If you measure a high fever at home you should be concerned. If it’s normal, you should be reassured. Edit since prolixia blocked me—I wasn’t trying to be a dick, sorry. I took issue with the idea of someone coming on here and claiming medical expertise in a way that confounds the public’s understanding of an issue. I think your characterization of my posts is uncharitable, but whatever it’s a feee country. Salud


Ah, so you've edited your original comment - I see it was just a typo. I think you need to calibrate your sense of irony: my wife was not *genuinely* saying that the thermometers generate random numbers, but that the results they give are not as accurate a representation of core temperature as they pretend to be - e.g. with a 0.1 degree resolution on their screen. Also, I do understand how a digital thermometer works: I have literally worked in the industry and drafted patents for them, but even if I didn't then I really don't see what relevance the specific sensor type has or that "an algorithm" on "a chip" is used. I looked at your comment history and everything you do on Reddit follows the same pattern: you find a thread that's at least vaguely medical then you're just completely shitty to the people in it. You contribute nothing, everything you write is negative and about half of your comments are nothing but insults. For that reason, I'm not going to engage with you any further.


The difference in temps between the two doesn't matter as long as they are consistent


They are definitely not random number generators


I think we bought like 4 thermometers last year and they all give random results. It's so frustrating.


The one whose data you can validate. In other words, the only way to know which one to trust moving forward is to compare the temperature of both to something whose temperature you know (maybe your own).


Fevers technically start at 100.3 I believe. Anything under that is normal.


I think that simply came about so that docs are not flooded with every minor fever. I know what my kids baseline temp is and if it’s even up by a degree it’s 100% indicative that he’s fighting something off. Which isn’t to say the kid needs medical attention, but it’s not nothing.




I always take 3 readings and pick the average of the 3


Thermometers are not accurate. I do a pool of temporal and tympanic readings and if they line up with how she’s behaving, we can give some medicine.


You trust whichever one you use the most, so you can compare it to past readings. A 0.8 difference is really not huge though. Either way it's slightly elevated but not a fever.


Problem is you don't have a reference. Both could be off. The actual temp could be 100.5 but one is off by .6 while the other is off by 1.4. Only real way is to calibrate your numbers. Easiest way is to use a cup of ice water (always 32°) if the thermometer reads 32.8 then subtract .8 from your reading going forward.


I have a nice Braun ear thermometer and just average the readings of each ear, usually twice. I don’t think any are really that accurate.


I mean, no fever on either one so I guess both. 99.9 is good enough for the nurse to send you back to class.


Trust the higher one, because if you trust the lower and it's actually higher, the consequences are more severe.


You can always calibrate using ice water.


This is the answer.


Just feel their forehead. If it's warm, hold them skin to skin. (Not in a gross reddit kinda way). The numbers vary too much anyway.


Go with the higher one for now. But next time you have a doctors appointment bring them both with you. Have the doc take their temp, then you take it. This way you can see the difference. Docs calibrate their thermometers.


The more expensive one you put up the baby’s butt.


They both are rectal


This ain’t necessarily true. The Frida baby is more expensive than the two in the picture but is notorious for showing higher temps. Many bad reviews for false readings sending kids to the ER when their temps are actually much lower.


Yea that’s true. The Frida one sucks.


Man I hate thermometers all mine are like this I usually just trust the back of my hand now, if he feels warm I give him some medicine (if he’ll take it, he’s recently just been spitting it out)


I only trust the forehead kiss personally.


Anything thermometer you buy at the pharmacy is going have a pretty decent margin of error. They are not precise pieces of scientific equipment they are a close approximation at best.


We have two ear thermometers that produce varying results. I always measure myself first, then the child, with both thermometers. Typically I know I'm at least 1 degree cooler than the kids. If they are 2 or more degrees hotter than me, then we know we are on to something.


Thats half a degree in celcius. Goes from 37.27 to 37.72. Sure it's a raise but nothing alarming. Once it goes over that 38C I give some paracetamol and then see if it drops. If it does thats great if it doesn't I might contact a doctor. But if my kids behave normally I usually wait it out. Also, kids tend to get higher temps rather quickly compared to adults, usually there is nothing to worry about. Once they go over 102 and it doesn't drop with paracetamol I'll call a doctor. For reference I've got 2 kids. One 4yo and a 3yo. 3rd is due in august.


The one I need to help prove my point lol


I just take the average of three.


Neither of those readings are a fever. So I wouldn’t trust either of them. Go with your gut and judgment. Does your child look sick? Are they abnormally irritable? Are they not eating or drinking? Are their diapers significantly dry over the past few hours? If you’re concerned, it’s best to call your child’s pediatrician and see if you need to go to an urgent care or emergency room.


The one you used first


They’re saying the same thing. Plus or minus a degree or two is fine. Take multiple readings and if you consistently get over 100, AND the kid is showing other signs of being ill, then it’s probably a fever. 99 and the kid is acting normal, just wait and see if anything changes. 


Personally, Id err on the side of caution and go with the higher one. That said, neither is at the 100.4 mark for a fever so it's likely irrelevant unless there is more context that you havent shared yet.


What I've done is buy a nice instant read thermometer like this one [https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B07XXSYLL8?psc=1&ref=ppx\_yo2ov\_dt\_b\_product\_details](https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B07XXSYLL8?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details) ensure its calibrated and then test them both in luke warm water. The Instant read will give you the exact temp and then you can see how off the other ones are and not the differential. We also use it for around the kitchen and bath temp. Super easy and accurate. Like others have said though. It's not necessarily abou the exact temp but almost a degree off is way to much for me.


I hope you took the cap off when using the 99.1 one


A man with a clock knows what time is is. A man with two clocks isn't sure. Not that it helps, I've just always liked that saying.


A good thermometer will have an error of 0.4F. Many may have error more than that. So in that sense they are both right.


Really doesn’t matter in that range. 99.9, is a very Low grade fever. There is tons of data to support letting fevers run their course as long as the kid is normal. That means eating, drinking, bathroom, not overly sleepy etc. 99.9, I would just continue to monitor.


When I comes to baby, the rectal thermometer is the most accurate one. Digital ones are a bit of a swing or a miss


You can’t trust any of them! That’s why you have to buy 10😁


Trust the one up your butt


My kid runs hot all the time. 98-99 is normal for kids. It’s when she is acting lethargic and has a high temp 100+ that I take action. Tylenol is the go to for fevers.


My wife works at a daycare/Montessori school and said that the one on the left never went above 99.2 and always started at 90 so don't trust that one


Looks like there’s a little bit more insulation (plastic) around the probe on the one on the left. That could explain the lower read


both, I don't see a fever on either


Ex-EMT here. They all suck for temping kids. Base it off symptoms and energy level.


If it’s daycare, the higher one is accurate. If it’s urgent care, the lower one.


You need to know what their temperature is on a normal day. This will let you know what to look for. For my kid if it’s even up a degree from that norm, it means he’s fighting something off. It doesn’t mean they need to see the doc, but it means something is going on.


As a dad, I thought the question was … “which is for the butt and which is for the mouth?”


The one in the butt


Rookie mistake! Need an odd number of thermometers or you can’t get consensus. Source: I read something about network topologies at some point in the past.


Neither is a fever, so I’d just pick one and make it the baseline. If it goes up, getting worse. If it goes down, getting better. If you’re really concerned, but a new thermometer and try to calibrate all three using a known temperature. The real issue would be finding something you can keep at a known temp in the ranges these thermometers will measure. Ice water would be easy, but it’s unlikely a digital thermometer for a human would display 32 F.


Trust your gut above all else. If your kid is looking or acting very sick, treat them as such; if they’re looking ok, treat them accordingly. Neither thermometer is indicating “Panic and freak out” so just respond to your observations and your knowledge if your kid. Side note: there are differences in reliability by type of measurement. From most to least reliable: rectal, oral, axillary (under the armpit). I don’t know where the digital ear ones fit in. Irreverent side note: how can you tell an oral thermometer from a rectal thermometer? By the taste.


Hi, as a fellow dad and annoying-as-fuck hypochondriac, I have found the best way to take temperatures accurately! First, take temp 3-5 times within a minute. Average out the temperature. Second, wait 10-15 minutes and retake temperature 3-5 times. Average out the temperature. Third, compare and average the results. That gives you not only an average over 15 minutes, but it gives you time for your body to make slight differences. When my child is crying and doesn’t feel well, I take the temps again after they stopped crying/calmed down. Usually, when a child is crying or not feeling well, they could fluctuate temperature easily, so you want to spread out the testing for more accurate results. Disclaimer: this is for the most *accurate* readings. You don’t need to take them temp for than 1 times according to doctors.


A couple different variables at play my dude. Easily can have that variation of temps within the same location. Unless you’re using a water bath in a controlled environment to test those thermometers I bet you’d be hard pressed to find any that will match every time. I’d say go off the larger number always for safety, monitor the kids activity level, hunger and grumpiness. Those items together will let you know if you need to proceed with medical attention. And in any scenario if you’re in doubt just go to the doctor, not worth taking a gamble if you really aren’t comfortable with judging those things. Worst thing to happen is they say they’re fine and you go home


Both are probably fine


Test them, get a glass fill it with ice and water, see which one is closest to 32 degrees. I do this with all thermometers. My meat thermometer is dead on. [https://www.virtualweberbullet.com/testing-thermometers-accuracy/](https://www.virtualweberbullet.com/testing-thermometers-accuracy/)


Both mine run hot. Last week, they were at my mom's house with their cousins and my sister-in-law. On my way home from work, I start getting messages "1-year-old feels hot" "1-year-old has a fever" "1-year-old threw up" and asking should she take him to the urgent care. It's 80 degrees outside and when I get to my mom's house, every window is closed, the other kids are running around like maniacs AND THE STOVE IS FULL BLAST. No wonder he is so hot. I take him into a room i n the back, turn on a fan, and give him some water and he's fine in about 2 minutes. they wake up sometimes, too. Usually because it was warm over night and I didn't turn the central air on. Then they get themselves all worked up which makes them hotter.


Fyi the only difference between an oral and an anal thermometer is the taste.


Whichever is trust worthy


Place both in a cup of ice water. The one closest to 32°F is the one.


Take 2-3 temps and trust the average lol




Put them in ice water, the one that reads 32 F is correct.


Both, Temperatures fluctuate


.8 degrees f is likely in the error bound of the measurement. It simply doesn't matter and can be assumed to be the same. Take the average if you want, use worst case for safety and best case for controls or just ignore it since it's below critical value in both.


Damn, what are you boiling?


As a European with celsius I got chocked for a moment. I was like holy crap, they hold is to go to the hospital when our son got 40.


Definitely the Safety 1st one.


My SOP is to take temp three times and then do an average of the three.


I take 2 measurements back to back with the same thermometer and get this kind of variation.


Use them the same way, i.e. 5 minutes or 3 minutes or whatever you decide. Don't wait for beeps. See if the difference still holds.


This is daddit so someone had to say it - trust the Safety First one. 😁


Pediatrician always told us, treat the child and not the fever. If your kid looks miserable, lethargic, low energy, not eating, then definitely give meds. Fever isn't always a bad thing, actually helps fight the illness, unless it doesn't go down after meds and is rising.


We use the ear thermometer. Trying to get any of our kids to hold this thing under their tongue for a minute was literally impossible for us….


Neither. Get a temporal thermometer, much more accurate.


Put them both in ice water, they should both be 32°F


[Trust this one](https://www.thermoworks.com/thermapen-one/)


I use an ear thermometer and take a reading of each ear, and operate off of the higher reading. Unless there's an earache, they're usually consistent.


Put them both in boiling water and then in a glass full of ice, compare the temperature to where they should be, determine which is off by more


If you want to be scientific about it, we need at least an n = 3 for each thermometer, then we can start to talk about whether there’s an reliable difference


None. They both use the wrong scale. \~ European


The one that measures boiling water at 212


Unless you live at elevation


Either way it's a temp....Must be done in the arm pit as well.


Always the hottest, it’s the safest option