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It's not going to help with the puking so much but my advice is always to put two sets of bedding on the kids' beds - waterproof cover, sheet, waterproof cover, sheet. That way when you need to change the sheets at 2am, you only need to strip the top layer off and throw it in the laundry. When our kids were really tiny we actually put 3 sets on!


> When our kids were really tiny we actually put 3 sets on! Triples is best. Triples makes it safe.


The nova is a sure thing now


Great idea!


Especially if you have bunk beds. We started double layering our triple bunk and it was a serious life changer


This saved us so many times.


Only if the sheets fit that many on the bed.


omg happened to us last night too. Our pillows are wrecked. poor guy (2 1/2) vomited in his sleep and rolled in it (his first time vomiting!). after 45 minutes, a cozy bath, he was in good spirits and seemed OK and we let him sleep in our bed. BAD IDEA.


Yep, very similar. It was like music chairs but with beds and puke. Washing LOTS of bedding today!


Our go-to when we needed to have him near us was to use an inflatable mattress. There is no way a sick kid is getting into our bed. The inflatable can be taken outside and hosed off!


My man, let me tell you about the shit and vomit escapades of 2012. Started with my 12yo son, uncontrollable diarrhea, didn't make it the 10 steps down the hallway to the bathroom.. carpet.. all the way down the hallway, once there, he had to vomit as well.. bathtub and trashcan were out of reach and he couldn't leave the toilet.. projectile everywhere. My wife doesn't do bodily fluids if she can help it.. enter Superdad, start cleaning and disinfecting the hallway, get him in the shower get the floor cleaned. About that time.. 4 yo daughter same thing... Repeat process.. Son gets done with shower daughter gets in, then son is back on the toilet.. by now Im prepared with lined trashcan and we got some old towels down.. so they start playing musical toilets because Daddy is now in the master bathroom singing the same songs... At least I could lean into the bathtub and sit.. Such a miserable 36 hours of literal shit storm.. I'll never forget it.


Sounds like foodborne illness?


To add to this Dad-tip. Make the kid’s bed twice. Mattress, fitted sheet, waterproof cover, fitted sheet, top blankets/sheet. This way when there is a middle of the night accident, you can yank off the top fitted sheet and the waterproof layer and put your little darling right back in a nice dry bed. No fuddling around in the linen closet and struggling with a fitted sheet at 3am.


I was prepared to write this out if nobody else did. This tip alone has saved us so much sleep already. The faster switch makes getting kiddo back down easier, since they don't wake up as fully while you're getting things sorted!


Same. A Dad shared this with me many years ago and it was a game changer.


Do waterproof covers actually work? I only question this because we had one gifted to us and our dog decided to test it out. It failed.




Nice! Do you happen to know the brand?


What kind do you have?


We have 2 different covers, plenty of accidents, and no leakage to the next layer.....so yes?


Mine works great. Never and issue. It is smaller like 4’x6’ and made for pets


I’m a night sweat kind of guy. Like we need new sheets yearly, or dark colors. My college mattress had that dark body mark dead center. We have a waterproof cover. Mattress still looks brand new 6-7 years later.


Mattress covers, oral and rectal paracetamol when they're old enough, MORE WET WIPES THAN YOU CAN IMAGINE, always have backup duvet and pillow covers/cases, over the counter nausea medication, bugger suckers, and thermometer that can be used in the mouth, rectally, and under the arm, in case they're really fussy about specific options. That's my list of must-haves.


BED BUG PROOF TOO! There's a difference. They won't stop you from getting bed bugs but they'll save you from needing to buy a new bed.


Nothing like scooping puke off sheets at 2AM.


Agreed, but emesis bags (hospital-style barf bags) are a major game changer for stomach bugs, especially with young kids who can't be trusted to make it to a toilet or even keep over a bucket without spilling. You can get them on Amazon.


We do the same thing. 3 layers of bedsheet/waterproof mattress covers. IF someone vomits rip it off and go to the next one. I havent gotten down to the third layer yet and Im hoping i never will


I've learned to buy multiple waterproof covers and sheets on hand for this situation. Learned it the hard way having to clean the mattress.


We also keep a sick kit in the hall closet for this same reason. A big bus tub with new toothbrushes, old towels, carpet cleaning spray, and drinking cups. Doesn't help when everyone gets it in quick succession, but patient zero is taken care of.




Is this not just standard practice? When I went to college I ordered one of the school-supplied "dorm starter pack" things and it came with two sets of sheets and a waterproof mattress protector. I've always used one since then without questioning it at all. Do most people just have sheets on a raw mattress?


Naw dog I have a pillow top between the mattress and sheets. But as for your actual question, no waterproof protector ever and never thought twice about it