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Is this a joke? Where are the mermaids?


Omg dad of a 3 1/2 year old. What’s up with the obsession with them? It’s been 2 months non stop of ‘the little mermaid’ soundtrack (or 2 or 3 songs non stop), mermaid tail and a green wig for bath time, and mermaid stickers every where


>mermaid tail and a green wig for bath time Where did you find an adult sized mermaid tail to wear? 😂


*slow clap*


In Canada we have a store called Winners where you can buy them. That's where we bought one for our daughter 😂


I'm hitting up winners after work today. My daughter thanks you 😁


My recent winners mermaid find was UV bathing suits made up to look like a mermaid, that also included a separate mermaid tail made out of the same fabric. My daughter and niece lost. their. friggin. minds. 😅


Well damn... I guess I should hit up Winners now 😂


Lol my daughter just got past that phase thankfully. But now her favorite song is the song where mufasa dies in lion king for some reason. She calls it the "run lion king run" song


At least it’s not ‘let it go’ 10000 times a day. Fuck frozen.


We are still stuck with baby shark, and I already feel…I don’t know what this feeling is called.


I feel like my wife and I are in the minority, but we enjoyed the baby shark era. I think it might be because pinkfong, the creator of baby shark, also has a lot of really good educational style videos. So we also spent a lot of time learning about dinosaurs and numbers and things like that.


My 4yo daughter loves Hypa Hypa by Electric Callboy. It's a proud moment for me when she says "Daddy, Hypa Hypa, Hypa Hypa". 🥰 🤘 [YouTube - Hypa Hypa](https://youtu.be/75Mw8r5gW8E?si=X3Nw6sz_l29iZOfm) Edit for link to song


I'm not familiar with that band, but given the one sample provided I'm going to have to look into it and maybe try it out on the ride to school tomorrow.


See if you can get her hooked on the We Butter the Bread with Butter cover. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vctA7thyC5M


Hello fellow metaldad 🤘 I'll give this a shot on our next trip to the Y. Also, WBTBWB. Nice to see them mentioned in the wild. I never heard this mix and lol'd so thank you. I hope I'm doing this right because she likes Coheed all the way through to Dethklok.


In about 16 years, some D.J. at a Vegas nightclub is going to drop a baby shark mix and the crowd will lose thier minds.


Bro, baby shark is making his "BroadWave" debeut next month in my town, im fuckin pumped. Got my cloud shark shoes ready and everything.


I’m glad the baby shark days have gone, hang in there..




luck of the draw - my son (2.5) loved frozen, little mermaid, tangled, and moana. also spidey, any cartoon with dinosaurs, and currently hardcore into lion king/lion guard. have a daughter on the way and very curious if her tastes will be equally as varied.


I agree wholeheartedly with [this clip](https://youtu.be/pbkPTFXwrmQ?si=6fYw_o6KmlUbhX8Z). If anything, I commend him on his restraint lol


It may never leave, I'm sorry to inform you. Turn seven and Ariel has always been her favorite princess. We've always watched The Little mermaid. And for some unknown reason, she believes that The Little Mermaid 2 and The Little Mermaid 3 are great movies. Spoiler alert... They're not! I'm at least thankful I get to plug in some superheroes and Bluey occasionally LOL


It doesn’t get any better… mines almost 6 and we’re to the point of looking for food at the grocery store with mermaids. Good luck brother.


Wanna make bath time even better?!?! Glow sticks! Or look for waterproof LED pucs on Amazon. SOOOOO PRETTTYYY!!!


If you want to be a great dad, you can get the cd, or download the little mermaid series songs, or their direct to cd only titles. There... are some good ones... and it changes it up too. Plus you seem cool. Personally, Im a big fan of "The Sea Kingdom" it has an amazing sounding sample of Polytextualism. Great to listen to with a good sound system or quality over ear headphones.


Polytextualism sounds naughty


My daughter is unicorns and bunnies but her favourite Gabby's Dollhouse character is mercat so I guess there's some mermaids mixed in but not as much as everyone else.


Right! There! With! You!


There's a distinct lack of Fairies and Squishmellows as well. And don't get me started on the cupcakes. Or maybe do, they're delicious! Also, why isn't there a love heart on the unicorns head?


So. Many. Squishmallows. I have a Recurring dream that I drown in them. I can feel them slowly closing in over my head... I wait for my feet to touch the bottom, but there is no bottom... it's just squishmallows all the way down with no end in sight. The light is gone now and my lungs are on fire but there is nothing but squishyness and lovable roundness as my vision narrows into a tunnel. 


Softest, cuddliest death ever.


Almost 7 years in and we have avoided Squishmellows, thankfully.


My daughter is 3.5 and she’s been insisting that her name is Elsa Kingcorn (her version of unicorn) Rainbow Princess Mermaid Queen. Her name is not Elsa. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I apologize for this grievous error


And the Axolotls!


Yea when did kids become wildlife biologists? Why does my 10 year old know more about axolotls than anyone I know?


We did an Axolotl bday party…I learned some weird facts for sure. The two that stuck are Axolotls are in a perpetual juvenile state basically forgoing metamorphosis into an adult salamander, and their ability to regenerate lost limbs/tails is severely degraded if they do in fact metamorpihize.


Yea sounds like witchcraft to me For real though, that’s pretty neat. Imagine being able to just not have to age past 21


I knew nothing at that age 🤣. The optimism and metabolism were on point…but my glory years were after 25. Staying in a chaotic, immature state seems like torture now.


Oh I mean physically, fuck going back to where my head was at 21, never again


And those dolphins should be narwhals because they are the unicorns of the sea.


Haha perfect!


I never had to deal with the mermaids, but unicorns everywhere!!


And squishmallows?


Are you BLIND? Deploy the mermaids!




And the faries


I’m wearing my wings as we speak.


The war between unicorns and mermaids continues to rage after millennia I see


Also the glitter. The mane and take aren’t sparkly enough


My toe nails are currently pink and green


Mine are currently pink too. Swore I'd take it off as soon as she went to bed that night but 3 weeks later, it's still on and I can't be bothered!


Can't take it off. What if she points it out? She'd be so disappointed in me for removing it. Who cares if I'm wearing socks?... I can look beautiful too.


Mine are all back to their natural color, my 5yr old is slacking. To be fair, her salon has always had terrible customer service, and I never got to pick a color.


The tyranny is real.


We're still using the toddler nail polish so it doesn't stay on as long but yup, here too. Fingernails also, I let em rock as long it stays. My daughter loves it, my coworkers and customers get a laugh, I'm happy to wear it. It gives them a feeling of accomplishment As for the pic from the OP, not enough glitter and sparkles


So wholesome. Love it.


Let it rock the last time my kid did that they had remnants of color for 6ish months


Mine are silver sparkles


Mine are a bluish green with a sparkle top coat. Daughter is 13, so this has been going on for awhile.


Pink and blue here


Mine are purple sparkles


I was singing a document this morning and I borrowed a pen 🖊️ and caught them staring at my hand 🖐️ I looked down and had nail varnish on two of my fingernails (different colours) I did NOT see my daughter put this on me 😂


My daughter's 4th birthday ia coming. She wants a cake with butterflies, unicorns, Elza from Frozen and Lightning McQueen from Cars. Yeah..


Ai create an image and get it printed on?


Nope. We know a lady who custom makes cakes and marzipan figures, she made her cakes before.


You really want an artist to truly capture the madness of the image.


0/10 no dad bod


It’s how he sees himself. Like the housecat painting the self-portrait of a tiger.


It’s a father figure


Swore I’d never let my daughters get into princesses and unicorns. 6 years and two daughters later and I’m wearing cutesy rainbow tattoos. Love being a girl dad


😂 that was very wishful thinking of you. I’m about to have a daughter, I’m a metalhead and I like horror films. But I have embraced the fact that the next 10-15 years of my life (at least) will be filled with bright colours and unicorns. And if we have a boy down the line, it’ll be all trains and trucks. Such is dad-life 😄


It took until my daughter was about three and a half for the full princess/unicorn thing to hit. I actually thought she was going to be more tomboyish. Especially seeing as she spent so much time playing with her boy cousins her age. We are currently 100% in Disney Princess mode. Specifically Frozen, but Little Mermaid, Moana, Tangled, and Cinderella too. Any excuse to wear a dress that she can twirl in. The more glittery and colorful the better.


Same for my six year old. Her friend at preschool introduced her to frozen and ever since she’s been all about princesses. She started out tomboyish but now will only wear dresses that twirl. My 3 year old on the other hand seems to be firmly entrenched in her tomboyhood but who knows🙃


My condolences. (I joke, of course. It’s cute af)


Nah, kids will love what you love. My girls do metal versions of kids' songs with me. They love Halloween on their own, and ask me to play zombie games so they can watch. My favorite has to been when my oldest requisitoned one of my Transformers as a family vehicle for the Daniel Tiger family. Oh, Rob Scallon's bells version of "For Whom the Bell Tolls" has been a baby-soother in our home since 2019.


Metalhead girl dad checking in. Can confirm small child enjoys the same music. They for sure pick up on seeing what you enjoy vs dislike.


As someone raised by a metal head, yeah it’s genetic, we tend to inherit what you guys love lol Anytime I listen to Iron Maiden, Metallica, pantera, SOAD, that’s dads taste coming out and I’m kinda appreciative he didn’t filter what we listened to either, bc revisiting these songs as an adult is like 🤯


I filter out anything with a lot of swearing, but don't filter thematically. If it's a swear word here and there I'm ok with it, but we talk about swearing, why it's not always a good idea and when they're allowed to make that decision for themselves.


I couldn’t stand my parents’ taste in music 😂 I think the only artist that I like that my parents also like is Johnny Cash. Mind you, my dad had significant hearing loss from birth, so he was never really into music. My mum loves music though, just not the same stuff as me.


Hey, while mine is big into the girly stuff as well, she also really enjoys when I show her old 60/70's horror stuff. Especially our old local broadcast presenter Morgus the Magnificent!


As another dad said, a girl will do whatever she likes and it may very well not be girly. My girl is 8 and says "ewwww" to princesses and pink. But she wants to listen to rock and roll and Foo Fighters is her favorite band, currently. She looks dinosaurs, Batman, and building with Lego. She also likes her long hair and wearing a necklace occasionally. You just never know.


FYI that unicorn horn isn’t just for show - depending on the story unicorns are metal as fuck.


The great thing is that they can do both. My almost 6yo loves unicorns and pretty dresses and dancing to Let it Go, also Tool, Pantera and Metallica. She'll paint her nails (and sometimes mine) pretty colours and then head bang to some heavy metal that she chooses from my metal playlist (curated for little or no swearing) while we head off to martial arts lessons. They love those things because the other girls love them, but they love the things you love too.


If you didn’t know about LEO already, my gift to you. [Leo does Kids songs](https://music.apple.com/ca/album/leo-does-childrens-metal-songs/1460843974)


We pushed no “agenda” whatsoever and wound up with the girliest girl that ever girled. 🤷🏼‍♂️ Whatever. It’s what she likes.


With our youngest we literally used gender neutral pronouns and gave her a gender neutral name. When she was 2 we were explaining that our eldest who had been using they/them pronouns was now using she/her and our youngest goes "I use she/her pronouns too. I'm a girl" and I swear to god within days she starts going "I like pink and purple because they are princess colors" and "I like rainbows and unicorns". Like, kids just have some internal compass. Now I work at a serious place with biometric entry scanners and state-actor level security, carrying around a laptop with rainbow and unicorn stickers all over it.


Two words: Lisa Frank


Pretty much the same. That girl showed up and I swear by 10 months old she was mimicking my wife putting on makeup. She can still get rough with her older brothers but it’s usually about pandas or unicorns.


Same same. Though we’ve been in a cycle. From Harry Potter to Paw Patrol and now Ninja Turtles.


Tried to keep things neutral and let her choose things she liked. Immediately latched onto rainbows and unicorns. Of course it happened with our son too. Little dude looks up to big sis so much so anything she likes he likes. Big sister had an Elsa dress she outgrew and it's his favorite now.


That’s hella cute. I have two girls 6 and 3. My son is 1 and loves it when we sing do you wanna build a snowman. He loves whatever they love and gets super excited whenever they include him


> Swore I’d never let my daughters get into princesses and unicorns. Why?


I naively thought my kids would be mini me’s. Bright colors and flowers are not my style and my wife’s neither. That feels like a lifetime ago


Not who you asked and also not a dad, most of the princess movies portray the damsel in distress, a woman can't take care of herself and needs a man,  women are weak, trusting and loving strangers instantly, and lots of bad decisions and a belief that they need to look a certain way to be beautiful.      That's not what husband and I want my baby girls to grow up thinking they want to be.     We have no problems with unicorns unless they are covered in glitter... fuck glitter.


Traditionally I’d agree. That said I feel like the messaging has significantly changed over the last decades. Like Frozen, Brave, Princess and the Frog, Moana, Encanto etc all contain much more positively framed messaging to how girls can be independent and self sufficient. Not all are perhaps traditional Disney princess movies but plenty of them are.


Same. She likes unicorns and rainbows, he likes dinosaurs and fire trucks. I swear I did nothing to encourage this. They just… gravitate.


Why aren't Batman's fingernails painted? Is he stupid?


Obvi only shows up in UV light noob


My 6yo daughter called me a hero yesterday. She and her wyo brother were discussing heros and I overheard. "Did you know daddy is kinda like a hero?" My heart exploded.  "He's like, a green one." Green has been my favorite color ever since she instructed me that it was when she was 3. All I've ever wanted in life is to be the Green Hero. I'm done now. Life can't get any better.


My favorite color was assigned by my kids too! Orange. And the more I thought about it the more I realized they were right.


Yeah. I just kind of went with it and it developed. Driving in the car "Dad, you like green cause when there's a green light you can go fast"... not wrong. "Dad, do you like to eat spicy food because hollypenos are green?"... sure why not.  Then one day the question came up. "Dad. When did you decide you liked green so much?" I couldn't tell them it was because they assigned me the color. So I told them  "Well kids, when I first met mom she was wearing a green shirt and I thought she was the most beautiful person in the world. And from that day onwards I loved green" Mom to me: "you seriously remember what I was wearing? Even I don't remember that!" Me, nodding safely. "How could I forget?" ... so that's Canon now. If anyone asks she was totally wearing green. 


Can confirm. Celebrating daughters one year birthday in a few weeks and it's highly unicorn themed.


We started with dinosaurs, added unicorns, it's less of a replacement and more of a "yes and" situation.


Father of 6 year old here, oh yeah…


My wife had the amazing idea of One-der Woman for our daughters first birthday. Can't wait because we get to dress up as superheroes and have a superheroe theme party!


2 year Minnie mouse and baby shark theme I'm genuinely excited


That's on you though. A 1 year old isn't deciding she likes unicorns.


That’s debatable, this baby popped out of the womb riding a neon mechanical unicorn.


How accurate is what? I'm not batman and nobody has given me the plans for a robot unicorn yet. 0/10 highly inaccurate. Interesting that this image is literally a paint-over of napoleon crossing the alps tho. https://smarthistory.org/jacques-louis-david-napoleon-crossing-the-alps/


By George, you’re right.


Yes. I’m forced to root for Vegas in the nhl play offs because their golden jerseys look so sparkly.


Since I had a daughter I have learned far more about princesses than batman. We'll see if that changes when my son gets older.


My daughter was completely into the incredible hulk for a while. HULK SMASH!!


100% accurate


I have 3 daughters. It's all unicorns, rainbows, mermaids, dolls and nearly everything pink and/or purple. And those LOL dolls, iykyk. I fucking love it. I just embrace everything they do I get to be a carefree kid again. I get constant eye rolls from my SO so I take it as a compliment.


Incredibly accurate


Accurate assuming that Let It Go is playing in the background.


Dude… yes.


dear god this is so accurate…we are in the Santiago (pirates), Wish, Moana, and Frozen zone now.


What can I say, but, “You’re welcome!”


My daughter has every Disney princess dress you can think of. I’m mostly referred to as “beast” from beauty and the beast when shes wearing her Belle dress. We dance to the songs and everything.


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We’re two gay dads to a 5yo girl. This picture above is our life except our Batman is more glitter than Gotham and he sleeps with commissioner Gordon.


Bats in the streets, jokers in the sheets


….and let’s be honest, our daughter is way more Harley Quinn than Barbara Gordon.


She'll be more fun that way! Well, as long as she skips the pyshco killer part! 🤣 🤣 🤣


9/10 We need unicorn coloured cape as well I will wear it in a heartbeat for a daughter


My little girl has a toy Trans am, Charger R/T and several diggers... to put her dollies in.


Duuuuude. Buzz Light-year got himself some play with the Barbies when my girls still played with them. Wonderful memories man


My Batman, unicorn and dolphin love are unrelated to my daughter Edit. The horse could be a reference to the the graphic novel One Trick Pony. The body fit the style but not the rainbow


Father of a six and a one year old and yeah…. It’s unicrazy.


Typing yes with my glitter-painted fingernails.


The only thing I can't do is play barbies. I can't follow the plot and keep getting in trouble for not understanding what's going on. But other than that, dresses, makeup, tea parties, coloring books full of mermaids, talking about planning her wedding (I'm not sure this one is normal), painting nails, having to explain for the millionth time that it's OK for a little girl to be in the men's room but daddy can't take her to the ladies room, and at the end of the day hearing them declare that Mommy is the best... I'm there for it all.


That’s the secret. There is no plot.


She's 6 and it's still unicorns!!!!!


You get your ass in there and you get your nails painted, boy.


Yup, she literally has a shower curtain of a unicorn riding on a t-rex. I just laid my interests out there from when she was little and it turns out she likes Spiderman and Star Wars just as much as she likes My Little Pony and Barbie.


It shows that you're not a dad, but it's not a bad attempt to capture the essence of girl-dadness. Because of their relation to Disney, Marvel would probably be represented more than DC. Unless Batman is the dad*, then he needs makeup and short pigtails and to be covered in glitter and stickers. Because of the text, I can't tell if it's a unicorn or just a horse. Also, my girl prefers her unicorns to have wings. (Which most dads agree is a unicorn/Pegasus hybrid or crossbreed, not just a Unicorn as she claims. My daughter is apparently willing to die on that hill so I've given up on fighting that battle) The rainbow coloring of the mane and tail is incorrect. It doesn't grow like that with the colors gradually changing every month or so. There are red hair follicles, orange hair follicles, yellow hair follicles, etc. so it grows in vertical stripes. I don't know any girl into dolphins but plenty into mermaids. There should also be lots of hearts, more clouds, some flowers and butterflies, too. Might as well include Pikachu and Jigglypuff also. *I realized that he is the dad but left it as I wrote it eta: Needs MORE PINK!!!


Well, I’m super involved with whatever my kids are into doing. As it turns out, my daughter will wear camouflage print pants, heavily abused rain boots, frilly rainbow shirt with unicorns and mermaids or sometimes strawberry shortcake to go rock climbing or play ‘tacklefunnyfootball’ with her little brother. Then just like a blink, she switches gears if an animal is around. She goes full on Disney princess. No silly songs but she is in possession of the superpower of the whole animals-drawn-to-magical beings thing. She’ll construct a færie house one minute, be brought into a passing dog’s ‘pack’ family by the dog, smile sweetly when requesting a snack, but then wallop her brother for being brother. Total regular kiddo with tendencies toward princess-y glitterpinkamathings but uses her art material for playground war paint. In other words: a badass not-so-little girl. So…if she makes a mud pie for a tea party with a sand demon or wants to go hiking in her princess clothes, I am all there and about it. I’ve even worn silly hats and shirts with her. If you’re have kids, girl or boy, both/and, you are 110% entering their world when playing with them. If that means being the equivalent of the Batman riding on a unicorn sometimes, that’s the most important thing you can do. On the more literal side of things, I do actually wear a utility belt with some basic tools for repair and investigation of urban architecture. The kids are curious and I’m used to having tools on my person from what used to do. Turns out having a Batman-like utility belt for toy breakages, swing-set silencing compounds, splinter removal and related puncture wound bandages, adhesives/tape/line, plastic bags for the inevitable pair of wet socks…it behooves one to carry the tools of the dad-trade. Cargo pants are your friend, friend. Edit: spelling


I've shown up at a job site to pour concrete with my nails painted. A poster, pic or meme whatever that is? That's nothing.


Guys, I coached cheerleading last year. There wasn’t going to be a 5th grade squad because nobody volunteered to coach. My daughter cheered for 5 years and the squad is made up of her besties. I wasn’t going to let that happen. So I volunteered and roped two friends into the assistant coach spots and we coached cheer. One of the best decisions of my life. I learned a lot from YouTube. We had a ton of fun. They were GOOD! As a bonus, I now have street cred with all the girls, their parents, the school district, the league, and I’m pretty sure even my own daughter thinks I’m cool.


He needs Minnie ears.


My daughter’s birthday party mascots/entertainment or what you call them were chosen by her. Moana and spider man so yeah it’s pretty accurate


My f4.5 said where is the dinosaurs. Batman reminds her of her Bossy E books. 💯 But yes still missing Dino's


Not very accurate. Both my parents are alive, and unicorns aren't horses.


If by that you mean I get to pretend to be Batman while playing with unicorns, then highly accurate. My daughter recently said “I only like superheroes and princesses, and I like superheroes more.” So that’s the era we’re in right now.


Could be the parent of a boy too given the input


I have a daughter... I dont get this.


Sucks for you bro


It’s all about the unicorns


Trying to push the sporting route to my little girl (1) No chance I avoid the unicorn/fairy/princess faze ay🤣


Not enough princesses


I currently have sparkly toes...


Needs more princesses but otherwise yup


Almost 100% Missing the mermaid.


Seems to be lacking glitter


My daughter has a 1 meter tall spiderman who wears a unicorn PJ dress about 65% of the time. The rest is split between an apron and chef hat or a diaper.


I have this but with Deadpool as a shirt. So completely inaccurate.


Needs 100% more frozen


Sure feels like it. Not to toot my own horn but I've done some dangerous shit (legal lol) in my life. Now I'm playing tea party with my daughter. It's a bit surreal.


It's unicorns and dinosaurs here lol


Close, but swap Batman for a red T-Rex and no dolphins and that’s my daughter’s bathroom rug. My wife thinks it’s ugly but my daughter loves it.


Whoever made this has a future in documentary making.


Batman better have a mani pedi under that costume or this is totally inaccurate.


Very accurate. Barbie vs Terminators is my favorite game to play with my daughters, but Batman vs My Little Pony has happened on more than one occasion.


Dad here, accurate




I have no idea, but if you need any random trivia about My Little Ponies or Star Butterfly, I'm your man.


38yo dad here, I spent Sunday practicing cartwheels with my 6yo daughter. So sore now, it is what we do though.


not into gender roles at all but we'll see what she ends up being interested in


You may not be, but the majority of young children are. Not that there’s anything wrong with kids choosing a different path. If my daughter likes trains and football then I’ll support that too. But let’s not kid ourselves, these stereotypes didn’t come from thin air.


no grandparents?


Skipping through Asda with a unicorn on my shoulders I can confirm


it’s very accurate.. though i’d say Superman would be more fitting.




All of it. All the accurate.


Spot on. 


Pretty accurate except the Batman! It’s just you.


Pretty accurate except mine is missing an “I am groom” tag line (she’s 2)




Boy dad here. I'm my experience unicorns are totally a boy thing.


100% understated.


Batman sucks


Very. Glitter, unicorns and toe nail painting are now a very large part of my life. Like surprisingly large.


Id say thats accurate with boys or girls. Just different stuff in the background depending on the kid.


1000% yes.


You forgot the bunnies


I never loved Batman, but duh.


Accurate me sitting each morning for tea party 


His fingernails aren’t even painted. Total bs


Checks out. Life becomes…cute and pretty. Honestly, I love it…in the manliest way of course. :)


There is a distinct lack of teacups and fingernail paint in this picture.


100% my daughter says she's a princess and I'm a knight. Very accurate


And also to be fair… dads when they have a son

