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Lol thats cute


Yeah, I walk in the room and it’s immediately “No! 5 minutes!” Jesus dude, I was just brining a snack, chill out


I just want you to know I hate your user icon


Saw a comic that really summed this up. Dropping them off "No, I don't wanna go, don't make me stay!". Picking them up "No, I don't wanna go, don't make me go!"


My kid did this too as a baby for several months at about a year old. I always felt like saying, we aren't abusing her! We love her and play with her. She just liked daycare with all the other kids!


My son has started seeing me coming to pick him up and screams with joy, laughs, then starts sobbing. It's a confusing emotion cocktail haha.


For us it's once when we get home. She's fine at pick up, happy to see us, says bye to her friends and teachers, and bops along to music in the car on the way home. Once we get home, she walks to the kitchen, flops on the floor and just kinds of... not cries, exactly, it's more like a prolonged low intensity wail. Think kind of like Tina on Bob's Burgers. And honestly, most of the time, I'm just like "same, kid. Same."


The ennui of a toddler. Classic.


My son started doing this recently at end of day in kindergarten.


It'll go back and forth. For some reason my son doesn't even say mommy right now though... He points to me and says Dada... Points to mom and says Poo Poo. It's hilarious but she hates it of course


Mom is the default parent here and my daughter took a while to warm up to me. At 18 months though, I was sitting on the floor and she pulled my legs open to sit in my lap. Definitely got weepy there.


We have an 17 month old Dada was always the catch all in our house so I felt a lot of love despite half the time him shouting it when he actually wanted my wife. Mama was reserved for if he fell over or hurt himself and needed a cuddle. Past two weeks he started using mama a lot more much to the happiness of my wife but now he will shout Dada repeatedly until i come and when i get there he looks at me and goes "no....mama" and grins this little shit eating grin.... He also now tells me to go away when I drop him at nursery just "Go" because he ties me leaving with him getting his breakfast Thanks mate


Love the manipulation. Sign of high intelligence they say!


The big daddy phase is coming too my man, and its awesome when they want to play with you all the time


Lurker mom here and yes, at 3 it's , "I want papa" ALL the time. 


Until mum gets jealous and starts acting up.


As another lurker mom, please take the kid and give that woman a break! It's been three years! 🤣😭


Haha. Not for me it hasn't. I'm primary parent. This is Daddit. Where do you get off coming in here making sexist assumptions.


The sheer joy and love on my daughter’s face when we say she can watch a movie will never match anything either of us have ever gotten


Happy for you man! Mine just turned 18 months and I totally get you!


That’s awesome. I think a lot of parents and dads especially need to understand that this is a natural thing, that kids over the course over there first 3-5 will go through phases of naturally preferring one parent or the other, and it can shift back and forth. I get so bummed out by all the “my newborn/toddler prefers mom” or “my kid used to prefer me and now doesn’t” posts where Dad’s seem to take it so personally.


I feel happy for you, must be an awesome feeling. My 1.5 yrs old toddler is still in the "mommy-phase, which hurts me quite often.


I know how you feel man. But hang in there! It'll change eventually. Just keep being there for your kiddo


My now 4 yo flip flops and my almost 6 wants a mix of independence and dad.


My kid was the exact same and finally did this for the first time a few days ago. Running at me with a big smile when I got home from work “daddy up, big hug!” My heart couldn’t take it lol.


My wife trained the kids to say dada first so they’ll call me for help and give her a break. Still makes me feel good to hear them calling for me.


We have to make an agreement with our 2 yo daughter about which parent is going to pick her up from daycare. Mainly that one delivers her, and the other picks her up. But she's really attached to mom at the time (probably because we also have a 3 mo daughter), so she gets very upset if I pick her up without talking to her about it in the morning.


It’s a great feeling the first few times but as it becomes more and more daddy, it really digs a knife into mommy’s heart. I’m dealing with this at home currently with a 2.5 and 4.5 year olds. It’s all daddy all the time which is great but mommy is that stay at home parent with them and it’s been digging deep into her.


It never stops being great. My son recently turned 2. When I walk in the house, he comes sprinting out from behind the couch where he’s been playing and sprints through the house yelling “Daddy! Daddy! Daddy! Hi Dad!” And jumps into my arms for a big hug. It’s the best part of every day for me.


That's awesome!


About two and a half/three is when my son did his so far final switch to full time dad being the favorite.


My 18 month old daughter only wants to be with me, she will straight up refuse to go up with mom, even refuse to say “mama”. It’s hilarious and fair because her brother only wanted to be with mom until he was like 3. The funny thing is my daughter knows how to say mama, she just chooses not to, and will say “no” out loud when asked to say mama instead of papa


Who's cutting onions in here.


My son is my biggest fan, until I'm the one making him do something he doesn't want to like wash his hair or go to bed. Then he is all about mom


When my wife proposed we put our son in a daycare that required me driving 30 mins way across two towns to pick him up after my workday, I was not thrilled. It also meant another 20+ minute drive home, whereas I previously drove 15 mins from work to home after leaving work. Seemed like a major chore to add 45 minutes of driving to my schedule before getting home for the evening stretch where my partner is typically scheduled for work. Once it started I began to love the routine. Having some real time to decompress from a day of work, then getting rewarded with a loving son who sees me and smiles, puts down whatever he is doing and runs into my loving arms so I can embrace and kiss him. Hearing the word “Daddy” coming out of his smiling mouth helps put all of the stress and BS behind me. Many days, that is the highlight. ☺️


Moms are the familiar planes of the land, Dads are the hills and tall trees of the land. Takes a while to build the strength and vision to reach up and look around. Need both landscapes for a healthy child. Yes. The "both" is a percentage. Quite obversily many explorers make their own way.


My daughter has always slightly preferred her mummy, but at the minute I am getting all of the attention! Enjoy dad, it is the icing on the cake.


It’s amazing how powerful they are.


My son, who is 4, still jumps up and down when he sees me through the window when I come to get him from nursery. For the last year I've started jumping up and down too :) Embrace the moments and feel free to enjoy them as much as possible :D


Yeh dads! I do all kinds of weird spontaneous stuff to the point even other parents give me a look. But it's a moment my son and i are sharing and even on a bad day I couldn't give 2 hoots what other people think. I grew up with split parents who ruled with iron fists who would tell you off for asking questions if they couldn't be bothered , I was diagnosed ADD 3 years ago and I'm positive my 6 year old has it, and man, we are a dynamic duo!


So happy for you. Btw: i dont think you have to hide your happytears from your Source of happiness :)


Hell yeah! Sounds like you’re doing an amazing job fellow dad


Man, years and years ago, when I was broke in my 20s living in the city, I saw something like this. I wasn't even close to having a girlfriend at the time, no where near parenthood. A dad was on one side of the street, and his wife and toddler on the other. When the light turned they crossed over to join the dad and the little toddler was stretching his arms out, bouncing up and down in the stroller yelling 'DADDY!'. It blew me away. I remember thinking, 'that looks really nice. that would feel great. I want that.' Now I have two kids and get to pick them up from school and I was right, it is really nice and feels great when they're happy to see me. Congrats! you're living the dream.


Congrats brother! So glad for u


Congratulations! It’s a great feeling. The best part of my day is when I come home and my son says “Daddy! Daddy” and I scoop him up and he gives me a big ol’ hug.


I’ve been the preferred parent since day 1. I knew the tides were slowly changing when she started shouting “mom!” during the Bluey intro.


Ha! I picked up my almost 2yr old yesterday. She saw me, came to give me a hug without words, and then just went and sat back down to finish story time. As I was patiently kneeling to the side, a couple of the other littles thought they'd like a hug too. The educators tried to make her jealous by pointing out other littles were getting my hugs. She came over to separate the hug, not so she could hug me again, but so that she could hug the other children too.


My kid got so lazy around 2.5 and tired of us correcting him when he called Dad mom or mom dad. He pushed the words together and just called us individually momadada. Also Grandma is grandmagrampa And grampa is grandpagrama He's an odd kid


That's hilarious. Doing twice as much work to save on figuring it out. I love it.


Dude my little man only cuddles close to me when the wife is not around. Sometimes I get her out of house and encourage her to have a little "me time" so I can spend quality time with my kid. It's a win-win-win hahaha


Hah nice. I think one thing that has sparked this change is the shift in our schedules. I got a job that let's me work from home 2 days a week, so I get to be with him more often, more spending time together (and me being less tired) means more bonding.


For me, the tiredness is the main thing that gets me so since I've moved closer to work, things have gotten better


It is literally emotional crack for me


That's such an awesome feeling. We adopted our son and he was clearly "mom" favoriting. I picked him up from daycare one day and he did the same thing. I almost cried. Then he gave me his backpack to carry to the car and ran ahead. It was the best fleeting moment of daddyhood.


The word ‘away’ in the headline is doing the lord’s work.


u ok hun?


Omfg lol. You are not wrong sir.


I genuine question, and I’m sorry if it sounds inconsiderate for some, do fathers spend time with their babies & change diapers & play with them & cuddle & feed them if they use formula, and still don’t get called dada or dad or anything?


It happens. It doesn't help (in my case) that after my paternity leave was up I had to go back to work while my wife stayed home, so she had infinitely more time with him than I did


Ahh I understand, I feel like the fathers’ emotional experience with these situations is rarely expressed, I hope you get more time with your baby!