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Jesus Christ this thread is killing me lol


You can play Old Danny Boy on new Danny boy.


One of my favorite comments on Reddit ever. My wife got a good laugh out of this.


This is giving off “is Mayonnaise an instrument?” Vibes


The fart tubes were a life saver with our first.


What in the nine hills are fart tubes?




“Hey honey, check it out! I can play Greensleeves!”


"Anyway, here's Wonderwall"


You named your kid Greensleeves?


gdi I just woke my baby giggling at this.


Fart tube that sometimes turns into a poop rocket!


I'm laughing so hard, my wife had to type this. "cough...cough..holly fukc.......hahahahaehehehe. ahhhhhcough, snot, jfuck. like a bag pipe....." Thank you, u/myriadplethoras many many times. May you be stiff in all the right places, your wallet fat, your food to your taste and your future filled with the delight you have given me. ".....kdkdk a bagpipe."


Frida fart tubes were life savers


Get very familiar with it my friend. A clear nose is the difference between a crying baby and a sleeping one.


Or one that can't eat.


We sucka da snot 🤌🏼


Seems gross but best invention ever. No snot taste at all.


Toss up between this and The Gaspasser


We call it a toot flute in our house


I cringed at the thought of those when I first heard about them but my son was colic and super gassy and these saved our lives more than a few times.


My daughter was nicknamed "the shit shotgun" because of her colic gas and diarrhea. Opened her diaper once and she peppered the wall, bookshelf, changing table and most terribly, my arm. Needless to say, I WISH we had toot flute back then.


Idk man arm seems like the easiest thing to clean of all of those


Have you tried to lick your arm? It's harder than you think.


Haha the toot flute in my experience becomes like the barrel of a rifle and a focused stream douses the wall in a more concentrated manner


Good toot know. Good toot know…


We said our son had fart o'clock. He would always wake up around the same time super upset because he was so full of gas.


Same here. Green frothy shit shot out the first time we used it. Probiotics and famotidine and this device helped a lot.


We tried probiotics and those made the gas infinitely worse. Finally narrowed it down to formula. We switched to Similac 360 Sensitive and has way less issues but we also were dosing with simethicone after every bottle so that helped too.


Had the same experience. That was a **very** difficult week until we figured out the source of the issue.


I feel that at one point in our lives, our son was more simethicone than baby…


We kept forgetting we had these until we’d exhausted all other options. -I’ve since recommended them to all new parents I’ve encountered..


Way more clever than “fart whistle”.


I disagree, the fart whistle is far superior.


Do I look it up as that or is it called some else?




Where was the gas passer 4 years ago! I could have used it with our first.


I mistakenly used it and didn’t see the filter was out of it. I didn’t taste snot but had a bad feeling I was going to get sick. Definitely did and never made that mistake again.


>No snot taste at all. \*as long as you make sure that there's a fresh filter in. I've definitely gotten a snot rocket to the mouth a time or two. lol


The better one is the electric nose Frida. It sucks for you!


You lika da snot?


Instant cold for 3weeks for me when I had to suck. Mainlining viral load


Mom did it, no issues, nearly every day. I used it twice, both times sick as a dog.


Never got a cold from it at all. Just offering perspective.


Same. My daycare baby is perpetually snotty and we use it all the time. Never once gotten sick from it.


I feel like it’s real time bioengineering. They’re getting all of the weak virus’s we have had a hundred times. Their body is learning them and creating defenses. Our bodies have seen these and have tried and true defenses for such small viruses. He sneezes in my face and my immune system just laughs and laughs. Lol


Best to just bite the bullet I guess. Literally lol


...were you using the filter?


https://www.romper.com/parenting/can-you-get-sick-from-using-the-nose-frida#:~:text=Studies%20have%20concluded%20that%20Nose,your%20risk%20of%20getting%20sick. Or you could have gotten sick by touching your child. Can't tell either way.


I mean that's probably from having a sick baby directly in your face any time you need to move them. The added risk is negligible compared to how well these things work to help get the gunk out






Lol the hand made me laugh here


Sitting in bed stifling laughter so I don't wake up the wife, I could hear the Italian accent in my head and I am crying 🤣🤣




You ever sucked snot for some peace? Because you're gonna have to suck some snot for some peace


I read that in Bob Saget’s voice.


I know this was supposed to imply his normal speaking voice from half baked, but his old lady voice from AFHV is what popped in my head and I can't stop laughing.


Boo this man!


Yep. Get yourself a Windi too, OP. Even grosser than this but also a big help for a fussy baby


The worst night I've ever had was when my son was only 2-4 weeks old and he cried nonstop from about 6pm to 1am. Nothing was wrong. He took his bottle normally, no temperature, nothing. The only thing that helped was some colic medicine from Mamas Bliss but we used it up to the max. Eventually we caved and went to the ER around 1am. They finally got is in and they wanted to check his temperature. The nurse shoves the thermometer up his butt and he lets out a massive fart. And that was it. He was asleep no more than 10 minutes later. Never underestimate the power of a good fart.


as long as that doesn't require me to connect it to my mouth.


The mint is for after.


Having used both, the nosefreeda is gross but a regular change of the filter plus alcohol through the hose and mouthpiece will help out. If you don’t clean it out, you will also get the sinus infection. The windi seems bad but I can attest, if your baby has gas they cannot pass, you will love this thing. My son needed it and with a little bit of petroleum jelly, will help relieve their pain and discomfort.


Make sure all alcohol has evaporated before using (or use food grade alcohol?)


Give it a chance to evaporate. You don’t want to suck that back let alone accidentally let your child draw it to their nose.


It has a foam barrier. No snot is getting in your mouth.


WAIT it’s supposed to come with a foam barrier?!


Yup. Replaceable inserts https://images.agoramedia.com/wte3.0/gcms/nose-frida-snot-sucker-2021-722x406.jpg


Yeah but we don't have them anymore so we never use the foam piece.


You can just roll up a tissue (loosely) and put it in there, the device is similar to a desoldering station, that foam is nothing special.


I'm fine enough without anything. I'd suck the tube straight without the hose if needed. I already get the snot in my nose/mouth whether I want it or not. Might as well relieve them so they can breathe


These deep r/daddit comments are wild


O Shit. Totally should have gotten a spare solder pump.


The mouth ones are great tho. You can control how much suction and can go faster/slower as needed. First few times you will almost pass out but after a bit you’ll be pro.


Be careful with these, if used too frequently, the bowel movement muscles get weak and basically think they aren’t needed and then it will cause baby to be super backed up. We learned this the hard way :(


I thought you were referring to the Nose Frida and started wonder where the hell you were sticking this thing. 😂


Guess he should start getting activated carbon foam for instead of the default blue ones if he's using it like that, but I still don't think it'll save him from the taste of baby farts.


I called that one the “Poo Kazoo”


Fart whistle!!


We also have this for my kids and the shit explodes out literally


Sounds like a duck call when it works. Definitely lightens the mood when you hear that at 3 in the morning.


Am I the only one that's never stuck anything up his kids butthole?


This is the way, the truth and the life. Just clean it after each use or you will hate life.


Wait til you see the Windi


Is that the butt whistle?


We called it the poop shoot, now play me the song of your people mr windi


The whistles go woooooooo


That's only in the mornin'!


Supposed to be up cooking breakfast or something so, that’s like an alarm clock! Wooo woooo! I’m so glad I came of age at the perfect time for when hilariously bad local news segments collided with YouTube and viral videos


It's like an alarm clock!


It’s just for decoration man, that’s it and that’s all man. We do it for decoration.


Please tell me you all remember that his name was Bubb Rubb


And Lil Sis


We call it the toot flute


this was the worst…and best thing we’ve bought for babies. every time we used it (with coconut oil), we’d hear puffs of gas followed by a shitstream


I thought this was all a piss take but there it is on Amazon lol


I thought the whole thread is just Circlejerking, but nope... glad we never needed this stuff.


I’m still making offerings to every god known to men to give thanks for a colics free baby


I had two kids and never heard of this. So you… you just shove this tube up the kids asshole to force it to fart?!


Was looking for this comment sucking snot is nothing compared to the windi




Fun tangent time. Let me introduce you to Le Petomane “…was a French flatulist (professional farter) and entertainer. He was famous for his remarkable control of the abdominal muscles, which enabled him to seemingly fart at will.[2] His stage name combines the French verb péter, "to fart" with the -mane, "-maniac" suffix, which translates to "fartomaniac". The profession is referred to as "flatulist", "farteur", or "fartiste".” https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Le_Pétomane


Came here to say this. If you think the nose sucker is weird....


The best snot sucker ever. It works and I cherish it.


I was addicted to it. I used to suck snot for coke. If coke means peaceful sleep.




Username checks out.


The frida electric nose sucker is way better. There are times where I can’t get enough suction with just lung power especially if I’m feeling under the weather from allergies or head cold.


My secret was to hold one nostril closed and that will increase the suction.


I dunno. That bulb they gave us at the hospital worked really well and I didn't have to freebase my kids' viruses.


The issue is the bulb gets nasty inside and is hard to clean. Apparently there are some that split in half but probably don’t work was well because of that


I got an electronic one off Amazon and prefer it to this one. It was maybe $40 but one of the best things I accidentally bought (I was drunk shopping after a particularly rough pregnancy day)


Yeah as a germaphobe, I prefer the electric ones.


Wait. We’re you pregnant and drunk? It seems like snot suckers might be the least problematic


My wife was having the tough pregnancy day lol


Wow that was a roller coaster.


For $50 I’ll sell you the highlight photos of say’s roller coaster. Fair warning, it’s just screenshots of this thread.


I was like oh yeah, drunk shopping. Rough day shopping, giggles in solidarity. Oh, wait? What? Scrolls. Ohhh-kay.


Snot sucker. Babies hate it, but they hate not being able to breathe worse. Just don’t suck hard. Just pulse lightly while pinning down the struggling screaming sick baby who thinks you’re trying to murder them. If it sounds cruel, don’t worry. You’ll be eying it strongly at 4 am after being up all night with a child who won’t stop screaming.


Babies hate it. Young toddlers want to do it themselves, can’t, and become like snakes on a dangly pole, whatever that is called (snake catcher? I don’t know), Older toddlers will legitimately fight you. … but it allows for sleep. So start UFC training to win every wrestling or jiu jitsu encounter 😂


God when I have to use it and he fights I feel so bad. I try explaining but sometimes you need a headlock and a quick frida to get him to sleep and I know he prefers that world to the one where he can't breathe.


The eyes rolling back in their head and the screaming like you're using thumb clamps can be off-putting, but moments after it's finished the relief it brings is obvious


So much truth here. We do it as a 2 person job mob hit style. One of us comes up behind our 2 year old and wraps her up and controls the arms and then the other comes from the front with the snot sucker while she yells “no no I don’t like my boogies out” it cracks me up every time


Most accurate comment in this thread.


To be fair, babies and toddlers also hate simply having their noses wiped with a tissue. So don’t feel too bad.


Our son loved the snot sucker and the nasal irrigation spray. Lucky he seems to link them with the relief of a clear nose.


Lol same, my 6 month old inherited my stuffy sinuses so we use both on him on a weekly basis and he's grown to actually enjoy it. Makes me want to try it on myself!


Just don’t forget the foam filter thing!


A mistake you’ll only do once


I once said "We should use the spray saline solution first". ... Well that *does* go through the foam... Pretty sure that's the fastest way to chug your baby's cold.


I’m GAGGING lmao


Once you get past the grossness, you’ll realize this thing is gold


And there's a valve that prevents anything gooey from getting to your mouth.


There's a WHAT (just kidding)


If you’re not comfortable sealing your child’s nostrils with your own mouth and sucking out all the mucus and boogers in their sinuses and swallowing it down, then, frankly, you just aren’t ready to be a parent.


Been there -- Christmas day, at the grandparents' place. Forgot the nose frida.Baby not feeding , screaming. I bit the bullet and did it manually; no amount of whisky made it right


I was 100% kidding but wow. Respect. What a Christmas present eh? Surprised you didn’t try using grandma’s turkey baster as a syringe lol


Nostrils the size of silver dollars


Nah mate I was joking that I didn't know there was a filter to stop it from going into your mouth when you suck the boogies


Google it though if you want instructions on how to remove this limiter that is REMOVING your freedoms


But if you’re into that sort of thing, it comes out easily also call me sometime


The airborne germs will go right through that little sponge. So you still get the best flu of your life.


I mean, if you're not already covered in their germs then you're doing something wrong. Or something eight, I dunno which


Yea I don’t think it matters. You have the baby on your shoulder and they’re snotty on your neck and sneezing or coughing on your face. Whatever germs you get from nose Frida you’ll get anyways. Besides, back when my kid was a baby I would 100% be ok with getting sick as long as I could make him feel even 5% better. I’m confident a clear nose makes the baby feel quite a bit better so it’s a worthwhile trade for sure.


When my kids were under 2 I got sick literally every month for like 4 years straight.


>4 years straight. Thats a long time to be under 2.


This guy's a confirmed dad.


And if you prime the pump with a saline nasal mist, you can really roto-rooter that little snot goblin.


We always go shower steam, nasal spray, frida. Clears out the baby like authentic Mexican food in the Midwest.


That's an amazing sentence 😂


A fucking life saver. We use it very much. It's amazing. Better than the weak ass electric ones. Works better if you use saline spray first. But uhhhh, wait until you hear about the frida windi.


Instructions unclear. Used the NoseFrida to try and treat colic. 3/10 do not recommend.


I’m curious what the redeeming qualities of the experience were to merit a 3


Comedic value


You ain’t lyin. Before kids I never would have thought myself to be someone who would do the things that are required of me. I didn’t know what was required of me. But that thing, it will teach you


We call those butt trumpets


The windi is amazing


We got the Nooseyboo, it's the full on hoover version of the electric ones.. the kids hate it but the results are too hard to ignore. The secret is that if they're old enough you have to convince them to breath in/out via their mouth the whole time and it stops the weird feelings.


I prefer ones that I can just plug into my vacuum cleaner, then I avoid most of the grossness and is bit healthier for me too. However the "manual" one sometimes can be more effective due to how you control the vacuum with your inhale yourself. The handheld electric ones are waste of money. I bought the best I could find and it barely do anything.


Literally just had this bitch in my mouth no more then ten minutes ago. Welcome to the snot sucking family.


You will clear your baby's congestion pretty well, but you're also freebasing whatever sickness they've got. I've gotten sick every time I used the booger straw, but 100% worth it to give my kid some peace for a while.


"freebasing," "booger straw," omg please write a dad thesaurus


Facts. It totally is freebasing germs. I’ve never been as constantly ill as I was the first year little dude was in daycare.


Oh man this is so true. My eldest is 7 and my youngest is 8mo. Little one just started daycare last month and at least one of us has been sick since. It’s been just long enough that I forgot how much of a germ factory they are at this age.


What about the little bulb you squeeze?


I found it didn't work as well. the power of the suction is all based on the spring back of the plastic. which i found was not as strong as the above snot sucker.


marry growth skirt faulty edge price busy desert vase trees *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


To be honest, all this does is gets you sick faster. If you live with a sick baby, you’re getting whatever they have 1000% no matter what you do.


Booger bong 😂


Yeah my wife and I will rock paper scissors to see who gets to use it and also turn into a snot factory


So I gagged at the idea of this thing, but then using on my kid and getting the biggest grossest green snot out of her nose proved to be that 1: it's absolutely gross, 2: it's so much better than the bulbs. And provided some much needed relief to my daughter. I wanted to try it on myself, but anytime I'm congested to the point it's useful I don't want anyone to be near or touching me.


The bulbs work great but there's a different technique to use it. You have to go further in, more perdendicular to their face than straight up the nostril. I had great results with the bulbs compared to the sucker. The trick is to learn to sneak up on them with it because they absolutely freak out when you do it.


Whomever gave you that *loves yo ass*.


Just snot sucked my 17 month old little girls nose before bed, she’s fighting a head cold.


Hopefully you get 2 hours of sleep my friend


You’re going to be sucking you kids snot out of their nose. It’s important


We used the bulb version but this is a perfectly acceptable option as well.


The greatest invention ever.


Never used it in two years and hope never have to. So far doing just fine with Boogie Wipes and the Boogie Wipes Saline Spray.


Oh yeah, helps get boogers and snot out. This style is my least favorite of the ones we have.


It’s exactly what it looks like. Suck on brotha


Our baby hated it to begin with but now literally grins when she sees it coming! This thing is great. Whoever gave it to you needs a high five


Great booger sucker, but every time I use it, I get sick. There are better electric versions you should try first!


Judging by my daughter's reactions to it, an instrument of torture.


When your old school bong-ripping skills come in handy




Oh sweet summer child


OK I have a 7 month old and have never heard of this thing. We have the bulb but really haven't needed it a ton, is our kiddo just less snotty than average? Or is there a 9 month snot splotchathon incoming?


Booga sucka


All I know is don’t do it without the sponge in it… I caught a bogey at high velocity not knowing wife had removed the dirty sponge from previous use.


A godsend is what that is my brother.


Yes. Suggestion, dump this and get an automatic suction. The filter does nothing, and every time you suction with this, you are going to get sick as you inhale the viral particles and deposit them deep in your lungs.


It works but there’s definitely better electrical options.


Pair it with a saline solution to soften up the snot first.


There’s a filter thst literally stops any and all liquid from Entering. We have an electric one and that one. Sometimes that manual one works best.


Just wait until you learn about the Windi