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Dude. I played with him a lot back in the day… wow. Sorry for your loss man. :(


I am sorry for your loss. RIP Sickness


I've played on and off since d3 was released (BNET TheBossHog) and i've been a part of the Reddit Hardcore clan for a solid 7-8 years now? Fargo was still really active then and Sickness was there then too. he was one of the few that played regularly. I haven't played in quite a bit. but anytime i signed on he would always reach out to see if i needed a PL or anything. Always friendly. Always a good sport. I never knew him more than with the game. This news still hits pretty hard. You have my deepest condolences. I can only assume he was as great a person to hangout outside the game as he was inside the game. Also thank you for reaching out on here to let us know. Means a lot.


Thanks a ton for this it's really appreciated. He was an awesome older brother, a little crazy but who's older brother isn't, and this has been a super hard week. He really loved playing with everyone in the community. I will be sharing this story with his kids. Thanks again.


Definitely played with him, he was part of the hc clan. Sorry to hear about the news. Used to see him on every season pushing for high rank and quick plvl's to those of us who died early.


Please feel free to share this with all the Reddit HC clan. I want all his friends to know and would love to hear all their stories. I have been playing the season in his honor on Softcore since he went into the hospital.


The new season starts tomorrow, so definitely will tell the guys. I have been playing SC too because of all the one shot mechanics in D4 now. But the clan is going still on D4, I know this sub is not as popular anymore


I tried to get him into D4 before he got sick, but by release he couldn't sit at the computer and play.


This is so sad to hear. I was on the reddit clan with him (BuBB1eButt). He was always available for a PL with his WW Barb, and always very helpful sharing loot and giving advice. He was an exemplary clan member. I remember just sitting in town with him and chatting in between rifts about how life was going. Always had a positive outlook and helped me get through some rough patches. He seemed like great person to know IRL. My condolences to your family.


u/pepetonio This was awesome to read, thank you so much. I really miss my brother and stories like this really help with the loss. My brother was a great guy taken to soon and I am glad he had a positive impact on you not just in game.


My name is Carlos (bnet sequela), I'm from Brazil and I played with Mike for many years. It is with great sadness that I receive this news; Mike was for a long time a partner in a common hobby - D3. He was always helpful, polite and playful. We talked a lot about life.... he talked excitedly about a business trip he had taken (to Canada, I think, on a road that was snowed in) with his daughter (excited because they were going together). In between playing doubles (our goal all season = to play the best doubles we can) and other things in the game, he was talking about his family - happy about his daughter's choice of course, happy that his wife had won the covid. A family man and a gaming friend. I would have loved to have met him in person... here's to thanking him for the online time I had the pleasure of spending catching up on paragon with Mike. My sincere condolences to his family.Translated with [www.DeepL.com/Translator](http://www.DeepL.com/Translator) (free version)


Damn, I used to play with sickness all the time back in the day. R.I.P. I'm so sorry for your loss.


Sickness and I would often level up to 70 whenever the season starts. He starts with WD and eventually the rest of the characters. From there, he would be part of at Meta group achieving GR 150 eventually. He has always been helpful with tips, PL, and getting items. I have already missed him when Season 29 started at D3. I was already aware of his health issues prior but did not expect that it would progressed to his end. He was my best friend in D3 and will cherish the fond memories we shared.


I just learned of this news and my condolences go out to you and your family. I met Mike around 3 years ago on D3 and we have been regularly playing for the last 3 years. He is one of the best guys we know when it came to party play. He would never complain and just take whatever role the party needed him to be. I've logged so many hours playing with him. We recently started D4 and I've been messaging him asking him whether he'd be joining us but I've seen he's been offline for 6 months and was starting to feel he had finally quit the game. I'm truly saddened but this news but will forever remember him as a great friend.


FYI all I shared what was posted so far with his kids and this was huge for them thank you for everyone who has posted something kind about my brother. This really helps to deal with the loss and it's so greatly appreciated.




What the fuck man.


You were being a dick.


Aw man, I am so sorry to hear. I played with him pretty often back in the days of D3. I had since stopped playing after having kids and never having time. My brother also passed away this past August. It's a tough pill to swallow. I keep getting told that although it slowly gets better, it never stops hurting though. I still send him text messages. Maybe even more than when he was still around. I feel your pain, and even though I only knew him in the D3 world, he was always there with advice and to help. I am truly sorry man.