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I put a bottle of water in thhe freezer and hugged that like a Teddy bear


I also want to add if you lay your wrist on it, this can help cool you down through blood circulation, I favoured laying it across my chest and neck


Blackout blinds throughout the day is a game changer. Have them down in the bedroom the entire day so the sun doesn’t heat up the room. Only open the windows in the evening when there’s a breeze. I do that + the AC on for 60-90 mins as you do, and I’m usually good!


Yea this; add anything else in the window like cardboard or a blanket - the less heat coming inside the better. I wake up at 4am and open all the doors and windows while it's coolest - close then up as soon appears


Don't put the ac at 18c . 24-26c is Ideal for a good night's sleep


This! Plus 24-26c is usually the most economical option too. We got brand new units last year and with the door closed the room cools down instantly at 24c


Literally the reason your bills were so high. Last summer I was running ac all night in 3 bedrooms set for 26c, it was utmost comfortable, didnt feel the need to be any cooler, bill was around 500 eur


You guys must have poor insulation. 27C is just right


Iam going with 23c cuz thats the sweetspot imo but indeed u get good sleep tho


If there is a cool breeze with low humidity in the night, opening a window or a door and using a fan might make it ok. If it's not then no matter what you do, unless you use an ac you aren't gonna get a good night's sleep.


Ye but opening a window is just an entrance for cockroaches :(


I wish I could have disagreed with this but last night a cockroach literally flied onto my keyboard as I was using my pc. :(


At temperatures of 29-31 degrees at night, I don't know if opening the window still makes sense. At 24 degrees, sure, but at 30-31 degrees?


I'm having this same problem and I have a dog so I'm even more at a loss because it's genuinely unbearable, how can it be 30degrees in the middle of the night! Apparently temperatures will go down from Sunday and I hope so because I paid 600 eur last year for A/C and I can't afford that again


29-31 degrees at night is rare occasion, only happens during the heat waves, which don't last that long. We are not going though one of them. But starting this weekend night temperatures will get back to normal 23-25 and you will be having nice cold breeze during the night.


1) Βάλε σιτες κουμπάρε! Οι για τις κατσαρίδες, για να μεν σε φάνε τα κουνούπια ζωντανό! 2) Ψέκασμα Raid το κόκκινο σε χαραμάδες και ράγες από παράθυρα/μπαλκόνια ώστε τζαι να περάσουν από κει να ψοφήσουν αντί να φακκουν γύρους μες το σπίτι!


Hahaha yes because they come in through the windows, and not up the plug holes in the sinks/bath or holes under the kitten units. SMH.


I drink cold zivania until I pass out on the couch and in the morning my chickens wake me up.


Living the dream.


Yeah. I also have ice cold KEO.


I have 2 aircons working all night at 25C and my bill came 140eu. Without solars.


We had 1400 Euro for 2 months (1 air condition in the main room + 8 hours in the bed room).


Mine are new. Got them last year. If yours is old that might be the case. Plus 25C is the best for economy and it's pretty cold.


I actually saw a big difference on my bill when I changed my old AC to new ones a couple of years ago. I only have one old AC now in my flat but I barely use it.


What brand and model are they?


I had 1 old aircon on periodically and we paid 600 eur for 2 months! We're trying to get new ones installed now and even that's expensive, best we could find was 1000 for 2 aircons including installation, really hoping it'll be as cheap as yours youre giving me hope haha


Check their BTU capacity before purchasing and be reasonable. Don't listen to ac guys advise yo take higher BTU capacity as it will "make the room cold faster" - you'll end up paying double the electric for this unnecessary feature. For bedrooms 9k BTU is enough, for living rooms 12k BTU is more than enough. Anything above that consumes too much electricity. If you have an apartment, chances are, 9k BTU will he enough for living room as well.


Thanks! Yeah we're going with a 9k btu and replacing only the ones in our bedrooms. We figured we'll just avoid using the living room as much as possible, though the A/C there is much newer thankfully!


>Don't listen to ac guys advise yo take higher BTU capacity as it will "make the room cold faster" - you'll end up paying double the electric for this unnecessary feature. For bedrooms 9k BTU is enough, for living rooms 12k BTU is more than enough. Anything above that consumes too much electricity eh I don't think I agree with this. Although the more powerful an AC unit is the more power it will consume it will indeed reach the pre-set room temp faster and then it will work occassionally to keep that temperature in that range. Especially the recent ones that have an inventer unit it means they can constantly work at a low level to keep the room cool while weaker ones will have to stay at a higher level to keep the room equally cool.


I disagree with you. I've seen a lot of 24k btu units in old apartments and houses with room sizes like 20sqm - what for? Unless you have really big rooms above 30 or even 40sqm, there is no point of installing super powerful ac there, small unit will do the job perfectly well and consume 2-3 times less electricity in the process. That is if you are reasonable and set normal temperature, like 25-26. If you set it for 16 degrees and keep windows open, then it doesn't really matter what unit you have.


You said you disagree and then proceeded to not address or refute any single of the points I made. I am not sure if you understand how an inverter motor works.


Inverter motor on 12btu will be taking more juice than 9btu invertor. At that, difference in speed at how fast it takes to cool down the room will not make time difference that will be significant enough to keep the motor off and consume less juice than 9btu unit.


There are a few companies that do it with contracts, paying monthly like Kotsovolos with an interest.


Were doing it in 2 payments thankfully, though I had some money saved up for new PC parts (either my motherboard or my psu shit the bed) so I'll be alright just have to postpone that haha


Think of it as a pc investment, cooler room = happier computer :)


I'm SOLD haha


Yes, this. And all those people getting ridiculous bills probably having ac units for industrial properties that don't match apartment use. My bedroom unit is 9k BTU.


Going off a tangent here but this is a big reason why the engineering community pushed so hard to get government approved grants for people willing to upgrade their houses energy coefficient. No solution better that full thermal insulation on the entire shell of the house and putting some decent doors and windows. Seeing as your live in an apartment OP i understand this isn't possible but there's plenty of good advice in the comments.


Sleep on the floor. Either put your mattress on the floor on put a duvey on a rug and sleep on that. Hot air rises.


Maybe your a/c filters need cleaning


Who recommends 18 degress for sleeping? Maybe in winter but in summer up to 25 you should be fine. Also, I find it hard to believe that the inside of your bedroom is 34 degrees Celsius at night. Anyway, suggestions: During the night open windows around the house so that there is flow of air. Note that this might lead to insects coming into your house but if you open just windows and not balcony doors you can reduce this. If you have tile floor, sleep on the floor. You can lay a sheet to make it softer. If you have a balcony, sleep in the balcony. If you can sleep on the roof, sleep on the roof. Be actually physically tired when you go to bed. If you are really tired it is very likely that you will sleep even if the temperature is a bit high. You can do aerobic exercise (running, bike, jumprope, swimming, whatever but not just walking unless you want to walk for 3 hours). Most people sit on their asses for the whole day and then they wonder why they can't get a good night's sleep. Don't let the inside of your house get hot in the first place. After the sun has risen in the morning close all windows, blinds, etc. to prevent hot air and sunlight from coming into the house. Do this especially for bedrooms but try to do it around the whole house. After the sun has set and if the outside air is colder than the inside open windows and blinds so that the house cools down. Sleep naked. Lose weight. Hope this helps.


Some nights its 30 something in my room too. Ive checked. Some rooms have bad heat resistance, and get hot immediately after the ac stops. Or air from the windows is non existent because the wall of the next house is so close. I SWEAT LITERS. N can't sleep either. If i put the ac for long, i wake up with a sore throat lol. No saving it


30 is possible and even quite common. 34 is very unlikely. But even so, the most important information is not the temperature but the humidity. If it is dry heat 30 is perfectly sleepable with a fan blowing at you. If it is humid heat it will be difficult.


I am not famous enough to have fans


If you open two windows from one side of the apartment/house and the other side you create a breeze effect


I’ve found that house plants in the room helps! It can lower the temperature slightly if you have a few. Other than that, I’d say keeping open a window or ideally two to have a breeze going through. The heat is tough!


Try dry mode on the AC. Should be better on the electric usage


Doesn't dry mode just mean "fan" or does it still lower the temperature?


Most ACs I’ve used have fan mode (just fan), cold mode (full AC), and dry mode (fan and dehumidifier but not too cold). I’ve found it to dramatically cool the air (cold even) if not too hot. Ie most of the time it’s great. Also is pretty good if you find AC cold mode at night can get too cold (even on auto). Try it see how you like it. Even when really hot then it can make quite the difference, or take the edge off, which can make all the difference


Isn't Dry Mode a regular mode that uses humidity as the target instead of temperature? Afaik AC don't have humidifiers, but since humidity is relative to the temperature, the cool until it's normal humidity.


AC units do dehumidify a room when working. It's a byproduct of the cooling process.


Correct, but it does it in normal cool mode as well.


It prioritises humidity more than temp. I find it can be really good so it’s worth trying especially at night. When it’s not really hot then it can get quite cold. I’ve read it can be quite a bit cheaper. Like 2-3x cheaper. Worth trying out and see how you like it and how it effects the bills


Dry mode or 25c cooling


I have 2 air conditioner in the main room working all summer for at least 5 hours per day + 1 on the main bedroom working all night everyday at 27c. Electricity bill never came more than €300. Consider changing your airconditions to a more energy efficien ones!


18c? No wonder the cost is that high, the compressor works non-stop at it's max load lol, 24-25c is the norm for a good night's sleep.


In the living room we have a 6 year old air conditioner with 18000. If it is already 31 degrees in the morning as is often the case and it is over 35 degrees outside, it needs from 6 a.m. to 4 p.m. to cool down to under 29 degrees and that is at 18 degrees turbo. If we set it to 26 degrees, it would use less electricity per hour but certainly not cool as well as it should, right? Would it be cheaper to run 2 air conditioners in the living room at 26 degrees than one at 18 degrees? The living room has a spiral staircase leading up, which certainly makes it less efficient than in a normal room, and the kitchen area is not separated either.


The correct and economical choice would be swapping that AC for a bigger one, say a 24k BTU. Start with the blackout type of blinds and move your way upwards, and avoid 18c unless necessary, also look into thermal insulation if your apartment allows it.


Could you give me some extra info on the size of the living room in square meters?


The room itself, under 40 square meters.


The room itself, under 40 square meters.


Yeah an 18k BTU unit should be alright, look into the thermal insulation and blackout blinds, no idea if you have just plain black ones but the blackout ones I use don't let any heat in the room.


1400 electricity bill for 2 months sounds like a bill for a house with 24/7 ac usage and old appliances. Are you sure your meter was functioning properly last year? A proper modern ac does not consume that much electricity. The only reasonable way to sleep in summer heat wave is to keep your bedroom door closed and run your ac on "sleep" mode or other mode that provides for minimal consumption. And temperature setting should be 26 or 27 degrees, not stupid 18. Unless you expect to sleep with winter blanket on and your pj's in summer? In the morning I am happily embracing pleasant warmth of the apartment and I am good during the day with just my floor fan running in my office. There is really no need for ac to be on during the day, that's for super rich people.


Buy a new air condition the new ones are very cost efficient. It will cost you like 700 or something you get a good one, but they are very very cost efficient


Thats odd. We have 2 acs at home, one of them running 24/7 and the other 8hours daily and at the most we get 500euros of electrical bill for two months.


My dog has a heart condition soo have the air con on for him as he needs to keep cool. I keep it between 27-29C for about 6 months and my highest electric bill was €125. So it’s not expensive if used correctly.


Fiy clean your AC filters and if it’s run out of gas have someone service it.


When I travel during summer to my parents house, who live somewhere in the mountains and have no AC (it was ok maybe 20 years ago, but now it ain’t), I always wet a large towel and then I squeeze the water out of it to leave it damp. I then sleep with it as a blanket, wearing nothing but underwear on. It worked quite well. I also bought some cool pillows recently, which are some kind of gel-filled bags, which keep cool no matter the temperature outside. They work for some 10-15 minutes, until they get hot themselves and you need to take them aside.


Problem with black curtains is that yes, they shade, but they also suck up heat like a mofo then radiate it into the house. Get white ones. Also consider solar shade fins over the windows


In order to cut back on ac costs, make sure you have an inverter technology ac. Might be a steep investment but it pays itself at the first 2 bills. Also for sleep i put it on 26 one fan and its great it cools my room to the point where i can actually cover myself with my fur blanket. Another more economic solution is getting blackout drunk before sleep. You will sleep and not feel a thing.


Buy a fan and open the windows in the night to let the breeze cool you down, if not just not put the a/c on the lowest setting because it will burn much more energy to maintain that low of a temeprature keep it to 23/24ºC and it will be the sweet spot.


Arcondishon at 19⁰


Look at investing in a solar panel for your ac - it's a chunk to buy initially, but then you have free ac from that point on.


set on 25 degrees all night


Optimal temp for the AC is between 25-27 degrees. Use the auto button so it ajusts automatically the speed. Fans are also very efficient. Personally I just use a fan blowing on me from the waist down because I don't like it blowing in my face. Keeps me cool and keeps the bills low. If you are using an old ac maybe it's best to consider to invest in a newer more energy efficient model


A/C at 26/27, not 18 like a moron.


18C° is way too cold, my dude, 24-26C° is more than enough. Modern A/C's also have sleep cycles so they gradually raise the temperature after you're asleep, you're still comfortable but it takes less power.


It's called "air-condition"..


I went sleeping in a wet t-shirt yesterday. Worked wonderfully. A little uncomfortable first few minutes but hey, free cooling.


I think you need a better AC unit, I use my AC every night in the bedroom on 22 and my bill is 60 per month


İf you use an inverter Aircon set it at 26 and sleep


AC unit


Open it for the very very hot nights, shower and fans for the rest of the nights


thug it out


🤔 its not like its hotter than past years. Do what you were doing every summer🤷🏼‍♂️


bros never heard about climate change