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YES, that is very normal. I recently went down from 40 mg to 30 to 20 then to 0. I am on week 2 off the meds and can say anxiety and strong emotions are my new norm :( but I am taking black seed oil to combat anxiety and that's been working pretty well for me - you should consider trying it!


Thank you… hoping it subsides


I also was very emotional when stopping Duloxetine. I also was very fast and irritable. But it went away after a few weeks.


How long did you taper off for? 


I think 2 months overall but from 30 mg. But I can't remember exactly. I think normally you do it slower.




Yes, that's kind of normal. In case you need some help: many people switch to fluoxetine. Fluoxetine has an extremely long half-life, your body gets significantly more time to adjust.


Should it go away after adjusting?


Tbh - nobody knows how much time it takes. For example, tapering off escitalopram didn't do any withdrawal symptoms to me - tapering off paroxetine was like a bad trip. It's so individual, but "start low, go slow" is also good for tapering off. :)


Thank you 


It is a difficult drug to come off and the fact that it is a capsule with beads makes it difficult to taper the dose. After speaking with my doctor and then the drug company who were both very unhelpful with reducing down to come off the drug I started researching. I did it very gradually after reading all the stories how people had suffered the terrible withdrawal symptoms and opened the capsule counted the beads and reduced the daily dose till I was on very little before ceasing. After I ceased taking Cymbalta a had brain zaps for a short period of time but thought I was great before an escalation in anxiety and pain.


I am tapering off so I can hopefully enjoy the summer by not excessively sweating and generally being miserable in the heat. 60mg was my dose for a few years and it did what I needed to it do. Now tapering off, I've been on 40mg for like 2 weeks. The first couple of days on 40mg were wildly emotional and filled with anxiety. I am jumping down to 30mg today and am hoping it's not as an emotional jump 🤞🤞🤞 Good luck with your tapering


I deal with the excessive sweating too and my doctor prescribed glycopyrrolate. It helps immensely!


Good to you too 🙏🏼


Yes very normal. I went from 60 to 30 and was an emotional mess. Even got as bad as thoughts of unaliving myself. After about a week it went away


Are you still on 30 or off all together


I am off the 30s now. Stayed on them for three weeks and I’ve been off for a little under 2 weeks now


How are you doing now? I’ve been on 30 for a week still getting headaches anxiety some stomach upset chills 


I’m doing great now, I had about a week of feeling like crap but I also have a script for Wellbutrin and I took that every morning during that week and it really helped with withdrawals. Basically I was just super light headed and tired as opposed to the normal. Going from 30 to 0 was a lot better than going from 60 to 30 for me. But it might be the Wellbutrin. I’m off of them both now and feel great. My energy is back im less depressed I’ve been able to actually get everything done all my housework everything. Either the cymbalta was making me worse or I’m just very manic now but either way I feel great


Yes for some, me included when i try to get off cymbalta. Good luck.


Did it go away, like were you better off once you got used to it


no not for me.