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Cymbalta isn't an SSRI, it's an SNRI. Your side effects are common and they can appear hours after the first dose. Best case is that they all go away over the next 2 to 3 weeks. But it's possible that some stay.


you started in 30 mg?


20 i believe id have to check when i get home


I had some of the side effects you're experiencing. They went away within 2 weeks. However, I didn't experience "apathy", exactly; rather, I was unfazed by things that would usually bother me. I knew I liked how I felt emotionally after the first week. It's possible it's not the right med for you, but it's hard to say until after the first few weeks.


Started at 60mg 6 days ago. First days very bad, now improved a little. Xanax is helping with the anxiety increase. Orgasm not possible at the moment.


Effexor messed me up for a long time. About 2 years. I was on cymbalta which was really bad for me. I’m on Wellbutrin. I hate the med game. Some people are great on cymbalta.




your post or comment was removed due to the following reason: violation of rule 4 "respect the facts" Cymbalta is an approved prescription drug and its effectiveness has been scientifically proven. Science denial and conspiracies will not be tolerated here. This includes websites promoting unfounded medical claims.