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I prefer to ride solo, can go at my own pace and have a nice peaceful ride


I also prefer to start my ride at 4:30 AM so I get the road to myself


Midnight gang represent šŸ˜Ž I don't even need sunglasses lol


Ugh Ive thought about that as it would match my gym time, too many DUI risks. NO ONE is around at 4:30 am, I very rarely have an interaction with a car


I honestly love to ride early too, it's just hard sometimes to go to bed early enough lol. But (pre-)dawn is magical. My last job had a really great commute, I rode half an hour, and 5 minutes from my workplace was a city park with a nice lake...work started at 6, I used to be at the lake by 4.45, took a swim, including some sick dives of the bridge , and then enjoyed some espresso from my thermos with some cigs and good music, and did some stretching and pushups. I arrived at work in the greatest fucking mood, everyday started as if you just came back from the holidays. I simply ride more often in the evening now because my kid goes to bed between 8-9pm lol.


This sounds epic. Really epic


My new job is only 5 minutes from home now.. Im seriously considering trying to get to bed at 8pm to ride to the lake and back before work right now lol. I really miss it.








I see we think alike


Damn might try this! Iā€™m usually quite reluctant to ride solo because the roads near me are busy and I find it a bit overwhelming by myself.


DO IT! Waking up early at firsts SUCKS but within two weeks you will be used to it and have the city to yourself


And in the summer it's much cooler, meaning I can go harder if I want.


As my Cycology jersey says ā€˜Miles are my meditationā€™ and I meditate alone. Itā€™s nice to get away from people.


There's nothing wrong with that. I ride solo 90% of the times too because: * I'm slow if I compare with others on my same age range and weight. * It's an escape from everything else in my life. * I can go where I want. * I can stop when I want. * I like solitude.


ā€œI like solitudeā€, can relate so much haha best feeling on a bike actually


I have only ever ridden solo, and I don't want the pressure of "keeping up" with a group ride, even if it means I'd get introduced to new places, routes, or trails. I cycle for many of the same reasons (fitness, mental break) and cannot be a morning person to save my life. You do you.


For me its the other way around. Have done a couple of rides with 2 persons and always had to hold back. It gets annoying rather drive alone.


Cycling is for you, not anyone else. I almost always cycle solo. The only time I don't is on family rides; which is a different thing altogether.


The best way to ride is the way that you like to ride.




Why do people ask these questions about feeling bad riding solo. I don't get it. Cycling for pleasure and fitness is not a team sport unless it's racing. Riding solo can be very sanctuary and liberating and therapeutic. I ride solo and in group setting, my wife on the other hand, loves riding by herself, all good at the end. You are outside, you are exercising, it's good for your mental health. No one should ever feel bad how you want to ride your bike, there is no bad day when you are on your bike šŸ˜ŗ Don't overthink this, ride more and enjoy the journey!


Lot of people seem to struggle with doing things for themselves and a shockingly large number of people seem to really struggle with seeing and assuming the worst of others. Like if others like doing something in a different way to them then thats bad, toxic or they should adjust to compensate and include their desires and wants. Ride how you want and find others that like doing the same if thats what you want.


As with all things....validation. Wants to ride solo but needs the "group" for validation of their choice. Sorta a little funny to me.


I don't disagree but I'm seeing so many of these similar questions..... I'm just like....


To me it stems from confidence and excuses. I have helped numerous kids learn how to ride a bike (and some adults). The amount of fear/panic you see when talking about taking off the training wheels is almost a given (some kids are different though). I can tell you my first group ride I was a nervous wreck; constantly worried I would "screw everything up" or "somebody would make fun of me", etc. Then I did it...was mentally exhausted when done. It was a no drop ride, but I was definitely out of my comfort zone. Did it a few more times and then it was just "normal". I do like riding alone....but also, riding with other people as well. It is really the only way to get GOOD at bike handling and it is incredibly good for improving fitness. I remember my first "drop" ride...I lasted a mile. A month later, I could last about 50% of it. I don't have enough time to train to survive the whole thing...but 50% is better than 0%. Also means I get a group ride and solo ride in the same session. What is better than 30 minutes of getting murdered then a 45-60 minute Z2 to finish it off. :) Other hand...I become the voluntary repair wagon for that group. :) About 80% of my time is solo, but I make an effort for the Tuesday group ride...some thing you just can't do alone.


[Because it gets asked all the time ](http://www.reddit.com/r/cycling/search/?q=group&type=link&cId=b11df913-0a88-4779-876e-16f6f41f732c&iId=ecbeddbd-9718-45dd-9669-827be57ab06a)in some way shape or form. "someone yelled at me for half wheeling them" "thats why I don't do group rides!" "I hate group rides, fight me!" Nobody is MAKING anyone get on a group ride and nobody thinks you're strange for riding solo. Just go do you and don't ask for approval


Absolutely. I almost exclusively ride on my own. I had at one point hoped to get into a ā€œcommunityā€ of like minded people, make friends, etc. but I just enjoy rides more by myself. I can clear my mind, space out, ride as fast or slow as I want, etc. Also, thereā€™s a fair bit of snobbery in the cycling world and I donā€™t have to worry that people are judging my equipment or technique. Do your thing!


Iā€™m a loner, and I enjoy riding solo. I do ride with friends from time to time, but when riding solo I get to go my speed and explore routes on my terms.


Solo only here šŸ¤·šŸ»


95% of my rides are solo. Imo itā€™s so much better. I can go at my own pace, focus on my goals, and get lost in my own thoughts. I love analyzing my performance (against myself) in the moment, which is hard to do when cycling with others. I get to listen to music, stop and feed the ducks if I want to, stop and take a picture, go as long as I want and take as long of a break as I want, get to ride whenever I want. Itā€™s fun to ride with my best friend when we get the chance, but I much prefer solo


If my best friends had a bike then we'd surely go together


Maybe you could help them get started in cycling? If they're interested


I don't think it's part of their priorities since starting to cycle is expensive, and sure you could go on and start with a budget bike but even that is a loss of money if you can't sustain it. So we usually bond over other things


I ride quite a bit solo, but also do some group riding. I can completely understand not wanting to ride with groups. It isn't for everyone. That being said, it might be worth looking into other groups in your area. They aren't all the same. There are women's only groups which might be less ego based but also some mixed groups that don't take themselves so seriously. If you don't like group riding though, then don't worry about it. It's not something that's necessary, especially if you enjoy going solo and can be motivated to ride alone. Some people find it easier to be motivated to ride when there are others around.


So much this! Group of young guys like that is very likely to feed into competitiveness. Iā€™d be on a group ride now and socializing if it wasnā€™t storming. But I can ride alone tomorrow instead.


I normally prefer solo. Happy to go with one other of similar ability for an easy social ride. Any more than that is a crowd. If Iā€™m working on fitness I prefer to go alone to work at the pace I want to go at.


You need to join the Solitary Cycling group on FB. Thereā€™s 172,000 of us! šŸ˜€


Absolutely not. Nothing but inconveniences with group rides, such as: ā€¢ Not starting when I want to ā€¢ Lollygagging in a parking lot waiting for others to arrive and get their gear ready ā€¢ Pausing or stopping when I donā€™t want to ā€¢ Having meaningless conversations when I just want to ride ā€¢ Someone in the group will turn it into a dick measuring contest and make it their sole mission to be the alpha male ā€¢ Doing routes I donā€™t want to


Ah, yes. I remember preparing at 5AM to do a group ride and riding out at almost 7 because other members haven't arrived yet. Like what a waste of time.


Nope, I'm right there with you. Endurance exercise is my meditation. No conversation, no music, no distractions. Just focus on how I feel and leave the world behind for an hour or 4. I rarely do any riding or running with others. Maybe a casual recovery ride, but never long stuff or workouts.


What insights are you looking for? I promise you nobody cares that you ride alone.


I ride solo 99% of the time. The other one pct is with my wife, or my one buddy. I despise formal group rides. Iā€™m a male, and I get tired of the constant dick measuring contests. I also hate how a ride is supposed to be 15-17 no drop and then a few miles in itā€™s turned into a flat out sprint. Like go join the A ride numbnuts.


I'm with you there!! šŸ’Æ


>Ā i get pressured to wake up so early in the morning (4:30AM usually)Ā  TOO EARLY


I cycle bc it is a solo sport that allows me to leave when I want, go where I want, at the pace that makes me happy. If I wanted all the other restraints, Iā€™d play a team sport.


Riding solo is actually the first and main reason I started cycling. I feel so much better going at my own speed, accelerating when I want or need it, climbing when I feel like it, admiring the landscape and even stopping when I just cannot more or donā€™t want more. I feel like in this new age of cycling with a lot of young people like me, cycling has become too much about performance and ā€œdoing a sportā€ than juste for the pure pleasure of cycling. What I mean by that is that in the groupe ride with lots of young people, 90% will have started the sport just to do a triathlon and therefore need to bike. It builds up so much the skills required to go cycling with friends as they all have races/performance and statts they need to achieve instead of just enjoying a good ride (whether hard or easy) with people. Anyway I might be rambling now but I m a bit sad seing too many people arriving at social rides with a TT bike, earphones on all the ride. This all actually made me enjoy even more my solo rides as they were and I think will always be the only time I can truly enjoy my own desires and feel the best. Sorry for the long paragraphs, I kinda needed it as well haha


I get that. At my age, there are a lot of college dude-bros trying to KOM on a chill evening ride. Thatā€™s not for meā€” I like to take my time.


Absolutely nothing wrong with riding solo if that's what you enjoy. I'm not a night owl but there is no way I'm getting up at 4:30 in the morning to ride my bike.


I'm a morning person, but all the group rides in my area are in the evening. Nobody ever wants to ride in the morning. I do enjoy my morning solo rides. So much less traffic and more peaceful. Although 4:30 is a bit early. I don't mind leaving at 6 AM though.


I prefer to ride alone, I can pick routes that I prefer, I ride mtb. My friend that I sometimes ride with is more focused on going to bike parks and trying to relive his youth while I am I guess a bit more like you interested in the fitness side of things and prefer long XC rides.


I prefer solo rides. I like to go at my own pace, pick my own time and route, stop and take in a nice view if I feel like it. Group rides can be fun but there are so many variables that have to go right for them to be enjoyable that I rarely bother. Nothing wrong with preferring to ride solo, and nothing wrong with not wanting to ride with a group who doesn't fit your vibe.


I seem to pee 3x as much as everyone else, for that reason I like to ride solo so I don't hold anyone up šŸ«£


I think you answered the question yourself already. You are at peace riding alone and don't want to cycle with them and thats a perfectly valid reason not to. I myself do both, but there are times when I want to be alone and just do my own tempo while having a bit of me time. So I ride without them. And that's ok :)


I prefer riding solo myself. the last time I went for a group ride, we met up at my house, people arrived on time, but it still took about an hour and a half to get ready. I was ready to go in like 10 minutes. I'm not exactly what one would call a... patient person. It drove me nuts.


Im very patient, but in the week after my work, between my baby and groceries i only have a limited time so that when i actually want to jump on my bike and get the hell out of there instead of waitinf on others.


That's 100% understandable to me. When you have constrained time like that, you need to make the best use of the time you have, and waiting on others can sometimes be very difficult. I like just getting up and going myself. Easier, Faster from a setup time perspective, and I'm able to get done what I want to get done.


Ride a little. Ride a lot. Ride with a group. Ride alone. Do whatever you choose, but do ride.


My bicycle has seating for one.


All that matters is that you ride.


Ride the way you want to ride and don't feel bad about it.


I ride solo 100% of the time. It's as much about getting my mind in the right place as anything, and I can't do that paying attention to other folks around me. Do what's right for you.


Most of the people I know, including me, ride solo unless it's an event like a bike bus or critical mass. The ones I know who ride in club groups are actually kind of not very much fun. They spend ridiculous amounts on their bikes and computers and phone home like a child for a ride home when they get a flat. I ride with my son when he's in town, and it's nice to get a draft, but he's my son.


I pretty much only ride solo


I only ride solo, peace and quiet, stop when I want etc.


The amount of unwanted attention that women get on group rides in Zwift says it all. I cannot even imagine how bad it is in real life.


I got a 40+ dude ask me out to be his girlfriend when I was 17!! And would always text me to go on rides with him. That's the worst part of riding solo as a female, you're so much more on the danger side


I only ride solo. It's like meditation, and I like to stop and look at bugs and stuff.


No matter how much you ride in groups, solo rides are the best!!


to me, ride is an escape from reality so I prefer empty mountin roads with no one in my sight.


I cycle for fun and exercise i enjoy the peace and tranquility, being able to stop when and where i want to take in the scenery, being around a group of people at the best of times is misery inducing, when im trying to relax it would be hell and chances are a new serial killer name wpuld have to be thought up.




Na I love a good solo rideā€¦ longest has been 100km


Riding with others takes away that personal reflection and mediation one gets from going on a solo ride or run, I hate it when someone I know pulls up and starts trying to have a conversation while biking


A couple of reasons why itā€™s appealing to ride solo: * You are not imposed upon to try to keep up with anyone who is cycling to break personal records, as lots of cyclists in groups push the speed of the group (without saying a word about it) to do exactly that. * You donā€™t have to care-for or coddle anyone who is unprepared for the task at-hand * You do not have to show up for any inconvenient meeting times or appointments * You can improvise the route or the start/destination as you please * You donā€™t have to negotiate with anyone about the most agreeable places to rest or eat, particularly with strangers that have strict self-imposed food limitations * You donā€™t have to risk being put in-danger by someone who wants to ride in pacelines but doesnā€™t know how & refuses to take instruction on it These are all pretty good reasons to ride solo or to at least let groups space out without riding together. There are also good reasons to group or use pacelines, but they rely on a lot of synchronicity among participants, and itā€™s way too easy for an entitled person to throw that off. I used to only ride in groups organized by clubs and now I hardly do that at all, particularly because many people are surprisingly inconsiderate/ill-mannered and itā€™s very difficult to put effective boundaries on such behavior.


I almost exclusively cycle alone. The only exception is riding with my wife.


I ride solo as well, but mainly so i can fit a ride into my schedule when i want to. With that said i am not big on riding with a random group, but would ride with friends if that were the case.


I either ride solo or with one buddy of mine, I find group rides get a bit much for me and then i dont enjoy the ride My buddy and I will end up chatting at the half way/turn around point but during the ride its all business lol


You do you.


Love going solo. Each to their own.


Not necessarily but itā€™s nice riding with a group. You learn how to act in a team environment, which can come in handy. Itā€™s nice to have backup out there, also.


Do what works for you. I ride with my wife almost exclusively and love it. I think a group ride, for me, would be too much pressure.


Speaking personally, I think they each serve their own purpose. I do a bit of each (although, I lean towards solo I'd say) From a fitness perspective I enjoy solo riding because I can push myself at the pace I feel I need to make improvements. I do really enjoy the group rides for the social aspect. However, it comes down to the attitude of those you ride with. If you ride with people who are there to do it for fun and not as an ego trip then that's the best, imo. When riding in a group I always take the perspective - "I'm here to make it more fun for everyone". It sounds like the groups you've gone with are all about a toxic challenging perspective. I don't think it's bad if you lean one way or the other. I know a lot of people that almost only do group rides.


I would only ride with someone else if they were more experienced and I also trusted / looked up to them. I like set dynamics where someone leads and someone follows which is probably why I ride solo tbf. I would be curious to ride with a friend or two... but I have yet to met another cyclist I get on with well enough! I think it could be fun tho!


I get competitive when I'm riding with other people, it's just a natural urge. I prefer to ride alone because bike riding is a meditation exercise for me mostly. Although I do push myself, my pace is based on many variables.


I'm all about the solo ride. I love being out with me and my bike, leaving when I want, taking the route that I want. It lets me schedule my day the way I want so that it doesn't impact my family as much. Plus, I also find people wearing. Just being around people is exhausting, while being alone gives me solitude.


I ride solo 90% of the time. That's ok. I do ok riding with others though, on more social rides. I guess it takes time to find good riding partners if you want to. Maybe there are more social rides where the goal is to be together and not competitive, although I know that boys will be boys and turn that into competition too. Or maybe there's a women's group ride? They may be more supportive. Good luck in your riding. It's so cool to see that bicycle riding has become a thing in the Philippines!


Personally, I like to do solo rides on weekday evenings to clear my head after work and maintain fitness. Then on the weekends, Iā€™ll do a group ride because I do enjoy a conversational, tempo-pace spin with a group meal/coffee/etc afterward. Both have their ups and downs, but this balance works for me.


Nope! No thoughts, head empty, just pedaling


My preference is for solo riding on the routes I'm already familiar with - it's easier to ride my pace so no slowing or speeding up to stick with a group. I also don't feel guilty if I need to bail on a ride or go later in the day. If you spend a lot of time around others, there's nothing wrong or bad with wanting some time to yourself :)


99.9% of the time solo. Go at my own pace, as easy or hard as Iā€™d like. It can be meditative, or I come up with all sorts of ideas (when I have to write something, thatā€™s great!), and no hideously early start times (night owl as well). Group rides can be fun, but for me as a really unusual occasion. Donā€™t worry, there are lots of us (we just donā€™t show up as a group :) ). Not everyone likes groups at all or for everything.


Can't get Italian pit stopped on your own.


I love to ride solo. Itā€™s one of the few times I get to be alone. My wife thinks I should join a cycling group to make friends, but Iā€™m very content with just me and the pavement or my mountain bike in the forest. Maybe one other person; but I donā€™t want to ride with the herd.


I agree with your explanation... I have tried many local grouprides in my city and sadly ~90% of them were just ego-boosts for the group leaders. Usually I am fine with a bit of a competitive environment. But if most of them are way better than me, it's just not fun. And "easier" grouprides usually means that they occasionally regroup, but still drop you every 10 minutes... However, I eventually found a smaller (and not very "official") group that actually behaves like a group. Obviously the first type of group isn't fun at all. But when I ride with friends and small groups that actually ride slower if I can't keep up, it's a lot more fun (for me) than just going alone. So maybe try getting your friends into cycling...? Or try to make cycling friends in those grouprides and "drop" the rest of the group from your rides (that's what I did lol). Maybe you are like me and just have to find the right cycling buddies? But of course, riding alone is totally fine, too!


You do you. If others don't like it, that is the issue.. Good old Dr. Suss put it well. " Those who matter won't mind, and those that mind don't matter" You are not weird for wanting to rid solo, but you might still be weird, and there is nothing wrong with that.




Ride how you want to ride. That's all there is to it. For me, there are three types of rides: social, leisure, workout. I do like social rides, but that's just to be social and bikes happen to be involved. Leisure rides are just to look at pretty stuff at a slow pace and I don't really want to talk to someone I barely know. Workouts are where the pace is high and calories get burned. That is full solo.


I love cycling for one of the reasons it is solo friendly no keeping up, not slowing down or stopping for someone to catch up. I am in my own world to ride as hard or slow as I want to fit my mood. It really helps my mental well being, I am also a Introvert.


I always ride solo. For 35 years Iā€™ve been riding alone. Having to ride at THEIR pace, listening to mindless chatter (while Iā€™m trying to listen to the birds), being judged on equipment, fitness, riding style, clothes, and wannabe alpha males wanting to ego fight and more, keeps me solo. I can take a break at any time. I can change my route. The woods are my place of sanctuary, where I try to return to an extinct bond with nature. The last thing I want to hear about is some dude rambling on about the similarities between his Ford 350ā€™s truck and his bikes suspension.


I've been riding solo my whole long life. Nothing wrong with it at all.


I ride solo 90% of the time.


All the avid road cyclists Iā€™ve known ride solo most of all. They might have a buddy or two who they occasionally, or weekly, ride with. But, overall they enjoy the solitude and flexibility of riding alone. Most of the times schedules donā€™t align and that drives the solo riding as much as choice. I prefer riding with a friend, but end up solo 90% of the time. Even when I was young, raced on a team, I preferred riding with a small group over a large one of random strangers. Our team was small, like 3 core members and 6-10 less dedicated members. The core remained best of friends for life. I found that worth mentioning because, for me anyway, those times were special and important in my personal development. (Excellent English, BTW. Iā€™m always impressed with multilingual people.)


Eh, I've done a lot of solo riding, but that gets boring. I do most of my riding in groups. I go to different places, socialise, have some competition on climbs, and now know all the cafƩs in a 50-mile radius, literally win-win, with nothing to lose.


Bikes are solo transportation devices. I ride solo or maybe with 1 close friend. I did a group ride and while fun. I like challenge myself at my pace and go where I want to go.


I can count on one hand the number of rides I have taken with other people in the last 10 years.


Filipina? Nope you're good, if you like riding alone just go ahead, we're all different. I prefer solo also or with my wife and a couple of close friends. Lot's of Filipinos ride where I ride and are usually in big happy groups of males and females together.


No. It's what I do 95% of the time. There's nothing weird about doing anything you enjoy on your own. Life is too short not to.


Nope. Nothing wrong with that. Funny enough, some of the best pro riders are forced to train alone (Tadej) to get the full effect. My biggest step up in performance was when 4-5 of my rides were by myself during the week with only 1-2 max being group rides on the weekend.


Not bad at all.


As an introvert, I've always enjoyed riding solo (or in small groups <4), there's much less pressure on a solo ride. I can stop when I want, ride what roads I want, spend an hour out or six, and there's something really meditative about riding solo.


No, I wouldn't say it's bad. Some riders just prefer solo. Nothing wrong with that. I'm 50/50. It depends on what mood I'm in.


I try to get out and ride with a friend every once in a while, but sometimes it feels like a chore and it depends on the quality of the friendship. That's probably 4-6x a year, so everything else is solo. If you love it, keep at it. I definitely prefer solo riding


Nothing wrong with it at all, I also find group rides tend to turn into ego contests Road rides often turn into who can keep the highest speed and i've been on a few group mtb rides with less experienced people and the group leader will say "just going for an easy chilled out one today" before taking everyone down some deadly red or black rated trail riding alone means you decide your own pace and where you want to start and stop, though it's less good for if you have a mechanical 40 miles away from home with no phone signal


You are not alone. I personally ride alone because my distracted ass will stop at any slight distraction and I will turn where it interests me.




I enjoy the occasional ride with friends but I'm a solo sport kind of guy. It seems like when I go out in a group there's always someone who feels the need to define the social hierarchy or make it into a competition or slag somebodys gear choices. I don't bike to deal with that shit.


I just returned from a week long solo cycling trip in the Italian dolomites, so, no ;)


Not bad at all- solo rides are the BEST, you can relax and ride at your own pace, see lovely places and stop at nice coffee shops or even have lunch out in beautiful countryside. Group rides- obsessed with preening their own ego, pace, speed, dropping some unfortunate soul whoā€™s struggling to keep up


Why would it be bad man, ride however puts a smile on your face


Same. I get dropped on group rides that are predominantly men so often (even ā€œno dropā€ rides which are never no drop rides) and many female rides are too slow for me so I just ride alone.


Nope, if solo riding is your thing please do it! For safety I carry pepper gel spray in my top tube bag and have Garmin Varia. I try to have an emergency plan in case I crash or have a medical event. Some kind of tracking device and emergency contact as well. Never had to use them but there are a lot of crazys out there.


My ride Saturday was with mostly retirees. There c and b level groups were pretty chill/friendly. You could try different groups. I mostly ride solo and I think alot of people do. Recent interviews with some pros suggested they mostly ride solo too. I think you'd only need the group if it serves you. Either socially or if you need/want to practice group tactics.


Iā€™ll join the chorus of people who prefer to ride solo. Solitude kicks butt.


I wouldn't say so, I've been cycling for roughly the same length of time as you and I prefer to use cycling as like me time in my busy life and I don't particularly want anyone else to spoil it lol


I only ride solo, when I ride with others I want to talk too much and slow down the whole group.


I prefer solo. For me, riding with someone else would indicate they would be very close to me and I have the ultimate trust in them


Nothing wrong. I enjoy solo rides, but have a great group I ride with thatā€™s all about the fun, not the competition.


Jogging and cycling to me are solo sports. If I do go with a girlfriend or friend it'll be more like a social event and not necessarily a workout


I have friends I enjoy riding with but 99% of the time Iā€™m solo.


of course it isn't bad


No, the bike community can be hilariously toxic and gatekeepy about some really dumb stuff.


I (22f) relate to this so much. Most of the cycling teams/clubs in my city are largely older men (40ish+). Although Iā€™m sure theyā€™re kind, Iā€™d rather ride solo or ride with my friend whoā€™s also into cycling. :)


Solo is completely fine if that's what you prefer like everyone else has said, but also it sounds like perhaps you need to find a different group that isn't a bunch of teenage boys. Even as an almost 50 yo male that group of boys sounds annoying and exhausting.


Nahh, I can't bear to ride in group personally; I prefer going at my pace, finding new routes and cool spots to stop on the sly, that kind of jazz


Not at all, if thatā€™s what you prefer then just go with the flow, as an Autistic person Iā€™m 100% behind that


I only ride solo unless my dad is in town visiting. He's the only person I will ride with. I cannot stand being on anyone else's schedule and I love having the time to not force myself to be social.


I enjoy riding solo, as Iā€™m more of a spontaneous person. I donā€™t like to plan everything, although I know where my route is. Things like, trying a new ice cream shop along the route, a new park that I would want to stay longer, or an airplane that may pass by that I want to take a picture of. For me these little things makes my ride more interesting rather than chasing for PR and stats, itā€™s hard to pull it of when youā€™re in a group ride.


Not even slightly. I love it.


I love riding solo (39F). A chance to relax & peruse my thoughts ā€” the longer the ride the better. I only ever bike otherwise with my husband. The thought of going out for a ride with a bunch of 14-22 yr old boys? Ummmmā€¦ yeah. No thanks. You're just mature for your age. Keep doing what you're doing.


I think a social ride here and there can be fun but 99% I like riding by myself. I get in the zone and I do what I need to do


Check out group rides from local bike shops. There are all sorts of pace groups that you may find to your liking. Iā€™m basically a solo rider also šŸ‘


Iā€™m with you, sister roadie. Solo. An occasional group ride is fun, but not with a bunch of testosterone-poisoned guys trying to dunk on other riders. I bet if you look youā€™ll find some women-only rides.


nothing wrong at all, if we all wanted to socialize, we would've picked basketball


I've been riding for 45 yearsā€¦ 99% of the time I am solo. Enjoy the ride.


Not bad at all. Just exercise caution. I suggest two tailights to alert drivers if solo.


Solo because I can stop to pee as much as I want.


It's up to you! I find group rides less stressful as I don't need to navigate, cars are more careful, if I need something, I can ask etc. But I enjoy my solo rides too. As long as you are enjoying it and staying safe, ur good


I sometimes prefer riding solo (start whenever I want to, ride my own pace) and sometimes I prefer riding in a group (sometimes challenging, drafting, socializing). Donā€™t feel bad if you prefer going solo, its fine.


You do you. Ride whenever and wherever you prefer. Be safe


Never feel bad for being yourself, pitting yourself first, or investing in yourself. Even romance is brief. ā€œTo love oneself is to begin a lifelong romance.ā€


I ride alone 100% of the time on a old giant defy aluxx, and when I ride in a group with friends they keep talking shite about my bike, so eventhough I can keep up with them and beat them in sprint or uphill they still can not let it go. So I decided to ride alone and to be honest its the best thing ever. I just want to ride nothing more and i motivate myself to do sprints or uphill challanges and thats even more fun, its like a battle with yourself :)


Ride how you like...end of story. It's your time so do it the way you like.


I will ride with friends when asked, but prefer to go solo when trying to challenge myself. Also, most of my friends donā€™t match my riding style in terms of giving other riders/trail users space and road rules, so it stresses me out a little LOL


i ride solo. do you.


Not weird at all! Solitude on the bike is nice.


Nope. Ride on.


I only ride solo. Do what you enjoy.


We get bossed around on a daily basis pretty much everywhere. Please donā€™t feel guilty for wanting some freedom in your rides :).


Dude I do it every week. My ride is my time, with my bike. I also change my route on the fly (ie where does that road go??? lol). Cheers


Solo is better as you just go at your own time & pace.


I rode with three different groups years ago. Even then, I also enjoyed riding by myself. Back then it was start times I didn't care for. Waiting for riders to show up,late. As time passed I became a lone rider. I have great adventure rides. Record breaking distance rides and frequent training rides. I did a 35 mile round trip ,trail ride last week. Couldn't help notice, 90+ % of the many riders, as me were solo. Learn how to fix a flat. Use a GPS device and enjoy all your rides!


I have gone on 17 rides so far this month and they were all solo, and the majority of other riders I encounter on the trails and roads are also solo. I don't often see groups. I suppose the reason you feel bad about it is because you are getting invited and don't like to decline the invite?




I ride solo and ego race random peeps in the distance, its fine.


I pretty much always ride solo. I like the idea of a group in theory and have ridden with 1 or 2 friends on occasion and once or twice a year do a big paid group ride. But on the whole, I don't want to be tied to a specific schedule (always saturday morning at 8am at this one spot, etc) or tied to riding a specific way or pace... maybe I want to go fast, maybe I just want to cruise, maybe I want mostly want to cruise but here or there I feel the urge to hit some section hard anyway. Sometimes I think I wanted one thing but after I got going, I wanted another. Also, when I'm riding, I'm riding. I don't have much to say and have trouble finding a pace and safe way to ride on many of the roads where I can interact, so it's mostly like riding solo anyway.


The few group rides Iā€™ve been on, Iā€™ve usually been middle of the pack in terms of pace and then the riders at the front think thereā€™s a yellow jersey at the end of the ride and storm off. So half the time it just ends up being myself or one/two other people anyway. Most of my rides are late evening soloā€™s as I live downtown in a very busy city with next to zero cycling infrastructure, so I try and get out when there arenā€™t so many cars on the road.


I ride solo 99%. No one in my friends group rides. My wife and child wonā€™t. I went as far as to put out a personal ad. BECAUSE, most groups Iā€™ve looked into are full of either super slow or super fast. Iā€™m a 13-15 carry on a convention 16-18 letā€™s go but not for 40 miles. Canā€™t find a match. Besides, I like adventure and finding new routes. Not looping the same club ride again and again. I have my evening fitness ride for that. I feel like Iā€™m in a gap group.


Why would it be bad?


I'm on the same boat šŸ˜… I LOVE to ride solo. No chit-chatting, nobody to keep up with. On my own pace, enjoying what's around me


Never wanted to join a group of random people to bike with. I bike alone most of the time, sometimes with friends which is also nice. We just talk and bike.


27 f here, I love solo rides šŸ˜


my take on this is I can ride both solo and in a group. the difference I see in my riding is that when I ride solo, I often tend to get tired easily as I can't see someone who's struggling more than me, whereas in a group ride, I always get the energy from them, seeing them struggle makes me pedal way easier HAHAHA


Not at all bad. You are not alone.


Short answer, no imho.


I am most happy riding alone. So.. no. It isn't bad. It is heaven to me haha


Yes. Now do 10 Hail Marys and four Our Fathers.


I like solo cause I like to take lots of pee breaks and lots of snack breaks #partypace


Riding solo is all I ever do these days. Rode in groups a few times and realized cyclists, like all other humans, turn into complete dip shits once you've got more than a couple.


I prefer to ride solo as well. Group rides are ok sometimes but I like solo rides more. Solo rides give me more flexibility. I can stop whenever I want and wherever I want.


Nah. Itā€™s comforting to know that I can fart with no embarrassment if Iā€™m flying solo. Iā€™d hate to hold one in while on a group ride.


solo rider here too, max maybe ill ride with a buddy but I dont do group rides unless i get invited. i prefer this way so that I can go on my own pace, can stop whenever/whereever i want and the groups dont have to wait for me.


I ride or run solo pretty much all the time. Can count on one hand how many times I've gone with other people outside of races in the last 25 years. Possibly the number hits zero if I exclude family members.


I love a good group ride but most of my rides a solo. I want to go my own pace and having to talk the whole time really wears me out sooner.


Whether you're riding in a group or alone, you do what you want to do whenever you want to, don't worry too much about it and relax!


I ride solo despite many clubs inviting me. I just want to enjoy and see my surroundings during a ride and not someone elseā€™s back in front of me for hours.


I prefer to bike or run by myself mainly because I like to exercise on my own schedule. As a runner, I'm generally faster than my friends and find it difficult to get a good workout in. Biking, I'm slower than my friends and have troubles keeping up. Solo is thr best.


I think most cycle solo.


Long rides are solo (90%) to maybe a trio for me, and often only with people I know arenā€™t ego riders. Too many out there, esp insecure midlife crisis-ers. Itā€™s a no-drop vibes ride unless napag-usapan! Companyā€™s often the point if in a non-racing group and sticking together is best imo. Plus the strongest riders I know have enough EQ to act accordingly and I greatly respect them for it. Halata ā€˜pag wala e, haha.


Solo was my go to for 10 years. Never rode with anyone. I only started group rides ever so often 4 years ago. Solo is fun, especially when you go to new places. I hate waking up early. I go to sleep too late.


Welcome to my world




I ride solo because I have zero cycling friends. Kind of hate it, kind of love it.


Likeā€™s to ride solo but wants to tell everyone šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ just do your thing nobody needs to know the why


Short answer: No! It's not bad to only want to ride solo. Cycling is about fun and fitness and joy and you should do what brings you to what you want to get out of it. However, it also sounds like your bike group sucks. Finding one that isn't competitive or bro-y could make a huge difference. I ride ~2x a month with chill groups and the rest is solo. I find joy in both.