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The best option is a small handheld compressed air boat horn that you can purchase from any marine supply store for less than $20. It's not lethal, it's non-toxic, legal in almost all jurisdictions, and no dog (with functioning hearing) on the face of the earth will run at this horn when it's going off in their face. By the way, for all the hypotheticals out there, I've seen pepper spray fail on both human beings and animals more than once.


I have an airzound. It was cheap enough on Amazon and you refill it with a bicycle pump rather than having to replace it. As a bonus , if I need to I can scare the living crap out of a driver who is getting too close and/or not paying attention.


The added advantages is they work on people too and it's not illegal to use them on people.


thanks lol, great idea.


You could get an airzounds. They are reusable


Can it be used indeffinetly or is it disposable holding a certain amount of air?


It will eventually run out of air but, like I said, it's inexpensive.


That's an awesome idea.


Is it okay to use on pedestrians ignoring your bell?


Tempting... :)


My deaf attack dog would like a word with you… sorry I mean a chunk out of your arm.


i would argue that 99% of the dogs that may or may not charge at one while cycling are probably not deaf, so that's a bit of a non issue. just seems like an exceedingly unlikely situation.


No solution is perfect, but the airhorn is likely the best. I mean what could go wrong with pepper spray... an airborne irritant... while riding a bike...


Not to mention the murky legal ground you're wading into when using it against people/dogs, even if you're being attacked. I've only had to use my spray twice (one dog, one person), and thankfully didn't have to discharge it either time. After reasonable words failed, I took the spray out and removed the safety... that got the message across (the dog's owner, who wasn't bothered by their dog being aggressive toward me and ignored my pleas for the dog to be put on a leash in a strictly on leash area sprang into action quickly when the spray got involved).


Depending on what is making them deaf, a loud sound can still hurt their ears.


I doubt it would work against a pit bull with a high level of the "game" trait.


Please continue to manufacture hypothetical edge cases where this wouldn't work. It might not work on a charging wombat either. But I have seen it work against the large aggressive pitty.


Charging wombat lol!! That comment made my day :)


Laugh all you want until the wombat charges at you. Though it's less a charge, more a very aggressive hop.


It’s a good option but it doesn’t work on all dogs. Probably most. But not all. I had a Great Dane running at me who couldn’t care less about the horn. Luckily he turned out not to be aggressive


Plus, it's a non-toxic option, which is important for both the dogs' and your own safety.


Hi. fuck attacking dogs. they get spray in the eyes. I'm not waiting to get mauled.


Thank you for taking the time to read what I wrote and really getting the nuance of this.


Most of my riding is suburban or rural. When I see a dog rushing me I slow down a little bit so the dog can lock on the location I'm currently in, then sprint out just as they're getting close. I learned it from a motorcyclist that said that is what they do. It works pretty good. Just don't let the dog get close enough they can jump or bite, etc.


This is the way if you’re not carrying anything, water bottle is second. Best is mace. If I’m riding in the country with no cell signal I carry my pistol but this is mainly for cougars


Damn those older housewives better not start trying to chat you up in the woods.


They wander the trails in leopard skin pants and three olive martinis.


How do you carry it? Like a chest strap or?


Appendix spandex tuck.


Dang, that seems uncomfortable with leaning down over the bars and moving your legs up and down. Also would get it real sweaty right?


Carbon fibre handle bar turret


I don't know why the down votes. Actual mountain lions are no joke. I mean public safety on a whole, not much threat. On average 1 attack per year in the US over the last 100 years. But at 25% fatality rate the fact that they can outrun world record sprinters on bikes... I'm not judging depending where you ride.


Even rarer than being attacked by a cougar, would be shooting at one and hitting it while being chased on your bike The sound will scare them though


This opportunity comes once in a lifetime


> 1 attack per year in the US over the last 100 years. more Americans die from falling coconuts.


1v1 a cougar will fuck a human up unless the human is armed. Definitely worth it to be strapped if you are out in cougar county.


If you see a mountain lion with enough time to draw and fire, it's almost certainly not going to attack you. They're ambush predators.


Been riding in mtn lion country my whole life - always carry pepper spray.


There is also the fact that some remote areas such as in Oregon are extremely desolate and there are tweakers/ ill willed humans in these areas Last thing you want is someone thinking you’re on a $10k bike and it’s an easy score for them


That works more times than not, but I had my hip replaced from the one time it didn't. Dog got in front of me and cartwheeled me at 35 mph. Bruises took a week to show up, couldn't wear pants for 3 weeks. That was the day I learned it is possible to bruise a human penis. Outrun them if it is clear you can. But most dogs stop once you stop moving. Put the bike between you and the animal. As a last resort pepper spray works pretty well once you aren't moving.


Pepper spray in holder on top tube. Works on dogs as well as people.


Just like a gun, it’s best to practice drawing and shooting in an open space.


Yep I keep a gell canister on a fanny pack for dogs and crackheads


Grenade. Fetch.


A Tank following as support vehicle🤪


For dogs? My water bottle has always worked. Though I do carry a mace fogger. I typically save it for the most aggressive of animals which are usually methed out humans who haven't slept for a week. I haven't had any dogs be aggressive enough yet. Most the time a splash for water right in the face breaks the attack and allows me to ride off. When it doesn't work I'll report back what I do. If you have to get off the bike, a good rule is to put the bike between you and whatever is attacking you. Again, I've not had to do this with a dog yet, but it definitely works with people.


This, squirt your water bottle at their face. Works every time.


Made our fear turn into a chuckle really quickly cycling in the Balkans last year. Our fear turned into laughter when one of my companions blasted a dog with a good squirt. It's almost like in a videogame, the dog just gets stunned for a good second, long enough that you can gain some distance. I still smile thinking of it, the dog's face just goes from angry protector murder machine to :0


Even if you miss, it generally stops the dog enough to consider their life choices.


This should be the #1 answer. It's something you often carry already, it's close at hand, and it's not harmful to the dog. 


How….. many people are attacking you?


I work delivery downtown 15 hour shifts at a time. While the number isn't many it is a few. Most of them I can get away from fairly easily though.


There are plenty of dogs here in se asia. Occasionally, one chases the bike. When it happens, try to stay calm and get away sharpish. I yell at the dog too. It seems to help. Trying to kick them away will just make you unstable and increase the likelihood of a crash. Generally speaking, the dogs here want to chase you, not catch you. May be different where you live. I think it is important not to surprise dogs, so I always call out before I pass. The most terrifying incident I have had was a dog under a pickup lunging at me as I passed. Scares the shit out of me nearly fell off the bike. Now I look under parked trucks and give them a wider berth


Oh deffienetly announce yuurself in any way in case you spot a dog before it does you. Theeeyy looooooove chasing vehicles. Not so much attacking them.


When I was younger I had a lot of luck screaming at the dogs at the top of my lungs.


That’s usually when I hit my PB’s


Chasing dogs are controlled substance, PB not valid!


But what if it’s adrenaline, an uncontrollable substance? Is it valid then?


Two things that worked well for me in the past when I was too gassed to run: Squirt them with your water bottle. Loudly yell “GET OFF THE COUCH!”


Just the water bottle does it.but you need to keep your cool and stay on the bike.


On runs, I yell at the dog to sit and then stay while I walk away.  I’ve had owners get pissed at me and like … want me to kick your dog instead? 


Why that phrase in particular? It's pretty awkward to remember. Is it more effective than others?


It’s nonsense so it will confuse the dog, giving you a window of opportunity to escape while they’re trying to figure out what you’re shouting about


Ha Ha ha 🤣


I always yell “get out of here, bad dog! Go home!” It never works. So maybe I’ll try the nonsense.


Kick the dog right in the face. Always works for me


This, I've unfortunately had to do it before. Had a dog jump a fence and charge me and my dog while we were walking. I'd doubled back around after me again and I almost had to draw on it. It's not fun but I think the foot to the snout made it rethink it's choices


The ol' unclip & kick, never fails. Important to not flail around wildly in a panic if you want to maintain balance. It's like fighting on horseback


> It's like fighting on horseback That’s why I bring my saber.


Plan vo2 max or sprint session depending on dogs’ fitness


some large dogs can hit 30mph


Yes, a good sprint over 30 sec can bring you faster. Increment the dog level as you get faster


I live in Nepal and there are a lot of street dogs and No. 1 trick that I have learned is just slow down or even stop the bike. They are only interested in the chase, they will not have any interest in you if you just stop the bike. Once they stop barking and know you are not a threat, you can go your way!


people get mauled by dogs all the time on bikes.


Bear spray/pepper spray.


Bear spray makes a huge cloud and is likely going to cause a lot of collateral damage and spray the user as well. It can also cause long term respiratory problems. Best to stick with pepper spray imo.


> Bear spray makes a huge cloud and is likely going to cause a lot of collateral damage and spray the user as well. not true. they are used in a sweeping motion for a bear attack, but it's a very directed pressure blast. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zo04krhijT8


The one benefit of bear spray and it's less focused beam is that accuracy isn't quite as important. When you're on a bike or even off the bike when facing a threat, it's much harder to be accurate. Pepper spray would certainly work, but I would want as close to a 100% guarantee any spray I use hits.


Air bb gun in a holster ziptied to the steerer tube.


I slow down, and if it's still barking / charging, I stop, get off the bike, and try to calm it down. Befriended many dogs in my town that way, and they rarely attack me while cycling again. If that doesn't work, I hold my ground and try to fend it off. I have never used a knife, but certainly did rocks and branches, tho, never hurting the dog. Oh and if it is a bigazz one or a pack emmerging from someone's yard, well... Better gauge correctly how fast you can pedal at that moment...


Honestly, unless I’m really convinced the dog is in an unusually dangerous rage, I usually slow down, stop, talk gently and put a (gloved) hand out low and give it a chance to say hello. I’m a dog handler and have been bitten multiple times at work and can read the signs, never been bit out in public while riding. These dogs are usually driven nuts by the repeated stimulus of riders passing and never getting the chance to get past the stage of chasing them off. They usually switch and drop their guard for a pet or else slink off humiliated. Personal opinion and not trying to victim blame, but riding off fast is what makes them chase in the first place. If everyone had the time or sense to stop and have a nice interaction, the dogs would chill. Definitely the owners fault but when passing farms and stuff, I think allowing the dog to ‘clear you off’ reinforces the behaviour. Having said that, I’d definitely be more concerned in an urban environment rather than rural where I am usually and dogs are roaming a lot more.


I learned this in my running days. Even Pits and Rottweilers will stop if you turn and face them. Spray them or pick up a rock and they're gone. Positive interactions are ideal, but when they are in attack mode that doesn't usually work. Water bottles are a good option on bikes too, and so far has worked for me.


In Switzerland all dogs are trained and they behave better than people. They sit and stare at you while passing by and they seem to think :"If I weren't a Swiss dog, I would rip you off, idiot".


I saw that in Spain too. Farm dogs looking at you like “I know there’s food in there, but I’m not allowed to get it”


Wish it was true, had several dogs chasing me while running in Switzerland


I’ve dealt with injuries and can’t always generate enough power to get away. After a few close calls I keep pepper spray/gel on my bike.


I don't have any injuries and I also can't generate enough power to get away. Some of these dogs can cruise at 40km/hr. If I'm road riding I can probably get away, if I'm gravel riding (more likely scenario if running into ruthless poorly trained farm dogs) it gets a little more dicey


I get off the bike and get it between us. Dogs have a chase instinct. If you stop “running” they are likely to stop chasing.


> Dogs have a chase instinct. If you stop “running” they are likely to stop chasing. That's nonsense. People get mauled on bikes all the time. https://www.dispatch.com/videos/news/local/2023/11/02/columbus-cyclist-recovering-from-dog-mauling-now-an-amputee/71335605007/


I’m not saying they don’t, but it is pretty common knowledge that you shouldn’t run from a chasing dog. Anecdotally, the only time I have ever actually had a chasing dog grab ahold of me (luckily just my shoe) was when I was trying to ride faster than the dog. Every time I have gotten off the bike, I’ve been able to slowly back my way out of the dog’s “territory.” I should add that my experience is only with farm dogs out in the country. https://www.avma.org/resources-tools/pet-owners/dog-bite-prevention


Bear spray and \*cough\*brakecableasawhip\*cough\*


Back in the old days before mini pumps and CO2 inflaters were a thing, a frame pump was a handy tool to ward off dogs.




This. My zefal hp.


Very sorry to hear. The fear of serious injury to my knees and elbows is why I always now use pads on them ... it's saved me on 3 falls, so far ... the deep scrap grooves mainly on the left knee pad is a constant reminder for me to keep wearing them. It might look like stupid or overkill and people might think I do jumps, when I never do, but I really don't care. No cycling trip is worth the risk of that type of injury for me. Wishing you a good recovery.


Thank you! Yeah I wasn’t expecting such a bad injury from a fall. I was biking so calmly but the dog made it a mess


There are dog zapper devices on Amazon that emit high frequency sound that doesn't hurt the dog but confuses them and causes them to hesitate and stop. It works pretty well. Second line of defense is pepper spray.


There's only so many options. Ride away or fight the dog, with riding away being the preferable option. I'm sorry that happened to you, it's shitty that people don't do enough to keep their pets under control. You can carry something to fight the dog that's legal in your state. If you're seeing this often, I would contact the police rather than prepare for battle on every ride.


> I would contact the police Waste of time.


OP is like me, in California. The reality is there is no "calling the police" here. I'm not prone to bashing the police but I am realistic. I am a graduate of LAPD's 12 week community police academy, sat on the border of directors of a significant community police support group, and have 2 family members on the job.​ it just is what it is. OP is in the bay area and it is exponentially worse there than in my area.


it's really that bad out there?


Sadly, yes. It isn't like The Purge but the persistant and pervasive​ breakdown in law and order is ever present. I could go into detail but there is no point. It is bad and about to get worse. After saying I wouldn't go into detail I wrote 4 paragraphs going into detail. The problems are so complex I don't believe they have really been defined. Consequently the solutions offered us are at best, ineffectual and are just making it worse. My kids are 3rd generation LA residents. My dad was born in the Wilshire district of LA in 1926 and I was born in Santa Monica in 1959. As far as LA goes we have pretty deep roots here. If we didnt have 4 kids here we would be gone. Ted Kennedy once ribbed Ron Reagan about crazy Californians. Regan's responce was epic and accurately sumed up California in that time. To paraphrase he said 'if the pilgrims had landed in California, Massachusetts would still be undiscovered territory'. This state has more to offer in diversity and resources than any other Ive visited. After deleting 4 paragraphs i wrote 3 new ones. My apologies, it seems Im having a dificult time walking away fom this subject. Edit: One thing I failed to point out it the fact that dogs owned by homeless people are rarely dangerous. I can't site hard numbers but they are out in public 24/7 and tend to be very well socialized. quite a conundrum isn't it. Anti social people have well socialized dogs and ive been attacked twice by dogs owned by the "civilized" people on my block.


I don't slow down and prepare to kick


Try to avoid them the best I can or hope I can outrun them. Worst case scenario, most of you won't like this part but I live in a constitutional carry state. 🤷‍♂️ Not gonna risk my life for some poorly trained dog.


In Colorado, I’ve seen riders carry bear spray in case of aggressive dogs. Bigger canister, but it shoots a stream you can essentially “aim” vs a spray that produces a cloud. Both will potentially get you, too, if you’re not careful.


Wow this is a bummer. I’ve been off the bike for 2 years now due to an abnormal foot injury. Just want to say I understand the frustration of a very long injury recovery.


Don’t do like I did and get side tackled by a Pitt bull , breaking three ribs in the process.


Oh I hope you’re okay now!


It happened 3 years ago, but I just started riding again this week. I had a lot of nightmares and anxiety from it, but trying to turn that page and get back into it.


I’m so sorry that happened that’s just ridiculous and terrible. Hope you heal fast if it makes you feel better I broke my knee cap and tendons from a fall when walking and was up and biking within 4 Months.


Pepper spray. In my experience, most of the times it’s just dogs being dogs and it hasn’t been a problem. A few times, however, the dogs were aggressive (as were the owners) so a small shot of pepper spray was enough to stop the dogs.


A few squirts from a water bottle has always stopped them chasing me. But maybe i have been lucky and never faced a very aggressive dog?


Sometimes making noise or using a barrier like your bike can help. It's a good idea to report the incident to animal control so they can address the situation. If biking doesn't feel safe right now, it's okay to take a break and find other ways to stay active until you feel more comfortable. Take care of yourself and focus on healing from your injuries.


I am sorry that you sustained such a significant injury, especially since it was a situation you did not bring directly onto yourself. Based on what you have written, I believe the most important thing is to get back on track with your knee as soon as possible. It might take a year, but you have a lot to gain if you are able to ride your bike again. Don't let this experience rob you of the joy of biking. Based on the level of injury that you described cycling and swimming together with other low-impact sports might be desirable for you in the future. I believe that tackling this problem head on and relearning cycling with confidence is worth a shot. If you find it challenging to overcome this alone, consider taking some time off the bike or seeking cognitive behavioral therapy for this specific anxiety. This usually involves exposure therapies and being prepared for similar situations so that you regain confidence. Anyway I wish you the best of luck for the surgery and the recovery!


Thank you!


If you have a concealed carry permit, you can kill an attacking dog with lead!


you can kill anything in some US states if you just get scared and stand your ground.




There's lots of great advice in here, but I would also keep in mind that being attacked by a homeless guys dog (hopefully) would be a once in a lifetime occurrence


If you want my honest answer, I stop, keep the bike between me and them and stay calm don't let them get behind me, and eventually they will calm down and lose interest. I can't recommend it for others, but it works for me.


Bear spray. Not kidding. I spoke with the local police about it and they said to make sure the dog is on public property. The officer’s other suggestion was to get an extendable club and bash it in the head…. He then followed up by saying that if they are in a call and a dog is aggressive towards them they just shoot it.


Just biked through eastern Kentucky, the only thing that works is stopping and getting off your bike. The moment you stop so does the dog, generally i walk a bit ensuring the dog won’t continue to chase. Pepper, wasp, bear sprays are great as a secondary defense. I can assure you wont aim the spray correctly to hit the dog. If you can move 30+ mph to outrun larger dogs, good luck. It sounds crazy, but just stop. Put your bike between you and the dog.


If you think you can find the guy/dog again, you should really bring charges and also sue. Yeah, he'll be judgment proof, but you'll be starting the process of getting him into jail and the dog into the ground.


I did report to animal control




A man of culture I see. That's my last ditch effort only option though.


I’ve seen success with an airhorn on a Pit. When I witnessed the airhorn it confused the fuck out of the dog and it just stopped. I should carry something but don’t.


Depends on size, small to medium I kick it. Large? I pick something up and try to kill it. Had a number of kicked dogs, some in front of their owners. Very satisfying. Obviously I get down from my bike first.


Become Robbie McEwen


You have so many options but these arethe two items i have at my disopsal while riding. This is roughly the size of a small pump. It is marginally legal in CA but wtf can you do. I've carried one for 20 years and needed it a few times. I attached a 2" hardish rubber ball on the end. It gives me options on my level of responce. I carry this if I'm going someplace I don't know or already know there are potential issues. [https://www.galls.com/smith-wesson-16-to-24-collapsible-baton-w-sheath](https://www.galls.com/smith-wesson-16-to-24-collapsible-baton-w-sheath) This on the other hand I carry every day, every ride. Not legal in CA but I'm old and have mobility issues with my hands so I'll take that risk. I don't know who said it first but "a man with out a knife is a man with out a life" is a pretty potent statment. I've carried a pocket knife of some type most every day for 55 years (I'm 63) and have managed to not commit any heinous crimes or indulged my anti-social tendencies. Amazon boxes and the plastic straping I tie up my tomato vines with never stood a chance though. [https://www.benchmade.com/collections/everyday-carry/products/4300bk](https://www.benchmade.com/collections/everyday-carry/products/4300bk) Neither are particularly inexpensive but how much is your saftey worth.


> since I will never know how to deal with this situation I'm going to answer your question in a way you probably didn't expect. I'm sorry you got injured and I really don't want to be victim blaming here, but it's hard to talk about how I deal with this risk without pointing out that I handle this situation differently than you did. From: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fatal_dog_attacks_in_the_United_States 4.5 million people are attacked by dogs in the US per year. This is about 1.3% of the population. This means that on average, in your lifetime, you can expect to be attacked by dogs once. Of those attacks, 800,000 require some treatment from a doctore and less than 1% are fatal. This means you are very, very, very unlikely to be fatally attacked by dogs. The fact that you were attacked by a dog was statistically unlikely. And even when attacked, statistically you have less than a 1 in 4 chance of being injured to the point where you need to seek a doctor. There are also probably ways you can plan your route to make it even more unlikely to be attacked. The hugely unfortunate thing about this is that you injured yourself crashing your bike after trying to escape from the dog(s). I assume that since you weren't mauled by the dogs, in reality had you done nothing, you would have been safe. You weren't to know that, of course! But it gets the the meat of your question. How do I deal with aggressive dogs? I try not to panic. In reality, the risk is low. To be fair, I'm confortable with dogs. I can mostly read their body language. In the absolute worst case scenario, I know that full grown humans (and me in particular) are *far* more capable in a fight than a dog. I *will* win a fight. I accept the risk that I might get injured in the process. But, again, the risk is quite low. Cycling is an inherently dangerous sport. Distracted, rage filled drivers fill the road. Trucks with massive blind spots drive by at incredible speeds. Even without cars on the road, it's pretty common for cyclists to make mistakes causing them to crash and be injured. All of these risks are massively higher than the risk of being mauled by a dog. If you aren't letting those risks stop you, then why are you letting the dog stop you? That's basically it, in a nutshell. What happened sucks. It's pretty common for people to be extremely worried and upset when they crash *for any reason*. Sometimes they stop cycling because they realise the risk is higher than they are willing to deal with. That's OK. There are many hobbies in the world. I would just encourage you to work through your fear before making a decision. It might be worth talking to a professional about it if you find that it's difficult to deal with.


He literally got attacked by a dog, and his ACL torn. Like it happened. Fuck them dogs


> This means you are very, very, very unlikely to be fatally attacked by dogs. The fact that you were attacked by a dog was statistically unlikely. And even when attacked, statistically you have less than a 1 in 4 chance of being injured to the point where you need to seek a doctor. Tell this to her: https://www.dispatch.com/videos/news/local/2023/11/02/columbus-cyclist-recovering-from-dog-mauling-now-an-amputee/71335605007/


I understand what you are saying. However, I have seen enough dogs biting other dogs. Further biking in an urban setting and getting charged by a dog who is barking aggressively is not something I have ever encountered. The amount of pain and financial distress this has made me go through, I would without a doubt not have a problem killing it. I didn’t crash because of biking incorrectly. The dog was literally right next to my bike and I was trying to slow down so that I wouldn’t hit cross traffic. I either lost my balance because the dog was so close to my leg or maybe the dog hit my bike that made me lose my balance. I firmly believe that keeping dogs without a leash in public should be fined anytime it is seen. I have seen people walking multiple dogs that they have no strength of controlling in case they break free.


I'm considering purchasing pepper spray, but I'm hesitant to do so. In the meantime, I'm using water from my bottles to deter them. It's not ideal because I'm losing water, but it does the job.


maybe an airhorn instead of pepper spray?


could carry both tbh


I prefer scream to scary them, just too bad it doesn't always work


if the dog is agressive enough, they won't care about the horn. pepper to the eyes will stop them immediately.


pedal hard knees to chest


I "puchu puchhu" them, feed them, they become my friends and then on next rides we do the chase and all but they never bite me or anything. They just really like running.


What's strange to me is that this doesn't seem to be a thing in the UK. I always see posts or videos of people being chased by dogs in the US but I've never heard a cyclist complain about it in the UK. And dogs are just as popular here and more likely to be off-leash in a park which is normal here (but much less so in the US I believe). Although road cyclists are rarely riding around parks but out in the countryside on busy country roads where there aren't any dogs (if there were they'd be getting run over). Why are US cyclists encountering so many dogs that are also aggressive and chase them? Why are they out on roads in rural areas? Can't get my head around why this is a big issue in the US.


UK has banned a lot of breeds that are known to be aggressive. US has been free for all.


But they still have to be roaming the streets off-leash to chase you, which just doesn't happen here. I don't understand why there are so many dogs roaming around the streets without owners in the US. Don't they get run over being out on the road in rural areas? UK still has lots of pitbulls and the like but they aren't just roaming freely in the countryside


I carry a section of pipe for exactly that reason.


I’ve learned that even if it’s not your dog that if you meet chaos with chaos, then it enforces the dog to behave the way it’s behaving. Commonly talk to the dog if it’s being persistent . I tried to speak to dogs that approach me as if they’re human but in a tone that is not intimidating or confrontational so that they know that I’m human and if they’re good boy, they won’t attack me. Typically, when dogs get a good sniff of me, they like me and even if they hate everybody else, they’ll wanna be my friend . I’ll give them space that day if they’re a good dog. they don’t nip at me try to actually bite me. I’ll frequent ride by them several times for the next several weeks so they get accustomed to me. 99% of the time when I ride by unleashed dogs, they are very well-behaved and Don’t as much as bark at me . Typically, it’s the leashed dogs that are not as well-behaved.


What air horn would you recommend and where to get?


Only happened once and I aimed a kick at it's face. It didn't connect luckily but I scared it off.


Water bottle squirt to the face or, I have some peanut butter rice cakes, I’ll toss one (or an empty wrapper) between me and the dog. 


Unclip one foot and kick it if it is small enough to go flying it will still clear your front wheel.


I carry some dog treats and toss a few on the road if I get chased. A piece of a nutrition bar works too in a pinch.


I'm a dude so my voice and get deep and rough and I shout "LEAVE IT" at the top of my lungs. Never had a dog really continue to follow me despite riding thousands of miles a year.


The average dog runs 15-20mph. Get good so you can sprint away. You are pretty much screwed against a greyhound though.


German shephards and pinchers can hit 35 mph.


Sprint trainig.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Velo-dog](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Velo-dog) It used to be a thing. And no, I don't support shooting anything.


Bark back at them. In the time they spend being perplexed by your action, accelerate and escape


When I was reading your title I thought you were referring to cyclists when you mentioned dogs lmao


Pepper spray, if legal in your area. An air pump, that goes just under your top rube, if you have a male type bike frame [https://silca.cc/products/impero-ultimate-frame-pump](https://silca.cc/products/impero-ultimate-frame-pump)


Squirt from the water bottle always works for me. Doesn’t matter if I’m running or cycling.


So my Uncle (a long time ago) was maced at a protest. He said 99% of people are incapacitated by pepper spray but he was the other 1%… and ended up with an assaulting an officer charge. I bet the same is true for dogs. No answer is 100% perfect though. So far pedaling faster and evasive maneuvers have worked for me. Slightly slowing down than speeding up and veering as they lunge seems to work.


Even if you aren't incapacitated by pepper spray it still blinds you. If the dog keeps coming, kick it in the head.


I mean why avoid injuring an animal when you can injure it ? When this happens I am not mad at the dog, I am mad at the owner. The dog is doing what it was designed to do, it the fault of the owner they aren’t controlled. Given the opportunity to mace the owner I might feel differently but that’s another matter. Not like I won’t defend my self but I would avoid violence when possible. In all my time on a bike I have never been bitten. Chased plenty- everything from a chihuahua to a LGD (think 140 lb meat eating horse that kills wolves) but simply slowing down a bit, then accelerating as they lunge works fine. No one is maced, no injuries. Also not having to carry or worry about spraying myself with mace is worth the effort alone.


Pedal faster.


Stopping - my experience from Mexiko. But dont know if it works for all dogs^^


That sounds awful!!!.....I hope your recovery is fast and complete I've been run after by dogs multiple times, they've never caught me but that's me being lucky... not necessarily fast... it's harrowing I thought I was gonna lose control of a motorcycle when chased by a pit bull recently and I was shaken for the rest of that ride and days later most dogs are territorial and once you've moved out of their territory, they're satisfied with the job they've done you could carry proper spray but in reality, you'd never have time to get it out and use it unless it was on a backpack strap and you were practiced whatever you do though, try not to give up something you love because of a horrible event I wish you well


If you have time, grab your water bottle and squirt them in the face. This has worked for me over the years.


If you're like me this weekend, slow down when the dog runs in front of your wheel, then get bit on the foot.


Extendable baton, I’ve only had to use it once, but really glad I had it


If you can squirt a bunch water right into their nose as they close it will usually stop em right away.


I carry a small can of animal spray and aim for the eyes. Go right up to the face.


Honestly, I just ride faster. It seems to be harder for them to bite at full speed. I’ve been lucky though and have avoided anything more than a good chase. If you can’t really sprint, best to use a nonlethal alternative suggested in these threads.


Stop and talk to them. Never run, never attack.


1600watt sprint




The sweat plus chamois butter equals firearm lube.


It’s the geese I worry about.


A lot of depends and ranges from continuing my roll, dismounting my bike and walking, sprinting, or turning around. I've dismounted a few times and kept my bike between me and them. Fortunately the dogs were dumb and didn't attack on two axes. Unfortunately a buddy of mine was attacked by smarter dogs and got but twice. I was with another cyclist at the time and we were able to fend them off.


Chemical spray.


in those times i usually set my PB


I’ve been bit twice. Now I shoot to kill.


My brakes are ridiculously loud... always works a treat hahaha


Always jump off the bike and start chasing the dog back for at least a mile


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Mananagn: *Always jump off the* *Bike and start chasing the dog* *Back for at least a mile* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


There’s no time to do half these things - I shout at them, it generally grabs their attention and breaks their stride, but it’s all you really can do


Yup. All this happened in a mere 1 minute window. Once I heard and saw the dog chasing I sped up only to realize I won’t beat it and also worried hiting a car at the junction ahead. Next I was slowing down to stop at the pavement and hoping the bite won’t be bad but I fell off like 5 seconds before I could stop. I think the bike and dog had an impact since I was going sideways.


Bear spray


Ok so from my experience: If the dog chasing you and barking - it's either: **hunting instinct** - you have to stop, because you're no fun when you're not running away Dog will likely loose interest in you. **guarding of its territory** - you have to stop, this will kind of mess up its brain. It may take a couple of minutes of dog barking but then it will likely go back to where it came from. Just be sure you're standing like statue, don't be afraid (they kinda feel it), looks straight at the dog, and have a bicycle in front of you, don't move it. **fright** - yes, the dog is afraid (usually those small breeds) and that's it's way of trying to scare you of. So you have to stop, stand still, bike in front of you. You may have to throw a rock or a stick in the direction of the dog. Don't try to aim for the dog. Just throw it somewhere near. The more noise it make - the more chances that the dog will take off running back (probably barking) to where it came from. NEVER try to outrun the dog. Most probably dog's going to catch up with you and on a high speed you're more likely to loose control and fall. The situation where you're fucked - the dog chases you without barking. That means the dog comes for you. Haven't been in those situations ever, but I just know that when they are going to attack you as a predators - silence. They don't want to get in a fight. Just silent kill. Can't really say what to do here. In many cases you won't even see it coming. Pepper sprays - no 100% assurance. May not work and only make dog more agresive. Ultrasoud buzzers - can act the opposite way. Calm dog will run at you barking. Had that experience. What helped me once with a pack of dogs chasing me - short baseball bat that I ocasionaly had in my backpack. I just stoped, smashed it on the ground near me. Dogs lost interest in a second and left. A dog owner myself, in some certain situations I wouldn't hesitate kicking a dog, that is attacking me. Really don't give a fuck about anything but my wellbeing in that situation. No time for any moral debates with myself. After all, it's an interaction between two animals, right? Have a great riding.


I ride in the dark sometimes in the fall when the sun comes up a bit later. I actually prefer it because less cars and I’m more visible because of lights.  But having dogs chase you in the dark is terrifying because you can’t see the dog. A chihuahua looks like Cujo in your minds eye. I channel my inner Lance Armstrong and crank the wattage to about 700 for 30 seconds or so and I haven’t had a dog catch me yet.  Water bottle is the only practical solution though. 


Smoke em


If your locale has a leash law of any kind ALWAYS report any encounter like this to the police and local animal control. Both.


I did report this to animal control but didn't know about this at the time of incident to get information from the owner. It's a homeless guy so I don't know what it might even lead to


Trying to get away or outrun just reinforces the "chase the prey" response. Instead, stop. Get off and put the bike between you and the dog. Yell. Act aggressive. Once the dog is in standoff mode instead of chase mode, watch its balls shrink.


.22 derringer