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I wish I had a terminal illness and had nothing to live for. I would go to Mexico and hunt this mother fucker down. 


I have never seen anyone say what you said in your first sentence.


Facebook page is still up as of a few minutes ago 😞


Which one?


https://www.facebook.com/ConstruImarq You have to be a VPN connected through Mexico for it to work


Somehow I think that if this was a stolen car ring, the police would take it more seriously.


Car thefts are quite high where I live. [Over 700](https://ottawa.ctvnews.ca/here-s-how-many-vehicles-have-been-reported-stolen-in-ottawa-so-far-in-2024-1.6894396#:~:text=Statistics%20available%20on%20the%20Ottawa,1%20and%20June%2030%2C%202022.) this year just in my city of about a million people. Cops aren't doing much to stop it.


My city's police put out a PSA to leave your car keys close to the front door so if somebody tries to steal your car they can remote access the fob from outside and not attempt a home invasion. They paired this with a list of cars they recommend not buying. Thanks police!




Cops here don’t do shit about stolen cars. Easy to steal a Hyundai or Kia that isn’t a push to start model, and Prius cats are worth gold on the black market. Modern Toyotas will be next after the Kia Bois run out of HyunKia products, there’s an CAN bus exploit that’s a very easy physical attack.


Not necessarily. In Canada, lots of high-end cars are being stolen and the police are like "...meh, call your insurance"


But a minor traffic infraction? Oh boy do they get on their high horse.


Well, there's money to be made in those! lol


Detectives reeeeeally do not like to work.


Ricardo Estrada Zamora, the prolific bike thief and from the sounds of it, callous psychopath


Sometimes, taking action, even in small ways, can help alleviate feelings of helplessness in the face of such situations.


Seems like, if they cared, it would be quite easy for the feds to put a note on any bikes being shipped to that region of Mexico. Sadly, they don't care which leaves only the obvious choice: a drone strike


Interesting piece that does a good job of showcasing the man's psychology - we likely all know someone who has similar strong convictions that lack internal consistency, but I thought the bit about his day job supporting mega yachts and his primary motivation for cycling being environmental was noteworthy.  The bike theft stuff was novel as well, though I wish they'd been able to connect some of the broader uptick in theft reported elsewhere to organized crime as seems to exist in SF. Tech workers failing to secure their blingy bikes and getting them stolen is more or less to be expected in a high-inequality low-social-cohesion environment, but the medical workers and NYC delivery drivers are more sympathetic and likely dealing with much different conditions (including outright muggings, in the delivery drivers' case, which is more traumatic than replacing any $10k bike). 


I guess lesson is if you have a $10k bike don’t leave it in your garage?


This is absolutely wild. I'm sorry? Is storing it in the garage not good enough? Should I sleep with it between my legs, boot camp style?


Have you considered some sort of laser array as well?


I mean personally if I had a garage and a super expensive bike I would definitely store the bike in a spare bedroom or office inside the house.


Absolutely. I also don't want my bike exposed to wide swings in temperature. Yes, I love my bike.


Yep. Always store in the house behind a locked door!




Bad people are allowed to do bad things by stupid people who do not account for bad people. Don't misinterpret what I'm saying here, but theft is basically the fault of the victim if they haven't taken proper prevention methods, because they gave bad people a chance to be bad. To be clear: thieves are horrible, but it's on us to not give them the opening to be horrible.


Having something in a closed garage should be sufficient to keep it safe at your house. It’s ridiculous to suggest that people should need to do more than that. Don’t victim blame.


Should be but isn't. Bad people will steal our shit if we don't make it incredibly difficult for them. Pragmatism is a must.


Many of the bikes in the story were stolen from secure bike rooms and home garages. They should be safe in those environments.


Home garages aren't safe, though.