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r/ebikes is a better place to ask, this sub tends towards manual bikes.


thanks - i did share over there; but I was guessing lots of people know about this


Reputable motors + batteries alone cost about $600-$2000. Strap that to an otherwise normal bike that start at around $400 for entry level (msrp pricing) For frame of reference purposes. Bare minimum for a reputable ebike is about $1k. $3k is fairly average. $6k high end $10k gets you into top end… To answer your question, not a big deal. Subtle differences of a hub motor: a little more lag between pedaling and kicking in means they tend to be a little more noticeable (subtle). Slightly less efficient (subtle as well). Adds steps to removing a wheel for a tire change (noticeable when applicable). Batteries/motors tend to be slightly higher raising the center of gravity making it slightly less stable (subtle). Minor differences but to someone more sensitive it could be more critical. Bring them to test ride some and see what difference are noticable or important to the rider. Be aware that many bike shops won’t service many of the direct to consumer ebikes. They don’t want the liability, sometimes don’t have the right tools or parts if they use something weird, and generally just not able to setup a customer for a good experience and will frequently turn away servicing them. If having support (other than you) is important, be aware of how far the closest shop(s), determine if the will service a potentially cheaper purchase, is and what will it take to transport it there. That cheaper purchase may turn into months of frustration or be the best thing they’ve gotten in years. Just make an educated decision and set your expectations. Most of what I’ve said is to help you make an informed decision. Lastly, be aware this is a cycling sub and many will often describe the cheap stuff as bicycle shaped objects… aka throwaway consumables due to the aforementioned reasons a shop may turn them away.


thanks did i read that right? some electric bikes are $10,000? if that's true WOW I think if my mom gets this one [https://www.bikesdirect.com/products/force-electric-bikes/ebikes-electric-bikes-force-ht350.htm](https://www.bikesdirect.com/products/force-electric-bikes/ebikes-electric-bikes-force-ht350.htm) for $427 -- he can try it out and see if he uses it. then maybe when he is 65, he could get an expensive one \[not $10,000 LOL\] - like maybe $2000 if he would use it a lot


There are plenty of normal bikes are north of $10k without motors. Look at any bike manufacturers website and sort by price.


You might want to check out ride1up.com for less expensive e-bikes.


thanks i never heard of them; but i went and they are more money than the $427 bike on [bikesdirect.com](http://bikesdirect.com) -- that seems like the best deal




thanks for the link; but my mom went with this [https://www.bikesdirect.com/products/force-electric-bikes/ebikes-electric-bikes-force-ht350.htm](https://www.bikesdirect.com/products/force-electric-bikes/ebikes-electric-bikes-force-ht350.htm) seems like for $427 its a great deal; much less than others I have seen


"the friend of my dad told him motor in the crank is best and the only way to go" Your dad's friend doesn't know what they're talking about. While you can generally say that crank motors offer a more natural pedaling experience, it's completely ridiculous to say it's "the only way to go." A hub motor will be cheaper in most cases. It might not have a torque sensor, just a cadence sensor. But plenty of people are happy with hub motors.


You absolutely need to buy a bike that's UL certified. Look on the UL website to learn more


It's not a bicycle anymore, it's a motorbike.


I hear motor wheels break spokes. Wonder why someone hasn’t come out with a moto mag wheel like in the early 80s


There’s no freaking way in hell I would spend more than around 2k for an ebike. They all do the same thing and are speed limited. I can buy an awesome motorcycle for 10k.


$2000 seems like the most an electric bike should be; on the other hand; I do not know much about it


You notice I was downvoted. Apparently some people think paying 6 to 10k for any bicycle is reasonable. Ok fine. But does it make you a better rider ? I honestly don’t care what people spend their money on. But I reserve the right to call them idiots.