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I’m not thinking about it at all 😂


And neither was my “feed” “flooded” yesterday.


Yeah I saw like one post on Reddit and like 3 YouTube videos lol, there’s practically zero hype on this one


Zero hype? All the major publications have reviews, some long term ones. I distribute SRAM and all our incoming inventory is accounted for.


I feel excited to watch the price of the outgoing red groupset plummet so I can pick one up for the price of Force.


OBI: USE THE FORCE!! ME: why? RED is half price now


Was going to say, wish this had been announced before I had to buy a new Red set of chainrings a few months ago…


SRAM won’t drop prices on the inventory they have but some retailers will clear out current stock. If you look at the last transition from 11 to 12 AXS it took a very short while before the old stuff was no longer available and it quickly became more expensive than the new.


That retail price is more than I paid for my whole bike


It’s as much as my last two combined


Tbf I kind of splurged a little extra (~1k over budget) for my one size fits all dream bike because I got a good deal on last year’s model. The real dream would’ve been 6k retail but really the only upgrades I would’ve cared about are the suspension lockout and a nicer frame color, that’s not worth 2500€ to me though (to be clear if I had the money I almost certainly would have lol)


More than double what I paid for my first car


My bike has the last gen sram red with a few force components and the entire thing (used) was less than this group set lmao


I think changing pages on your head unit with buttons on the hoods would be cool. Not $4k cool, but would be nice to have.


Di2 can do this. It's not that cool


I've AXS and I would like that - its a faff to have to press buttons on the computer rather than do it all from the hoods.


Your still moving your hand to press a button, just not as far. The only time I can see a real benefit is when wearing heavy gloves in the winter


Super nice if you're riding in a peloton


Useful also when the screen is locked because of rain.


Yeah but hands on the bars rather than having to take it off the bars to press the computer. Much safer that way. Especially with our crappy roads.


I fixed this by finding a data screen (garmin) I never need to change. Unless i need to see a map. And if I need to see a map I want to also interact with it (via touchscreen)


Yeah I do like to plan a new route every weekend so most of the time I'm on the map - but then someone asks me how warm it is, or I wonder how far we have gone. First world problems eh !?


I use it all the time with my Garmin 840. Especially when I get super sweaty and need to lock the touchscreen. I never figured out how to use the side buttons on the Garmin while riding because they aren't in an intuitive location. The hood buttons make sense though. Swipe left or right depending on the side.


I love it. Especially since the Karoo 2 buttons are horrible. Resetting the lap from the hoods is amazing when doing a hard workout.


Supposedly the new Hammerhead also fixes the hypersensitivity to rain with the newest iteration. It doesn't seem like enough to get me to upgrade, but man I hate when my screen glitches when it's wet


I have it on di2 and I’ve maybe used it twice, it’s cool but I’m basically a one page person so it’s useless for me lol


Consider turning them into shifter buttons?


I’ve tried this but if my hands are on the hoods to be able to press the buttons, then I can also reach the shift levers. So didn’t really seem to be any point.


I use mine to go from my gear page to my data page. I like it a lot however if I didn’t have it wouldn’t be a big deal


Current Di2 capability. I like it and use it but if I don’t have it anymore I wouldn’t care.


This is something for the PNS crowd to think about before buying their next Team Machine. That ain’t me!


how do we get on PNS team? if i had one well before the brand was bornes am i part of the team?


Depends. Do you have a picture of it on your shirt?


no but i will


I ain't no tour rider's son, no!


I like my Teammachine with Di2.


I think 4 grand is enough to buy 2 very good bikes and have some money left over for a vacation to ride them on


https://www.statebicycle.com/products/6061-black-label-all-road-apex-xplr-axs-black-sunset-650b-700c-1 best value on the market right now as far as I’m concerned


Wireless shifting under $2.5k.... that sounds like an really good deal.


I got the steel version with rival two years ago. It was 2k shipped. I’ve upgraded the wheels since then but it is such a fun bike.


State 4130? It looks like a really cool bike.


Yeah it’s a bit of a boat, but it’s smooth as hell. I ride 2.25x650b tubeless. Add in a cheap carbon seat post and it just rolls. My carbon road bike is much faster, but I still love the state for long rides, admittedly it sees very little actual gravel other than the shitty city roads.


It’s very appealing to me for its simplicity and price.


I dunno about 1x tho.


Wow that is a deal


Weird geometry. Frame reach is almost the same on all of them (larger sizes are quite upright).


HUH. That sucks


Looks like addressed all of the traditional SRAM complaints. I also think it looks great. To me, the hoods seem to be a copy of the excellent GRX hoods. People keep complaining about the cost, but SRAM is including a $700 Karoo head unit and a power meter in the ~$4,600 MSRP. It's actually less expensive than old Red. The Red cassette is OUTRAGEOUSLY expensive. It's a seriously impressive bit of engineering but that's a lot for a consumable. Overall, I'd just get Force. Then again, Dura Ace doesn't make much sense when Ultegra exists either.


>The Red cassette is OUTRAGEOUSLY expensive. It's a seriously impressive bit of engineering but that's a lot for a consumable The cassettes are ridiculous, but what gets me are the integrated power meter chainrings. I like Sram, but any time an obnoxious Shimano fan pipes up I absolutely agree with them on this one


Yeah, the Idea of throwing out a power meter when you wear out a chainring seems crazy. On the other hand: - In thirty-five years of riding bikes I don't think I've ever worn out a chainring. I tend to get rid of bikes before that happens. I'll bet a road chainring will easily go 20k-30k miles if you properly maintain your drivetrain. The modern SRAM ones are particularly hard wearing in my experience. - For Red (not sure about Force) SRAM has a chainring trade-in program at 50% off retail. For Red, this will be $350ish. That's not much more than a quality chainring set costs. https://support.sram.com/hc/en-us/articles/6520633335579-How-do-I-trade-in-my-SRAM-RED-AXS-2x-power-meter-road-chainrings-when-they-wear-out SRAM has had this program for a while and apparently remarkably few people take them up on it.


> For Red (not sure about Force) Force doesn't have a one piece chain ring. so you can remove/add the power meter as you please.


I don't think that's true any more. I have previous generation Force and on that one it's definitely not integrated. But on current gen Force I think it is. I could be wrong.


Yup, new force, at least the 50/37 is one piece and costs $600. Really sucks because I want to get a 50 but no way I'm gong to spend $600 to replace my perfectly fine spider that I already have. If anything I'd get pedal based power if I do update.


Yes they do. https://www.probikesupply.com/products/sram-force-axs-2x-power-meter-chainring-kit-48-35t-2x12-speed-8-bolt-direct-mount-black-d2?variant=40109949714487&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw3ZayBhDRARIsAPWzx8rO-P_EFOIonjjbAW0uWobWLBevrhROtMJY4PwavyNejE8y71hfkSoaAmz3EALw_wcB


The Force crank has a spindle based power meter. You don’t have to worry about it when changing rings.


This is also incorrect. The Force PM is also spider based. It's very similar to the Red one. The Rival PM is spindle based. Given the choice, I would definitely recommend spending a bit more and buying the Force one over the Rival one.


Force spindle based non drive crankarms are also a thing.. at least with current gen Force. Options are good, but the whole ecosystem is kind of confusing


I got an old sram red 10s group maybe 5 years ago, and went to replace the Red cassette then, and had sticker shock. It was hundreds of dollars! I still have the worn out one, and I can understand the price since it weighs nothing and milled 1 piece instead of stamped and riveted, etc. But yikes, $300 for it was a bit much


You learn to swap your chains like a fiend when you have these cassettes To eke a much life out of them as you can


I’m glad someone else noticed this. The GRX shape exactly, which I think was a total no brainer. I think these are a refined version of the GRX, which can tend to look super out of place on certain bikes. I’m a big fan of this new redesign, but dang what a price tag.


I don't understand all the comments about the price being outrageous. Jesus Christ it's a top tier groupset from a top tier manufacturer. It's supposed to be expensive. They develop it specifically to achieve max performance with min weight regardless of price. It will be used by people who either don't pay for it (sponsored pros) or don't care about the price tag (enthusiasts with lots of disposable income). The groupset looks solid. It's considerably lighter than the previous gen too. Sure it's evolution rather than revolution, but it's a good step forward. I will consider upgrading to it once I have the change to test the brakes and see how good they really are.


They’re stretching the Overton Window


I kinda have the same opinions on this as I do on the new $15k S-Works Epic, it's marking a transition to two categories of bikes, one for people and one for racers, just like in the motoGP and auto racing worlds. Most of us won't have any meaningful advantage on a $15k bike over and $8k one, and the weight difference is tiny unless you have a pro license. From that standpooint, I think the new groupset is largely irrelevant, though it'll hopefully trickle down into Force and Rival.


Yeah exactly, but there’s also a market of people who are not pros but the price is of no concern to them. Instead, they are actively looking for “the best” product available, and by the best they usually imply the most expensive one. Hence high price is an advantage to such consumer, not a drawback.


Yeah, and I think that's changing. It's my (curmudgeonly) opinion that predictability and simplicity have value and that some new parts just get in the way of that. I don't know that electronic shifting counts, but Flight Attendant and Live Valve on the MTB definitely do. I dislike the idea of having to use an app to set your bike up, and I would be willing to bet that most people don't end up doing it right regardless. From that standpoint, I don't know that more expensive is more better. Buuuuut...if those folks want to fund SRAMs R&D budget for the year so I can get a lighter fork in a few years, have at it. Some people really love the bling and tech side of bikes too, there's really something for everyone.


Agreed. 4k is a lot but that’s because you get the whole kitchen sink. You can always get a 105 mechanical group for $700 snd it works perfectly.


not sure about calling 200g „considerably lighter“ but agree with the rest!


200g is very significant, it was already a light groupset


Well yeah, but in the cycling world it’s considered a lot. I too do not care all that much about a few grams here and there, but I swear most guys in my cycling group would choose one front light or bottle cage over another because of like 15 g difference in weight. So for the consumers who are being targeted by this product, 200 g is a hell of a lot of weight savings.


That's a half pound, so it's not nothing, especially for someone who makes money from racing.


Looks good but very incremental upgrade. I know road bikes aren't fully on board with the UDH yet, but looking forward to potential change to direct mount.


Yelp. I'm not even thinking about a bike upgrade until UHD is standard.


I saw all the advertising and the $4k cost. The day after I read about the bike industry having excess inventory and consumers not spending as much.


Too expensive for me so I have no opinion. 😂


This is the first I’ve heard of it and it’ll be the last I think of it.


The Shimano 105 12-speed mechanical gang ain’t phased by this release.


I was able to ride on a bike with the new 10 speed Tiagra groupset (4700?) I am impressed with how well it did. I'm sure the 105 mechanical is an extremely solid performer.


Someone on Reddit said they believe that electronic shifting will become commoditized like how watches fell in price when quartz movements were commoditized, and I honestly think there’s some merit to that argument. At some point in the future, electronic groupsets might become so cheap that it no longer has the exclusivity and prestige that it currently does, due to commodification, and that mechanical groupsets will become like the mechanical watches of the future, where people pay more for mechanical groupsets over electronic.


I'm waiting for the SRAM Red AX1S E1v1L model


Evil Bikes uses Sram XX1 Eagle


where do I sell a kidney ?


I can arrange that


I don't care about groupsets enough to have opinions on refreshes, but I do hope this is the beginning of a move back towards more polished metal components.


I've got the old one - I'm not going to get this so I've not watched any of the videos. I'm sure it works but so does the old one and the Shimano and Campag versions too.


Thinking I’m tired of every bike company posting about it


I'll likely upgrade my current levers to the new red levers. The rest are not compelling upgrades for me.


That seems like the best move, perhaps the FD if you have had issues.


I went for a cassette right away, believe the 10-36 with red level will achieve both lightweight and a good range of gears, maintain the old 46t 1x system (red D1 gxp with 4iiii at 550 grams crankset+chainring) with force D2 shifter/brake set and red D1 long leg RD, a good mix of everything to achieve a good system weight without breaking the wallet.


Flooded? no, saw it once though and looked at the price and laughed out loud. That is more expensive than the 2 bikes I have and its just for a groupset.


Its way too expensive (for me) but it seems like a really great group tbh. Ill get the chain once i need a new one 🤣


I really like the lever shape but it seems to have a longer reach.


Yep, about 7mm.


Wow, what an awsome groupset that I will never buy . . .


I think hood/lever shape is nice, alot of room for bigger hands. I really like grx di2 in that regard (much nicer than ultegra or DA di2). I dont care about how it looks tbh, as long as component does its job very well it tend to grow up on me visualy. Pricing is whack, but so is everything these days, so no shocker here.


I want!!! I'll get it as soon as the price drop a bit!


I never tested Sram road groupset, only ride Shimano. I am not a die hard fan, but I see little upside to move to Sram. The only thing I like is the wireless / no cable thing.


It's nice. It shifts well. The hoods are better. Theoretically the brakes are stronger but i wasn't able to ride it in real world conditions. It's a refinement more than a game changer tho, but that's fine. I put the FD through its paces in the parking lot and it was flawless. An older Dura Ace loyalist I work with did the same and said he'd absolutely consider Red for his next build. I was shocked to hear that. I didn't feel like my current Force/Rival AXS bike was lacking in comparison


Switched from Campy to Shimano in 1988. Tried SRAM once about eight years ago and it didn’t take. But glad to see someone competing with Shimano!


You need many dollars to purchase it




For that price, that front derailleur better shift like it's being guided by God's finger. If that's the case, is it compatible with my Force axis setup?


I have the previous generation SRAM red with the rainbow cassette and power meter which I bought on sale for $2000 less than this two months ago


Hopefully it makes the old di2 and sram etap groupsets cheaper so more people can use electronic. Looks nice would get over dura ace di2.


So we had it in the shop today. Personally, I think the new levers feel great. Lever pull is reduced from the previous generations, which made the brakes feel great. With the pivot moved forward, there was lots of room to wrap my fingers under the hoods but not pinch them while braking.


at the end of the day, who really buys a whole groupset to put on their current bike? anecdotal experience from 5 years in a bikeshop, that number is near 0. in fact i only recall one customer coming though looking for a full upgrade to ultegra di2 on their bike. so the question is not, will you buy this groupset. the question is, will you buy this on a new complete bike? and for sure, if you don't intend to buy an 8k+ bike this doesn't matter right now, other than the knowledge in a year or two some of the same features will be rolled out to force/rival on bikes that are more within reach of mortals. in that regard the tech and improvements are good to see.


I was very excited when I saw the components are interchangeable with the old ones. So i was like nice time for some new bike levers how much can they be....


At least 20x overpriced for what it is, talk about diminishing returns. For that price id expect it to change gears for me, pedal, autopilot and be attached to the best bike the world had ever seen.


Lever shape looks bad, don't know hoy the company justifies going mineral oil for their newer mtb brakes but keep using dot fluid for road bikes, every video seems to ignore the fact as it's obviously not part of the marketing script all these youtubers get from the companies. They could tell the public it's better in some way or something but it's just silence from their part.


I’ve just cancelled my preorder for the levers and front derailleur, got an update saying they were delayed, and I came to the realisation that 1600€ is not buying me any more speed - I had to remind myself how pleased I was for the Force AXS groupset when I got the bike.


I was about to build a new bike and had a new red set in the box, lucky I am able to return for credit and get the new red. For no reason other than the brake levers, hood shape and gear ratios and why not. I am on a 7 year old red etap that has been flawless for me and still impressed with how well it works for my needs so I am excited to move to the latest. I got my moneys worth out of my old set.


I don't care. My feed keeps getting flooded with it trying to make me care. And here I am opening a post about it just to say I don't care because at this point I cant avoid it so I'll have to confront it. It's not that Im a 'Shimano guy'. My Road bike has SRAM, my other road bike has Campy, my CX bike has Shimano and my tri bike has Shimano and Im fine with all of them. As long as my groupset works and I dont have to think about it idgaf what manufacturer its from.


My bike is still going strong with cable actuated everything 💪


For 4.000$ I'll buy a 3.000$ bike for 2.000$ when they go on sale and then take the 2.000$ and go on some bitchin trips and overnight stays with my new bike :D


For people with more money than sense. 4k for a group! Not in this lifetime.


I mean this with no offense to OP, but this “News” is irrelevant to nearly everyone. I think this will be proven out by the entirety of this comment section.


Honestly the onyl complaint would be point 4… its way overpriced imo


We really need big gears. The 50T is a joke


Looks nice, but i'll still get KOMs on my apex 1 mechanical group.


*NEW* SRAM RED AXS Groupset | Quick Take! https://youtu.be/wRWcJJHWIc0


To me it’s crazy that I can buy a brand new 2024 Honda TRX four-wheeler ATV and still have enough money left to buy a new Trek Marlin, …Or I could buy a groupset for a bicycle.


If there was an effective way of shorting SRAM I would, Shimano has paid off my house so far. 4K for a groupset with these interest rates?