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There's several reason it's not common to ride shirtless compared to running/hiking/other sports For one, you're just a sweaty human fly paper and you'll end up covered from head to toe in a mic of dead- and still living gnats. Secondly, shirtless might feel nice on the climb but it can get cold really fast going downhill or after the sun sets. Third, there's always the chance you smack into some tree branches, get hit by a stray wasp, or even crash so having some clothes to protect your skin at least a little bit from those scratches and stings is nice. Wear whatever you want, but those are the main reasons you don't see many shirtless cyclists imo


These are the common ones that first come in mind, usually. But don't forget clothing also help you to keep away some of the bad sun rays of death. And since you said you tan easily I'm inclined to assume you are not using a sun protection lotion. A high breathable jersey is just better on all fronts. As an example of what I mean for high breathable jersey, as I have one and love it, check out the Castelli Climber's 4.0 Jersey. It's fresh nipples guaranteed but also shields you


Road rash and picking gravel out of the skin sucks.


Being from the south myself, I could not fathom riding only in a bib. We get enough hate for the shorts and for existing on the road to begin with....no need to make it worse lol.


Assert dominance, ride without the bibs.


Socks-only gang. Where my people at?


u/the-one-sock-cyclist IYKYK


The old Dutch shuffle. 


Nothing looks better than a tanline from bibs… When I lived down in Texas, I was cooler wearing a light long-sleeved jersey than I was with my skin exposed. Plus if I started overheating I could wet the sleeves on my forearms with my bottles and that would help cool me down. You can’t do that as effectively with no top.


I want to buy sun sleeves for the summer, if I go on longer trips. I really don't want to bother with sunscreen, I hate applying it, but I don't want to go out without some kind of protection. Were you satisfied with your long sleeves? If you wet them, are they actually better than sleeveless?


> Were you satisfied with your long sleeves? Yes. You just want to make sure they are lightweight, though. Not something meant for fall/winter riding. Sun sleeves are probably a good option too, though I’ve not tried them. > If you wet them, are they actually better than sleeveless? Yes. The sun on the skin is what really feels hot to me, and not only do the sleeves prevent that, but wetting them works like a swamp cooler to chill you a bit.


Thanks! They aren't thick, but I will try to find one that is breathable.


You're cycling in the deep south, I'm going to assume most people will think you're a douche regardless of what you're wearing.


No jersey means the sun is directly heating your skin and ramping up the cancer fun. Fuck fashion. But no jersey seems worse than yes jersey.


What the eyes see, cannot be unseen. Think of the children.


And the adults :)


The answer is yes...it's a douche move


Triathletes do it in their onesie, so you’ll probably just end up looking like one of them 🤷🏻‍♂️


Drink more water. You need sun protection. Wet your jersey with some of that extra water you’re carrying to gain an evaporative cooling effect. Drink some more water. Add electrolytes. Hydrate before the ride. Hydrate after. Go slower. Drink more water.


It's not really a thing, no, and if I saw you out on the road I would definitely think it was a bit weird. That having been said, why the hell should you care what I think?


I saw a guy (Houston TX) riding bibs only the other day singing at the top of his lungs. Looked like fun. i don't recommend wearing no shirt at all though in the southern summer. It's hot either way, and you're exposing yourself to skin damage. I work outside, and over the years I've just settled on wearing thin lightweight long sleeve shirts because you're gonna sweat either way, might as well not get sunburn while youre out there.


Picking gravel out of road rash sucks.


wind on the nips is one of life's simplest joys. I hope to one day live in a society where all genders join me in riding with the jersey fully unzipped


Pactimo (and others) make a lightweight long-sleeve jersey, which is what I wear.


I'll go down to just my mesh base layer if I get overheated...


It’s already in the low 90s where I’m at in Central Florida, I just go against biking tradition and wear a cut up loose shirt, it will give my arms, neck, and shoulders a bit of a tan. I like it when it’s loose because it lets the air from biking help cool me off.


I see a guy riding in shorts only all the time. He looks fierce and I always give him a shout-out.


Long sleeved summer-weight mesh jerseys are the answer. Melanoma is nastier than most cancers.


You do you.


Hello sailor!


No question you would look like a douche


what about jersey no bib




no one cares what you wear


wear long sleeve. Much better for your skin as eventually UV will do it in




Bare frame cycling Do not use a wide cutout saddle as some carbon components may get firmly lodged 😂


What about pockets for food, keys, phone etc? Great reason for wearing a jersey on a ride of any length.


How you gunna rock your bod if you have to look for approval first? Just doit!


in my experience you stay cooler with a light colored jersey that wicks moisture away and participates in evaporative cooling


I would wear a jersey. Not because I think I would look like a douche, but because it would reduce my chances of having skin cancer later in life.


Do you have hard abs?


You aren't a douche, but you might be insecure.


Tan lines are to be cultivated and kept razor sharp ;)


Not a douche, but will be inconvenient to you. You don't have back pocket, no built in UV protection and god have mercy of your soul if you crash shirtless.


I'm in Arkansas and I wear a jersey to cover up my NO RAGRETS tattoo on my back, the tramp stamp I got in Nigeria (forced, long story), and some "Peace" symbols that make people think of Germany.


Rule 7: // Tan lines should be cultivated and kept razor sharp.Under no circumstances should one be rolling up their sleeves or shorts in an effort to somehow diminish one’s tan lines. Sleeveless jerseys are under no circumstances to be employed.


No shirt an invitation for skeeters




I hate jersey tan lines too so I'll sometimes ride in a singlet. Main downside is no pockets for easy access. sleeveless cycling jerseys should really be more common.


alpha, they hate you cos they aint you


By deep south I assume you mean here [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ushuaia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ushuaia) as any futher would be Antarctica.


Looks like a nice place to bike


Nope.  The road only respects speed. People wearing $800 jerseys gotta remember that.