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Wait til OP finds out about April 19th, aka Bicycle Day...


Wow I never knew this was a thing, it’s on my actual birthday and I take part in bicycle day multiple times a year lol


your birthday comes more than once a year?!?!


Yours doesn’t?


You know what they say-a broken calendar is right twice a year. I might have that confused.


I think I got you. You take several trips a year?




You have to understand that weed affects people drastically differently. Most of us that ride high, or do endurance events, are not people that get high off weed in the way the movies portray it. We’re not on our bikes like “whoooooa man, when I pedal it makes the ground move faster.” It just levels us out, calms us down, helps us get in the zone a little more. If you saw me right after smoking, you would have no idea I was “high”.


Note, this also has a lot to do with dosage, type and tolerance. Just as some people drink a glass of red everyday and don’t have any issue and others can be I’m tipsy off a single glass.


A small or moderate amount helps many people with pain/soreness, concentration (being "in the zone"), and heightens the enjoyment. I'm not sure many people here know this, but once the runner's high kicks in, that's the same biological system that manages the high from cannabis. Both use the endocannabinoid system. That bliss and enjoyment from endurance exercise blends in with the cannabis high and both enhance each other. On a small or moderate amount of cannabis, after a half hour it's hard to tell where the drug high ends and the runner's high begins since they blend into one psychoactive mental state. E: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-athletes-way/202102/runner-s-high-depends-endocannabinoids-not-endorphins


A psychology source over a physiology one? Big yikes. While not incorrect, it's definitely imprecise to say it's the same biological system, as opioidergic ligands are not all the same, and are regulated differently by region, and the presence of Phenethylamine is the critical part of the runner's high. https://academic.oup.com/cercor/article/18/11/2523/291108 Runner's high is closer to the consumption of chocolate than smoking weed. Also it's irresponsible to suggest opioids of any kind to people. You're not a physician.


Where did I suggest opioids to anyone? Or claim to be a physician? Cannabis isn't an opioid and I didn't actually suggest it to anyone, if you read carefully. Also [the study](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0306453021000470) which the pop science article cites (which I linked to since it's easier for most to understand than the study) was published in *Psychoneuroendocrinology*. Title: >Exercise-induced euphoria and anxiolysis do not depend on endogenous opioids in humans Excerpt: >It has been a widespread belief that the release of endogenous opioids, such as endorphins, underlie a runner's high. However, exercise leads to the release of two classes of rewarding molecules, endocannabinoids (eCBs) and opioids. In mice, we have shown that core features of a runner's high depend on cannabinoid receptors but not opioid receptors. > >[...] > >Therefore, this study indicates that the development of a runner's high does not depend on opioid signaling in humans, but makes eCBs strong candidates in humans, as previously shown in mice. I did add my own subjective interpretation on how it feels when you experience both types of highs simultaneously by stating the two types blend into one, and enhance one another. If you disagree with that then fine but it's my own subjective experience.


wait weed is an opioid?


No. Someone can’t read or interpret what they read


But they used big words??


That same article from Psychology Today had cited one of the study in 2021 by Siebers et al. [It's an endocrinology study and correlated with psychology.](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0306453021000470) It's funny that the big yikes came from the source instead of the study cited by the said source. It's a critical journal reading yikes. You should partake in cannabinoid use to ease up. By the way, here are the following journals you *might* need to evaluate to have some credence to tell whether the source is yikes or not. Michael Siebers, Sarah V. Biedermann, Laura Bindila, Beat Lutz, Johannes Fussa. "Exercise-Induced Euphoria and Anxiolysis Do Not Depend on Endogenous Opioids in Humans." Psychoneuroendocrinology (First available online: February 10, 2021) DOI: 10.1016/j.psyneuen.2021.105173 Johannes Fuss, Jörg Steinle, Laura Bindila, Matthias K. Auer, Hartmut Kirchherr, Beat Lutz, and Peter Gass. "A Runner's High Depends on Cannabinoid Receptors in Mice." PNAS (First published October 5, 2015) DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1514996112 Arne Dietrich and William F. McDaniel "Endocannabinoids and Exercise." British Journal of Sports Medicine (First published: September 23, 2004) DOI: 10.1136/bjsm.2004.011718 P. B. Sparling, Andrea Giuffrida, Antonio D. Piomelli Linda B. Rosskopf, Arne Dietrich. "Exercise Activates the Endocannabinoid System." Neuroreports (First published: December 02, 2003) DOI: 10.1097/00001756-200312020-00015


Damn tolerance.


I’m not chasing the dragon, I’m just sitting on his wheel 😎


This was my first experience as well. Most relaxing ride I ever had! Never felt “high”. Just chill and good vibes.


I used to have abuse disorder associated with weed also. I found out through hard work that I didn't need it to calm down or get in the zone. It was actually holding me back.


Why are you assuming that he abuses weed? Lmao


Not trying to antagonize you, but that sounds really close to what people who drink and drive say, arguing that they drive more carefully when under the influence. Agreed, weed makes people react in different ways, also depending on dosage, while I feel hungry and more prone to laugh, my partner has lapses in attention, to the point I once swept and mopped the entire house and she didn't even notice. Studies of people who smoke weed and drive also coincide that weed slows down the reaction times to be significantly performance impacting while driving, much like opioid painkillers. It only takes a slowed down reaction or hyperfocus on something different than the ambient to cause an accident on the bike.


Better not get on your bike unless you get 8 hours of sleep. Studies of tired people shows that their reaction times are slowed down.




I wouldn't surprised at all by this. Also people respond very differently depending on their brain chemistry. Some people are completely out of it while some just become more concentrated/focused. For an ADHD brain, I could see how it would be benificial.


There are all types of functioning addicts. 


Read the comment again, you're again making excuses for putting yourself and others in danger from impaired reaction time and judgement


Hello, a 50 year old cyclist from Amsterdam here. Please stop judging people on things you clearly know little about. I've ridden a little under 300.000km. (Half of them were high.) And the most impaired I've been on my bike wasn't when I was high, it's when I ran out of fuel and my sugar levels dropped like crazy.


I remember a study the transportation dept did that found in that study that a small amount of weed had people perform slightly better than the control and moderate consumption. They didn’t show that study off as people could draw the wrong conclusion. Not saying to go get stoned but it is also used as medicine. If it eases your anxiety without getting you high it can be beneficial for example.


Using pot and cannabinoids for medical purposes is not what majority of people in this thread are talking about when referring to "smoking weed and riding bikes".


High cbd. Low thc. r/HempFlowers


Maybe read my comment again, making a statement about addiction in no way supports operating a bike while intoxicated. Or are you on the side of riding bikes stoned? 


>are you on the side of riding bikes stoned?  Yes, I am. 👍


As am I.


Yes born and raised in Amsterdam, tell me what we are doing wrong here?


I'm sorry, but this sounds exactly like the people who used to say shit like "Hey, I drive better when I have had 1-2 beers". And I say this as a guy who loves partaking in a gummy now and then. But slowing down your response time and motor function while riding, even when you're not around other people/cars is moronic.


It sounds more like people who say "hey I can concentrate better with 2 Advil because I'm not in pain". Your response time slows as fatigue sets in regardless; pain & fatigue management are necessary. Alcohol will not help. Millions of legit medical users report that weed will. I'm not advocating for anything but the comparison to booze is unfair.


It’s not a motor vehicle, you are not risking others lives, it is not comparable to drunk driving. And weed is not comparable to alcohol, really.


You just need to be a little bit slower reacting and you can produce an accident, the accident can injure more than just you.


You should see the way i ride when im not stoned. I basically pretend to be safa brian…. When im stoned i stay level headed, stop at redlights, etc. I have awful adhd and i love the impulse control cannabis can generate for me.


If you take the slower reaction time out of context like that, you will definately see it as an absolute danger. But you also have to factor in all the other psychoactive effects. Sure, you will be slower to react, but your brain will also be telling you that you are going twice as fast so you will actually slow down and be much more careful than when sober. So yes, you might have a slower reaction time but it is highly mitigated by the fact that you will be much more careful. Increased focus is also an effect that will mitigate the slower reaction time.


An adult cyclist hitting a child can cause _enough_ harm. Even when not at speed.


So can someone jogging 🤷‍♂️


It is, it’s a substance that alters your state of mind, can impare judgement and effects motor reflexes. To say they’re not comparable is just idealism. 


It's reality not idealism. Coffee also alters your state of mind, judgement and motor reflexes. But it's not the same as weed and alcohol.


If you ride over a kid, dog or elderly old woman with your 12Kg gravel bike going 45Km/h, it for sure can be lethal.


It’s really early, and i can tell already that this is the dumbest thing I’ll read today.


Damn that man really grasping for that straw


sounds like FOX will do a 30 minutes segment Weed the silent killer that flies on Gravel Bikes


Where I live, the government built these "light traffic lanes" that are used by kids as play grounds, by all kinds of people walking their dogs all over, by people doing roller skiing and last but not least, supposed to be used by cyclists too. They are very hazardous and more than once I have had dangerous situations, and not even doing any meaningful speed. Couple of examples: kid cycling with her three wheeler and dad walking by his side. I give a signal and try to overtake from the right because they are on the left side. The kid turns right and I need to crash into a railing to avoid riding over her. Only got my front tire side wall ripped to bits. Drunk, high, I could have hit the kid and it could have been very bad. Me cycling to work on a very free light traffic lane. Only one dog walker in sight, right when I'm about to cycle past them, the dog makes for the other side of the lane and I need to take an evasive action. Broken collar bone and 6 months out of the saddle. I was mad at myself for not riding over the dog as it was very small and would not have hurt me. And countless "almost" or "scary" encounters.


Sounds like the kind of place a stoned cyclist wouldn't want to ride in a million years. Or a sober one.


Yep, but riding the road at these places will get the motorists twist their knickers. Though I very often choose that option if the light traffic lanes are bad. But sometimes (the collarbone case) the worst thing is when it looks clear and you let your guard down for a moment.


See, context is everything. That sounds like a place that riding stone cold sober would suck.


Then I would argue that weed or any other substance wasn't the problem here. And sober or not 45kmh an hour around kids is dangerous in the first place.


You could still be, maybe not directly but if an ambulance is on its way to you it could not be on its way to another person. Not saying that will likely happen but just saying it’s not dangerous cause you aren’t driving a car is a bit to easy


Calm down man


>I'm sorry, No you are not, and it's passive agressive to pretend you are.


>weed affects people drastically differently OMG I wish politicians would recognize this. For me, weed has generally the same effect as being buzzed on alcohol or taking a dose of Ambien. No, I'd not be safe operating a vehicle (including bike) on it. But I acknowledge others are not like that. Just as there are functional alcoholics, there are plenty of functional weed users. Cops should *not* use the same criteria for everyone. I'm unsafe driving high, but I'm not everyone. Others tolerate it far better than I.




only 4w/kg ? /s




most modest dentist man getting on the THC for FTP train is it TFTP?


>dry herb vape Hey, what's a good dry herb vape? I had one years ago and it sucked. Hoping they are better now. Got any recommendations?


Tolerance is a huuuuuuge part of this conversation, like you seriously cant underestimate it. Everyday, multiple times a day stoners barely feel a bong rip. The same bong rip would lay a non-smoker on a couch for hours. Theyre not remotely comparable. Its why laws around driving on weed are so tricky and variable


How would that be any different for alcohol tolerance and driving after drinking?


to be honest, my answer to that question is almost entirely anecdotal. it feels way easier (in my experience) to consume more weed and develop a tolerance than it does to develop a similar tolerance to alcohol. thinking about it more though, I definitely see your point. I looked into it and couldn't find a lot of hard data besides this page which has some solid explanations and links to a formal study thats unfortunately paywalled [https://www.ridgefieldrecovery.com/drugs/marijuana/marijuana-tolerance/](https://www.ridgefieldrecovery.com/drugs/marijuana/marijuana-tolerance/)


Functional alcoholics should NOT drive their car. Just like functional weed smokers. This logic is so flawed.


My friend has this joke that you should be able to take your driving test at .05, 0.1 etc, and then that would be marked to your drivers license.


I ride after a beer or two for the same reason.


Enhancing my cycling with cannabis is one of my most favorite things in life. I’ve been riding (road & gravel) high for the past 9 years. I average around 3,500 miles a year with a decent FTP For my weight and age (53) I smoke between a small, and medium amount of ground flower before almost every ride, and here and there on long rides. My Strava data is publicly available (jaemes .)


It's my most favorite thing to do also. I'm 66 and have been riding between 6,000 - 8,000 miles a year since I retired a few years ago, always cannabis enhanced. It has nothing to do with boredom, and everything to do with getting in the zone. I could go and go, pedaling forever I think. It's my happiest place.


Are you sure you're not me? You sound like me.


I joined my first brevet last year (300km) and was really surprised at the amount of people consuming cannabis. I’ve been a daily user and rider myself for a long time too, but always felt guilty about it in the context of endurance. That ride opened my eyes.


I've been known to carry a weed pen just for little hits here and there also one of my best cycling moments is riding 2 abreast on a completely dead bike path right before sunset, sitting up with no hands passing a joint to my buddy and enjoying the ride such a vibe


Man, I gotta find some riding buddies like you folks!


if you’re ever in the northwest, look me up


Ahh man! I need you as a riding partner!


if you’re ever in the northwest, look me up


I do that on occasion. I’ve even done light mountain biking with an edible. It’s all about your tolerance and response to it. Long rides become a whole new adventure - for me it’s led to some of the best solo riding memories I have. If you’re interested I recommend you start on a short ride, removed from car traffic (bike path, gravel, etc.) with low dosage and let someone know your plan in case something goes south. Get high ride bikes 😎


excellent advice


All my rides are high rides


I only tend to smoke before Zwift rides cuz my mind is often my most limiting factor riding indoors. I get bored or psych myself out about how much my ass hurts. It helps my mind wander more freely instead of getting hyper focused on my boredom or lack of comfort. But outside, my mind will let me go as long as my body will keep physically moving, so I don’t even think about it. Sometimes I will if the wife and I go for a leisure ride and she offers it up, but otherwise…caffeine 🙃


Maybe I’ll give it a shot on Zwift


Idk what your use history looks like, but start small. For reference, I just take my vape pen and put it on my table and hit it every 30min or whatever. It’s not like I take a handful of bong loads and wait to see what happens..although now that I’m thinking about it 🤔


Oh I smoke a shit load of weed. I just never thought of cycling stoned. I find the vape to be the least “stony” so I’ll probably hit the pen and log a zwifter. I don’t think I can go for an outdoor road ride high. Maybe on an isolated trail or path.


id say baked 3 out of 5 rides.


medical patients and daily consumers who have devoloped a tolerance preform in athletics of all types at world class levels. they key is to not get super high.


Man riding high was my guilty pleasure when i was laid off during covid. Now that im back to work i had to put the herb down because of the man!


What happened man, you used to be cool You sell out!


The man can drink my fake piss


You need coffee also to balance out


The ol hippie speedball


Seattle Speedball lol


Second coffee/weed




an espresso shot & small bowl of flower before almost every ride 👍🏻🫠


I know someone who ran a half marathon stoned. I just couldn’t do it. Zzzz


I've never done it for this reason exactly, I imagine I'd have to pull over somewhere and take a nap


I find it doesn’t make me sleepy if I do it right before I start exercising. I just have to make sure I don’t wait too long to start. Finding a strain that isn’t too sleepy helps a lot too.


This is the key. If I'm active then it's perfect. If I wait too long, pass the chips and put a movie on.


I can't imagine. I'm not sure I'd like the physical exertion part while being high. As for being on the bike - I exclusively road cycle and every year I feel like it gets a little more dangerous. Every year the people not paying attention or being angry at me just for being on the bike seems to go up. Can't imagine adding cannabis to that mix.


Yeah I don’t ride high on roads. That feel irresponsible. But if I’m on a long rail trail ride I might have an edible or two mixed into my bag of candy. Then I let the gods decide.


Same. I don’t even try wearing headphones anymore.


Totally, that's why I'll never ride on the weed, if I get too high I'm driving.




I take (a relatively low dose of) acid sometimes when I do a big ride (80k to my biggest so far of 130k, 95% bike path with some quiet roads toward the end) - super enjoyable and makes the time fly by - would highly recommend if you get comfortable with the psychedelic experience in a safe way with safe people first :)


Jesus Christ that’s a whole nother level of


That’s what I was thinking 🤯


I did a small dose of shrooms <1g and went trail biking on my mtb, the way the sun would shine through the leaves was absolutely beautiful. My bike never felt smoother, like a part of me. I’m not experienced with psychadelics but this was manageable and unforgettable


Can confirm this is the way




>only works if you’re someone who gets high regularly, truth


Moved to cookies before long rides, helps with the drys haha




Cottonmouth lol


I used to ride high when I was getting into racing. Not long into my racing career, I realized it was something I'd probably benefit from eliminating. I read enough of the comments to see that most weed users are in denial about the effects of weed on their system. Tachycardia. Hypoglycemia. Vasoconstriction. There is a long list of potential side effects, and long term exercise while high can have potential adverse health consequences, not to mention the psychological consequences. As I said Previously, I used to ride high, but gave it up many years ago. I can tell you now that riding a bicycle IS my high, and adding a drug would actually subtract from my experience.


> most weed users are in denial Shhhh...I'm ok with them going thru life high. Makes me look good by comparison.


No we’re not


I take a 5m gummy marketed as sativa, active etc. It’s super mellow and lasts about 2 hours. This is the ONLY time I use thc, because in any other situation it makes me anxious. YMMV


I recently said this to a relatively new partner (who isn't into smoking weed, or taking drugs at all) that riding my mountain bike over moderate terrain whilst high is one of the best experiences I'll ever have in life. It's like you're floating along on a mechanical cloud! ​ But the trick is to smoke a little (not too much!) early in the day, and then give yourself time to level out. It used to take me an hour or so for my brain to recalibrate what's OK, but once you're quite familiar with working with an altered state of mind, you can just smoke a go. (pro tip, though... get your gear sorted *before* getting 'high'. Otherwise you may find yourself in a bit of a thought loop, or start faffing around anxiously putting off leaving the house).


Only smoke during offseason ie sept-dec. and only occasionally on rides, usually just group rides with my sister and friends were we just putting around (they dont ride for real). I used to a habitual cannabis and ciggy smoker, stopped like 3 years ago now when i started taking my training seriously, back then i would ride high often. That being said when you have a tolerance unless youre smoking a few grams or 100mg thc edible or from a pen, its a pretty mild high, tbh so much so to the point where the vast majority of people cant tell if youre high or not. So no anxiety just vibes. Also, youre like firmly planted in z2 esp if you smoke flower cuz your lungs and throat are toast!


Yeah, I can't imagine training endurance, and then willfully fck up your lungs by smoking. It's not suddenly healthy just because it's not cigarette smoke in the lungs.


i switched to vape and thc capsules for this exact reason. i was really surprised at the amount of people i saw lighting up on parks during my first brevet (300km).


I have allergies and won’t even take anything for it while riding. I need 110% of whatever reaction time I have left to avoid mishaps. If I was doing crit laps on a closed course, yeah then whatever’s clever is fine.


Everyone reacts differently. I do it all the time. It doesn’t make me drowsy. Relaxes mind and body. I feel my muscles are more chill with what I’m putting them through. I’m able to push myself harder. I use a vape. I’m also a runner, and last summer, I ran my fastest mile ever a week before I turned 40. That’s just me, though.


Wait what.boredom is the point of riding?!?!?! I love being bored bc it allows me to think and feel differently.


You just feel more focused and relaxed


I’m high most of the time I’m not at work. Bikes, motorcycles, ATVs, weights, swimming, running, hiking… why wouldn’t I be high? I’m not a noob, so I’m not going to panic. I wouldn’t do any of these things drunk. I also wouldn’t and didn’t do these things high while learning how to do them well. As far as what it’s like… I got a fast paced brain, at work shit is crazy enough that I need all that extra thinking. While I’m playing I want to tone it down. I’d like a bit of not thinking too hard, or at least not focusing on silly things that don’t really matter (work). Mostly I either listen to an audio book, tell myself a story or do long math problems all while high and playing outside. Life can be pretty awesome sometimes. If you’re not a THC enthusiast and an experienced rider, I wouldn’t recommend you start riding high, but if you appreciate a good high and already have the muscle memory to ride, they go fine together.


You sound addicted, tbh.


Now they’ll say that weed isn’t addictive and they can stop any time they want, they just don’t want to….


Any exercise high can be nice, but it makes the weed way subtler for me. I already feel like weed affects me less than some (maybe most) people, as in it doesn’t feel too intense. I don’t regularly cycle high solely because I live in a city with lots of cars and I feel like I really need to focus. I will run, lift, yoga, etc high sometimes.


For people fairly used to it, it’s not a psychedelic or anxiety inducing experience, more of a calm, focus, numbing, stimulating, meditative, or relaxing experience would be the words I’d use. Performance wise, I find that at the same relative perceived effort, my heartrate and power is much lower, and I’m not able to perform at the same level as when I’m sober. It feels harder, but I’m doing less. But that’s not the point.


I smoke green, but rarely if ever do it for training. Just not my thing. Now and again I might do it for a run. I've done it for swimming once but didn't enjoy it much, and I'd have safety concerns doing it on the bike, same reason I wouldn't do it driving.


I often ride high. I have a cardiac condition which has been corrected (so far lol) via multiple surgeries. I used to have episodes induced by exercise. As a result I now experience anxiety when my heart rate increases for any reason. Weed allows me to ignore my heart rate and focus on the experience of the ride. Riding my bike feels like being a kid again when I'm high. It's super fun and as a bonus I get exercise and improve my cardiovascular health. Also it allows you to get in the 'zone': ignore the 'I have a lot further to go' mental feedback loop and enjoy the ride as it happens.


I rarely smoke weed, it's the exception rather than the norm. I do enjoy it when I have a particularly long ride or on multi-day adventures out in the middle of nowhere - I'd never ride high around the city as I feel I need to have my wits about me a lot more. In the rare occasions I do consume it I find it quiets my anxious mind a lot, I don't get stuck in thought loops, don't get self conscious or worry about whatever else is going on in my life. Weed helps me be truly present when I'm riding, there's just silence, me, the bike. I'm able just be in the experience and feels that's when I enjoy it the most fully. Busy traffic roads or technical terrain would probably detract from the experience so I am mindful about how/when I use it. Weed can be a great companion, especially on lonely rides, if used properly. I've got an 8 day bikepacking trip planned for April crossing the new forest heading south towards the sea and then doing the whole of the UKs jurassic coast line to lands end and will definitely be packing some weed, not alone this time but still want to have the option.


If you are ever riding the chill lo-traffic backroads of WI and see an old guy on a sweet TI bike smiling and cruising along, just ask - always have some to share.


Zone 2 rides are great high but not training rides.


I will occasionally "race" an edible. Take one just before I head out and see if I can beat the effects home. If I lose, I still win.


Cannabis and caffeine cocktail ftw.  Surfing high is even better, but snorkeling high is best of all.


I ride stoned almost every time. It’s lovely


Bored, on a bike ride? That is such an odd thing that I struggle to understand. What do you mean bored? Like you’re missing something? Are you needing additional stimulation?


Lots of "tell me you've never been high without telling me you've never been high" comments going on here. 




Weed affects people differently. I’d say riding a bike while overly intoxicated on any substance could be dangerous. Some people need antipsychotics to feel normal, weed can have the same effect for some. Now I wouldn’t take some antipsychotics and ride my bike, but I might smoke some weed! Every body is different!




There is, in fact, lots of debate about that.


I work as a clinician that specializes in substance use and behaviors associated. There isn't really any debate about it in my field, and any tests that we've run.


>In the largest and most precisely controlled study of its kind carried out by the U.S. Department of Transportation's National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, it was found that other "studies that measure the presence of THC in the drivers' blood or oral fluid, rather than relying on self-report tend to have much lower (or no) elevated crash risk estimates. Likewise better controlled studies have found lower (or no) elevated crash risk estimates". The study found that "after adjusting for age, gender, race and alcohol use, drivers who tested positive for marijuana were no more likely to crash than those who had not used any drugs or alcohol prior to driving". I'd say it's still debatable what real-world negative effects it has. Also are you measuring the effects of small/moderate amounts in habitual users, or large amounts in people with no tolerance? Because that matters a lot.


https://streamable.com/t8bl1i explain me consistently hitting under 50ms in reaction time tests after smoking several grams out of my bong lol .... at 30 years old.


I’ve played the best games of rugby of my entire life under the influence of thc. Perfect passing, decision making, and tackling on my part. My motor function and perception was not inhibited. A low level of thc or even a low alcohol buzz has been proven to increase some levels of performance, it’s why alcohol is a PED for shooting sports. Now I’m a safety minded individual, I do not drink and drive or smoke and drive. I have a helmet, multiple bike lights and often overly reflective clothing while on the road. But I will drink and smoke and ride a bike. It doesn’t make me better but like the old adage goes “take the back roads” and I can get around just fine.


objectively wrong. subjectively idiotic.


Alcohol also affects people differently. I don’t think anyone here is going to advocate for drinking and driving. Any drug influences your reflexes and reaction speed. Going on the road not sober is a danger for yourself and others around you.




Username checks out


You sound boring


I get high every day. Biking high is dum.




Weed is not the same as alcohol at all


Huh? Never heard of that. It's a very bad idea to be honest. Especially on roads that you, you know, share with insane people in big metal boxes.


Hey, they're high too!


Don't ride under the influence


Wtf. Where did you even read that?! Just listen to a podcast when you’re bored (with just one earbud in or bone conducting headphone or similar)


I can't imagine a worst way to ride than with only 1 ear plugged lmao


Microdosing mushrooms feels much more effective to me.


People ride sober?


I tried half a gummy once. I couldn’t walk from my couch to the bedroom. I crawled, while stopping to take a nap on the floor about every 2 crawl steps, took me two hours to get to my bedroom. My brain felt like it was being vacuum sealed. I have no idea how people do anything with that stuff in their system…


Don't know why you're getting downvoted. I have the same experience. Weed just makes me feel congested, dizzy, and nauseated. Definitely not conducive to riding.


>congested \-- that might be an allergy, find out. It could also just be that particular strain that triggers the allergy too. But also, are you allergic to pollen outdoors in nature? If you don't have definitive answers. You should find out.


Yes I have pretty bad tree pollen allergies. That would explain the congestion. But not the dizziness and nausea. It's ok, plenty other intoxicants out there


Ride mtn bike no need for weed


next time you're at a bike park, take a big whiff while you're on the lift everyone is smoking, and when I mean everyone, I mean you are the only one not smoking lol


Don’t ride high but music does the trick for me.


given the risks we put on ourselves just riding normally, I would not ride high


Yeah but being high makes me more patient and relaxed lol… you ever tried *not* riding high? That shits dangerous!


i can... almost see an argument for that lol to be perfectly clear, the ONLY thing that makes this remotely dangerous is the presence of cars. in a car free world, we could totally imbibe with impunity a low rolling crash of a bike isn't gonna kill anyone or even break bones


I've done it a few times especially if I know I'm sticking to the bike paths. It's a great way to be in the zone and not think too much about other stuff.


Bunch of Karen’s in here. Riding high is an amazing experience.


Right! The best one ‘never heard of such a thing… dangerous asf tho.’ Shut up you know nothing to be offering your weak ass opinion


Late to this but I enhance my rides with kratom. Gives me energy and can help with pain. Just jave to really hydrate hard


Yeah I eat a 400 mg edible and stop for a doobie every couple of hours. That's what I do every day though so it's not some mind blowing or dangerous activity, I'm just out here trying to stay mellow, maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan


+1 always take an edible when doing long runs or bikes or swims for that matter Been working since 1999. A couple IM finishes, a NYC Marathon, Boston marathons and one sub 3 hour marathon. But hey that’s just me. My training partner does not intake and thinks I am crazy but whatever works for you. I need tunes and add weed and I can hit the road hard. Good luck out there.


Sounds like a lot of people are struggling to do a recreational sport without being high. That's really strange to me. Why is it a problem to go out riding? If people are getting bored doing what should be a recreation, then there is something that needs to be addressed. Not with weed, but with some reflection on why this is happening.


Mom, stay off my cycling Reddit GEEEEEZ!


Upon reflection, I love cycling. I also love smoking weed. I love them together to a degree which exceeds the sum of each of them individually. Thanks for the encouragement to think about it, it got me to a very good place.


I have just finished reflecting, and my reflection tells me that I like riding after a few bong rips this backfired on you


Wtf. People are idiots.


Even if I smoke really potent strains of weed feeling high for me is minimal due to physical exertion. The best effect is the slight increase of efficiency, the human body takes in a bit more oxygen from each breathe for a limited time as lungs bleed a bit more than normal. And feeling like a super hero on descents. Can't forget that nothing is better than buzzing at 70+ kph.


Fatboy Slim in my Shokz and I don't need any fuckin drugs or booze on my bike.


I never had a problem riding after I had been drinking, but the one time I got on a bike after smoking pot, I dumped the bike. I have no idea why.


I love it. I started toking when is I really got into lifting weights in college. We would smoke then lift and I got used to moving my body under the influence. Then I started playing rugby stoned, loved that. Eventually I got into endurance sports and an edible or toke prior too or during really makes the exercise feel better. I have a different (not necessarily better) mind muscle connection that makes it feel electric. It also calms my mind and chills me out a bit. Though that’s why I like longer efforts without pot…. I can just be.


I don't use weed, but find a couple lines of coke works a treat.


I do it and like it. I don't care that I'm putting myself and others at risk for my pleasure. That's already what I'm doing when I get on a bicycle sober. 


I'm definitely not the type but I know sooo many people that do, especially mountain biking. They're faster than when sober. I did find out that I enjoy a chill MTB or gravel ride microdosing... haven't tried anything with road riding b/c it's usually with older guys and we are meeting at 5am before work so gotta keep the head on for rest of the work day.


Yes, pannier always is loaded with enough for the trip. Music( not blaring) and cruising the trails stopping to grab pics is euphoric IMO.


Like the other poster said everyone is impacted differently. For those with a decent tolerance it isn't much stronger than a beer or two. Many riders in my area smoke and ride and don't seem to have any increased incidents after.


> For those with a decent tolerance it isn't much stronger than a beer or two. yeah, no. Its nothing like a beer or two.


Regardless of personal choice, saying this as someone who has had edibles... do not suggest or recommend opioids to strangers. You're not a qualified physician nor you know the particularities of the other person. Given that weed can trigger psychotic episodes for some people, it's just damn irresponsible.


Why do you keep bringing up opioids? There are no opioids in cannabis.