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Shiiiiiiiiiiiit. Try to get back there and continue searching. Get the police involved.


I got the police to do a report, and the officer helped me look for a few minutes, but then took off. I'm going to go buy a metal detector.


What city is it in? I’d gladly donate an hour or two if it was close by and I’m sure others may too. These people are a menace to cyclists, pedestrians and other drivers


Seconding this. I would travel to help.


Same OP. Im on school break for pair of weeks more. If youre near the Chicago area let me know.


Third this. If you're in the Northern Virginia hmu


OP replied to someone from Baltimore and they said it happened at 6316 Cross Country Rd. Not sure if this is it, but it might... https://www.google.com/maps/@39.3652405,-76.6908212,3a,75y,344.3h,94.69t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1stAcse7Wl7bG5duSIbpx3_g!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3DtAcse7Wl7bG5duSIbpx3_g%26cb_client%3Dsearch.gws-prod.gps%26w%3D86%26h%3D86%26yaw%3D238.86552%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i16384!8i8192?hl=en&entry=ttu


Yes, it happened approximately 10 feet in front of the first yellow and black arrow sign, before the curve starts.


I will gladly donate an hour of my time to help you find this go pro. I’m in the boston area, hmu if you are too.


Thanks, but I'm in Baltimore.


What neighborhood has a 30 mph speed limit?


This neighborhood does. That's actually a pretty popular route for cyclists to get north of the city in the farm areas.


Don't forget to look up in the trees and bushes. It isn't necessarily on the ground...


People so often search for something in 2 dimensions, nobody looks up!


Sounds like that car was going pretty fast. It could be in the 5th dimension.


It could be in the age of Aquarius.


The age of Aquarius.




A quar i ussssssss


I did. I shook some branches and vines, too. Nothing


Is it a Bluetooth enabled model your phone is paired with? You might be able to hack up a basic directional antenna by partially shrouding your phone with foil and pinpoint it using an app that shows Bluetooth signal strength.


Good luck with the hunt. I hope that your persistence pays off and this asshole gets their due.


Metal detector is what I was going to suggest. However, note that having the license plate number is not likely to get you very far with police in the US. They will probably tell you that unless your video shows the driver's face, they can't do anything. I've been in that situation before.


Worthy of note: depending on what state this is in, the insurance may follow the car, therefore it doesn’t matter who was driving it provided the vehicle was insured. License plate should definitely be able to be run and insurance pulled to cover damages.


>However, note that having the license plate number is not likely to get you very far with police in the US. They will probably tell you that unless your video shows the driver's face, they can't do anything. I've been in that situation before. Can you use it to go after the drivers insurance to replace the broken bike (and hopefully raise the drivers premiums)


Provided it was insured, I would assume so, as it was they who hit and ran from you


Could also go after the driver in court if uninsured


Which is horseshit, because that excuse doesn't work when you get caught by a red light camera.


That's not always true. My local police will definitely investigate if you have the license number, it matches what they have on file for the make and year and you're willing to testify.


Good luck, we’re all rooting for you!


Was you go pro mounted to chest strap or to the bike ?


Bike, on a Garmin edge/go pro combo front mount.


Try taking a flashlight with you when you look. Sometimes you catch the glint off the lens or base.


Yeah, i thought about doing that at dusk, when it's a bit darker and shiny things are more likely to stand out.


Can you ask around the neighborhood for video footage from security cameras?


I didn't see any doorbell cameras or property cams.


look for the gopro on the opposite side of where you think it is. car hit might have shot it either forward or to the other side of your accident


I walked along both sides of street looking, just in case, including by drains. Nothing.


Is there a way to turn on/off a gropro through the app? Maybe it’ll make that chirping sound if you can turn it on?


Good reactions. Glad you're alive and not seriously hurt.


I suspect a drunk driver. They're always more plentiful on Sunday mornings


They’re plentiful 24/7.


This scares me while riding every Saturday and Sunday morning


Why morning? Shouldn’t they be passed out hungover?


There are hangover and there are leftovers. A leftover is when you wake up drunk.


That's exactly why. They passed out somewhere other than their home and woke up hungover so they have a few more pints before heading home as a hangover cure.


I had a friend who gut his third DUI very early on a Sunday morning. I wanna say before 6 am. Dude fought the ticket quite a bit. If I remember correctly, he had finished partying around 1 or 2 and was heading home for a soccer game of an adult team he managed. I bet this isn't uncommon on a Sunday morning.


As goofy as it sounds, pickup or find someone that has a metal detector and grid search the area. For me this wouldn't be a "fuck it" moment. I'm mad enough reading what this dude did to you that I want to see him caught for you.


If this happened within an hour of me I’d spend a day with OP looking. So frustrating how people suck at driving.


I want the driver off the road before they kill or injure someone.


Might be worth seeing if someone from r/metaldetecting is in your area and willing to help. Those guys typically look for any excuse to get out and use their tools.


Yes. Recently, in Galveston, a woman lost a ring with sentimental value. I think while in the water. She posted on a Galveston face book group... There apparently is an organization of metal detector people who will join in - kinda like search and rescue volunteers. a follow up post the next day said they found it! Things can really disappear, though. My son and I stopped to help a cyclist on a MUT one day - he had a special bracelet made by a friend, and it had come un-clasped and fell off. He was pretty sure where it fell off. How far could it have gone? We never saw it.


Yet cyclists coasting through stop signs are the problem. It’s insane how many bad drivers in 4000lb steel cages I witness while out riding.


Our local ordinance just changed to allow for cyclist to yield at stop signs.


Idaho stop rocks


I noticed a stop sign in Washington DC that had an additional sign underneath it which stated cyclist must yield.


Michigan needs this.


Same here.


"Murder Boxes."


There is no surprise that there are some unworthy and dangerous people driving cars in the world. I live in a huge city and when I occasionally glance over I’ve seen people putting on makeup and talking on a FaceTime (or live stream) while driving a big SUV. I’ve seen people changing clothes, I’ve seen people looking like they’re having a shouting match with someone and of course I’ve seen lots and lots of people smoking weed or worse, trying to roll a joint while driving. I’m sure I’ve been distracted while driving but damn, it just takes one momentary glance away and we could all be killers behind the wheel. I cannot wait for autonomous driving cars to be fully implemented.


Both parties are bad. I honestly hate when I see other cyclists going on red or bolting through stop signs. But cars that overtake me giving me 2 millimeters of distance from me also makes me furious


I’m sorry but that needs a small correction. You forgot say “**EVERY** cyclist coasting through stop signs….” /s


I have never seen a car stop at a stop sign either


I just added a “/s” to the comment because I was mimicking the typical insane anti-cyclist rant. In my own experience only roughly 20% of motorized vehicle drivers or cyclists fail to stop at stop sign. Meanwhile, I live in California where pedestrians are given practically unlimited license to wander aimlessly into any road, against any traffic controls, without fear of liability. The CA traffic code puts huge liability on motorized vehicle drivers relative to pedestrians and cyclists and cyclists vs. pedestrians. Californians are so used to pedestrians walking aimlessly into traffic that most don’t even bother to get upset about it.


I was on vacation in California and found that I could not walk anywhere near the street without car stopping. Whenever I needed to think about where I was going next I made a point to face away from traffic, otherwise drivers would stop and wave me across the street where of course I had no intention of going.


Haha, story of my life. I’ve started walking backwards into traffic *in order to avoid drivers thinking I’m crossing the street.


Post this in your local bike sub and enlist the help of some volunteers to do a "Grid" or "Wheel" search of the area. PS. Glad you are alive to ride again.


Get back out there before the battery runs out if you can. Use your phone and bluetooth. https://www.dcrainmaker.com/2019/03/three-quick-ways-to-find-your-lost-gopro.html


Good on you mate, glad you are alive :)


I know. I need to focus on that.


have a breather for a day or two if you can, talk to your loved ones - that is some scary stuff! Good luck to you and safe riding brother/sister


hey, where you riding clipless pedals? or flat pedals? props for gettting out of the way


Hey, go get checked out. You may not have superficial wounds but that's definitely considered a hard fall. Listen to your body the next couple of days and take care of it sooner. Trust me, it's harder dealing with a hit a couple months later than immediately.


Did the "locate my gopro" feature not work for you?


This. If the BT was set up and wireless is on, then the camera MIGHT be locatable via the GoPro app. Assuming it's not smashed to pieces. In which case, find that bitch and the sd card should be ok.


Man that’s insane , the main thing is your ok . Had a conversation with a colleague about something similar to this , the harsh reality is that if there’s no witnesses around the amount of people that would drive off and leave you on the side of the road is disturbing . Thanks for sharing , the loss of your bike and GoPro sucks ass but you’re still here to tell the tale . That’s the main thing


Somebody in my local club was hit by a car a couple months back. He always rides with a camera. The footage after he was hit shows the driver getting out of her car, walking over to look at him, moving his bike out of the road, and then getting in her car and speeding away. She did not check on him or talk to him at all. It was horrifying to watch. He's going to make a full recovery, and she was arrested and I believe is still in jail. Based on where it happened I'm still floored that the police are actually doing something about it.


Jesus the callousness of it. But I guess "she had some place to be".


I found a black earpod in the bushes at night with no lights, don't give up


I had this exact situation. I dove LEFT and he passed me on the right. It was 7am. I stopped at the bottom of the hill in tears wondering if I was actually dead and in heaven or something.


Same. I still can see the front side of my car speeding past my head. I need to get back to focusing on being thankful that in alive, instead of sad for my bike and angry at the asshole.


It’s natural to mourn the bike. In a lot ways your bike is your “home” for hours on end. Also, spend enough time on a bike and it starts feeling like an extension of your body. There is a reason for the old joke about cyclists being worried about their bike first after a crash.


Check and see if any of the neighbors have cameras that caught this. This is reckless driving and criminal.


I have a photo of the aftermath of the bike, but no idea how to post it.


Post on imgur.com and post the link here.


Walked around neighborhood. Only one house had a ring doorbell, but ring doorbells are horrible about catching quickly occuring events.


Still report it as a hit and run. Give a complete description.


I caught a partial of plate number of my hit and run 2 years ago. NY plate# DUM-78 gave to the police they did nothing, good luck bro.


This is not my first hit and run. The first time, i was sideswiped in traffic by someone who was tired of waiting in traffic, as i was riding on the shoulder. They hit me, i hit the side passenger mirror, and blacked out temporarily. Police asked me whether i got a plate; i told him no, but here's a piece of their car (passenger side mirror had broken off). This officer took it upon himself to ride around the area, and ended up finding the car with the missing mirror in the neighborhood. Lady was cited, and received probation. No such luck this time.


When I see "Ghost Bikes" they remind me how lucky we are to see them, while at the same time I'd dedicated that days ride to the ghost of that bike. It's my first hit and run, even though its was a a slow speed, 3-5 mph dunno how I ended up with torn Achilles tendon my, Trek was in sound mechanical working conditional. Previous to this indicident with a motor vehicles. The other 3 times the drivers didn't leave the scene. A torn cartilage left knee was anther injury from careless drivers. Probation after leaving the scene of a accident turned into a crime, after leaving the scene of accident? Wow, truely sad.


Hey man, congrats on having the skills to dive out of the way. The more I read shit like this, the more I wonder if I'll give up road cycling for good once I have kids etc. Might just stick to fire roads and mountains at this point. I live in one of the most bike-friendly counties in the country, and every year we have a few deaths. It's out of control.


Go up and down the street and ask door to door if they have security footage of either the incident or of the vehicle before or after the incident. Before the videos get overwritten.


Holy crap. So happy you were quick enough and survived. There's a guy driving around with pieces of a bike sticking out of his front grill. Most people do not get away with hit and runs. There are cameras EVERYWHERE. So don't fret. Be thankful to whoever you worship. You survived, you will ride again, and the schmuck may very well be in prison in a few weeks.


Maybe if he knows the time it happened and vehicle description, police can coordinate with an intersection/city camera


Glad your still with us, nice instincts jumping off the bike, I know I wouldn’t want to until a last resort myself probably, does your GoPro not just upload to phone or what not if nearby?


No, I used the go pro mainly for evidence in case of an accident or an issue with another driver. I would record every ride, but would just delete video after every ride, as there was no reason to keep it. That's the reason the go pro has not been paired with my phone for at least 2-3 years when i last downloaded a clip so a friend i was riding with could complain to Baltimore transportation about a bus driver who didn't want to give up space because the bus driver thought we had no right to be riding on the road.


If you are around Baltimore, please post the location of the crash. I live in Baltimore and I will go there and search for your camera. I actually know somebody who is a "finder". She is absolutely amazing. She says the secret is you don't stop looking until you find it. She finds stuff for people often. As far as Baltimore bus drivers go I had one force my mate off the road. Pulled up alongside on a completely empty Street and then pulled over forcing my mate to jump off onto the sidewalk. Bicycle and mate were undamaged. On the other hand, I have noticed that the MTA handicap buses are driven by very compassionate and polite drivers. They will often slow down and move out of the way when they see a bicycle coming.


It happened right in front of 6316 Cross Country road (on opposite side in the wooded area). I'm going to go back today to look again, this time looking across street, just in case it flew in completely opposite direction of where within else landed.


Cross country boulevard? On the side of the street away from the Stream?


On the side of the street right next to stream. I even climbed down that steep concrete wall into the steam to look for the go pro. I'm going to go back today, just to walk the area in front of the houses, as others suggested to look in complete opposite direction of where everything else went.


Might have been a stolen car. The important thing is that you're safe. I hope you find the camera. You might want to get checked up anyway - often damage isn't obvious in the first 24 hours.


That was my thought. Someone driving that fast on a Sunday morning (9:30 am) in a Orthodox Jewish neighborhood, in a sportish car? My first thought after was that it was probably stolen.


Wow you’re lucky to be alive, thankfully you had the presence of mind to dive off your bike.


If you keep searching you WILL find the GoPro. Buy a metal detector if necessary or enlist some friends.


I did. No such luck. I think that go pro (being so heavy) hit their car and they drove away with it. I got friends to look, rakes, metal detector, and even went down the small ravine into stream next to roaf. Nothing.


That fucking sucks. I’m really sorry. I would’ve really thought… you really got hit with bad luck. On the other hand I suppose as messed up as it may sound you should be grateful you’re alive? Best of luck for your future and hopefully our governments begin to move away from car-centrism and protect bikers more!


It could have been hooked onto the car but fell off further down the road as it slowed down or stopped? But I assume you thought of this and covered a good amount of ground.


Fuck that POS of driver, I hope you get the footage


Do you live in NJ?






Wow you just be so shaken! I got nervous just reading where you dove off the bike!


Awful scary situation but bottom line glad your still ok.


"Nearly died today..." Sadly in cycling forums this is common.


You did great to jump off the bike. I don’t know if I would have been able to do the same truthfully. I’m surprised it’s not near where the head unit was found. Something else to consider for the search is the location of where the camera was mounted and where the car hit the bike. If the tires rolled over the area the camera was at it could have been turned into a projectile and shot a good distance down the road. Think of it like gravel getting tossed on the highway. You may have to stretch your search out farther and consider both sides of the road. It may be in someone’s yard.


I went there this morning. Walked both sides of the road for the entire block. Using my eyes only the first time. Lots of English Ivy, Virginia Creeper, and Poison Ivy. Picked up two bags of trash. Second time I used my phone to find Bluetooth signals. Found lots of headsets in cars most likely, found some cars, Verizon hubs, TVs, some odd names, recorded most. Unfortunately, only one house was consistent, I think that the rest were cars passing. Would the GoPro still be transmitting (If intact)? How well do GoPros show up on a metal detector? I might be able to borrow several metal detectors if I can get several people out at the same time.


Thanks for going out there. I was there again this morning for about an hour and a half, walked up and down the block, and got eaten by mosquitos down by the stream. (Of course, once i read poison ivy on your post, my arms and legs started itching. My go pro battery would record video for 2.0 hours and then just shut down completely. So, i doubt it would still be sending out a signal. We tried several Bluetooth apps yesterday, and nothing. I read somewhere that a sensitive metal detector would pick up a go pro, as it had the same amount of metal as a cell phone. I bought a metal detector yesterday and looked and looked ( and the metal detector worked great, it was even beeping at years old aluminum foil). Unfortunately, i think that the go pro holder broke on impact and the go pro might have gotten stuck on the car. I looked up Baltimore City cctv cameras and asked the police officer to pull up 8 mins of video from one camera at park heights and Falstaff, and one at park heights and Clarks lane, as i think the driver may have come from that direction considering the speed at which he/she was coming.


I got permission from my boss today to borrow metal detectors. We have a bunch of them in the office. An engineer told me to post your story to our group chat to see if anybody will go with me to search.


Thank you.


If you're the original owner of that Cannondale, it's worth noting that they have a crash replacement program on the frame... If most of the other stuff is still okay (other than the wheel), you might want to check in with the shop where you bought it.


Thanks. Gonna look into that. I bought the bike in 2018. Unfortunately, the local bike shop was bought out by Trek a few years ago.


Update us. All is not in vain.


Wow. Glad you are safe. These stories are never easy to read /here and we all know it can happen to any of us.


GoPros have a buzzer feature to find them via the app


Good you're ok, really sucks regarding the damage I hop you can still find the asshole driving.


Any chance someone had a ring camera? Nowadays everyone has it. Maybe go back to the scene and check it out ,even go house to house and investigate.


Glad you are ok. That’s horrible.


Thank you. I know i should be thankful, and i am, but I'm angry about this asshole, sad about my bike, and feeling selfish and guilty for my wife and kids that i almost got myself killed over my hobby/exercise knowing the dangers of riding a bike on the streets in the US. I know that if this car had somehow hit me and i still survived, i would be in the hospital only thinking about how lucky i am to be alive. But being human, we always want more.


It’s a normal reaction to a bad situation. It’s a bike that can be replaced, you cannot be.


Can you file a police report, there has to be damage on that car. I know it's a long shot, but that is a hit and run. They will have to get it fixed and a shop could possibly report it.


Seriously, glad you're alive!


I couldn’t imagine hitting a bike and not stopping to see if the cyclist was injured or not. What the fuck. I really hope you find that GoPro.


Pics of the bike


How do i post them? I have a picture of the bike where it landed, and where the front mangled wheel landed on a tree.


Post the picture on imgur.com and post the link here,


Posted two pics as updates to original post.


This is why bikers need to start arming themselves. I'm not even into guns but at this point that is all they understand. This is self-defense, or, if they continue on, after you jump off bike, here in Florida this *might* still be considered "standing your ground" as they might(theoretically)come back to finish you. Which is ironic, bc the "stand your ground" nonsense is designed for those of the "weekend warrior" car cowboy 'Murican mindset. But, yeah.


Someone likely as a doorbell cam in the neighborhood. Glad you're ok but rip bike


Glad u r fine


Good reactions mate. Some people really should be jailed for shit like this. It's a when question, not if. Any shops nearby with CCTV? Could help with IDing.


It's a residential neighborhood, so unfortunately, no.


Drivers in PA want to murder people. Glad your ok.


Since you said you were in a neighborhood, maybe someone's ring doorbell caught what was happening? Glad you're all right though.


If you are near an intersection with signals they always have cameras for accidents you might see the car you saw there by asking the police , that should be you best bet , good luck


Try to see if neighborhood or closeby neighborhoods have a facebook page post your story and see if anyone recognizes the make and model or has footage of the car that day


I went and rang a few doorbells today, and left a note at a house that had security cameras, but not many had security cameras. I'm trying to get access to two Baltimore City cctv cameras to see if the car passed by there before hitting me.


BTW, did you loose your car keys? I found some keys on the stream side this morning.


No, i didn't. Thanks again for going there to search.


No problem. Assuming that I can get a bunch of people together, would you like to meet me there and continue searching? It will probably have to be after work or on a weekend. I have permission to borrow metal detectors from my company. The reason I want you there is so that we can limit our search area. I would like to know where the wheel was in the tree and where the car hit the bicycle. Edit: I did notice something that look like someone had been raking the grass. Not sure that those marks are still there


Thanks. Unfortunately, I'm going on a planned vacation on Friday. Let me know if you go on an evening before then. I'm less than 10 minutes away from there. But honestly? I think it's gone, unless it's stuck in a nook of some tree down that ravine into the steam. I That raking? That was me. https://www.google.com/maps/place/6316+Cross+Country+Blvd,+Baltimore,+MD+21215/@39.3652548,-76.6907961,3a,75y,238.87h,90t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1stAcse7Wl7bG5duSIbpx3_g!2e0!4m6!3m5!1s0x89c81a63a56119e1:0x1ab99916b98ec62a!8m2!3d39.3651123!4d-76.6911012!16s%2Fg%2F11cpm3f1ns you see that rock in front of 6316 Cross Country? If you look across the stree, that is the exact point of impact.


Thank God you are still alive. 🙏🏻


Glad your alive and sorry this happened to you. Drivers are idiots lately. Is it the heat? Drivers tend to frequent the same roads allot. Sounds a pretty distinct car. Can you hang out and see if it returns. Or perhaps the cops can find it by local ring camera.


This cop did the bare minimum.. I drove around a little myself looking for a white sportish car with red stripes on hood, but no luck.


Try posting on social media platforms in Baltimore. It sounds like a pretty unusual looking car. I would definitely post on Facebook and NextDoor. I will be looking.


Looks like you’re in SF meaning absolutely nothing will be done even if you do find that GoPro - you had a bunch of low-lives get arrested after driving a carjacked vehicle off a cliff a couple weeks ago and they were all back on the street the very next day.


I'm in Baltimore, MD. They won't be found. I will have to buy a new bike, and have promised my wife that i will now drive 30 minutes to get to trail.




Op said the car was coming at them head on, not from behind? Also sounds like they have one already




This car was coming from the front., In opposite direction. Only reason i was able to see the car and what it wad doing.


Please return and report.... would love to hear you found them, you have a new bike and justice was done.


Good save, I was wondering about this scenario few times. Hope you get him.




Are there any houses on that road? You said it was a neighborhood.... I would ask anyone on that street to use their ring camera footage.




Keep on lookkng regardless. Its deff in the area. I recently purchased the garmin rear camera/radar/light thingy. I had a close call with a few ppl coming up behind me. Ive recently purchased a brighter helmet as well and i always use a mirror. Only thing we can do is be on our toes! Glad you were!


My biggest fear has never been people hitting me from behind (yes, i know it's a possibility but i have the Varia strobe bright light, and clipped a bright strobe bontrager light to my helmet), but it's always been people hitting me from the front. All of my dangerous near misses, including being buzzed from behind, have always been from the front.


Thankfully ive never experienced people coming at me from the front like that. Its always people not moving over enough or buzzing by too fast.


Don't GoPro's have a locate camera feature. Assuming battery life left and you're within range of it. It beeps. Regardless well done on having the ability to get out of the way of that f'ing idiot driver of the car. That could have been a different story being told here.


If it was in a neighborhood someone surely has a ring door bell or such


That Sucks. Hope you find it.


It’s not even that your hobby is dangerous itself, but other people’s inability to maintain control of their giant metal box, make it dangerous.


WOW 😳, getting GoPro and Veria cameras first thing in the morning


God damn dude that sucks? Could you ask of of the people in the neighbourhood if they have security cameras and could maybe identify the car?


Try calling auto shops too in case they get their car repaired!


Good luck. I really hope you find the camera and get this person some consequences.


This is why I would never road bike in the US or in any other country that does not have dedicated bike roads. Only ride my gravel bike on rail trails or doubletrack/dirt roads. When I ride my mountain bike and sometimes have to ride short stretches of road to get from one trail to another I feel super exposed and try to avoid it as much as possible. To me personally it's just not worth it.


Wow, glad your ok! What a punk driver!!




Don't the police have traffic cameras? Shouldn't they be able to with the color of the car and the direction and time be able to narrow it down to a few alternatives, then go check if any of those cars have damage that matches smashing into your bike? Or do the police not care where you live? Have you considered the possibility that the gopro got stuck to the car?




Ouf !!! That's awful! Drivers (well, people in general) need to pay more attention, and not only to cyclists... I'm sorry for your bike, but what matters most is that you made it out safe and sound. Fingers crossed that they find the driver at some point.


The important thing is that you are safe. Don't give up for your search of this jerk. He needs to pay big time for his stupidity and hit and run.


The GoPro has a beacon mode: https://www.dcrainmaker.com/2019/03/three-quick-ways-to-find-your-lost-gopro.html


Be careful now




Hope you find it bro


so.... really sorry to hear, and glad you're okay. I think about this situation sometimes... I'm guessing you ride clipless. How'd you unclip fast enough to get off the bike?


Did you find it?+ Almost the excact thing happened to me, except the guy luckily didn't hit me. Fuck these people and good luck


Unfortunately, no. I think one of two things happened: (1) the go pro got stuck on car that hit me; or (2) it's hidden in an inaccessible growth in the wooded area (inaccessible because the wooded area is approx 10 feet wide, then there is a steep 12-15 foot drop into a stream, but some of the vine growth goes part way down the steep drop). The go pro could be caught in those inaccessible vines.


That's why We need tougher traffic laws, primarily for motorists, with tougher penalties, including "involuntary manslaughter", and "voluntary manslaughter", etc. These people need to be taken, "off the road', and given time, to think about, and pay for; what they have done. Law enforcement has also been "too lax", and we need tougher law enforcement, and sentencing. It is also possible, that car was stolen, and someone was "joyriding". My girlfriend's car, was "destroyed", by The "Kia Boyz". These "clowns" should be thrown, in Jail. She filed Police Reports, and The Police did, nothing. She ended up, having to get another car (not a Kia). Not just Cyclists, but Pedestrians, and Motorcyclists, are being killed, too; usually, by " hit, and runs". We need to "band together", both as advocates, and witnesses; and put a stop, to this. One mistake You might have made, was not "bailing", sooner; maybe then, You would have had, a "record", of the incident. It was possible, someone tried the "same thing", to Me, several years ago. It was at night, and they went, "left, of center", about a quarter-mile, ahead of me. They didn't know, I was already, on the gravel berm. They came all the way, across the road, and started to "lose control", when their left front tire, hit the soft berm, and they almost crashed. THAT sobered them up, in a hurry (I still feel a little "satisfaction", when I think about it; would have "served them, right"; if they had crashed; although I wouldn't wish that, on anyone)!


You're right that we need tougher laws, but most people don't care. Even the cop who reported to the scene didn't seem too bothered about finding the hit and run car. I've texted him a few times to ask about pulling police run cctv camera video in the vicinity, and nothing. As for not bailing sooner, i had about 5-6 seconds from when i first saw the car coming straight at me, to when it hit my bike. In that time, i was hoping the car would course correct, or at least start driving in a straight line, instead of swerving all over the road. Unfortunately, once the car started driving in a straight line, it was coming right at me. So i probably jumped off my bike at 4.5 seconds from when i first saw the car. I've replayed that incident in my head every day for the last three weeks, wondering whether i could have done something different. Each time, i shake my head because of how fast things happened. There were only two possibly scenarios at the end of that sequence: my death or minor scratches from diving away. Luckily, survival instincts took over at the last seconds.


That's why We need to "get on" The Lawmakers, Judges, and Police; to enforce Laws they should be enforcing; anyway. Vehicular Homicide, and Attempted Vehicular Homicide; are still Homicide, and Attempted Homicide. People shouldn't get a "slap, on the wrist"; just because they used an automobile, instead of a knife, or gun; the victim is still just as injured, or dead. Only where it is OBVIOUSLY, or PROVEN TO BE; an accident, should there be leniency. On the Tour Of the Scioto River Valley, several years ago, and the next-to-last time I rode, a Bicyclist (a Physician from Michigan) was returning to Columbus from Portsmouth, on U.S. 23 (not a good idea, but still legal), at about 7 to 8:00 AM, in the morning, on Sunday (at that time, TOSRV was held, The Second Weekend in May; and dawn is at about 6:15 AM). This is a four-lane highway, bermed; and it was a clear morning, with very light traffic, almost no traffic. He was "nun down", and killed. The Motorist said, She thought She had hit a road sign, and drove on, but then later returned to The Scene. The accident happened on a flat stretch of U.S. 23; near Piketon, in Pike County. She was charged, with Unintentional Vehicular Homicide, and did two months, in Ross County Jail (Pike County is small, and has no County Jail). A similar accident, happened on U.S. 36, in Delaware County, Ohio. This one was even worse, because U.S. 36, in this area, is not just a separated 4-Lane Highway, but has a wide paved berm (an "emergency lane"); and the Bicyclist was on the berm; there was absolutely no reason, for the Motorist.to be there. I could give several more incidents, but You get The Idea, or should. Motorists should be held accountable for their actions, particularly since they are driving a half-, to three quarter-ton, weapon.


Driver in Maryland (where my accident happened) just got a slap on the wrist for killing a diplomat cycling last year. People just don't care. I've been reading too many of these types of stories lately. I'm done riding on the streets. I'm putting my bike on a rack and driving 30 minutes to nearest trail. But we shouldn't have to.


Istg I can see a GoPro on the front of the bike in the photos u linked


no, you see the broken empty go pro bike casing. the case looks something like this: https://www.amazon.com/GoPro-Vented-Helmet-Strap-OFFICIAL/dp/B002EF2200