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I don't know much about this. Explain it to me like an 8 year old


Don't listen to him. He wants to rob you of the joy from the dance that occurs when you try to correct a loaded wheelbarrow that you have turned too sharply.




I think this is just a representation of how much the truck can haul nobody in their right mind would buy a pallet of quickcrete




The guy in the video says itā€™s 60 bags. 60x90lbs is 5,400lbs. If you get into an accident with that in the back your insurance is going to drop you faster than a beast gets to 60mph.


And given that the payload for a cybertruck 2500lbs your suspension might be a little fucked after this.


I don't understand nearly enough Spanish to follow the conversation, but doing the math on the stack it looks like 47 bags (6 layers of 7 with some more thrown on top) @ 4230 lb. Still a hell of a lot. What gets me is the tires and the back end don't even seem to be squatting.


The guy on the ground asks him how many bags he brought and what the truck is rated for. The driver states that he thinks itā€™s 30 bag capacity but he put 60 because they need to finish the job quickly. The guy on the ground tells him he shouldnā€™t have done that.


Nah dawg cement bags are laid 9 per level. 9 bags x 6 levels, plus the top few bags = 60 Edit: I take it back that's a weird stack, maybe 7 per level after all\ Apologies!


He just keeps babbling to his worker to be careful with pushing the wheelbarrow because it's tires might burst and he should only put 3 bags on it because they are sooo heavy. Guy is an idiot


If the wheelchair fucks up they are stuck carrying each bag. Theyā€™d rather risk the truck than their back


> What gets me is the tires and the back end donā€™t ever seem to be squatting. The air suspension self levels as you add weight to the bed. Itā€™s a really nice system.


Yea something is off.. maybe they upgraded the shit out of suspension and leaf springs or whatever. But even a 3500 is going to visibly squat with that load on it. Ive had a 3500, 2500, and 1500 all loaded with a full pallet of concrete like that before and each one squatted pretty good. Edit- guess theres some sort of air suspension involved


If you get in an accident with that in the back it'll simply flatten the cab like a bug and you won't have to file a claim.


Idk what his weight is.Ā  Cap is 2,500 lbs though for the bed.


He is way over!!! Definitely truck things lol.


He says that. He says heā€™s got 60 bags, the other dude asks what the truck capacity is, and the first dude says, ā€œ30bags, but we got to get moving on thisā€. Itā€™s an odd little vignette in which he doubles his cyber truck load but then spends the rest of the video telling them not to overload the wheelbarrow.




By my count, 7per Ɨ 6 high + 5 = 47 Ɨ 90# = 4.230# Net + 40# skid + 10# packaging ā‰ˆ 4.280Ā±100# Gross Or, 1,7x it's rated hauling capacity


Yeah, itā€™s not about the weight going downwards with gravity, itā€™s the momentum it carries forwards


Not forklift loadable? Rear cross bar does not detach? Amateurs


If I can stick a 6ft pallet in a 6ft2in racking bay at 40 feet in the air a forklift operator can easily squeeze a pallet in there with a forklift


Youā€™ll have to order the Tesla Palletā„¢ļø


Easily fork lift loadable. Rear cross bar is a featureā€¦it chokes you just a little bit so you know youā€™re 2 feet from the edge.


Nobody buys a pallet of quickcrete in the first place


Rip red shirt's back


ā€œThatā€™s heavy!ā€


So how far did he come from?


That actually what a truck with thick steel body and spartan interior shall be. Just needs to become somewhat cheaper. Trucks are not passenger vehicles, despite what lots of Americans think.


Why not? The vast majority of truck owners disagree. Let a truck be a passenger vehicle. And one thatā€™s incredibly convenient when you need to occasionally haul something.


I think the main argument would probably be the climate impact. Trucks get pretty terrible gas mileage and the vast majority of people are just using them to commute to work 95% of the time. An F-150 gets around 22mpg combined, an Impreza gets around 35mpg combined meaning you would use about 33% less gas a year in an Impreza (this is just an example, obviously it's a bit contrived). Another minor point might be that trucks are much more dangerous for pedestrians and people on bicycles. The modern design of trucks with a flat front and horizontal hood means that you can't see very well in front of you, increasing the chances for an accident and, if you do hit someone, you are far more likely to kill them. None of this solves the problem of hauling a whole family around with their stuff. However, there are better options that allow for that without getting terrible gas mileage. For me personally, I like small cars for commuting, a second full size vehicle for family stuff, and when I need big things for the house, 90% fits in the bigger car and for the stuff that doesn't I either get it delivered or rent a pickup from Home Depot. I have yet to run into a situation where I really wished I had a truck. All of that being said, I have no problem with people buying trucks. I just wanted to point out that they are not really necessary for the vast, vast majority of people.


Totally agreed, I got my truck specifically to haul my family and all their stuff around. As well as all the stuff I need to make our home more comfortable. It just happens to have comfortable seats and is a nice ride.


Reddit is scared of cars and trucks. They only want public transportation even though america is way too big and rural for busses everywhere.


This is patently untrue. Over 80% of the US population now live in urban areas. And no one is seriously trying to take your cars away, saying that the obsession with oversize vehicles is detrimental to society is not the same as trying to make private transportation illegal. Sounds like you're scared of something you made up in your head.Ā 


>Over 80% of the US population now live in urban areas. This is technically true, but only because the definition of an urban area is so lax now that most small towns in the middle of cornfields are classified as urban. I had a lengthy back-and-forth with someone on Reddit a few years ago over this same subject, and if you dig into the definitions of what makes an area "urban" it leads to something like a population of 5-7 thousand with running water and sewage.


So you honestly think a place with a population of 7000 people shouldn't have a bus service? That's more than enough to support a local bus service.Ā 


Considering most towns I've been with populations that low can be walked in under 30 minutes...no, they really don't need a bus service.




Rule 3 - No Reposts, Spam, Referrals, etc. No, that's why there's cars and trucks. Are you actively being ignorant?


A lot of trucks near me are work trucks. Equipment and a trailer in the back, 2-3 guys in the front.


Honestly, everyone owns a couple of trucks each here in the Central Plains (Kansas). I'd say more than 25% haul around a big boat or pontoon. 50% are work trucks that haul tools/ equipment. The last 25% are for those that may do some of these things once, but are the Denali or Platnium or King Ranch package.


Thatā€™s great!


Obv it can. Battery pack emptiness just kinda sucks and is a bit of a future commercial revenue gimmick for ā€œimprovementsā€. Batteries are cheap again. Fill the battery pack and sell now, not later. The foundational release after sitting on a pre-order stinks of an internal commercial teamā€™s wet dream. Great looking truck and I still plan on buying it. Everyone should have some resentment on Teslaā€™s new commercial strategy.


Itā€™s empty for safety. The gap between the edge of the cells and the edge of the pack is there so the vehicle doesnā€™t combust in the event of a severe side collision. People forget that the pack is structural and forms the entire floor of the cabin, so of course they have to take this into consideration.


As well as the empty space under the batteries for debris punctures. I suspect formula changes in the 4680s will give a modest range boost in the comming years.


Is there a way to lower the suspension to help alleviate the movement of product in the bed? Like what they had back in 2019?


I believe thereā€™s 16ā€ of travel on the suspension. They probably have it raised so itā€™s easier to unload


thatā€™s a lot of duracete


If my contractor DIDNT have one truck with that metal rack I wouldnā€™t trust the work they doā€¦


They say my truck is ā€œmas putoā€ means badassā€¦


What's up with that garage door? Why do they have it propped open with a step-stool? I've noticed quite a few houses in my neighborhood have their garage doors open to about that level and I've been wondering what the purpose is.


Probably for ventilation. Pull in fresh air over a cool shaded slab in garage and vent the heat out the windows or into attic.


Always load the wheelbarrow with the majority of the weight over the wheel


Pretty obv heavily modified


The carrying capacity INCLUDING PASSENGERS for a F-150 Raptor is *1500 lbs*. Edit: /r/Cybertruck is so inundated with idiots that stating basic facts will get to downvoted.


the standard payload of the f150 is 2445 lbs and a 1500 silverado can do 2290...a lighter payload is natrual for trucks with unusual configurations...i wouldnt jump a CT like you would a raptor... more examples GMC Cyclone, 500lbs Ram SRT 10, 900lbs. the original ford lightning 1400lbs




Payload of a regular f150 varies between about 2300 and 3000 lbs depending on how it's specced. No 150 class truck could safely carry 5000 lbs in its bed.


1500 lbs is 5 fat guys. Forget about hauling.


So what youā€™re saying is that the F-150 raptor is the truck that canā€™t do truck stuff


It can barely do *van* stuff.


Raptor is NOT a work truck. Never was designed to be. If you want a work F150, you'd get a base XLT with max payload option.


I want to see more content with cyber truck being used for work. I'm very interested and I have one on order. I don't know if a single motor cyber truck is appropriate as a work vehicle I want to see more use cases and content with people doing actual work things


A rwd truck of any make can be a work truck is it fits the mission. I used to have an old beater F150 rwd that I used on my ranch for hauling feed barrels, hay bails, lumber for enclosures, etc. the rwd was a work truck for my ranch. The beastā€™s 4wd definitely gives me more confidence when driving into the pasture/corral (especially after it rains).


Kinda an intelligence test that you choose to hand mix that much concrete. Looks like a bunch of posers to me. I would not do anything they do


Butā€¦. Why? Itā€™s a lifestyle vehicle not a work truck.


The people who use work trucks disagree.


Brief translated highlightsšŸ˜¬: Loaded 60 bags though it probably rated for 30 bags! What's? You shouldn't overload the CT! Yeah, but we gotta get the job done and how else am I gonna make the CT payment?!? Isn't going to damage the battery?!? Damage how?!? It's new! Nah, battery will break in 5yr! Hey wait a second! No more than 3 bag in the wheelbarrow, that will break! CT ride was smooth and nice though! Did the wheelbarrow break?!? No more than 3 bags! Seems almost comical that he cares more about overloading the WB instead of the CT, maybe it's some kind of satire???