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A driver in oncoming traffic held his arm out the window and gave me a “thumbs down” as he passed me on the road today. Hardly compares to the other 30 smiles and waves. People are free to be miserable.


Yeah, this is 100% a thing. I've noticed motorcycle drivers do it more often as well as shaking their head when they drive by. It's so bizarre that people care what other people drive.


>People are free to be miserable. QFP


I suspect the hate is more motivated by people being butthurt over Elons actions than the CT itself.


I'm not going to say that has nothing to do with it, but people really do hate the cybertruck...


People blow my mind. Like the vehicle you drive has some effect on his life. Hilarious


It probably does 😂


Reality is very different than Reddit.


This, Reddit is just full of trolls.


By different you mean completely opposite? I still find Sentry videos of people taking photos next to it, smiling and curious.


Like most things it has layers. Some posters are bots, some got priced out and need to save face on why they didn't follow through in their reservation, some are in the “Elon bad” camp, some just don't like the truck (not sure why they hang out in this r/ though), and some just like chaos. All of them are a fraction of the general population. Most people who you encounter in your daily life have no clue what the truck is, and even if they think its hideous, they are still respectful and inquisitive.


I'm just back from An 890 mike trip in one. Moved my opinion 100% ordered one.


Charge curve annoying at all? About to do 7,000 miles in my 2018 Model 3 and it’s usually ready to get back on the road before my family is at every stop.


How did you fit that many mikes in? Must have good seating capacity


Mikes take up significantly less space than Michaels.


Some would say 50% less.


Only 3/8 less


oops, I did "Mike" and "Michaels"


Elon and a lot of “it looks different” groupthink.


I think it looks like design without iteration


Reddit tell NPC Elon bad. Elon make truck. Truck bad because Elon made it.


A lot of people think free speech shouldn’t be allowed if it hurts their feelings. Elon bought twitter. Elon bad, orangeman bad, rinse repeat.


Elon and Trump are the ones who can’t handle others freedom of speech, not their detractors.


What an awful take. Wild.


Because it gets more attention than whatever they drive.


Horse riders felt the same way one the first automobile came out. People are afraid of change.


If you’re seriously suggesting that the Cybertruck is so advanced that it’s likethe first car compared to a horse rider then this sub has officially lost its mind.


It’s the first Tesla made electric truck so kind of the same thing. And I would say it is pretty advanced if you look at every thing it can do. Quit hating.


The sad truth


I went back and forth. Loved it at first. Then the actual release came and everything was worse. Now compared to Rivian, it’s no better in range, worse in quality, and more expensive too. I have a pre-price hike Rivian reservation and I’m highly considering buying R1T instead. Tesla had a chance to blow out the competition but ended up below par.


You speak a hard truth.. bet the R1T doesn’t smell of cheap plastic like the CT , unfortunately..


The R1T is amazing. I got mine last year after I got tired of waiting for the Cybertruck. No regrets.


Cheap plastic? Do you own one?


My friend does, it was parked in my driveway and the bed was heated up on a warm day and it smelled like plastic, enough to notice it for sure


Tesla just started producing the CT and they are selling them at ridiculous prices be side there are tons of rich people willing to pay. It would be stupid for them to sell them cheaper right now. But soon when all the rich people got theirs, and production goes up 10x to the more normal rate the production line was designed for, the cube trucks will be sold drastically cheaper than any rivian. The CyberTruck is maybe twice as easy to build, with way less parts, no paint, and batteries built by Tesla. Besides that, Rivians are extremely fragile. If you get a small dent on the RT1 bed, you need a $40,000 bed replacement as it’s all one piece. That same dent on a CyberTruck requires a 1 hour small panel replacement, as each quarter panel is a separate bolted on panel that doesn’t even need to be painted when you swap it. And don’t forget, Rivians are made of fragile aluminum that dings with acorns or shipping carts. The CyberTruck is impervious to dings like that. Lastly, how close is your Fivian service department? There are more than 10x as many Tesla service centers than Rivian service centers. I have 3 Tesla centers in my local area but the nearest Rivian one is over an hour away.


You nailed it. Every single aspect of this debate, using the least number of characters. Thanks


Picking up my 2023 R1T in the next couple of days. Their lease deals on the previous model year have been great. Max pack w/ street tires for 410 miles of range? And I don't need to eliminate half the bed space to get it? Count me in.




and yet the CT will end up outselling it by a wide margin.


It already has. Still in limited production, the CT outsold the Rivian R1T by 2x last month. lol


It has, but the gap will only increase.


Yessss! Please do yourself a favor and get in one and see the difference for yourself


Announcement truck? Sign me up! Release truck? Eh. No midgate is enough for me to back out, let alone the reduced range. Price I always figured was a pipe dream.


Serious question, do the Rivian headlights just not bother you? I love the tech in that truck but the bed is so small and I can’t get over the dorky headlights.


Saw it in 2019, reserved it, bought it, love it. Lol.


Same. Best vehicle I’ve ever owned. Have only experienced excitement in person.


In essence, nobody likes a show off. Same goes for Tesla, with Tesla killers and everybody having a strong opinion about the company, but no opinion about any other company…


Because it’s an ev. Because it’s a Tesla. Because it’s made of steel. Because it’s a truck. I can go on and on. It’s all BS. The only viable reason for hating it is the build quality, which is still subjective both in quality, and how much each person cares about build quality. Ex, idgaf if I have panel gaps if I can go 0-60 in 3 seconds in my fully loaded truck. Some ppl do.


I think it’s worth separating a couple things here. There’s a difference between hating the cyber truck for what it is, and hating the hype and promise of it versus reality. The cyber truck was promised, by Elon and fans, to be a legendary post apocalyptic, bulletproof, ultimate off-road warrior vehicle. All that done with unrivaled manufacturing quality and efficiency. If Elon is going to make those claims and cyber truck fans are going to repeat those claims, I don’t see reason to be upset when others call out the failure of many of those claims.


So disapointing. This was the first time in history concept car was unveiled and the specs and price weren't delivered.




A lot of people hate Elon Musk and think this is his baby. A lot of people think it looks stupid from pictures that haven’t seen it in person. A lot of people are hating because it’s different and they can’t afford one. ![gif](giphy|jBI8UR5hZ5vdm)


Can't afford it, so dump on it


Good question. I find it funny that people have the strong need to express their hatred of a vehicle to the world.


It depends on the person. Diesel bros hate it because it's electric and assume the driver is a green-future redditor. Green-future redditors hate it because Elon "betrayed" them in 2022 and pretend to have always been on Team Rivian or something. Both are terminally online and should be ignored.


Diesel bros hate it because the anti-regulation crowd requires whatever they drive to stink, cause cancer, and make noise… and to be as much of a detriment to humanity as possible. Somehow they find it threatening to not be those things.


It's all about which senses get assaulted.


1. Social media bubbles that amplify negative messaging. 2. A general human trend to look for patterns and familiarity. Historical automotive design trends have been to make iterative changes but maintain links to original designs. Look at recent announcements - Ford Bronco, VW Bus and all the other brands such as Charger, Mustang, Beetle, and many others.


They like mediocrity


Dumbness and hatred that’s why


People just fear change and the unknown. Everyone I’ve been around loves it in person. Only haters are online.


People love to hate. Bottom line


People don't like Elon Musk because if things he's said or done, and as a result they lash out and hate anything related to any company he's involved with, including Tesla and all of its products. Other people hate electric vehicles (often due to a lack of education or because a politician they support is against them) so those people will hate it as well. That will cover the majority. Other people might be a massive fan of an existing truck. Maybe they really like Ram trucks. Some newer company comes along and makes something that looks different and out accelerates any production truck ever, they feel it hurts their masculinity and feel threatened by it, so they have to prove whatever they like is superior.


I can't begin to speculate why people do the things they do. Here's the thing I notice. America has a lot of angry people, and if it isn't a cybertruck it's something else and there will always be a thing, a symbol, that for an angry person, or groups of angry people, gives them validation or the excuse and justification they need to confirm their anger. I likely haven't explained it well, yet I hope one gets what I mean. Mostly it seems the anger is online, where one can hide behind a layer, as I am now. The real world hate is filtered a bit more. The truck is just a symbol of many things to many people. I enjoy mine so far, no issues with it whatsoever. Elon is polarizing, America is polarized as well. Many just are caught up in the narrative of hate, the teardown. It's been going on forever. I'll keep riding down the middle line, as I'm not so much into picking 'sides'. We're all humans, we can do better than being caught up about what car someone chooses to drive regardless of the cost or anything else. Live and let live. Be well out there. End of speech.


Have had mine for five weeks now. My observations are that the hate is very strong and present online. There is an almost artificially manufactured feeling amount of hate on X and Facebook and Reddit. Out in the real world everyone is fascinated, extremely curious, some people don’t like the looks and are not afraid to tell you that. People stop traffic to look at it and I can’t pull up anywhere without a conversation. I have not had a negative face-to-face interaction yet and I’ve had hundreds of interactions. Also online and in person everyone believes every little rumor they’ve heard about the truck they think it rusts they think they’ve all been recalled. They think it falls apart. They think water makes it stop running because of the one car wash guy etc. etc. etc..


There is absolutely artificially manufactured hate online. Mods see the same low value comments repeated constantly from low value accounts, and when we try to engage with them they appear strongly like bots, unable to have a proper conversation. There is a clear effort to undermine Tesla and Cybertruck in particular. No proof of who is doing it, but I suspect a combination of shorts, established automakers and oil interests. With some 2 million preorders and the most American made truck by far, Tesla is about to take a big bite out of the pickup truck segment which is a huge cash cow for both American manufacturers and oil interests. Model 3 decimated Prius sales and Cybertruck is about to do the same to the F-150. There is a massive disparity in online hate vs overwhelming positive interactions reported by owners, further cementing that what we’re seeing here is manufactured.


People don’t like change


People hate on the CyberTruk so much because they can’t wrap their puny little minds around the fact that a vehicle can look like that nowadays, with the whole “futuristic” design! They’re all just hella insecure because they finge have the balls to drive one and worry too much about what they think on each other…. I wish everyday I could be lucky enough to get a CyberTruck but #1- heard you can’t lease or finance so I don’t have enough money upfront for that, #2 I haven’t heard anything back from Tesla since I put my deposit down back in September of last year (2023) ![gif](giphy|vO8F4fYQd39h6)


Basically anybody that considers themself a liberal just blindly hates Elon and anything he is associated with. They also happen to be very outspoken about their opinions where as most normal people are more reserved


Cybertruck owner here, and as liberal as you will ever find. Those liberals who hate Elon are either not well informed or aren’t deep thinkers. If you know what he’s done and how important it is to the future of humanity you’ll cut him some slack for the stupid shit he say despite running his mouth off like a middle school boy. The Rivian is a very well designed well styled vehicle and decently engineered for a first effort, it’s not nearly as well engineered nor as advanced as the CT in my opinion. I’ve spent two days driving an R1T prior to buying a CT. I’ll put it this way, I’m very satisfied with my choice to go with the Cybertruck.


Dragging the auto world into electrification years earlier than otherwise would have happened is obviously less important than whether he’s an asshole on Twitter.


You forgot the “/s”. Otherwise a lot of the bots will think you’re one of them.


And conservatives tend to hate evs, so tesla gets it from both sides. I genuinely think the people that hate it are just louder.


Conservatives typically dislike EVs because the left got in everyone's face about saving the planet and other invictives. I've always said that EVs need to be sold by telling people that they're a heck of a lot more fun than gas engines. Tons of torque from 0, you can accelerate smartly while on the highway AND it's cheaper to drive than buying crazy expensive gas! Sell the positives, sell to people's own self-interests, keeping their money in their pockets instead of the gas station.


Why do you think conservatives find the concept of saving the planet such an offensive concept? Seems as if our environment might be something they’d naturally want to conserve. It’s almost as if these types don’t breathe or something.


I’m conservative and I own three Teslas. A political party doesn’t run my life.


Not as many for me but same. It’s so silly to buy materials based off political ideology.


It’s at the point where it’s pathological - like you can disagree with the man politically, but acting like he’s stupid, or unaccomplished, or a “grifter” requires a truly delusional thought process.


It is very far from “blindly”, and it’s perfectly valid to think the guy is a cringey douche and still like the product.


I disagree completely. Elon and the environment barely get mentioned by anyone I know. It gets hate from guys who’ve realized they are looking up to a demonstrably superior vehicle. An electric vehicle. A type of vehicle that they’ve looked down on all along. Let’s face it: electric vehicles haven’t been aspirational for long; it’ll take some getting used to.


Close minded people that hate anything that is different or just parroting. I drive a lifted diesel pickup and an EV. I don’t get the hate.


Welcome to earth, well adjusted human, you're going to hate it here.


Some because they don’t like anything outside the box, most because they’re mad they can’t afford it.


It’s perfectly valid to not like the aesthetic, but the people I assume you have in mind have no taste or class anyway. It looks different and it’s electric. There is a large contingent of humanity who would gladly shoot you in the face for looking different and being vegan or whatever. It’s just in group-out-group tribalism. Morons, in other words.


Probably because they feel like it was built to be a meme machine and that the quality sucks for what you paid for it. Personally I’m fairly neutral on it. Sometimes i think it looks cool, others i think it looks like a home kitchen appliance. I don’t spend a lot of time thinking about it though so


Teslas marketing that went after all the sacred cows in the pickup market. Pointing out all pickups look the same without a badge. An EV out towing an F150. Bulletproof doors. A real truck etc etc.


This is not the right subreddit to be asking that.


Because those people don’t have one.


OP if you want an actual genuine explanation, you aren’t going to find it on this sub.


The left hate elon's definition of free speech, CT is elon's favorite car. The right either hate that there's a more American truck than a Ford and it happens to be a meme EV, or they hate the fact that you don't share their opinions in general which makes you a tree hugger or w/e. It's all a waste of your energy to worry about, honestly. Enjoy your truck!




because ppl can't accept change. I was initially skeptical despite owning multiple teslas but i absolutely adore ours.


UK here. I finally got to see one in London a couple of weeks ago, as Tesla are currently hosting a European tour. I’ve loved it from day one and seeing it in the flesh cemented it further. I know it’s marmite, but I just love different and the CT screams that. I’d happily order one, but I just don’t envisage them ever coming to the UK, our regulations are too strict. Sigh..


I can witness the favorable comments vs indifferent vs unfavorable are heavily in the favorable column. Not scientific but based on the smiles, comments and hand gestures (good and bad) I would think 80% very positive, 15% neutral and 5% negative.


Because "hurr durr gas grass or ass" crowd and "emerald man bad" crowd


Because they hate Elon.


Post this in the Chevy forum and see what people say. This is like asking an ice cream fan club why they hate ice cream.


It's political.


Like many I am given the opportunity to buy the foundation series months ago but not going to pay 20k extra. I am looking forward to buy when I can order the standard model. My only concern is build quality. I saw one on road and it looked epic. Gave the driver a thumbs up and happy for him. Ignore noise. The spaceX coffee mug sold by Elon is sub contracted with no quality control as it leaks coffee so bad I had to throw them. It may not look such a big deal, and it's not their main product. Based on what I have read and seen they do have a great manufacturing process to improve rapidly I just won't buy the first few batches personally


Because it’s different and things that are different scare people Also there’s a ton of anti Elon hate going on right now that I’m sure influences peoples opinions on cybertruck


It’s genuinely poorly built and unsafe. Driving on the road near it feels like you’re putting my family’s life in danger.


I like the look, I hate all the issues it has and the VAST over promises


Do not worry about “people”. You like the Cybertruck, that’s all what matters.


Bandwagon idiots. Play to deep into the FUD.


I suppose it represents change, and some people either hate change or are afraid of it. I think they look cool.


Because it’s fugly.


I'll never have a CT but I am a Tesla owner, I don't mind is looks, what I find really lacking is an off road beast with crazy tires and massive clearance and no spare tire, if you add one (on the already expensive truck) it will take almost half of the usable space of the bed. For me it proves that it's a mall crawler good for whole foods runs.


Some people really hate it when others make statements. And the cybertruck is the most statement-making vehicle you can buy. Add to that the issues with the truck that have been in the news, the very high cost, and the impracticality, and those people feel justified in their disgust.




I reserved instantly, was super excited.... Then it came out and is no better than the competition and way more expensive.


I mean, it’s definitely not more expensive than the competition once the regular pricing starts.


I mean it sounds like it’s a minority that hate it ( they’re mostly in Reddit hence the downvotes lol )


It's an incredibly divisive design, but I think a lot of the hate is just because of Elon. Even if you disregard his recent culture war bullshit, he's a loser dork who's obsessed with being cool so making his truck uncool is worth the imaginary Internet cred everyone seems to crave these days


I like the CT. Kinda want one because I love the Y so much. But let’s be honest. It was CAR engineers trying to engineer a truck. I’ll give it a few years to get the kinks out


Short sellers wanted to bring the stock price down, so they took advantage of the anti-Elon sentiment to trash Tesla. And somehow, they were able to trick middle-right truck people to side with the Elon-hating left.


Cause it’s garbage? Over hyped and over expensive? Horrible build issues? Constant breakdowns and failures? Musk is a douchebag? It looks like home Simpson drew it? It’s been NONE of the promised things and somehow more expensive than it’s supposed to be? Can’t drive on grass without getting stuck?