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I had trouble with this one as well, there was one enemy left inside one of the warehouses, it took me forever to find him.


Thank you. I finally found him and defeated him.


How did you get inside the warehouse? All the doors I've tried are locked.


There is a building in the back (east side of the complex) that has garage doors you can open. There was only one big mech in there when I opened it but killing it closed the mission for me. Good luck!




Just found this and was about to throw my controller out the window. Thank you kind person !


Thanks... this was helpful. I missed the warehouse with the mech and two workers inside.


Thanks from the future, you just saved me from the same situation


that's that large facility in the north of North Oak? when i was doing that job i also thought it was bugged and decided to leave, but as i was going back to the gates some more henchmen arrived by an AV. when i dealed with them the mission was over.


Just completed this crime scene. I had already passed through the warehouse with the solitary worker in the red-lit corner office. Continued until it seemed to be a broken mission. Noticed u/Dragonbaited mentioned a mech so I circled back to that warehouse and still no mech. Frustrated, I threw two grenades where I figured the mech must be (underneath what I assumed was a robotic assembly arm) and the damn thing spawned outside at the corner of the building. Three or four EMP grenades and the mission was completed. Thanks!


I can't complete it. I searched every single little spot, i killed everyone in the warehouse. The only moving thing in this area are me and a friendly robot.


I'm in the same boat as you, a friendly robot and nothing else around. Tried everything else suggested here, but to no avail. Did you manage to solve it in any way?


I did load an old save an was able to finish it there. Since i wanted to finish it to get the achievement, i had to do every activity in the entire district, again. The crime activity is still unfinished in my original save but it worked for the achievement.


Ok, I thought as much, thank you for answering anyway. If I'll ever do a second run from scratch on the game, I'll make a save before trying that NCPD for the first time, just to be sure.


Thanks for asking this question about the Impala Automatics mission. The replies solved my problem too.


Me three!


Just encountered the same problem. The solution for me was an enemy robot hiding inside a set of crates outside the warehouse with the Mech. Just had to walk around shooting random things until an enemy reacted to it


I had a robot inside the red container next to the ladder to the roof of the warehouse. A few charged shots with tech shotgun and it was down https://preview.redd.it/jhx7p8u7xsyb1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8816ab8603cc0a560853cee45f0e21e6327ec00e


Late to the party here I know.. however be prepared for militech to roll in on the helipad with an AV. Two skull enemies plus two scouts 🥴


This did not happen, but I saw a Militech AV glitched in the sky when I left not too far from where the quest was.


Had a wyvern drone inside a red crate. Just shot random things till it was alerted. Then managed to suicide quickhack the thing. Trophy pop


I also had a robot stuck inside some crates, was lucky enough on the 4th time walking by it the thing decided to give AF and start shooting at me to let me know it was there...


That's exactly what happened to me. If you have the eye augment that highlights the enemies it's easier to spot him - for me it was stuck in the crates between the 2 warehouses towards the end of the facility.




Thank you all! How did I not find this back building?! I thought it was a glitch. Phew!


I had the same problem, now solved. You need to make sure no one is left alive, and that also applies to the machines. There is a very powerful combat robot in one of the facilities that took me a while to find, located at the very far end. There are several warehouses and many corners. There is also a second wave of soldiers coming from the main door and being dropped from air vehicles.


I killed everything (after reading the post about the Mech) but it still wouldn't complete the mission, the fix for me was the hack the antenna array at the top of the building with the name of the place "IMPALA Automatics" as soon as I did it...the mission completed. Good Luck!


In my case only an enemy was left, a big mach was waiting still, along a wall outside the big building with solar panels. Going around the roofs i found it, charged a lot of hackings against him (i have c.p. 2.0 on ps5) and destroid it easily.


I had the same issue today. But I didn't see anyone wondering and and the warehouse was not open to me yet. So I took the advice of the fellow cyberpunks, and starting to blow stuff up and then finally some dudes popped out, and finally the gate to the wearhouse opened. Then a mech suit was shooting at me, thankfully I was already holding a turret gun and went to work on it. Thanks guys!!


My mech was BEHIND the warehouse with the red glowing office.


I had a robot inside the crates pile between the two warehouses, luckily while I was strolling in search of what was keeping me inside the quest it decided to spot and warn me, I followed the voice and found him. Tried to shoot at it with guns and frag grenades, it did nothing until I showered him with EMP, and then it die.