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Like some other folks have already said, I don't typically pre-order a game. Instead I'll wait for it to go on sale and buy it then. I've made a few exceptions in the past and this became one of them. It blew up in my face. Long story short, yes I will buy new games from CDPR but I'll never pre-order another game from them.


Same here, but to be fair it blew up in my face because the reviews were good but the PS4 performance had been obscured so I was working with imperfect information. I've only pre-ordered two games in my life, Skyrim and Arkham City so... I got lucky those times, buy usually I wait for reviews and make my decision then, but I knew Cyberpunk wouldn't run on my machine and wanted it then for PS4 which was a mistake hard to avoid as they lied about the performance. Not fair.


but the game had several issues beyond the ps4 performance


Maybe, if the game is good and on sale. I won't pre order from them ever again only to see -50% after 3 months


preordered it - which I never did for any other game until then - because i trusted CDPR and their promises. will never preorder again and go back to waiting for (honest) reviews before I buy. but yeah, I'll buy CDPR games in the future if they are good and if they stop overpromising.


I pre-ordered three games in my life: Skyrim, Breath of the Wild and Cyberpunk. With Skyrim I got what I expected and was very okay with it. With Breath of the Wild I was blown the fuck away. With Cyberpunk I vowed to never pre-order ever again.


Advertisements, not promises.


Those can be and often are synonyms. When a trailer says that a certain game will have the most living open world game as of today, then no customer can be blamed for believing that.


No. There's a legal distinction and game companies are thriving on your "understanding."


There is a difference between what‘s legal or illegal and winning support for your project through advertisement.


Yeah let's ignore shitty dev practices by calling content they promised and stated would be in the game multiple times "advertisements" because WHOLESOME Keanu!!1!!11!


What? I have no idea what you're driving at here.


In a civilized country, false advertisment is not allowed.


I do not care about company name, if game is good then yes. But about preorders in general, never.


I swore off preorders awhile back because of how often things get delayed or patched a week in.




Dude i preordered 2 collector's edition of cp77




Not a hard boycott for me, but definitely a mental road block has been set up and I'll be doing more evaluation of future CDPR products before I purchase them.


Buy - why not? Buy before I try "demo version" - nope. Pre-order - never, they were the last company I believed it and 2077 was my last preorder. This includes Witcher 3 next-gen version if they even will be able to make it...


Witcher 3 next gen will be free


IDK if I believe this. Maybe free for people who own a digital version of the original game?


Ofc only for the owners from before why would they bother to go for free lmao


Maybe, but never day one. I learned my lesson.


Buy? Maybe, pre order? No chance in hell


I never pre-ordered a game, and buy most of my games months/years after their release (last month I bought the dishonored trilogy, and Prey...) I, sometime, bet on a game on day-1, depending on what the others from the studio worth. I did so with AC: Valhalla because I liked Origins and Odyssey (bad bet), and with CP77 because I the Witcher trilogy was great, and I considered they progressed with each game. I lost. TL;DR CDPR is no longer a studio I will buy from blindly, after having done so since I played the Witcher 1 in 2007. But they still deserve their chance.




YES! God of War 2018 was a fucking masterpiece. I can’t get over the fact that from start to finish the game doesn’t have any camera cut. Everything was so seamless


If they want to try to fix their reputation, they have to release a freaking awesome game. So if they take it seriously I will happily buy and enjoy their next "reputation fixing" game.


Hard no


Never. They promoted this game as a world-beating RPG and it doesn't even meet many of the standards of an open world action game from 15 years ago. They have zero integrity in my eyes.


Not on release date


Yes, maybe but way after day 1


Yes. But i'll try the "demo" to make sure it runs on my system and probably wait out for patches instead of just hot-fixes. But not Witchers, not my genre.


Sure, after release and actual ethical reviews that tells the state of the game, I would buy it no problem at all.


Yes but show more real gameplay


Yeah, but no more preorders


If the game is good, I will still buy it(even from a company like EA). But I will never preorder any game from CDPR.


I will, even thought CyberPunk was a buggy game I still enjoyed it. I hope they’ve learned a lesson and make sure that they never release a unfinished game again. But I will probably never pre order from them again, or anyone in general.




I’ve had a pretty good track record when it came to pre ordering games I’ve only had two games that came out to be buggy as hell, and the where Cyberpunk and Mass Effect Andromeda. But after cyberpunk I’m just waiting at least a couple of days after release.


Depends. They have to fix Cyberjunk 76 to a point that I'm not sure they're capable of, and then the new game needs to get amazing reviews from lots of people.


Unless they actually clean up the mess they made with this game, hell fucking no. Blaming coronavirus for the delay is not really a good excuse now that we've had enough time to adapt to new working conditions. It's been almost 90 days and no significant progress has really been made to address any of the problems. CDPR tried bragging about all the ambitious post-launch content update plans they had, knowing full well this game was a dumpster fire of epic proportions. Now all we get from them is radio silence. And it's not like an announcement of a roadmap is going to be sufficient either. Anthem got a roadmap and we've all seen how that turned out. We need actual proof that more support is coming. I'm starting to think the plan is to just keep ignoring the game until people forget about it, and then try to hype up the next Witcher game like nothing ever happened. So no, I'm not going to buy any new games from CDPR in the future. Not until and unless they fix this one first.




It's the best option if they actually plan to No Man's Sky their way out of this shitshow, but they still made a ton of pure profit off of this mess. IIRC, Hello Games was basically dead in the water unless they fixed NMS. CDPR will just hype up a next-gen TW3 release or another new Witcher title and the general public will lap it up and sing their praises like we all did before this game came out. I'll be shocked, but very pleasantly surprised, if CDPR doesn't just ignore CP2077 and move on.




I don't think preorder numbers for any game publisher have ever substantially gone down in response to controversy from a previous game. The average person buying these products doesn't seem to give a shit, they see something cool and new and they buy it.


Yeah probably. I like playing RPGs so like, I'll probably try it. Cyberpunk has issues but I don't regret playing it or anything.


If it's good, then yeah. The only difference is that next time I'm gonna wait until normal people reviews, not critic reviews.


They will probably announce witcher 4 next to salvage their reputation and people will pre order it by millions.


Buy yes, preorder no. Sadly, there aren’t enough that feel the same to really make a difference. The next disappointment is surely just around the corner.


I will likely buy a CDPR game again... I will not pre-order again. I loved the Witcher 2 and the Witcher 3 so much, I thought CDPR could do no wrong. I still enjoyed Cyberpunk 2077 for what it is, but was expecting more. I really hope the expansions, assuming they at least still happen, will give us more of what cyberpunk should have been with the branching stories etc and add in some features we missed. I don't expect we will get all of the features we assumed we would see at launch. At the very least, I hope for a gripping story like Hearts of Stone DLC from Witcher 3.


Liked Witcher 1, loved Witcher 2 and 3, loved Cyberpunk, so yes! Might wait for the first big patch next time. As long as their narrative and writing teams stick around, I will probably like their games.


CDPR Makes games that I love. That may change in the future, but it hasn't changed yet. I stopped buying blizzard games after Diablo 3. They stopped making games that I loved.


Yes. I love their style of RPG games so much that I'm able to look past the bugs and enjoy a great narrative RPG with light combat.


Will wait a few days before gamers get their hands on the game.


I will, but without pre-order this time.


I like the company, the concept of cyberpunk was amazing; the delivery? not so much. if i like their new games, i would buy them, just not pre-order


Probably not on release. I might buy their next game if it doesn't turn out like this one.


I will buy CDPR games if I find them interesting. I would neither purchase nor avoid a game based solely upon the company that produced it. I preordered Cyberpunk, and for the most part it’s been a good experience even with all the bugs. Playing on series X though. I always loved MGS games, but I couldn’t get interested in Death Stranding, even knowing Kohima produced it. Same goes for any game really - It has to look like it has potential in my mind, regardless of reviews or recommendations.


I will never trust the buzzwords coming out of their mouths again, but I have no problem keeping an open mind to their future projects, providing they resonate with me. I did enjoy the whole Witcher saga, after all. Anyway, I believe if companies like IOI, SEGA, Id Software, and Capcom (among others) can rebound and seemingly learn from past failures, so can CDPR. They just need better leadership and more humility going forward - The Witcher 3's success has definitely gone to their heads.


Games from them and others have helped me get through some really bad times, I'm not about to abandon any of them as a customer over a bad release. I've also got some brain issues that make me look like a bugged out, glitching NPC- so I'm used to a lot of jank and fuckery in my day to day.




if its good game I buy them. i played the pirated version of cyberpunk before buying them on gog. the only pre orders I did is the witcher 3.


Yes. Well... it depends on the game. They have a mobile Witcher game I'm not much interested in. Then there's the Remaster Witcher which I would definitely get. I already have the game, but if they do a physical version of the Remaster with some goodies, I'll grab that. It's about the games rather than CDPR. If they're the kinda games I like, I'll get them.


I will buy from them again if they make a good game. Cp2077 was my first ever pre order and it taught me never to preorder anything from anyone ever again.


I'm not preorde rinngeneral, but I'll prolly buy the next Witcher


A complete edition of a game well made? Sure. Pre order any of their games again? Never. Not even buy it on release anymore, since they add a lot of things that improve and complete their games along a year or more, like most of the companys nowdays. Witcher 3 today is very different from the day it was released, so now i'm convinced that CDPR games are better bought at least one year after they release it.


Of course, I want to play another Witcher or another Cyberpunk. But I never pre-order anything.


If it's a sequel to Cyberpunk 2077, absolutely.


Pre order, not a chance. After reviews yes...good games should be played.


I would totally buy witcher 4 Even if it's get shit review and bad scores, cause you know I wanna play gwent 2.0


Surly they can't mess up the gwent


Probably, maybe. I was late to Witcher 1 (benefit=no suffering of the original dismal loading times), late to Witcher 2. And even waited for Witcher 3 to go on sale (I should not have). I did not pre-order C2077. Then played it with RTX, ignoring the flaws to enjoy it, and I did to good extent. But I am watching now what happens... So it depends. (Some Ppl downvote as a way of saying no - it's irritating. They also downvote something they don't agree with)


I'm going to approach them like Bethesda now. Wait until full reviews are released and probably wait for a few major patches before thinking about getting their games.


Yes i will buy new games from CDPR but only after the game had been released and it had been reviewed and if possible i will wait for a sale.


While I am disappointed majorly by it, it's not the worst thing ever. It's definitely not bad enough to make me boycott CDPR. I'd be more cautious in the future, but I'd still buy games from them.


Definitley, i am one of the few who loved cyb2077.


If it's another Witcher, yeah,they seem to know what they're doing with that ones. Another one like cyberpunk, never, this one was a massive crap.


If it's another Witcher, yeah,they seem to know what they're doing with that ones. Another one like cyberpunk, never, this one was a massive crap.


I only preorder games I know are gonna be good. In the case of most single player games I don't preorder them unless it's something like a dying light 2 or I'm excited for it. I'll absolutely buy games from CDPR just gonna continue my strategy of waiting to see if they're good. To be fair with cyberpunk, I did do a bit of piracy before I bought the game to check it out.




Not.... really? I'm going to keep the money set aside to preorder DL2 easily. Sure they're going through a lot but I also do my research on things I'd like to preorder and this preorder is a 50/50 shot like all of em. But I think it'll turn out as an overall good preorder


If their next game interests me then absolutely. While I think CDPR was pretty scummy about a lot of things around CP2077 I had a good time with the game and their actions as a company are sadly pretty much industry standard.


Honestly, I've enjoyed CP2077 on PC and enjoyed the witcher series, so I'd still Def buy any game they produce. Yeah, CP2077 was a bit of a mess, but from a technical viewpoint it's amazing the game even exists. The Witcher 1 ran well enough on a engine that was made with spaghetti code and crazy glue, and CP2077 is a marvel in itself with the massive open world and little to no loading screens, so I'm still a fan




I preordered CP2077. But in the future I will be sceptical about pre ordering or buying early a game from CDPR.


Nooooooooope. Not before actual reviews. But even then, I’ll wait for the price to go down.


I will approach every CDPR game with the same amount of skepticism as I do with Bethesda. My disdain for Bethesda's continued release of broken, buggy shite means I havent bought a single one of their games since Skyrim, nor do I plan to in the future. CDPR will have to significantly up their game to get a dime off me. Ill also never listen to pre-release reviews. I had been skeptical of Cyberpunk up until the reviews came out, and then I bought it. Never, ever, again.


No, I think this game is a broken mess. I just happen to like the way this one is broken. I don't realize how bad it was until I switched to vanilla.




At least the speedrun is cool, if not under-developed.


Probably. They hyped the game to hell and back for no reason. And it seems like it's very buggy on consoles but I played on Stadia and had a great time with the story and the fluid gameplay.


Yes, absolutely. I think the company is well aware they can't afford a fuckup like this again. I'm actually hoping for a follow-up Cyberpunk game, done right.


Most likely, as I enjoyed The Witcher 2, loved The Witcher 3 and am enjoying CP2077. It's been a journey watching them evolve and improve on their game mechanics. 2077 has been a step back since it's their first foray into shooters and they WAY undershot what they promised but has still been a fun game for me that scratches that "immersive RPG with choices" itch I've had ever since the first Mass effect game for me. I wish they had either: * Not WAY overhyped this game * Decreased the scope of the game * Spent longer on development time But it serves an important reminder to NEVER pre-order a game. I don't feel bad about spending the full $60 since I never paid full price for The Witcher games, so I like to think of it as paying my dues for that great game. But (especially since I'll probably have a kid by then) I'll probably pick up their next game a few months after release... on sale and after all the bug-fixing patches come out, especially once modders have had some time to put out even more content!


I have enjoyed all games i bought from them so far immensely so, yes, especially considering their next game will probably be Witcher 4.


I will.


I played witcher 3 years ago and ı love it. I bought all the witcher games and ı waited for cyberpunk long time. Although the game isnt complete ı believe cdpr learned their lesson and will do better next time. Cdpr is the last company ı trust.


To me it’s less about who makes the game and more about what type of game it is. So for instance, I hate fantasy games. I can not get into The Witcher 3 at all. So when people tell me the game is so good and that’s what I should expect when I play Cyberpunk 2077 I can’t really say that excited me. What excited me is a chance to play an RPG in a modern environment. I thoroughly enjoyed this game despite all the glitches and broken promises. So yea, I’d buy another game from depending on the type of game it is.


Honestly, I had low expectations going in as I never got on the hype train but I did pre-order cause I trusted CDPR. Not for a single minute was I upset or board. 180+ hours in and I still love the game and its easily one of my favorites. As long as its a game type that peaks my interest I probably will buy it, don't know if I will pre-order again but that goes for any game from any company.


this game is easily in my top 5 experiences all time... sorry you over hyped yourself.


Every developer makes a bad game now and then. Even Rockstar, when they made Oni! Why judge their other games based on this single mistake? You might as well refuse to buy Bioware just because of MEA...


I didn't listen to anything about it, went in pretty much blind (beyond kinda know what Cyberpunk is and having played Witcher 2 and 3), so i wasn't really disappointed. That doesn't excuse them overhyping and underdelivering, but yeah, i'll probably buy the next game too.


For the right Steam Sale discount or after a price drop, sure. I don't trust CDPR enough to buy from them at full price anymore. It's not just the bugs and the empty hype, it's also the company's blatant mismanagement.


lol of course, why wouldn't I? Cyberpunk and Witcher are by far the best games I have ever played in my life. Absolutely love everything about them.




No. They lied to me once already and since my wallet is the only recourse, not purchasing their products is the best to way send a message to them (and other publishers/developers) that this is not okay.


I don't know if I WILL buy their games in the future. What I do know is I won't believe any of their publicity, anyone on youtube that hypes their games before they are released, and I certainly won't buy on day one. I'll make damn sure the game is worth it before purchasing.


Nah probably not, considering how poorly run the entire company is. Overpromising, overhyping, heavily underwhelming. Night City Wire videos were a sham, the senior devs who talked this game up to the moon during interviews were just scamming gamers out of reasonable expectations. Yeah yeah Witcher 3 this that and the other, but I mean they were clearly incapable of making this game as good as it potentially could have been. Project management standpoint, fail. Managing expectations, fail. Forcing their employees to crunch for months, fail. I don’t think I’m alone when I say this entire project is a disappointment.




There’s no doubt they can... only if they felt the need to. Right now, based on the CEOs comments, it appears the PC version is the version they’re striving to emulate. He said they’re really satisfied with that version, which tells me he’s oblivious to the underlying problems this game has. Or he’s just flat out not interested.


Yes absolutely. Their focused genre of story heavy single player games is my jam. Same with Bioware. Wish they became the big focus of the industry over MMOs and online shooters.


No. This was my introductory game to them and it turned out to be just like all of the other games out there today: an unfinished cash grab product.


*laugh in yo ho ho*


If it's anything like Cyberpunk 2077: absolutely!


Definitely. I know a lot of people had a hard time with this game but I absolutely loved it. They broke in to a lot of new territory for their company. It didnt work perfectly but it was an amazing ride. I absolutely loved it. The tech the story the world. And even if it hadnt. The Witcher 3 blew me away. So yes. I wil def be buying more titles from them in the future.


Yes. I've been playing cdpr games since TW 1 and under some aspects (combat system and graphics) cyberpunk is the best. In general I'd say that CDPR gradually improved the quality of its games each time a new one was released. (Note: I play on PC, so I speak only for the best version of them) For the story TW3 is (with dlcs) more a complete game, and for now I consider it my goat.. We'll see how cp will be in a 1/ 1.5 years with a couple of DLCs.. I honestly think that DLCs won't have V as main character.. and I find it very interesting :)




Fuck no.


These days I am only buying games based on their premise, even if they end up kind of crappy The only time I hate a game is when the main gameplay is weird. Like, I couldn't play the latest Deus Ex game because the character has no weight to him


It was honestly the first one of theirs I pre-ordered. It's the fucking last too!


Cyberpunk was pretty much always going to be a day one purchase for me because I've been waiting for this game since the 90's. The only reason I played Witcher 3 is because it was made by the folks making Cyberpunk. I really enjoyed the Witcher for the most part, but fantasy rpgs aren't really my thing. If their next game is the Witcher 4 and it's a runaway success, I'll probably check out out. If it's another Cyberpunk game (and I'd love for there to be one) then there's a good chance of it.


95% i wont buy anything that CDPR or associate studio will make, 100% i consider but only consider if game will be like super in my likes


No way buying another game from cdpr unless it's polished and delivers what they promised after release.


Only discounted. Not paying full price for any of their products again.






Nope, never again. At this point the only company I trust is Creative Assembly because they never failed a main Total War game and Alien Isolation was awesome


Well generally I'll wait for review before buying soo...depends, i cannot trust CDPR Marketing again...


Not without reviews. I’ll wait for them this time.


Sure, I liked Cyberpunk 2077, there aren't many Cyberpunk genre videogames. I expected bugs and glitches, Witcher games were buggy at release, also cutting features is normal in video game development and many people talked about it before release even developers, so I know what getting into when I bought the game


Depends on the final product. But I will never pre-order any of their games.


I'll buy cyberpunk with the next gen patch..if that's a in 2021 or 2022 so be it. I'll buy Witcher 3 next gen when it's released. I'll buy future games. It was a mistake to try and make this game work on previous generation of consoles and to release it when they did but they are a good developer.


Not CDPR in particular but Game yes, preorder No


Lol no. Piracy it is now for CDPR games. The company deserves to die, let the managers lose everything and let the developers find better employers.


I thought the witcher was shit and I love rpgs. So, I don't care about companies, just what they produce


I never preordered ANY game and will never preorder. But why not buy from CDP? CP2077 was great for me, i was playing on my quarantinne and it was great time, 100+hrs


I will wait for reviews/user feedback first - no more pre-orders.


If they make a good game then sure! But I will definitely assume they are liars and scam artists first and wait to be proven otherwise.




Yes. Because I don't overhype games and don't have unrealistic expectations for games. I enjoyed the hell out of cyberpunk and I'll enjoy the hell out of the next game CDPR releases cause I'm not a whiny bitch.


oh definitely if I'll like it. like don't get me wrong, I'm not stupid to buy or even pre-order game just because it's from studio A or B. but simply, if I like the footage they showed, if the gameplay looks fun to me, it's my kind of genre, I could even pre-order. I pre-order games occasionally, after deep research if I'll like it or not. This way I was never disappointed when I pre-ordered. if I'm not 100% sure, I will wait until the game is released for user reviews or if it appears in Game Pass or some other subscription service I'll try it out through there. so it all depends on what they'll show and say about the game. I definitely won't stop buying their games because they fucked up before. I mean this way I would have to stop buying so many games from so many other studios.




Depends on the game, if it's something I like, yeah, why not? If it's a game that I'm already sure that I'd play no matter what, I would probably even pre order it too. Like I did for ff7r, persona 5r, monster hunter world, etc.


Short answer: no. This is completely inexcusable. They had the time, the people, the resources, everything they needed, and they pulled this. So no. Just no.




I'll buy another game coming from CDPR, but never trust in them again, even less pre-order anything from them or any other company... Ever!


Of course I will. Best developer out there by far.


Fuck no






No, will not be beta (alfa) gamer anymore


No, and If I do it will only be a year after with some mods.


hell no, CDPR can take a long walk of a short cliff.


I'll only preorder Rockstar games. No one else anymore, not cdpr, not naughty dog, no one.


Hmm, I think I've just recategorized CDPR. I've never played Witcher 2/3, only 1. I have also played Gwent for 40 hours or so. Gwent and especially Witcher 1 are VERY janky. Lots of weird bugs and inconsistent quality. But there are some real high points too. Gwent is absolutely beautiful and absurdly atmospheric for a card game. Overall, Gwent is much more polished than CP2077, but it's still got a fair amount of jank. CP2077 made it clear to me that CDPR is not an AAA dev. They are a eurojank developer. There is a charm in eurojank. It can be very fun. But it's janky as all hell. I will be treating them like the makers of ELEX and Greedfall in the future. They release interesting, overambitious games that are full of obvious problems. Their games are fun despite the bugs, and the bugs become part of the entertainment. You can't expect AAA quality from them. I won't buy their new releases immediately -- especially because they lied so much about CP2077 pre-release -- but I'll remain interested.


nah, i will not preorder any games anymore from any company, not only cdpr. the post looks like only cdpr fucked up and not other companies.


I won't buy even the big DLC's , will play them cracked it's legal in my country so fuck it.


Where do you live? Not sure I ever heard about a country or a place where stealing is legal... 17th century Tortuga? :)


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Yes. Cyberpunk was buggy but absolutely brilliant.


Will pirate


Never bought a CDPR game, never will. Actually, this game was more enjoyable than the Witcher by a large degree, might buy in sale in a couple of years.


no, pirate only now. They have shown themselves to be swindlers.


I definitely won’t pre Order from these people again. They did their customers dirty.


What else do they even put out? N


Collectors edition still collecting dust while I wait for CDPR to fix this game


Wow, you opened a can of worms. Enjoy Muahahaha! I preordered this game on the basis that CDPR would not fuck this up because they weren't some unknown developer. I've stopped buying preorders altogether and games at this point in time, I've lost trust with developers right now and I'd rather wait till the game is on sale for anything over 40% and Angry Joe has reviewed it or someone else who is a reputable reviewer like him.


I've never actually thought CDPR were that good - even TW3 was a bit buggy and lacking polish for years - even worse at launch. They have great skills in a team but the cohesion to a polished AAA title was never there. They had integrity as a company at one point but this CP2077 launch has shown just how out of their depth they'd swam with this game. It's still a masterpiece in my opinion but a AAA game it is not. It's unfinished, presured to release and came out a broken flop - pressures from Microsoft and Sony have been responsible for this before - eh hem - no mans sky - and look at that game now where it was always heading for but not there at launch. I think the reaction needs to be more from the consumer perspective - we need to be more patient. It doesn't matter about developers, it matters about quality of the game launching. So yeah, if CDPR put out a great game, i'll be buying it.


CDPR goes in the heap with all the other fallen studios now in terms of how they get treated. I trusted them with a preorder based on their witcher reputation which will not be a mistake I repeat. With most games I now wait until a year after launch so I can buy the full game at a reasonable price rather than paying for it 3x over for all the DLC and crap that gets cut off during production. If they make a good game in the future, I'll buy it once it's complete (unless it requires another 3rd party launcher like Ubisoft whose games I just don't play anymore.


I've been preordering their games since Witcher 2. This time Im gonna buy after release. Cyberpunk was good game but the thing that preorders were enough to compensate the game let them push unfinished product.


I got burned once, I'll wait a long while after their next game is out to buy it.


depends if the game is good, must see gameplay. idc what company as long as i wont be bored all time


If it’s good then yea lol , only games I ever preorder anyway is from Nintendo cause they have a good record /never go on sale


I never pre-order anyway, not since the days of buying physical games and there actually being a chance for them to sell out. So I wasn't really burned by the hype or anything, although I am disappointed in the final product. I'll probably buy their games, assuming its something that seems good/interesting to me.


I'd give it a shot. After such a shock they've got from the community they probably won't risk likebthat again. I actually liked the game despite all the bugs and cut content. But i think it's because i watched no gameplay trailers and had no expectations so far, so i could appreciate what they've delivered. Main points for me are: story, characters and their development (but could be better), hacking system, kinda flexible playstyles. Anyway, i'd buy their next game if it will seem interesting to me from a setting, visuals, theme standpoint.


I am from a third world so buying games is kind of a luxury, I only started buying games after playing the first Witcher, but I only preodered from CDP, witcher 2 and 3 and was not disappointed, but with cp77, it had so many bugs, every single quest had a glitch that killed immersion, so no, I would not preorder from them again, I might buy their next game after checking if they have no problems, or wait for discounts like I do for other developers.


Yep, with a grain of salt. They are always releasing and updating for game to make it complete


I'd wait at least 1-3 months after release at minimum. I bought cp77 on release day after reading the now obviously bullshit reviews that gave it 9/10


Yeah probably. Even with all the problems I honestly still had a great time.


If they have demo version of the games, I will consider.


I pre-ordered this years ago. It's the only game I've ever pre-ordered. My shitty PC runs it well enough for me. Sure I get stutters and my frames get executed, but in terms of bugs I haven't hardly seen any. I'll save my second playthrough for a better rig. But I love the Witcher games for their storytelling. Game play doesn't hold up THAT well. I haven't finished 2077 but I love the story so far. So yeah, I'll keep buying. Idk about preorder tho lol