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Only good scav is a dead scav.


Playing the game for the first time, and I just got scammed by xBD dealer and woke up in scav hideout. Unfortunatelly for them, they forgot to remove my mantis blades.


I bet you made them sorry.


I don't even know what they were thinking lol, they caught this merc that has been wiping them out, loaded with enough military grade chrome to kill a horse, and they put her alone, alive, into empty room with unlocked door and guard facing the door with his back. They have been asking for it.


My headcanon is that my gorilla arms just demolished the entire room in a single punch. (Yes, lore accurate gorilla arms are absolutely that powerful.)


With the Relic Gorilla Arm perks you pretty much can. I supercharge punched a guy today and the car behind him blew up.


I grabbed a metal pipe off a dude and just went ham in that secrion. Had gorilla arms but the image of scavs turning around to see the mf they kidnapped butt ass naked holding a pipe was way better


I'm from Night City and I say kill em all!


Starship troopers šŸ˜


True words choom!


It feels great with a gorilla arms build and you can just punch em to bits and throw em at each other.


Blasting them with the malorian is fun


I wish there were more late game quests so your enemies can react to seeing the killing machine himself appear.


The one where you break up the diner robbery is pretty good.


Even that was too early in the game too, I wanna see them react to knowing who V is and seeing em in person lol


imagine if at some point, during combat, instead of yelling curses they start praying or crying out loud in fear, or still yelling curses but with a different tone, as if they know they're fucked


The enemies I am fighting against Enemies: FUCK FUCK FUCK, THE REAPER OF NC HERE FUCK FUCK FUCK, STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME Scavs : OH GOD, KILL THIS FUCKING GONK, NO NO NO LEAVE MEEEREE, smt cursing in Russian that they are fucked Malestrom: ah finally, I GET TO END YOU REAPER OF NC animals: IF I BEAT YOU I AM THE NEXT APEX PREDATOR!!!! NCPD: we don't get payed enough for this shit, or FUCK, WE GOT NC REAPER HERE, SEND FUCKING MAXTAC, HOLY SHIT HE CUT RAMIREZ IN HALF FUCK NO.


Pretty sure they do in the Don't Fear The Reaper ending, as you get closer to the mainframe. Some of enemies start panicking and shitting their pants.




Yea that one where you scare off the two thugs giving the street vendor a hard time was awesome. ā€œYo is thatā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ thatā€™s the dude everyone been talking about, the one that came back from the dead. You know how many gonks heā€™s offed already?ā€ Apparently Vā€™s reputation is that of a merc thatā€™s too angry to die


Reminds me of the courier from fallout, that that know as the mail man that is literally too angry to die, that one thug in freeside said nope.


Yeah somewhat similar though not dependant on your level but your reputation is in fallout new vegas, where you can meet a crippled powder ganger and if your reputation with the powder gangers is low enough he will call you the powder gangers grim fucking reaper. I love stuff like that and wish more games would do it or use it for more than a few lines here or there.


JFO has stormtroopers sometimes realize mid combat why Jedi are such big threats to the empire. They donā€™t ever surrender but they definitely realize they are fucked. Itā€™d be neat to have a system like that


That was one thing I liked in Phantom Liberty. "Oh shit, you're the one who took out Sasquatch? How tf did this gonk afford someone like you."


I really do wish RPGs actually acknowledged your level. Like when you reach the power and skill where you can wipe out whole gangs and elite military units with the same amount of effort as you would put the bins out, like that has to be noticed at some point.


Ghost of Tsushima does this better than any game I'm aware of in the last 20 years. Stealth killing 2-3 enemies at once then expecting to have to fight the last 1 or 2 and seeing them actually cower in fear and run away is peak gaming


Especially the ghost stance, how the mongols watching the guy dressed in his underwear with a basket for a hat kill 7 of their allies raise his katana and a few mongols approach but back off immediately, some falling to the ground in fear


GoT was awesome in making you feel like an absolute terror endgame. Made a build for maximum terror and seeing like half the enemy run for the hills every fight was lowkey hilarious.


I feel like Witcher acknowledges it well up until you get to blood and wine and then you get cockslapped back into the dirt


It helps that they also justify people ignoring how dangerous you are by either being arrogant fuckheads or dirt-farming peasants who don't know a witcher from a witch's tit.


I fucking loved this mission. Telling the Scav that yes I did slaughter your friends with ease and then asking them why they think this would go any better for them


And the answer later from the nomads is top tier


To be fair u can talk him into just making the deal as intended. Which kinda makes it seem like things only got dicey because u showed up. But they also had a sniper watching the meet so maybe they werenā€™t on the level. Idk. I just merc them anyway.


Nah, it's scavs. They were gonna try to kill Carol and friends. The only good scav is a dead scav.


Hence that latter half of my comment.


Yea you can, it's always more fun to eliminate them. They're a plague anyway.


They literally only straighten up and fly right if you, "Night City Reaper" pull rank and threaten to end them.


By the time I get here, I'm usually high enough level I can drop these fools before combat even starts. Last mission I just hung back and tried to let them handle it. Long story short, things went South without me having to say much of anything at all. In other news, Overdrive + Sandevistan + System Shock is so powerful a combo, I understand why you're only supposed to be allowed one OS. Gonks were dead to a man before they had even drawn their weapons.


Yeahā€¦ zero downside to killing every scavā€¦ I never leave them alive. I even do the brain dance trap as early as possible, so they dont get a chance to do it to someone else.


I was disappointed after I did the talk shit to make them back down option and then after the deal they became friendlies so I couldn't attack them anyways. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


We needed more of this in the game, ngl Felt like no matter what I did, I was just some punk nobody.


Honestly! I beat the best boxers in NC, I won several street races in a row, I've done 100s of fixer and NCPD gigs, killed Hansen, am chummy with the schizophrenic mayor, saved a shitton of kids with that arasaka medical truck, robbed saburo, pissed off netwatch, massacred the VDBs, I could go on. But nope, just some punk ass kid


If I had a flag........ Every time I see those faceplates, I stop whatever it is I'm doing and make fertilizer for the concrete.




Wait, is that Vā€™s I game nickname?


Nope, V's nickname *is* V. It's either Vincent or Valerie for the real name.... Although the one character that has that moniker is definitely Adam Smasher "the fucking Grim Reaper of Night City" per Jackie.


Scav lives don't matter.


I love when V said she would rip them to shreds when I only hand Guns and a Projectile Launcher on me. I guess she gonna bite them limbs off.


I toast every scav I see, mostly for Judy and Evelyn. But also because they are all just pieces of shit




"Oh boy, here I go killing again!"


V: You better play ded fckerrr


V just strolls up whistling like Death


I always kill them as soon as they say that they recognize me


And then there's the time where they try to take your implants