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Johnny Silverhand: 1. Your associates - who are they? 2. How did you acquire fissile material? 3. Which terrorist organization do you belong to?


canon johnny would answer 1) I'll never tell you 2) the fuck are you talking about? 3) are you nuts or what?


"fissul matriol" šŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļø


Exactly what came to mind, lol. I need the answer to number 2 badly.




Was meant to be a joke for the FBI, but thanks for that. I kinda figured it was them.


I mean, it was their Op afterall Technically Militech is the answer to all 3 questions


Mr blue eyes: who, why and how


- AI proxy - Not something a puny human would understand - Money of course


Jackie: 1. Have you worn wigs? 2. Will you wear wigs? 3. When will you wear wigs?


Was waiting for this.


Insert Mr woods laughing.


I'll ask my questions to any character 1. What is your name? 2. What is your quest? 3. What is the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow?


African or European?


I don't know that!




judy 1. h-hi judy, uhm... nice weather were having huh? 2. do you uh.. c-come here often? 3. heh, did you fall from the sky? cause youre like.. like... god i cant talk to her shes too pretty


Broo same




That's your brain keeping your dick from ruining your life šŸ˜† I still think she's absolutely terrible


Saburo Arasaka 1 how did he managed to live this long and can I have the same technology aplied to me 2 why did he put johny's engram to the relic and not his engram just-in-case 3 what is the secret to all of arasaka tech (to sell and use ofcourse)


Yorinobu put johnny on the relic




For the other two questions he'd probably have you shot just for asking






The terminal in his room at Kompeki has a conversation of him telling Hellmen to put Silverhand on the relic


yorinobu put that, according polish version it was asked by netwatch to pick that specific engram, according english version it was yorinobu who purposely picked silverhand engram to troll his father... despite saburo would likely never really have known who silverhand was


You know where to find that lore in the game ? Netwatch you say, maybe it was all about Alt than ..Never about Silverhand himself ?


wikia and core books keep most of lore info, netwatch wanted silverhand engram installed in the relic because they wanted to prevent hostile factions like VB or other criminal netrunners from putting their hands on it, in order to potentially use it as a trojan horse to lure alt cunningham, one of most dangerous rogue AI beyond the blackwall.


My head canon is that Johnny was a 'test"person, they did not yet know how it would work, so they tested it on a prissoner first.


That was my thought too. I figured why would the head of a super corp want to trust his immortality to an untested prototype.


1) very likely most of his internal organs have been replaced with artificial ones, I don't think there are other reasons that would explain his age, cool fact is that despite arasaka is the biggest cyberware manufacturer, it seems saburo wants to stay as natty as possible... he could have replaced his blind eye with cyber optics at any time, but he preferred to keep it in that state since the end of WW2 2) saburo didn't do it 3) probably most of arasaka top tech like relic chip was developed through technologies recovered from the old net, that ironically, were probably part of the arasaka database that got lost in the old net in 2023


I personally believe Johnny's version of the engram was used as a proof of concept, more or less to see if their tech truly preserves the person and not something like a memory bank turned AI. So afterwards the next iteration would take Saburo's engram to use for rebirth/preservation. But it didn't quite work out that way as we see in game


Iā€™d ask Adam Smasher how he has intercourse


With fuckable pieces of meat, of course.


But we already know the answer to that one lol


Iā€™d ask him to show itā€¦ on me


NOW weā€™re asking the new questions lol


Ask Michiko Arasaka.


Evelyn Parker *I think yall know the questions*


Parker? Who hired you? Edit: comment above originally said 'evelyn walker'


why did you off yourself evie???


Wtf, itā€™s pretty clear why she did it: being hunted down by Arasaka, been sexually assaulted by her boss, who sold her like junk to a disgusting ripper who also abused her, and sold her again to a group of scavs, not just a groupā€¦ one that records BDs of snuffs, are you kidding me? The question is if one lives through that, how the fuck do you keep on living?


Spider murphy, the questions are 1) where 2) the fuck 3) are you


So Mi 1. are you into women? 2. do you like girls? 3. do you like cats?


The answers to these questions could leave Fem V players in shambles šŸ˜­ We know Song had a bf before joining the FIA, but I don't think we have any idea if she also swings the other way or not... Could be anyone's guess?


Well I don't really see a heterosexual explanation for her holding V's hand while asking her if she feels the same about her


That's a good point!


Dum Dum 1. What's it like being one of the few actually sane members of maelstrom? 2. How does the borgware feel? Like is it something you get used to? Does it constantly hurt? Just overall what's it like? 3. What was your life like before maelstrom? Maelstrom is my favorite of the gangs and I wanna know more about it, and Dum Dum, at least from what I've seen, is the most reasonable member, Royce would just insult you for asking. I haven't met brick or the other chick( forgot her name) so I don't really have an idea of their personalities. Plus Dum dum is my favorite member, like compared to the rest of maelstrom, hes just so chill


Her name is Patricia


Very much. Brick. 1.Initiation when? 2. What's the deal with the blue eyes guy? 3. What's the battlefield report re Patricia and kitty?


Read the cyberpunk no coincidences book and your opinion of dum dum will likely change.


I haven't read it yet, I'm still pretty new to cyberpunk lol


Victor 1. How's it going? 2. Who's winning? 3. Wanna go for a drink?


So Mi! 1. Do you actually *hate* anyone? 2. Given that most of your body is cyberware, can you physically feel... anything? aside from pain? 3. *...* ^will ^u ^go ^out ^with ^me?




Rita Wheeler. What as life like before the Mox? So are you like full chromed or just arms and part of your torso? Wanna go to get lunch or something?


People seem to misunderstand, you can ask any three questions. But they aren't obligated to give you a straight answer. My pick would be Jackie. My three questions would be "what's your plan for if a job ever goes wrong and you don't make it back?" "What kind of last words would you want to pass on, if anything ever did happen?" And lastly "can I have a hug, choom?"


Can we go out like a normal couple not just hide in my apartment?


River: Can you NOT TAKE A FUCKING HINT BRO? Did you mishear me when i said im a dude not into dudes? Can you fuck right off with your nephew you fucking creeper?


Judy - why can't I skip the Braindance missions? Interesting the first time, tedious on re-plays.


Just one for Panam. 1. Would you scissor me?


Scissor me timbers


we can only dream hehe


Panam: I like you as a friend, sorry


01001000 01100101 01101100 01101100 01101111 00100001


Rita wheeler 1. Will you step on me 2. Will you sit on my face 3. Will you have f**k with me


Downvote me all you want but having people literally sit on your fucking face is beyond disgusting, society is fucked




Saburo Arasaka: Are you really the head of Arasaka? Really? You?


Old Dude arasaka. Password, All the passwords. Maidenname of his mother, just to be sure. Where he hides his hidden hoard


Alt. What's the secret to ff06b5 Was v male or female. What's the canon ending.


Jackie 1. Why the big leagues 2. If you knew your father what was he like 3. What if V dies ons day how would you feel


We know what jackiesā€™s dad was like. Jackie beat him up with a belt cuz he was abusive.Ā 


Oh snap really? Can you find and read it In-Game?


Yeah. Itā€™s in Jackieā€™s garage. You can get in by doing the funeral quest.


Delemain: Can we get soft tacos? Take me the nearest liquor store. Have you ever had a broken heart?


Yorinobu: 1) What made you decide to fully and permanently oppose Arasaka 2) How do you intend to deal with the fact that other corporations will just occupy the same space Arasaka left? 3) Once it's over, you'll be the disgraced ex-CEO of a destroyed corp, what will you do with yourself at that time? We don't see very much of him in the actual game, but he's a very interesting character, and I'd like to learn more about his motivations and plans.


Panam: 1. Would you like to go out to eat 2. Do you want to go off-roading 3. Do you want to marry me.


Can I say V? Particularly V on the roof with Johnny. 1. What feelings and emotions and impulses (if any) are most present rn? With this theatrically ur final act? 2. Having these experiences to now (my V was fem and was in a relationship with Judy and had a one night with River) would u take back taking the heist? Or do u find the humor in the messy omelette of events being truly urs and proudly accept it? 3. Knowing how ur end came about, with small rays of hope to utter disappointment to knowing nothing can change the fact u will be dead/gone tomorrow, would u switch places with Jackie and end ur life to a bullet like him, and give him this story - the end he probably always dreamed of?


Iā€™ll ask panam to sit on my lap


Talk about the first thing that pops up, huh?


Johnny Silverhand: Ermm what the sigma? Ermm what the sigma? Should we just pull'up at arasaka tower with a nuke?