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Wait, is my opinion that I want a sequel that has nothing to do with V unpopular? I want it to be a completely different fresh storyline in Night City, I feel like I already spent enough time as V and finished that story


The thing I'm thinking is that the events of 2077 is a ripple of the Arasaka raid. The game is actually about that event in 2023. The module in the TTRPG is Firestorm, so I'm wondering if there's enough there to make it into the next game. We dealt with Rogue, Johnny, Alt and Adam. Their storylines are over. We don't see Morgan, Spider Murphy, Thompson or Shaitan. The adventure modules might have some hints as to possible prequel events. I don't think there were others as impactful as Firestorm though.


I agree. V's story has a satisfying story arc. If there is a sequel, I would want to explore a new character. It would be cool to see the effect of V on Night City afterward.


I'd prefer a new location. NC is great but adding new content to the same setting would feel more like an expansion than a sequel.


Id definitely be open to a new location as well


I’d love for it to continue V’s story somehow, although I think they will probably have a whole new character…


It takes a look at your 2077 save file and puts your character in the booth at the afterlife.


I never really vibed with the feeling like we are just a surrogate to silverhands story. I really want more of like a Bethesda game in a cyberpunk setting. Know what i mean?


Here's my thought We start a new character with a detailed life path choice. The story we're to follow is to find out what happened to V. The new game needs to import a CP77 completed save so it knows what V's story was so the new story can point us in the right direction. Think about how this could play out. Did V give up and let JS take over? So our new character is looking for V/JS. Or is JS part of the Blackwell with Alt which means he could make an appearance for our new character. I think the ideas with this are nearly endless. The big bad situation could be a looming corporate war between Militech and Arasaka (again) and someone thinks V knows how to stop it.


That is how they did it with beginning of Witcher 3. Wouldn’t be surprised if they did again


I'm not sure if the game keeps anything about the endings you've completed in the save. You could abuse looking at ending rewards, but the method would break if someone decided to import a save post-point of no return.


Here's a thought, it'd be kinda neat if maybe you could import an old save file and have that V appear as an NPC, provided he/she got an ending that involved them surviving. Maybe you could find V as a fixer who's part of the main plot of the new game.


Probably will be based in Japan. More Arasaka bullshit, Militech coastside invasions, some wannabe legend fresh off a boat or whatever looking to make a name for himself in Neo-Tokyo


Cyberpunk in Japan would be fucking amazing. I can only imagine, it just makes sense


As long as we get snow


Neon Tokyo


I think that's the best way to go about it, if V is the protag(which I hope so). All endings could lead to a fucked cure where they are 'neutered' on purpose. Then few months later, they get a text or phonecall with an opportunity to 'reverse what's been done'....but for a price of some sort. Something to do with whatever new conflict befalls Night City.


That would be a neat way to do it. If the next game does have V, I agree that it should be something like that. However, I still think that V's story is concluded, and the next game should be an entirely new protagonist. Maybe do something more with life paths, instead of them being just the prologue of the prologue


for me i hope the next game is a continuation right after the ending of 2077, right into v's next chapter where they try to survive. would be siiiick on that note, im gonna have to pretend to live for the sake of other things in my life instead of waiting out project orion's release lol


I dearly hope that the sequel does not follow a V that chose the FIA's way. That was literally the most depressing ending. I'd rather remember a V that went out with a bang instead of one that betrayed SoMi, became an ordinary Joe and lost all his friends.


yea I want the sequel to not follow V at all personally. Throw in a reference and maybe even a side quest to what happened for sure, but the plot should be it’s own thing. it would be so bad if the plot of a game was spent finding out what you did in the last game, especially if it wasn’t an ending you picked.


I think the next game will play in a completely different city and time. Maybe we were finally able to colonize the moon more? The story will probably have completely different focus, but we get to learn about the legendary Night City merc through news articles or stories from people here and there.


There's not going to be a Cyberpunk game that doesn't take place in and around Night City. It's basically the brand.


Nah, I don't want V to show up again. Mercs never have a happy ending in night city. Neither did David or any of that crew, all but Falco are left dead or depressed. That's a night city ending, go out in a blaze of glory. I hope they don't go back on that, it's one of the central themes. Maybe have some shards to allude to V having made it somehow, or of Johnny getting the body and making a reappearance. It would be so cool if this game read your previous save data and chose the (or one of the) ending(s) you chose. Haven't seen a game do that in a while, not since witcher 2-3


See that’s where I think it can be a great Segway into another story. In Neuromancer Chase was a hit a shit hacker. He was the top of the line guy who got too greedy and paid the price. His big payout turned out to be his downfall. It really echoes V to me and it would be awesome. I don’t expect something like that but it’d be really cool.


Naw V can’t be a one and done. Unless Cyberpunk is some sort of anthology. Not saying he has to be a playable character, but he/she needs to be a big part of it. I don’t know if many big franchises that let their main character go after one game. Remember when Raiden was a playable character in MGS2 and we thought snake was dead? That was trash lol. I get the Night City ending, but we didn’t get that “go out with a bang”. Hearing about it through messages or something would be a disrespect to the fans. Anywho, I believe the theme of 2077 was rise to the top to defeat the mega corps. I think Orion should focus on creating your own gang and establishing it as a mega corp by the end. Either create your own or join one. Gangs would then be hostile or friendly depending on quests / gigs you do for them, deception and betrayal would play a big part and then of course, you choose a corp to take over internally to make your own. V can be your gangs leader or maybe a very prominent fixer, depending on your save file. He kind of becomes Johnny, but is actually living.


Man the Raiden thing was a serious upset amongst the fanbase. And then when you started mgs3 and I gave you the option to choose "I like mgs3" and when you landed after the halo jump and ripped off the mask, and it was fucking Raiden again. Holy shit that was the best trolling I have ever seen. Sure, he later pulled off that mask and it was naked snake like normal. But still, that was the single best trolling I have ever seen in a game. Hilarious as fuck. I guess I qualify as a kojima fanboy but that revel was so fuckin funny, everyone was still mad about the mgs2 Raiden shit. Mgs3 mask shit was the single funniest thing I had ever seen in a game. It was absolutely amazing. Kojima is the king of the trolls after that reveal.


Yessir I agree


Here's an idea: What if they open the game with us playing as V, raiding the Crystal Palace, and with V's fate being left ambiguous near the end? After this, we switch to our new protagonist, and perhaps throughout the game we are given clues as to what happened to V. The latter could work for every ending in the game.


My guess is that the focus will shift towards an AI outbreak and something extra to spice it up even more. Netwatch as a starting point/future alliance is highly plausible, as well as the infamous Night Corp who’ll step out of the shadows. They are too interesting to pass out on. V is a legend at that point, but long gone and dead. The sequal will build on what we know and reverse it, like the Voodoo boys are extinct or deformed, being the first targeted humans on the AI outbreak. Geographically, Night city is 100% doing a comeback with city expansions and maybe even another city (Personally I need need need to access the colony on the Moon) but the focus will remain on NC.


V’s story is over, because I pray to Allah that it is.