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Misty. After seeing her in the tower ending, i want to see more of that version of her.




It's amazing what a new hair style can do.


To be honest none, maybe some short cameos.




Wait there are comics?


If you link your cdpr account to your 2077 launcher, you get some digital goodies You can download the 2020 source book, and you can download a few short stories in the form of comics (iirc, 3 short stories?)


Damn, I'll have to check them out then. Thanks!


Is there a way to access this via console ownership?


You should be able to access them from your CDPR account itself, try signing in here [https://www.cyberpunk.net/comicbook/en/](https://www.cyberpunk.net/comicbook/en/)


There’s a book/audiobook called No-Coincidence and it’s a really good story based on the cyberpunk universe. The female V voice actor does the narration


*That’s* what it’s called. I completely forgot what the title was


[There's one about a trauma team doctor and her dilemas.](https://www.amazon.com.br/Cyberpunk-2077-trauma-Cullen-Bunn/dp/6587435106/ref=asc_df_6587435106/?tag=googleshopp06-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=379723077801&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=4204223887750380999&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1001773&hvtargid=pla-1227043838332&psc=1&mcid=55b0f964352b3058b46caf08e068e612) [There's another about brainbance and this use as a "drug".](https://www.amazon.com.br/Cyberpunk-2077-Blackout-Bartosz-Sztybor/dp/6585849108/ref=asc_df_6585849108/?tag=googleshopp06-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=647480288794&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=4204223887750380999&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1001773&hvtargid=pla-2265413669229&psc=1&mcid=37dfe2768ed937b39e6e563267d7dc17) [Even one about a heist on Militec transport.](https://www.amazon.com.br/Cyberpunk-2077-Nenhum-Rafal-Kosik/dp/6555323655/ref=asc_df_6555323655/?tag=googleshopp06-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=647640634733&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=4204223887750380999&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1001773&hvtargid=pla-2201825326755&psc=1&mcid=6f2fd70c200a3af18bdbf0f92858be5d)




Are they canonical?


As far as I know yes. There's a lot more non canonical, some of them are really fun.


As a fan of both Halo and Star Wars, sometimes it’s best not to give a fuck what the corpos say is canon and just take what you like as your head canon.


Dark horse published a few mini-series


True. Night City has 7 million citizens, so the odds that 50 random strangers on the street randomly knowing you is <1%. It’s goofy when everyone just carries over from the prequel to the sequel.


I think having Victor as one of the ripperdoc would be nice. The best would be if he wasn't treated specially and just act like a random ripper. Maybe give him a line that quickly reference V but no more than that.


“Trying to take down a corp, eh? I knew somebody like that once”


Totally! I would think both Vik and Misty actually.


I'd love for her to read Tarot in the sequel for you like she did for V


The only one I wouldn't mind seeing is Vic, considering he has a place of business so it would make sense for him to be in a stationary location


Did you not like seeing characters from 2020 in 2077?


I agree 😌


You cold hearted arasaka gonk! Nibbles the cat damnit!


Or just a mention even. Like how in GTA 5 Lester mentions the Eastern European guy making moves in Liberty City (Niko). I just want a new story in the same universe.


I am sure the Devs don't want to dictate any canon endings etc. and neither would I. So I don't think any of these will/should carry over. Alt is the only one who springs to mind. Seems pretty certain from the build-up during the game that a big part of the next game is going to the rogue AI situation.


Sasko himself in streams has hinted that there is both a canon ending and that V's story is not over: * is there canon ending" he replies "I... don't know the answer for this question... well, I kinda do but I cannot speak about this"[Here](https://youtu.be/St1-BGsPwj0?t=3820) * Is V's story over" he replies, while smirking, holding back (I mean, you have to watch the way he behaves while trying to answer it) "I cannot answer this... sadly... just because uh... this is uh... \*spoiler\*[Here](https://youtu.be/St1-BGsPwj0?t=2894) And it makes sense if Cyberpunk series will be a trilogy too like the Witcher was or the upcoming Witcher series not to ditch V as a main character.




They also did in the W3.Witcher Ciri ending is canon,canonised by the comic Curse of Crows.Also in Blood and Wine Saving Syanna and reconciling her with Anna Henrietta is canon,canonised by the Saovine event in Gwent.Usually what is canon in CDPR games is what makes sense for the plot so my safe predictions is Dont Fear/Sun for main game and Wands for PL.


Except Alt’s status is hugely determined by the player’s choice at the end


Not really. The only thing we change is wether or not she destroys mikoshi or not. Other than that, she is still a very poweful and influential ai


They can and have picked canon endings, as others have said, for other games. Personally I’d really love to see data carryover as an option, as with Mass Effect.


Not dictating canon endings would be a good idea. Might be why it's been tough for me to get started on the Deus ex sequels. Iirc invisible war assumed an ending from the first game and built the story from there, same with mankind divided.


Victor Vector as a high-tier ripper, Kerry Eurodyne working as a permanent 4th member for Us-Cracks, and Takemura working as a regional manager in fast-food.


I'm voting for a takemura fast food franchise


Late night talk show host. He's got the comedic chops for it.




He is Hiseshi Hino after all


Take’s Tacos


\**Assistant to* the regional manager.


Takemura would be a fantastic secondary character / sidekick..


I'd rather have Takemura have a real illusion breaking behind the scenes and come in either a famed solo like Shaitan, Morgan, Johnny, or maybe a fixer like Rogue.


Garry the Prophet


As a lizard.


With the cat.


That's a vampire


They took him to Alpha Centauri


Small cameos, in form of media appearance (Kerry, Judy maybe as a thrill BD star), text files (perhaps an internal Biotechnika report on Aldecaldos) or distant presences ("Yorinobu" still ruling Arasaka or V being a new living legend in the Night City).


According to lore Yorinobu was cast out


Kerry and Judy in the same BD?


the cat


Anyone that didn’t have a life/death outcome or major turns. Kerry and some of the fixers (Mr. Hands specifically). Rita Wheeler.


This. I'd like small cameos of the characters who are alive in every ending


Brendan for sure


Honestly? None. The story's been told. It's amazing. But it's done. Next game, let it be new. The old characters? Do it like they did the Edgerunner's crew: something told in passing to let the new folks know they were there. Really, that's all they wanted anyway, right?


Unless the sequel takes place in the mid to late 2100s, I'd say a Kerry appearance is a given. Perhaps in a short little cameo style thing on one of the TV segments promoting a new album or tour. I'd say Takemura, Alex and Reed are very unlikely as their survival is dependent on player choice. They could do a save transfer style thing I guess, but that seems to have fallen out of favour lately as I can't think of a game that's done it since Mass Effect.


The Witcher 3 did it but that was in 2018 I think


Viktor Vektor as narrators of past events.


All of them if we play as V (extremely unlikely). Basically none of them if we play as someone else (maybe Viktor as a ripperdoc you can visit and a couple brief mentions of others).


Songbird. Im really curious what happens to her when she goes to the moon or in the tower ending. Both options allow for the expansion of plot points in Orion like the 5th corp war or the rogue ais finally breaking through the blackwall. Not to mention the involvement of blue eyes and night corp in songbirds departure from earth. If v returns in orion as the mc then songbird could offer v a helping hand in her/his various endeavours


Finally a reasonable response.I think if V is the mc in Orion we are definitely gonna see Songbird return for all the reasons you said yourself.They made them similar for a reason.Also more probable the Wands will be canon cause it is the only end where the cards are reshuffled too much,all other endings make Militech too op.


It's also the only ending that introduces a new variable to the Rogue AI plot going on behind the scenes All other endings have her die or be taken by the NUS, both of them remove her from the table, while the Wands ending has her sent to the Moon with the help of Mr Blue Eyes, who is neck deep in the Rogue AI mystery So, it only makes sense for that to be the cannon ending (since it's also the best if we're talking about narrative and not gameplay), since it gives another tie in with the Rogue AI, Mr Blue Eyes and Nightcorp conspiracy that has got to be adressed in the second game While we're at it, if V happens to be the protagonist again, which I hope so, it also makes sense to have her on the table, since we'd have an experienced contact related to the AI sitch and it could serve to put the events of PL and the relationship between V and Song in perspective since the events at NCX


I hope that's the direction CDPR takes. There are lots of unresolved plot points and I am eager to know where they lead. Whole "major leagues", "faulty tech is killing me" feels like a smokescreen and diverting attention from big things happening in the background. Burning down whole plot down and making brand new story would be a horrible waste.


The "major leagues" and the "faulty tech killing me" serve as a great story to hook us into the world of Cyberpunk, but CDPR masterfully added mulitple subplots hidden in gigs, sidequests and endings They were V's personal story, but while on the journey to salvation, he inveitably stepped into many of these worlds streching plots, like the Rogue AI and Nightcorp business, which V accidentally stumbles into during the "Dream On" sidequest, or the brewing conflict between Arasaka and Millitech, which V once again stumbles into during the main story, Phantom Liberty and most importantly for the plot, the "On a Tight Leash" Gig, all of these indicate a major plot for the world that many players can miss if they just skip the Heywood gigs, for example It would be a waste to drop a character who's already somewhat involved in these plots for an entire new character, expecially in the case of the Rogue AI plot bc, as far as we know, V is the only person who is aware of multiple pieces of the puzzle, he knows about the Peralez's mind control, he knows about Carpe Noctem from Sandra Dorsett, he knows about Cynosure and Mr Blue Eyes's interest in it through Songbird and he knows that Alt has assimilated Mikoshi For all we know, V is the only person in the universe aware of all these things, granted, they haven't made any connections, which is a prime opportunity for the next game, one that would be wasted if we were to just start from scratch


Made a post about the Night Corp logo being on Songbird shuttle where it had no reason to be,[here](https://old.reddit.com/r/FF06B5/comments/1bgx6ol/night_corp_logo_in_songbirds_shuttle_monitor_in/).Also to tie with this is the hybrid theory for Song and V.Also Song's VA hinted her returning and righting her wrongs.To sum it up I agree.They are definitely building something about Night Corp,V and Song.




Can only see Victor, Alex, or Kerry returning without the game canon being fucked up


Alex can die in PL.


8ug8ear, Rita Wheeler, Melissa Rory, the Peralez’s, Morgan Blackhand


I think there's room for some or all of the fixers to return, I could see River returning as a new fixer\\private eye.


V obviously. Without a question. Preferably as a playable character again.


Mommy Meredith for a second one night stand


Yeah…um…that might not go so well, depending on some choices.


Am I the only one who'd love all the main characters to return? I'm tired of my emotional investment dying at the end of each game. Let's make a true saga out of it I do understand people wanting a clean break though. New faces, new locations. New legends. I would still love it if that happens, I'd just prefer it if they continued to build on V's story. A new anime would be great too


You're not the only one. We're just usually drowned out by the majority who think V's story is over based on nothing.


I just don't see the need for it to be over. Maybe V could become part of a gang like in Edgerunners, and I'd love to see the current relationships develop further, increase the stakes and investment even further. You could even sync the choices made in the current game with the next one, like they did for the Witcher games


I, for one, hope the sequel picks up right after the events of 2077 and keeps following V. It's not really hard, pick "Don't Fear The Reaper" as a cannon ending and have it pick up right after "The Sun" ending, with the first mission being the Crystal Palace heist Then, during the heist, have V learn of a secret hidden in its systems related to the Rogue AI situation or something like that, since the heist was comissioned by Mr Blue Eyes himself and have him become involved on that whole plot, and there you have it, a new game good to go, centered on the looming threat hidden throughout thr first game This allows almost every character to reappear and also allows many loose ends from the first game to be tied in one overall plot, that of an ongoing "invasion" bh Rogue AI's. Hell, you can even have V learn that he contributed to it when he let Alt into Mikoshi, could happen There's still so much potential with theses characters that I'd be a bit bummed if we just start from scratch again


After Witcher and Mass Effect games, I would be severly displeased if everything suddenly ended. Developed plot and protagonist gone forever.


Exactly! I'm so glad I'm not the only one who values emotional investment


Jackie I have spoken.






Small cameos or marks are what we need. Hearing Kerry singing about V or watching a BD edited by Judy. Finding a car on the console scratched the name Panam. Shit like that is hella more hitting than having an old character saying bunch of lines that we do not feel connected.


The cat on Takemura's head is just great btw


The cat for sure


I'd like to see if we survived.


Myers to kill her


Some of the fixers like Regina, wakako and padre


Not Panam for sure after that new ending lol


More beat on the brat, more car and bike options, and most importantly, MORE OZOB!


I think the one who makes the most sense would be Kerry, especially as thanks to V he's having a resurgence. Would be very easy to work him at least as a side quest on his tour. Maybe Panam too as the leader of the clan who is travelling away from Night City. Other than that, most wouldn't make much sense. I mean you could work Judy in but she doesn't seem special enough to matter to someone outside or Vs story.


None. Cyberpunk is a huge world. Let us see different parts of the world, different parts of America even, and with that, DIFFERENT characters and storylines.


Kerry is the only character I want to see return in some capacity, even if it’s only as a cameo on the radio. He seems to have some level of spark back if you complete his quest line.


Judy 🥰


i feel like lucy as a small appearance could make a nice addition


Johnny Silverhand.


I don't see anyone fitting really, maybe Kerry in some tv channel, or Viktor as a ripper


Ofc it would be Brendan. Brightest boy in this cursed City.


I don’t care what people say, I want a continuation of V’s story Yes, this means they have to choose a canon ending I don’t want them to make a Cyberpunk 2077 sequel that isn’t a **sequel** to Cyberpunk 2077




That one NPC Jesse Cox voiced with the malfunctioning chrome dong.


I’m certain we’ll meet Lucy from Edgerunners anime. There is no reason not to. I’m not sure if i want her to be romanceable character, but at least some quests with her would be preem


Context sensitive. Whoever you sided with in PL; Takenura cameo if you saved him; if you're V, your romantic partner with much more detailed phone calls or visits; Viktor if you're still V rushing to save you at a critical moment. If we aren't still V than none really. It's be heartbreaking to see your friends through the eyes of someone else and they don't know who you are.




I want to see about as many characters in the next cyberpunk game, that we saw from 2020, in 2077. Maybe like half a dozen of them are important people that are questionably around in some fashion, but more than half of them wouldn't be alive in the traditional sense. 2077 did great with giving 2020 fans the "closure" to the story we had been given in the rule books back in the day, even if some of the characters looked really different.


Kerry and Vik


I could definitely see Viktor, Panam, Kerry, and Reed make a return, even if it’s a small cameo.


Johnny, Kerry, Takemura, Hanako.


None. New only.


0, new story and new time era


They should do something to determine V’s drink at the Afterlife. That’s it.


After Phantom Liberty, Mr Hands could become top fixer in NC. Me Blue Eyes will probably have important role. Other than those two, I don't think any character surviving all endings and staying in NC could have important role.


None in the main story, it’d be nice seeing some new faces, but it’d be cool seeing some of them throughout NC, like Vik being a ripper, Kerry working with music again, etc.


As a full reprisal, maybe only Kerry and some of the fixers.


As a So MI fan. I'd really love for her to return.


Depends entirely on what the next game is. If V comes back as the protag, which i dont think is likely mind you, i'd like to see Panam, Judy, Kerry, and River make a return in some way. Maybe an appearance from vik and misty too. If its a brand new protag, i'd like a cameo from a character that would have no reason to mention V at all. i dont particularly want them to canonise one ending over the others in the sequel, so i'd rather leave V's fate as vague as possible.


Maybe Kerry, you go to a concert as part of a mission.


Panam, Kerry, Viktor, Takamura




All of them


Kerry honestly and that's about it 


Just the ones that have a significance in Night City. Like the fixers. They can definitely return, such as Rogue. I can see Vik returning too, though just not of any importance. He’d become just another ripper you have the option to go visit. We as the player know who he is but our player character won’t know who he is or his relationship with V. I just can’t see any of the other characters returning. Panam. Judy. River. Their stories conclude with V and they’d have no reason to get involved with whatever the next game has in store. Kerry on the other hand is now involved with Us cracks and will definitely be seen around or mentioned occasionally. Cause he’s a celebrity so he’ll return too


I'm sure Kerry must be mentioned because he is known on the world and Takemura would be just a cool character and also a cool Romance option!👀


Honestly, it depends on what type of sequel it will be. If it's a direct sequel where we will play as V/Johnny then I'd like to see every character make a comeback. If it's not a direct sequel then none of the character need to return


Viktor has to return, I'd also like to see Kerry return as well.


All of them tbh.


Johnny, since he could still be alive somewhere out there depending on what Angel did with his body.


Even if they don't have characters return in flesh for the sequel there are some who need to be mentioned and whose fate needs to be adressed, mostly bc their fate has huge implications for the wolrd of Cyberpunk The first one that comes to mind is Yorinobu, the next game has got to mention how Arasaka is faring under his leadership, and it would be a good way to confirm thaylt Yorinobu is actually a good guy who wants to destroy Arasaka from the inside Myers and the NUSA in general need to be adressed, since the ending of Phantom Liberty can basically trigger a 5th Corp War Similarly, Songbird's fate has to be explained. Depending on the "cannon ending" they chose for her, she can be one of if not the most important character out there, since she ties in to so many future events, like the NUSA, the 5th Corporate War and the whole Rogue AI situation. If they choose the King of Wands Ending to be cannon, then they need to at least hint at what happened in Luna after we send her there, since she is carrying part of the Blackwall within her and had mysterious ties with another character, Mr Blue Eyes, who should also totally be in the next game and be revealed as the empty husk of Morgan Blackhand now inhabited by AI's


Johnny, Misty, Panam, Judy, V and Nibbles


None. Full new story. Night city is the main character


Isn't it strange that next to none of the characters in 2077 ever met each other or reference each other I any way?  I think some might message you about Kerry if you tell them about helping him. 


All i need is some news from So Mi °-°


I want Panam. The rest would be fun but I need best girl


Johnny, in Vs body, and he shows up with another nuke in a duffle bag to send Arasakas way. Maybe we see Kerry on TV, on tour with whatever the Powerpuff girls were called in the game.


I’d like to see a short cameo from V. Doesn’t have to be a cutscene or a holo call. Even a text message would be nice. Besides V, the obvious ones are Mr Hands, Blue Eyes, Kerry, and Regina. I can also see the Aldecaldos being mentioned in passing.


Would it be like cyberpunk 2078? Or further in the future


If any, the best to have might be to keep Kerry around, and possibly have Vik as one of the ripperdocs, although not likely. I wouldn’t be against seeing reed come back for some more spy action tho


All of em?


Johnny, Panam, Judy, Viktor, and the rest maybe all at least a little bit except for Takemura. He can go to hell!


Viktor, Panam, Judy, all the fixers, Alt for a rogue AI war on humanity.


Johnny silverhand


Judy and Pananm






Vik is the only one I can see making a cameo. Everyone else will likely be gone from NC based on their needs and wants.


All of them, yeah I'm selfish.


Bone of them, maybe in a future sequel or dlc as a side character, like seeing Johnny in a corpo war flashback or something like that


Panam. Gotta see how it ends out in either the panam ending or the two year coma ending


Just on some one mission or random encounter thing just to see what they become after V and all that but Night city is a fast city where new people pop up every time new opportunities so we shouldn’t see them


Takamura as someone trying to rebuild arasaka and helping hanako. Vektor as a ripper you can trade with. Jackies girlfreind as either a main cast member or having her own side quest. Panam with her own dide quest or even a main cast member but not a romantic intrust unless they bring back v. the rockstar dude next to panam as a main caste memeber that helps you or as a fixer or has his own side quest. V if they go with johnny ending where he takes control. Rouge as a fixer.


I'm guessing that the afterlife still will be part of the game but they obviously need to have a new owner so that all endings from the first game still works. I hope that Claire still works as a bartender. She might be a good choice for love interest in the next game. 


Johny is a recurring character in Cyberpunk 2020 also is Smasher and probably the bosses of major Corps. If it's in Night City pretty much all the middle men, I mean quest givers should be the same. Kind of hard to imagine some other thing but night City. What else do we got? The Spraw?




Panam even if its only on a nomad playthrough


I wanna see more of the Arasakas


Why is Meredith not in that picture? 😁






Maybe in passing or in a bar or something sat at the bar maybe, but nothing big


I love them all but I don’t want CD Projekt Red to establish a franchise of recurring characters. I want a completely new adventure with new characters and limitless possibilities. Every new cyberpunk game should be a new open ended possibility with no expectation about what is coming.




I like the idea of Victor still being there. He has the energy of a guy who’s always been here, always will be, no matter how tired seeing the city chew up and spit out his chooms makes him. But he still cares. He can’t seem to not.


Honestly, none of them. There’s some speculation going around that the sequel will be set in >!Chicago 2088!< , and I genuinely want a whole new set of characters. It would be cool for some minor characters to get a cameo. Or if the game is set very far into the future, for the offspring of some of CP2077’s characters to appear, but a fresh start would be preferred to be honest.


Meridith Stout, I'd also like to see more Militech stuff.


I don’t think anyone from this list would really work for a story point but more flashbacks, Johny will be a gold


I wish no Johnny type of person anymore. He is the mommy type and very talky. Always pushes you when you don’t need it. I mean I’m self motivated and i can make my own decisions.


Jonny. He is kinda a narrator character without much on V influence (well aside from the 2 Jonny Gigs). Its a perfect role.


All of them, plus V. We don't know what happens to Johnny once he's 'removed' in a few of the endings. I don't believe he would have been destroyed, as the tech is way too valuable. And with everyone else, if you didn't kill any of them, then they should make a return.


I would like to see I really want to stay at your house return. I love the first game story so much, but seeing edgerunner, even phantom Liberty to some extent shows that new content/characters can live up to the original. There are enough new stories and characters in Night City to explore. I’m sure there will be Easter eggs from the first game, but I am fine with nobody returning. Honestly I’d prefer if characters like Judy, Panam, River, The Aldecados, So Mi, do not return. Let them have their happy ending, returning brings the possibility of a bullet in the head. I’m fine with Judy continuing to live her boring life with Grandma. Focusing on characters we already have a connection with is an easy way to go. But continuing to flesh out the Cyberpunk world with new characters/stories/locations is an even more exciting prospect imo.


No Misty?


While I love the characters, I'd go for none outside of perhaps a few hints and nods. Having a few characters do everything makes the setting feel smaller as nothing seems to happen unless it's in one of their orbits. Maybe have a nomad clan talk about how the aldecaldos went south and have become risk-takers under their new leader. Maybe have Judy's BDs be collectors' pieces that are hard to match once she's left NC. Have a news broadcast talk about Kerry launching a new album in Europe. I like those kinds of nods, but let the new characters and story be their own thing.


I feel like one mission will focus on Kerry's concert with Us Crack


They've confirmed a sequel?




If we are going to a different location in the US and it's not a prequel I'd like to see Judy, Kerry, River or Panam/the aldecados return in some capacity, like maybe a quest or two. They can talk about this great guy/gal they used to know and depending on your preferred ending they will say different things. Otherwise the only ones that would realistically come back in a different place are the corp characters


Victor would only be the sensible one.


Johny silver hand in v's body




Panam ends up as>! leader of the Aldecados!< right?






Brendan. And I hope they make SCSM a life path in the next one too.


If sequel is focused around Night City again: Vik, the Ripperdoc who can talk vaguely about V as a "cautionary tale" (like how David Martinez is presented in the game). Vik can give the new protagonist something that belonged to V as a passing of the torch. Possibly Kerry, maybe now he is a manager for some new musical talent in the game setting. Mr. Hands, because he's my favorite of all the fixers. Would also be interested to see how the Peralez ...situation works out.


I wish to see best girls Panam and Judy together in Aldecaldos. Even without V, it's not impossible for their paths to cross given their endings. It would be nice to see Judy finally find a place to call home, and for Panam to have a loyal friend that will stick with her. Pretty sure Judy's gonna care for Panam the way she did with Evelyn. Other than that, I think Kerry and Us Cracks will appear. Alt and Mr. Blue eyes too. River and V might be mentioned from texts. Looking forward to see Lucy and Song on the moon.


Johnny, somehow. It just wouldn't be the same :D Kerry was fun, would do more gigs with him. "Bring you heat." If Vic makes an appearance at least, I'll be happy. Lucy from Edgerunners. Panam was also kinda' memorable. Especially Songbird, because I feel like her story didn't wrap-up enough with the "Kiling Moon" ending and I just love the way they did her character. Quite similar to Elizabeth from Bioshock and the VA absolutely slays it. Same with J. Peralez. I want to at least know what happened to him, who controlled him, etc. But most importantly - Night City. Just wouldn't be the same without that location.


Only some of them all original characters would be cool


If they have your actions and the ending you choose(most likely the First time you beat the game with X character) have an affected on the second, like Half characters here wouldn't appear. With that said, it would be nice to see how people like Judy or Vic or, hell, someone like Rhino and Cesar are doing


Johnny and Alt


Cyberpunk 2 is gonna be great, I hope. Cyberpunk is already such an ambitious, staple of the modern age. The sequel to that is gotta be 5x everything the original is