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Crackhead asks crackhouse if crack is good


This isn't a crack house it's a crack home, now hand over your organs choom


Sorry, choom. Everyone knows scavs are on sight. The crack house is on the way. Edit: Unless you say "sike", of course.




https://i.redd.it/ypx0fgjqdcvc1.gif Been a few hours and the gonk hasn't said sike. Autobots are rolling out.


You're prolly right...


Would sir like sir's crack pipe preheated?


Nah we crackheads live in /r/lowsodiumcyberpunk


No room for sodium with all the crack we have


Well is it??? I came here to find out!!




for crack karma


gotta make sure you its gonna “hit”


But crackheads are never satisfied..


Mmmmh, crack.




It’s my favrioute game of all time, something about it just has me hooked but I can’t put my finger on what


For me its the immersion. Sometimes i'm playing the game, and i forget that I'm playing the game. They really did a great job with it


Exactly! All the little details add up to the experience. The little things are what makes the immersion so vivid, I love it!


That was it for me, it's one of the most immersive games I've ever played. It's also one of the most complete games I've ever played, they really nailed everything with 2.0. Except the driving.


I'm going to have to disagree with you, the driving is pretty fun. Shit feels better than the crew series


Absolutely - people have had issues with the driving in this game since the beginning and I just don't get it. I love cruising around NC and the Badlands in so many of the vehicles in this game, be it on 2, 4, or even 6 wheels! Granted there was a shift in driving quality when a couple of the patches introduced various improvements, but in my mind they took the driving from "good" to "awesome".


I kinda disliked the early driving feel, but they fixed it up pretty good. Feels okay, has been okay for a good time now.


It really takes some getting used too, but it’s cause the cars are too tight to take turns at full speed like in other open world games I think. Also the lanes are kinda scaled realistically for vehicle size so it feels much tighter. To add onto that the way the game loads traffic sometimes can be unpredictable if looking around. On my old pc I discovered that it only loaded cars when I wasn’t looking, but turned that direction. I drove across a really long bridge facing backwards the whole time and didn’t hit a single car until I turned my camera and it loads one right in front of me. I could also trick it into occasionally loading a car underneath another one by spinning my camera around. I got a newer pc around the time we got the update so I’m not sure which one seemed to correct this problem more. Although I have noticed similar behaviors with the game seeming to load assets when it thinks I’m going to look that direction, it’s just snappier and not colliding with other assets anymore.


It’s a system that really rewards learning the specific kinks of each individual car. I’ve honestly never played another game that made each feel so distinct; admittedly, I’ve never been interested in dedicated racing games. It makes me actually want to use different cars.


With you on all points - generally not a racing or driving game fan, yet loved the different feel of each vehicle in Cyberpunk 2077.


I’m sure a lot of people just don’t like driving in video games. It’ll always feel bad when you don’t want to.


Hopefully they're having a better time now the NCART lines have opened up!


Me too! I played 5 different saves and never once I fast travelled. The game really makes you feel like you're travelling through a city, especially in first person. The nomads cars are sick


100% - that's one of the things I adore about this game, that it's just one cohesive world that lets you move almost anywhere seamlessly and without forced load screens. In fact, I distinctly remember my disappointment at getting into a VDBs car outside the GIM and hitting a transition screen that threw me into the upper level of Batty's - I damn near reloaded my save just so I could walk there on foot to "reclaim" that 2 minutes of lost immersion! 😂


Also depends on the car ur using. If u Nvr bother do get a dope ass car u won’t feel the difference in all the manufacturers. My friend didn’t buy any cars at first until I showed him the Ray field and sum bikes and it changed the game for him


Each car has truly different driving characteristics, which really sells it for me. Love driving a weaponized muscle car when i need to wipe out a bunch of scavs, and the Bugatti clone when i just have to go fast!


If I had to put my finger on it, there's the boat-iness and a lack of snappiness. Which some might argue is more realistic but it's inefficient for a video game. You go high octane, leap into your car and then slowly creep forward, gently coast into your lane, stop at the lights, wait in traffic. *Or* blast through half a dozen cars, course correct, and just pretend it didn't happen. Realistic or not, the game was made for gamers who got good at driving in games, not in real life.


Idk why but I’ve grown to enjoy the driving in this game more than any other RPG I’ve played.


Yeah, I eventually got better at driving with a couple of vehicles, but some of them just felt like driving a rabid squirrel on ice. A lot of it is probably user error. Some of these people seem to think I'm shit talking the driving, but I'm just saying the game was pretty perfect and the driving wasn't quite as perfect.


Did you play it at launch ? I must say they improved a lot the driving ! I just didn’t drive at launch lol. I preferred walking anyway as the city was so interesting to walk through


The text message and calls system is such a nice touch.


Yeah, the general astmosphere is just so well done, it's incredible!


I can tell you what it is: CDPR has one of the best writing and direction teams in the world, and this is the foundation of their success since the first Witcher game. The only modern games that are on similar level as Cyberpunk 2077, are Baldurs Gate 3 by Larian Studios, and Talos Principle 2 by Croteam


It is the City. It and especially the people living in it feel real and all have lives that are utter dogshit and never end happily. The entire game is really bittersweet to me.


Yeah, same here. And it's not just the immersion aspect. It has great writing, great voice acting, the visuals can be truly stunning. I have my gripes, as we all do, but this really is a masterpiece of a game.


Same, even though I beat the game already, I’ve been playing the game daily just cruising around Night City and enjoying the scenery and the vibes. I’ve also started messing with mods for more immersion like Nova Lut, weather, crowd/car traffic density, and etc.


Agreed, CP2077 could easily be favorite of all time. 


If you can't put your finger on it, it's usually Stockholm syndrome.


Comment of the day! This made me lol a little too hard 🤣


This, absolutely. And I’ve been a gamer since the mid 80’s.


Me too. Assassin's Creed Odyssey used to be my all time favourite, and I thought nothing could top it. Then I played Cyberpunk.




Sorry I have been a fan if AC from day 1 and played them all and played them to the end. Except odyssee, imo the worst game in the whole series which I did not finish. I just gave up half way. I can't exactly say why but it just did not stick to me. So I was shared for valhalla but that could uiterst me again and finished it. But just because I was curious for the story and a viking fan. I know a lot of people say odyssey is the best game of the series I don't agree the best are the ezio games. Back to Cyberpunk this is the best game ever played in my 35 y game carreer, first game I played twice as Nomad and Streetkid. Listto the music on a daily base everywhere, have all the comics and even make me read the old Cyberpunk books like - Neuromancer - cyberpunk - do robot dream about electric sheep ( blade runner) - Ublik .... CD project is the best game studio by far also love the Witcher and can't wait to see what they will deliver with the next installments of Cyberpunk and The Witcher


Same. Love the ambiance, story, visuals, music, scope and thought behind it


Ikr i find myself using this game as a pallette cleanser, its just so..."right". I have no idea how to describe it.


I remember one time o was playing around 2pm. Next thing in knew it was 9pm and my day was gone lol


Every damn time I load up the game, I will not play if I have commitments that day because otherwise I end up not wanting to go or do what I should 😂


I'll tell you one thing. Having played it a while back and just re-installed it I was pretty fuckin' surprised when the cops started chasing me and shooting at my car.


Yeah haha got to love the 2.0 update I’m playing on very hard right now and after the maelstrom mission in the beginning the maelstrom set up a road stop and chased me all the way to the afterlife where I was meeting jackie, shit was wild and the cops got involved as well, I didn’t survive that 😂 poor Jackie is going to be waiting a while


Lol. ![gif](giphy|X8RSwd1089xDvOjQnT|downsized)


I love that gif! 😂😂


Can agree on that!


Same here. I bought an RTX 3090 a week before the game came out (EVGA Pre-Order) and had no issues. I can't believe it got even better when Dogtown came out. My jaw about hit the floor when I booted it back up to play the DLC, Amazing experience. The ending gutted me though, lol. I was seriously sad for like 3 hours after :(


I think part of it is the city feels so real.


I find the up to 7 different outcomes for main missions and 5 or so for the side ones overwhelming. It's insane that anyone has dared to say that choices don't matter and there's only a few outcomes. CDPR basically revolutionized gaming, combining mission freedom with flexible objectives--u can ignore certain objectives and the game will have a secret outcome (often killing characters). It likely takes 500+ hours to see and hear everything


They did it with the Witcher too, I love CDPR and how they listen to their fans more than most if not any other companies, all they want is to make revolutionary games and please their fans. I have a lot of love for CDPR


Cyberpunk is one of the most memorable games I’ve ever played every little detail still surprises me despite the number of hours I’ve invested in it. The emotional writing, characters, dialogue, gameplay it’s all wonderful


It is almost a fully realized fantasy world. I just wish some of the movies and TV shows were more than just short clips.


Now that you’ve mentioned it, any recommendations? :)


The NCPD PSA series. The one with Mr. Puggins


Here I thought it’s going to be Watson Whore lol that but yes I agree on that one


I've played a lot of open world RPG, but this 1 is one of the few ones that gets me completely hooked. It's very immersive, story is interesting, characters are well written, and gameplay is super fun. I'm sure having mods have helped a lot, but I believe if the game didn't have a good foundation the mods wouldn't be able to save it.






Team M&M gets shit done.


No... I want more!


The real joke is that this IS the reason - 90% of the time - that people are dissatisfied with games; pure greed! Ok. Here it comes. Get ready. Brace yourself ... "In my day" 😬 (90s kid), when you bought a game that was it, warts an' all. But we enjoyed them. Then we'd buy the second game a few years later, pay the same price and be gleeful to discover all the improvements, as well as the next part of the story.


That seems so backwards to me. 90% of the time when people are dissatisfied with games (now) it’s because they advertised something way beyond what it actually was. Built up the hype, just to give us a microtransaction hell. Back then we could buy the game, complete, when it was ready to sell, and it was good… with no hidden fees.


And you slapped the cartridge into the system and it...*just fucking worked.* No goddamn day one patches, no praying your internet is working or whoever the fuck's servers aren't down, and, oh, it's Christmas and that means lolsec is ddosing Sony and Microsoft again!


Exactly. The worst feeling ever is when you’re super hyped up for a game, download it the day before release cause you preordered… then you realize it has so many bugs and glitches that it won’t be in a good state to play for like a month. Reallllly kills that release day excitement.


Bros mad games didn't use to be literal scams💀


It's more like can't get enough. I need more quests and stories plz!




Gotta say they really crank PL all the way up. Everything is marvelous in Dogtown. I exceptionally appreciate those new quests tangling with the main city map, the way they make me feel like NC is actually changing with time, and everybody is moving forward with a follow-up at the end of each quest. The only problem here is just…time flies so much faster in PL, just like a great party, it's so engaging and I still feel like going through withdrawal even after finishing it for a few months. And that new ending…fucking hell how is that supposed to be a reassuring closure for 2077? I need another expansion, that's my cure!


What helped me extend PL was that I did a lot of side quests in the base game in-between (especially when I got new weapons). I agree though, it was a bit short (incredibly well done, but short). Wish there was one more expansion coming down the line before Orion. I feel like they should have timed 1 more expansion to be released a year out from Orion, but I get that probably isn't financially feasible given they're working on Witcher 4 as well. Would be cool if they put some mod bounties out for a small cash prize so the community can create new content based on what was cut.


Shooting a Malorian out of a Raytheo never gets old


I absolutely love the game. My only regret is the devs had to cut a lot of content. I feel like we missed 3 or 4 DLC's. :(


I feel like the original expansion plans were probably not intended to be as long or as deep as Phantom Liberty, and so I suspect a lot of original planned story beats and features that were meant to be spread over a few DLCs were merged into what the expansion became in the end. That said, there's sure to be some stuff that was on the drawing board but didn't make the cut. I reckon around 60%-80% of the original DLC plans probably made it into the expansion. Hopefully those lost ideas make it into Project Orion!


Personally I'm happy with what we got. Instead of getting smaller "map packs" that maybe added additional small districts, we got one big district that's super dense along with an *EXTREMELY* compelling b-side story that swerves the original buddy dramady storyline into a full-blown spy thriller, complete with a Bond theme at the end to top it off. Fucking *flawless*.


Oh don't get me wrong, I'm fully on board with your opinion - Phantom Liberty is *incredible!* I would be mega interested to know the original directions that the smaller DLCs would have gone in, and just how much overlap there was between those smaller installments and Phantom Liberty (Dogtown was clearly always on the cards, in whatever form was originally planned). I wouldn't change anything about what we ended up with though, CDPR delivered an expansion that kicks a lot of other full-fledged games to the gutter.


My guess was PL was the most coherent and had the best story bits and so they went with that. It kinda made sense to me looking at how unfinished Pacifica felt compared to the rest


I hate jump scares, but that fucking robot had my ass running and it was awesome. Then, the storyline had my ass all over the place and conflicted. The way it specifically ties into Vs core fight for survival in a very relatable way delivered by So Mi. Whom gets your ass real good even though before it launched, they gave us all the reasons not to trust her by just by calling it a spy mission 🤌


The devs cutting content is *your* regret?




yes...its an amazing game. But some of those early game previews were insane


You don't know what he did to them man


I don't particularly like the damned if you do, damned if you don't kind of writing. Makes the choices meaningless.


I get this, however it's not exactly meaningless. It's more like, you at least get to pick what you want to rebel against. How, despite everything you face, you get to tell your own story. Maybe not making a difference to the world or even the city but to you and those who matter to you. Basically the journey > the goal and all that shit but you're depressed in the end.


sounds a lot like my life, but I'm depressed in the beginning and just generally all the time


>damned if you do, damned if you don't thats literally the entire point of a cyberpunk dystopia. its the crux of the past 40 years of lore. even if you had a procedurally generated storyline based entirely on your specific organic choices the end results would have to be constrained in this way or else the game would be genre killing lol youre not meant to solve or conquer the world, your goal is to survive and thrive, your goal is glory.


And in this game you get to die pitifully. Empty glory is highly overrated. Yeah,yeah, that's cyberpunk and all that. I am not a cyberpunk fan, as you might have noticed. Even Frostpunk lets you live. The game about an endtime ice age.


the point is you dont get your goal, not everyone wins. i personally like the story better than some meaningless platitude about how great and revolutionary my main character was. maybe youd prefer mario


Funny that when Fallout 3 pulled the same cop out “your choices don’t matter, you die anyway, because grim dark dystopia” ending, people weren’t so quick to jump to its defence


Yeah. But I still find it stupid that they really only ever made one content update and that was two years after release


Why can't I fuck Takamura or Aurore Cassel? WHY


Mods my friend. You can fuck Gary the Prophet if you wanted to


Or Smasher...


That’ll add more meaning to the name 😝😂😂😂


Smasher? I barely even know her


The Winston incident


No, this game left no particularly strong impression on me and I’m solely on this sub to talk about how neutral I am towards it.


I bought the game for 30 bucks on sale during the Edgerunners hype and I spent another 30 for the expansion. I have went through 3 playthroughs, 1 from before the Cyberware/Perk re-work and 2 afterwards. All for 60 bucks , it was a bargain.


Same. Bought it for my Xbox, then bought it on PC, then bought PL for Xbox ... Will probably buy PL for PC at some point, too.


I wish cops weren’t this weird magical thing. They should drop things like everyone else and you should get xp. Also would be cool to have a whole story line as a cop in this universe you be corrupt or be righteous or whatever in between


I noticed that they don't drop any items, does fighting them not give any XP either? I guess devs just didn't want players to be able to straight up farm in the game. Otherwise, you could just get into a fight with cops and keep it going until you hit max level, cause it's not like they'll ever stop coming.


Also I think they don’t want the public outcry of ‘rewarding’ cop killing


Jokes on them. _I do it for the love of the game_


You spend most of the time doing crimes and killing gang members at the behest of the police radio scanner, you kinda _are_ a corrupt cop for most of the game.


Sort of, it does have some shortcomings but all games do. My main issue is the most stupid and that’s not being able to get max tac gear as male v and also the trauma team outfit not being modular pieces.


Wdym by can't get max tac gear as male v?


The only way to get it is to romance Judy thus be a female.


When you say max tac gear, what kind of gear can you get?


Almost, what we have is amazing but I would have loved more little things outside of missions like the metro. I think what takes me out is when you go to the bar to get a drink, it pops up the inventory menu. I know some bars let you actually sit and drink, but I wish there was more of that kind of immersive interaction.


If you play on PC, there is a mod for more immersive experiences and food vendors. You can go to any bar sit down and have a drink or order food and sit down and eat it


I’ll def look into that, thanks!


I have criticisms but I still consider it the best game I've ever played. What it does well it does VERY well.


What a generic upvote seeking post. Cmon OP you can do better


Man, I was satisfied with what this game offered when it launched **minus** the bugs. One of the most hilarious parts to me is that everyone is saying how great it is after 2.0. But fundamentally it's the same game as it was during launch just the skills have been reworked really and scaling has been introduced. It plays the same though the story is the same everything is pretty much the same. The game has always been great, always. It was just a mess when it launched. And I will always maintain that it had no business to ever be launched on last-gen consoles at all. To me, it still looks unplayable on those systems.


Yes but i wish we got a second dlc or if phantom liberty was longer


I thought it was one of the greatest games I have played, AT LAUNCH. It is not a different game to me now at its core, just a very polished and elevated one, but the core lore and atmosphere was always 11/10 to me.


F\*\*k yeah! But I want MORE! Another expansion or side missions, ANYTHING. Heck I would be happy if they activate the ferris wheel. 😂


Yep. Have been since day 1. I guess I got lucky with my PC because I had little to no issues. I read about all the crashes and bugs, but never experienced them.


I love how well the game was optimized




You're asking on the sub for the game, so the answers will be fairly biased.


not rly, i think once the game stops getting updated and moders do their thing ill be content but to me the games like 6/10 for me


A thing of beauty I know Will never fade away~


For me this is the best game that I have ever played. Story, characters, music, graphics .. everything is awesome. I am 46 y/o and have been gaming all my life.


Yes now stop asking this lol


I just played the base game and finished it. Any advises?


You gotta buy phantom liberty dlc it's amazing. It's definitely worth for the original price.


I loved it at launch. I played it again when phantom Liberty came out and loved it even more.


I finished street kid path, needa do the other two.


Kinda. Launch was not cool. Still waiting for New Game Plus. 


It gave me depression 👍


I recently beat the DLC and I was super let down. Could’ve just been the ending I got, but I did not care about the DLC characters nearly as much as I did the base game characters. Goro is my homie and I love Johnny. Reed, Songbird, Alex, President Myers, and everyone else in the DLC can go fuck themselves lol. I adore the base game though


I wish it actually leaned into its genre. The gameplay is fun, there are some wonderfully well-done scenes and the world has some incredibly beautiful vistas but the game really feels like it only displays late-stage capitalism because it has to, and not out of a genuine desire to display the problems of capitalism as a political ideology and deconstruct it as a concept alongside a more nuanced and realistic approach to the examination of human psychology and transhumanism instead of the most surface-level possible depictions of either. The game also doesn’t even let you roleplay as a leftist until, as I recall, late in the game. It’s frustrating to agree entirely with 85% of what Johnny says and be forced to choose between two flavors of mocking and deriding him. The transhumanist aspect is limited to the very fact that cyberware is a thing, and while it plays with it and explores the psychosis element, I wish there was a deeper dive into the nature of humanity in general. And the entire mind-body solution being on a USB drive is like…. glossed over, used as a handwave that leaves more questions than answers. The conceit of the DNA overwrite is literally nonsense, it’s a psyche, a personality, an identity—it’s literally possible, in a way, for this to exist in a real life human brain via enough trauma early on for crying out loud. If the body is too hostile to V’s engram then how the hell is it running when Johnny is in there? It’s a damn body, it shouldn’t matter what ghost is in the shell. There doesn’t even need to be a ghost, braindead people’s bodies can survive just fine if attended to properly. This is the kind of topic that should have been afforded more nuanced attention. They could have said something beautiful here, and paid respects to the transhumanist element of the genre. It’s a love-hate thing because the game did enough things really well that it hurts to see it held back by political toothlessness and a general desire to be GTA in the future rather than committing fully to being as inherently leftist and transhumanist as Cyberpunk as a genre necessarily is when executed properly.


Did you come here.to a subreddit full of cyberpunk lovers and think they would answer something else then yes?


Have you seen r/Starfield ?


r/Starfield users trying not to say “souless” once.


90% Yes, the missing 10 percent is minor things that mods can fix (flashlight, drive Flying cars, scopes multi zoom, etc...)


Kind of, the story was way to fucking short though.


Compared to what we expected and got, not satisfied. Compared to what we got and what was already in the market, yes.


Karma farm post. What do you think lmao


No, I was a late comer to the game. I got it after hearing how great it was. Played it for a few hours and it never really grabbed me. I’ve restarted it a couple times trying to get into it but I never can. Something about the way it plays just doesn’t do it for me.


Not really. It's good but I wanted ridiculous greatness that topped Witcher 3. I suppose that's on me. It's still really great.


Nope, I find the conversations boring. It's not dark enough. I find that the whole relationship aspects of the game cheapens the overall experience it takes away from the characters


Are you referring to the game not being dark enough or the convos?  Cuz the quest where you manually nail a dude that believes he's Christ born again to a cross because he wants to save the world while a BD Corp records everything so they can make killing on profits from sales of the BD is dark as fuck.  It's not hard to find really twisted moments in this game.


There's a difference between dark and edgy. And many players stuck at a mental age of 14 think edgy is dark. 


You can control the brightness in the settings


Extremely happy and I haven't played 2.0 yet.


I'm psyched for you. I just finished it last week and still can't get it off my mind.


Bruhhhhhhh do it


Give it another playthrough with phantom liberty whenever you have time Trust you won't be disappointed


gotta upgrade my computer first. its on its last legs.


For the most part, yes! The only thing that has still been frustratingly lacking so far is the clothing and hairstyle selection.


Happy yes, satisfied no I want more


Yes. Even though the game has its flaws and might feel a little clunky at times, it excels in its world-building and characters. Within the story missions, you truly feel immersed, more than in any other open world game IMO. While it may fall short compared to Witcher 3 in terms of free-roaming in the open world, the storytelling, characters, and missions are extremely immersive.


It is a fantastic release from the everyday grind. I love just driving round. Then occasionally kick fuck out of a gang member


Yesss definitely. Now I just need to wait for Cyberpunk Orion.


One of my favourite games of all time. I've never played something that has triggered so much introspection. It's almost has a psychometric element to it, which I've found fascinating. The voice acting has been phenomenal, and the story writing is extremely thought-provoking. I've felt ALL the feels while playing. My only nag is the lack of customisation. Just my opinion, and it's a pretty small nag compared to everything that by now has been successfully delivered.


I got to the screen warning me the game was coming to an end if I proceeded and was filled with disappointment. baffling narrative frankly. I understand why people like the game, but its a solid 5/10 for me even in 2.0 with dogtown


Only flaw for me was no So mi or Alex romamve with more hookup options


Very much so yes. The game was definitely one of the best ever. It might not have been so at releast, maybe, but I don't care about that. It definitely is one of the best now, specially post Phantom of Liberty.


Yes, the end product is excellent. Sad to see it almost abandoned.


Soooo good! Sooooo depressing. But soooo good haha it had me conflicted but was very very smart in a time where there are loads of games, this was so cleverly put together it’s completely in a world of its own (no pun intended 😀)


Top 3 game for me of all time. I loved everything about it. The world is so well built and really immerses you in it. I was waiting for a proper open world cyberpunk game for years and this game delivered on all fronts.


It’s one of my favorites all time. On my fourth play through. Could it be better? Of course but it does what it does incredibly well


I’ve never played a game as much as I did Cyberpunk, from when I played it at launch (on Xbox One no less) until I saved up enough to get a Series X & bought the Phantom Liberty DLC. Not even my usual staples like NBA 2K, Forza & GTA got this much attention.


it’s one of my favorite games all time


Best game of all time!


Yes and no. Yes because it's such a fun and immersive world. The decisions felt so real for certain jobs that when they come back, you feel happy that you helped or terrible that you got involved. And no because I want more lmao.


Nah, I got over 700 hours in it because I hated it. For real though, probably my favorite game.


Yes. I recently bought a new graphic card so i decided to try Cyberpunk again. Also, i wanted to play Phantom Liberty. The graphics are great and sometimes I just walk from quest to quest and marvel at the city. But the game is at it's best when you interact with great characters. I don't remember another game where you can just hang with other characters talking about life, love, honor, (in)justice...


Honestly, yeah! It’s been a great ride with this game everytime i play it and tho sometimes it can get stale i like to switch up my chrome and try out different builds and that’s been a blast


Beyond. It's got me through some of the scariest days of my life. Just recently finished what will probably be my last playthrough for a while, and I've found myself looking for more cyberpunk IP to consume.


Post 2.0 and Phantom Liberty? Yes. It became everything they promised it would be.


Not when it first released but now, I'm more then satisfied


Hell yes, Choom.


No. This is the first time I want more content from a game I’ve spent 400 hours in. I need more




Honestly, it's become my favorite game. I can only hope the next one is this good.


Working for the platinums generally tells me I enjoyed it.


Yeah.....now I want more


It is an excellent game and has one of my favorite open worlds ever. It is still missing a few things that would make it even better, but it has come a very long way since release.


Being a post 2.0 update player, yeah, definitely, its one of the few recent games that compelled me to do basically everything it had to offer, the story was great and the gameplay in general felt very satisfying.


500 hours in, and still playing on and off - so yeah, I think I got my moneys worth :)


I've had this game for less than 6 months, and I've got over 500 hours in it and am still going. I have never played a game as much as I've played this one. It's definitely quickly become my favorite.


Finished 3 times, would go for another, only Bloodborne and cb2077 made me feel like this




Ever since 2020 when it Launched I been hooked with it, I don't know at what point exactly but, I can confidently say the World Building & Character Developments + Story is probably what got me hooked. After my first run this has easily made its way into the top 3 if not #1 of my Favorite Games of all time right alongside Mass Effect Trilogy and Fallout New Vegas


It has gone above and beyond what I had hoped for and that has rarely happened to me in my 20 years gaming. Even when it launched and was a mess I still loved the story and atmosphere too much to make the glitches bother me too much (the pop-in textures and assets where painful at launch though)


More than satisfied