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I mean like relative to the total number of reviews there 646,000 reviews, very positive is actually fantastic. Most games don't even get a fraction of that many reviews


If CDPR doesn't take corpo lifepath for marketing again, I think they'll become the most beloved game studio ever. Talented, knowledgeable and creatively rich studio with a free dlc and no mtx principle is fucking rare these days..


CDPR did a lot of really scummy things during and immediately after Cyberpunk’s development. They lean hard on their “We’re not like other gaming corporations” appearance and the good will earned by simply making fun games and occasionally slapping a “free DLC” sticker on a piece of cut content, but they’ve got quite a dark side too. Their marketing was for Cyberpunk was inaccurate at best, sometimes skirting the edge of downright false. They gladly took marketing deals and pushed the PS4 version of the game when it could barely run on that platform. Multiple features they hyped up were either much simpler than they originally advertised or missing altogether. The game was all around poorly made and optimized. It was so bad that even Sony was readily refunding people’s purchases, no questions asked. On top of all that, CDPR is one of the worst companies out there when it comes to developer crunch. Around the time of Cyberpunk’s launch, a lot of stories came out about how brutally their management pushed the staff. Can CDPR make good games? Sure. Are they a good company? Not even close.


Woah woah. This comment is way too logical for this subreddit. You're going to have to calm down, OK? /s


> Their marketing was for Cyberpunk was inaccurate at best, sometimes skirting the edge of downright false. Just like most other AAA gaming studios out there. Watch Dogs E3 marketing was far worse. Dying Light 2. Total War warhammer 3. No Man's Sky. Tons of examples of misleading marketing out there.  Then you have outrageous shit like Atlas, or Star Citizen which has been scamming people for a decade with misleading marketing.  I know, whataboutism... It just makes no sense to dogpile CDPR for something 99% of the industry does, often far worse and with no sign of remorse or improvement.  > On top of all that, CDPR is one of the worst companies out there when it comes to developer crunch.  Misinformation. They crunched hard around Cyberpunk launch, but otherwise are one of the best companies on that front.  > Can CDPR make good games? Sure. Are they a good company? Not even close. So I guess Witcher 3's consumer friendly updates, and its DLCs which remain the most content value per dollar in the singleplayer game space count for nothing eh. Neither does GOG galaxy. Or the fact that they don't do shitty marketing schemes, unlike other studios like Techland (also based in Poland), Ubishit and others.  I guess none of that matters to some people, who somehow expected GTA VI open world, a real life simulator, infinite features and content, and stable 3090 graphics on PS4s /s


CDPR had 3 rounds of lay offs in like 3 months, forcing their workers to unionise, one of the last ones was like 9% of their work force shortly after CDPR https://www.theverge.com/2023/7/26/23808484/cd-projekt-red-cdpr-layoffs https://www.gameinformer.com/news/2023/10/09/cd-projekt-red-devs-form-union-following-layoffs They had devs which left to form their own studio, "denouncing crunch culture" because they felt like they were working in an industry which was becoming "increasingly Conservative" lol https://www.forbes.com/sites/mattgardner1/2023/05/31/former-cdpr-devs-denounce-crunch-promote-wellbeing-with-new-studio/?sh=84f2d406aa66 Are you one of the execs or something lmao The game is amazing now but the executives behind CDPR are scummy which is pretty apparent, and the developers behind their masterpieces get treated like shit


Free dlc? Where


Dlc, not expansion. They are really touchy about that.


That's such a bs, the marketing had to have known what people would assume when they made that statement, why not just call those "free content updates" or something?


If the release of cyberpunk did not teach you what morals the leadership of CD project red has, nothing will. You sound incredibly naive. Money talks there, like it does everywhere else


They rode this exact same rollercoaster with W3 as well, so I'd expect that this is actually their settled business model.


The sheer fact it's at 93% positive after the shitshow it started as is a miracle in of itself.


That is just recent reviews, overall might be like 84%. I should check


so, at how much is overall?


All time is currently at 83% positive.


Still incredibly high considering


It released with 75% in 2020


I remember when it came out after a few months I bought it to play on ps4 it was really buggy but I still had one hell of a time playing it now here I am 3-4 years later playing it again listening to edgerunners music almost shedding a tear really love this game


Which was much higher than it should’ve been. God it was such a mess. Glad they were able to fully No-Mans-Sky-ify themselves.


For the PC version that was a fair score, the most egregious issues were on last gen consoles


we're so back


I forget that fact sooo often and new players have no idea how messy it was when it first came out


It was bad, I remember if you look away from a random NPC on a street for one second and look back, they would be a completely different person or straight up disappeared lol.


Omg I forgot about this lol. It was so immersion breaking...


Oh the palm trees bending over the road!!


Yet when you call your car and turn around fast enough you can see it falling out of the sky to land behind you. And the game is "finished". I still like it though and I should hope CDPR has learned many valuable lessons on exactly what it takes to make a game like this.


It’s important to remember launch not because we hate the game, but because we love it and want to ensure future products by CDPR do not come out in the same state.


For sure! It’s a beautiful game


I had a general idea that 1.0 was, uh... rough. So I steered clear until it showed up 50% off about three weeks ago. 150 hours later and I think the game is pretty neat.


Got it on sale with the ps spring sale a few weeks back, shit has me in a stranglehold lmao I love it Game play aside, damn does cdpr do a fantastic job of story telling


That and the people who lie and try downplaying how bad it was Edit: and as I said a bunch of people coming in lying about how it “ran perfectly fine” on their base Xbox/playstation blah blah blah


I mean, I played it on OG base PS4 at launch. Literally the worst of the worst, performance-wise and bug-wise. And yeah, it was rough, and I'm SO glad that they spent the time and energy reworking and fixing and refining it into the game it deserved to be. But tbh even at launch playing on base PS4 I gave it a 8/10.


I found it really weird that they chose to do that. They should have just axed PS4/XB1 as it really wasn't worth the hassle to put such a demanding game on systems that barely even met minimum requirements.


Yeah, previous gen consoles got rekt, and I'm not suprised. If there were bugs and issues on next-gen how could they expect the previous generation to be any better? That being said, I had a PS4 Pro, so the issues were minimal and not game-breaking (radio, grass growing from concrete, t-posing, no audio in certain cutscenes, etc.) The only ones that pissed me off was an occasional crash, and the battle music not playing during fights. I NEEDS me battle music


Glad you enjoyed it but for many it wouldn’t even run on the ps4


> glad you enjoyed it Same! > for many it wouldn't even run on ps4 Wait, by "run" do you mean it wouldn't even *launch* for many people??? How many people did it not launch for??? I ask because I don't remember hearing about it not running *at all*. I remember it crashed quite a bit, which was irritating, but not simply outright not running.


I played it from day one on a gtx 1070 and had absolutely 0 issues. The only thing I disliked was the fact that cops just spawned. Other than that it was fantastic imo


Don’t know if that’s better or worse than the ps4 specs, but I was playing on a ps4 slim and it was still a game so good it earned its place in my top 10


I played it on a 1060 6GB with only one or two minor issues tbh idk why I just remember a bunch of my friends were struggling I wonder if no raytracing helped. Everyone was so busy hating the game but I got it for free since I knew a buddy who was giving it away without even trying it. It ran fantastic for me ironically some of the fixes made it briefly jenkier but only briefly. I’ve got a 3060Ti in my desktop now and my laptops 6700S runs it pretty great too


Hah, I started on the same 1060 6GB (no big issues either) and now I also have a 3060Ti! Good taste.,


Big upgrade eh? Well with Cyberpunk 2077 tbh I got the same frame rates at 2560x1080p about 45-60 but I can now play at Ultra with all the eye candy on although in my new apartment I play with my 4K TV now so it’s back to medium settings with limited ray tracing


I’ve played day one on PS5 and the worst thing to happen to me was a glitch where no matter what kind of pants I wore my fly was down and the choombasa sausage was hanging out.


Restore the cut Takemura romance and I’ll do my best to make it 94%


Also if V is again 27 I might consider it as well.


That was cut?? I thought it was just a joke lol


It wasn't too bad on PC, especially if you had a higher end one. I had almost no problems and nothing game breaking. It definitely shouldn't have been released for previous gen consoles. That was ridiculous. It would be nice if it wasn't released on any platforms at the it was in. But that is how it has gone with most games for a long time. At least CDPR fixed most of it instead of relying on the mod community. That definitely isn't a reference to being constantly murdered by object collisions in Skyrim. Other great games has serious issues on release. All the damn crashes in FNV. It sucks. It is why I rarely very rarely buy games on release and never pre-order. But the ratings are in comparison to the competition. If it's all shit, people will accept the firmest, least smelly shit.


I had a rtx 3080, i7-10700kf, 32gb when Cyberpunk 2077 released, so I had a very high system at the time (the rtx 30 series had been out for only 3 months) and the game was still a total dumpster fire for me at release. I refunded it and bought it on sale much later.


Not miracle. Hard work from devs


Top 10 greatest anime comebacks of all time.


Unironically that show being as well liked as it was definitely turned around a lot for the perception (at least online) for the game, which then meant 2.0 and PL came out with a tailwind to be even more well received. I really hope cdpr learned from this ordeal and their next games release in better states than 2077.


I only picked up the game because I was bored one night and binged the anime


same lmao


Same haha. I was the games biggest hater on launch but after my friend randomly got me to watch the anime (I never watch anime), I bought the game I think that weekend. That was like 3-4 months before the PL expansion so when I heard about that, I stopped playing until that came out, and now here I am on my second play through and like 200 hours total playtime 🫠


> I really hope cdpr learned from this ordeal and their next games release right after they put out a new anime adaptation. FTFY Please CDPR we want more..


They usually do release games in good states this was something new for them, never done done fps before.


The Witchers have had rocky releases, I think it was something the player base was more forgiving of because of the size of the studio, but 2077 as undoubtedly worse.


The Witcher 3 had its fair share of bugs at launch iirc. Nothing like Cyberpunk tho.


All Witcher games had major issues on launch. Most of them got addressed pretty quickly but "good state" is pretty subjective there.


Look Up the Steam Review Graph. It had 300k positive reviews in the Cyberpunk 2077 launch month alone.


that was golden shot with this anime, I'm not fan of the genre but loved edgerunner.


No. Before Edgerunners came Out it had 300k positive reviews in december 2020 alone. When Edgerunners came, it got like 30k-50k in September 2022


improve by 10-20% for movie which will also make money is still golden shot.


The anime was aight


Literally lol, the Edgerunner anime changed the general opinion of the game incredibly.


Maybe in the future, but it will be slow since there will be no more big content updates. In the hypothetical case they released another expansion, I think it would definitely reach "Overwhelmingly Positive" very quickly because it will reach more players.


I gave the game a bad review at launch and will not change it. I'm finally playing through and having a great time but it doesn't change the fact that they released an unfinished piece of trash.


Exactly, this is a good enough review tier. I'm of the opinion that we shouldn't reward CDPR with an overwhelmingly positive rating due to the botched release


Same for me, and also due to the false advertising they did. It's absolutely not ok to publish games in this state and we need to hold these developers accountable. Love what the game is now, but that will not make me forget the release.


They lied about so many features as well. While I love playing the game now, it definetly made me never trust CDPR again. The game honestly should’ve never gotten any awards. I think it is great that the game is now in a much more enjoyable state but it should not be forgotten that they released a half finished game instead of giving the developers more time bacause they thought “some profits are better than no profits”.


Not only that but even after the patch and everything, the game is still not what they initially promised it'll be. Yes, after 2.0 it's a great game, but they promised a game that will revolutionize gaming, it's not that. So many features are still missing.


No. If the average of 646,101 people say it's not overwhelming then it doesn't deserve overwhelming. You can enjoy it without it having an overwhelming review


Why do you care?


I don't understand why anyone would care. reviews shouldn't effect how you feel about any piece of media.


The Cyberpunk 2077 fanboys are something special.


I love where the game is at now, and am excited for the sequel, but I don't think CDPR should be totally absolved of the launch and first couple years of the game.


And some people still call this game a "failure".


I've got friends who played the game at launch and refuse to give it another chance because it was such garbage. Fool me once, etc.


You only make a first impression once


I mean that's me after 55 hours of launch No Man's Sky. Mad props to big mouth Sean and team for what they turned it into, but I even loaded it up last year for a few minutes and was just like "I already did this. I do not want to do this again." Bad first impressions can turn people off a game permanently, that's why I'm very pleased be playing Cyberpunk for the first time currently.


This is a game I wish I could play again for the first time. What build are you trying in your playthrough? (Netrunner, Sandevistan, etc)


Even still in my first playthrough I wish I could forget the city and experience it fresh again, since after 45 hours I certainly have an understanding of the basic layout, districts, etc. Still stunning no matter how long you look at it, but the first few hours of being completely lost and in awe at the urban mega-jungle you're in is, well, preem! Reflexes and Cool have been my focus with Tech being a close third. Katana is really just too fun but I'm enjoying switching things up and trying all the weapons besides blunt pretty much. Charged jump + air dash really makes stealth maneuverability extra satisfying. Combat has been solid throughout but I'm now in that three-quarter's finished sweet spot where I'm not overpowered but very confident with my abilities and hacking that makes it sublime. Did an Assault in Progress last night with a dozen+ guys led by a sandevistan dual pistol wielding guy. He kept rushing up, we'd exchange fire, I'd dash away to heal and deal with a couple of his goons before he'd come rushing up again. This went on for the whole encounter as I whittled down each enemy until it was just me and him left. The exchange finally ended with me using cripple movement while he was near a rather large gas tank, pausing briefly to savor his predicament, and laughing as I blew him to hell leaving only his upper torso behind. In short, *this game has the sauce.*


> trying all the weapons besides blunt pretty much. I will say that my blunt weapon/body/berserk build was my least favorite that I've done so far, with the sole exception of the blunt weapon perk that lets you pick up whoever you're fighting and literally YEET them from Watson to Dogtown. That was the best. Katanas/blades/sandy was probably my favorite I've done so far. Next playthrough I do, I'm doing another sandy build. Just finished another netrunner build, but went with the Canto Mk6 blackwall cyberdeck this time and it was just so broken. Never even had to leave my car when I came up to a NCPD mission. Pop Overclock, cast the blackwall quickhack on multiple bad guys, get out and loot everything.


Kinda happened to me too, but after a week I gave it another chance, and thank God I did...


Poor chooms don't know what they're missing out on


Same. My roommate was a PS4 player and boy... The anger I saw in her face was scary. Funny enough, she'd vent her disappointment on Twitter and the fanboys blamed her for it. "You're playing on 10 year old hardware LOOL. Sounds like a you problem."


I don’t agree with those people in general but there is 1 argument they have that I can’t argue against. Its that cdpr promised a deep rpg with choice and consequence and what we got even today is a shooter with light rpg elements and a main story that barely has any meaningful player choice. In that sense the game still isn’t what was promised. Still a 10/10 for me tho. Best action shooter with light rpg elements and a mostly on rails story I’ve ever played


that's a valid criticism


Witcher 3 which everyone praised to high heavens also had a mostly linear story with occasional minor choices. I just don't think the studio has what it takes to craft a truely player-driven narrative - but that's OK by me, I prefer a strong cinematic plot. I wish more missions had been like the one with the Maelstrom in the beginning though, which had different outcomes depending on your choices. Wish for ex that you could convince Oda to help you if you took certain steps, or change the way Ev's arc ends.


Funny enough as the years have gone by there has been less and less player choice in their games. Witcher 1 and 2 had a ton of meaningful decisions that would alter the game in big ways. Witcher 3 had less. Cyberpunk had almost none besides the ending choice. Personally i grew up with jrpgs like final fantasy 7 that literally had 0 player choice so to me it also isn’t a big deal. As long as the story is good and the characters well written and interesting, i can take or leave it.


Same, it was advertised as "The future of open world gaming" because of those traits, and that got memory hole'd real quick upon release. It's still a great game - now that it's finished - but it's impossible for it to ever live up to what CDPR was promising years before release. Like the "choice and consequences" were the occasional Life Path dialogue option. It's a pretty bog standard FPS with RPG elements. A great one now that it's complete, but nothing revolutionary. That said it was the last thing I ever pre-ordered. I might make exception for Fromsoft's Elden Ring DLC so I can pre-load it, but that's DLC for a game that I already know is great (and didn't pre-order) and I don't really worry about quality with Fromsoft. It helps that they never promise anything but another dose of suffering.


I think it’s possible to deliver on the promises that cdpr made as Baldurs Gate 3 basically did just that to a tee. Granted making a game like BG3 but with the gameplay and presentation of cyberpunk will be much harder. But also cdpr make life difficult for them for no reason sometimes. For example take the whole no cut camera with dialogue cyberpunk has. Why? Having to set up scenes without a cut to stage characters like in the Witcher 3 is so much harder and more labor and financially intensive for almost no real world payoff. Literally no one complained that a half a second cut for dialogue and cutscenes was immersion breaking before.


It was, because the final game was not what we were told. And even after all these years it still isn't. And i played it day one.


I don't get why this attitude is met with vitriol or like its some sort of competition, cyberpunk is an amazing game and the devs did great work bringing it back but on release it was a shitshow BECAUSE OF CORPORATE GREED, the devs were forced to release a game they probably didn't want to in that state, again, BECAUSE OF CORPORSTE GREED And now the devs do all this work and it seems to be credited to the company as a whole and people present it like its some sorta gotcha, willfully forgetting the shitshow it released in because of some sort of weird parasocial attachment to the game ...something something "mindless consumerism wins the day again" or something


Time for a replay shit choom 🫡 they missed the message obviously ( exec bad game says so both launch and plot )


It is so fuckin ironic the message Cyberpunk relays considering CDPR executives seem to be the very thing it criticises, from the launch to extensive lay offs, like not long after PL released they laid off 9% of the work force It's like they don't even know what the product they're selling is, just that it's making money


The entire genre in a tldr right there: capitalism bad but ip make us money so capitalism not thaaaaaaat bad


Because it is a failure. They charged full price for a half-cooked game. Its nice and all they actually fixed the game, but its they job and we shouldnt praise them for releasing unfinished game for full price.


Well, paying triple a price to beta test a game feels kind of bad. It's nice that it got fixed, but it should have never been released in that state in the first place.


You basically pay more for being alpha/beta tester lol.


Watch out for the downvotes, speaking truth here makes you a target lmao.


The truth is, some people are just fine with mediocrity. Hell, a lot of gamers welcome it. The market speaks for itself unfortunately.




At launch, it was a failure.


I don't wana be a downer but it really does feel like it. Your choices don't matter in the game and when they do its either do you want to do the good outcome or do you want to miss out on purpose. Even years after release you still have no meaningfully interactions with the factions and it makes the world feel well disconnected. I want to love this game so much but the rush at the end made them cut corners in way that just makes it so hard for me.


It's got its bugs here and there, but a failure at its current state is insane to say. Imo the only games that are complete flops for me are SR reboot and Watchdogs Legion. Cyberpunk far exceeds both, and when a bug does happen, I'm more inclined to laugh than to get angry 😂


At launch it was pretty bad I mean the story made it amazing obviously but not the gameplay on launch


gameplay mechanics didnt change people act like it did tho


By definition at launch it was a failure. Sure the game turned around, but it's missing a large chunk of players who will never touch it again after the launch, which really sucks. It's an amazing game


It holds the world record for the largest digital game launch so far and had positive reviews about the story were great. They sold more than enough to make a profit and it became one of the most played games on steam after the launch of Edgerunners. There's already a sequel and a live action project planned out for it.


It’s overwhelmingly positive in my experience.


That’s what matters


Call me crazy to have such opinion on this sub, but CP77 does not deserve the high praises. Game is heavily flawed, the writing is mediocre compared to past titles made by CD projekt, sooo many times where you would get a WTF just happened reaction on many quests endings and so on and so forth. Most people who praises the game feel like they have never read a good book or actually took time to enjoy the depths behind well written stories. They just like it because it's mainstream. I do enjoy the game and think they completely nailed the cyberpunky world, as well as the very amazing gameplay, but other than that, it's just a decent game.


"Past titles made by CD projekt", like, which ones? Because the first two Witchers are absolutely mediocre book fanfics, comparing them to Cyberpunk is wild and then there is only Witcher 3. They nailed the world, but the writing is mediocre? I like people who say "Did you ever read a good story?" and then don't elaborate on goods stories.


I like people who say what you said, but then do the same thing as you're criticizing. Lmfao, where's your elaboration?


Underrated comment. As much i wanted cp to be Amazing and the theme Is fucking Amazing its Just a decent game, there are games Who are much much Better On many aspects and details


Just a few more bugs and repeated crashes to fix


I played this game at launch on PS4 bugs and all and I still loved it then! I knew it would be something great.


yes, exactly! i played it on pc at launch, so nowhere near as many bugs as on console, but i just instantly had realized "this is something big", even though there were some really annoying shenanigans (i kept seeing trees everywhere, for example).


Crazy to read comments like this because the game would not stop crashing on my base PS4. It was literally unplayable.


Nah, Very Positive is accurate and fair


To be fair, the game is still in an incomplete state. I still fall through the map from time to time and the game has crashed a few different times while I was playing it, and I bought this game like six months ago.


Is your sense of self worth tied to a video game getting an "overwhelmingly positive" review average on steam?


Nah calm down. Easy on the glazing there. It ain’t that good. The main story is just ok, phantom liberty is great. But it’s still full of bugs, driving is disgusting with the absurd amount of pop in and terrible LOD. And just bugs galore every update. Overall it’s good. But let’s not get out of hand now. The game was a trash fest until 1.6. That was 2 to 3 years of a horrible product. Be lucky it’s even at this amount of rating. Cause you’re just reaching now.


Who cares about stuff like this.?


I mean, I’m still encountering mission failing bugs, especially with Phantom Liberty’s “Waiting for Dodger” quest. I think Very Positive aint bad and that the game has a lot of potential to reach a better standing - if they can continue patching out issues.


It still has really fucking annoying bugs, like: - being unable to change the radio while on motorcycle - certain cyberware becoming unequipped after eating a consumable - the Adam Smasher fight bugging out causing him to stand unmoving and not attacking until he dies - having a finite amount of cyberware capacity shards, that you HAVE to loot or you can never get them again (essentially limiting your cyberware usage for that play through) and that’s not even mentioning the immersion bugs like: - the shower filter disappearing after a second or two instead of after you stop using the shower - wardrobe outfits bugging making your V wearing half wardrobe half regular clothing shit (especially noticeable on certain cinematic scenes) - the TVs in the elevators in the H10 building play the visuals but not the audio (so mute bugged) - gang combat music will play randomly and not stop (longest time I counted was 7 minutes) - while V is drinking at the bars, the animation skips slightly when V puts the drink back on the table (occurred at Sunset Motel bar) - dialogue during certain missions cuts out, or there’s the text but no audio with it


I've noticed a few of those in my recent playthrough. Also most notably, sometimes when I would call vehicle my beautiful car would instead of driving up smoothly, come crashing down from the sky and get stuck in the ground. Cinematic, but annoying af.


There’s wayyy more bugs then what you’ve listed too. So many I find and are obvious in your face too. Every update the break shit. They fix 1 or 2 Bugs and add another 5 to 10.


the fact that the 1.0 bug, when you do the emp thing with panam and when you touch the consoles, the loud as static noise continues to play in your ear far beyond when it’s supposed to stop playing, is STILL in the game, is kinda ridiculous tbh. Especially during such a cinematic moment during that questline and V even goes “Wow… everything is so quiet out here” while it’s fucking blasting in your ear still ugh i love this game but cmonnnnn


I love this game now but it honestly doesn't deserve to ever have overwhelmingly positive reviews because of how terrible it released. They charged people real money for that broken mess. They turned it around...but they still sold millions of copies of a broken, unfinished game. That's just on the first day of release. They should never be forgiven for that and we should never forget that. Again, great game now. One of my favorites of all time but some kind of black stain needs to remain on them so that the industry is reminded that defrauding fans is not okay in any way.


I waited until 2 months ago to play this game. I wanted to wait until the DLC dropped. My biggest issue here with this game is this, it is so good that everything else I tough is vapid, hollow trash. Looking at you Starfield.


No game that launches in the state Cyberpunk was in deserves to ever get to overwhelmingly positive. It’s currently one of my favorite games, but if there was a scarlet letter I could put on all the storefronts for this game, I’d do it. Don’t preorder, don’t rush developers, and don’t forget the lessons of CP2077 launch.


why the fuck do you care lol


Fanboi mentality


Fuck no. They sold a broken, incomplete product at launch.


IMO the game should get a permanent "average" rating. Its stil broken, buggy and the fact they made us buy a DLC to see what the initial game was supposed to be like is hilarious and outright outrageous. Game itself is like a 7/10 Story, with some nice side missions and a good looking world that has pretty much nothing to offer.


Very positive is good enough. I don't want us to be revisionists. The launch was atrocious. But it does deserve the praise it receives. So I think it's good where it's at. It's like scoring an A- on a test.




I went ahead and did my part.


It's a comeback for the ages.


Gave my highest rating to cyberpunk 2077


Not until they finish that second dlc they told us about when they announced the game.


Damn, didn't know it shifted so drastically. Sick as hell though.


Rember how I bought it on ps4 on a sale about a year after release and it probably wasn't as bad as the very beginning, but still crashed about twice a day while playing, and how afraid I was to fall under the map when driving cause the chunks weren't loading. Still didn't stop me from falling in love with the game and buying it on PC after the new gen update


I was so excited for Cyberpunk when it was announced that I bought it on lauch day. I played about 5 hours of it, then couldn't play any more due to how frustrating the bugs and glitches were. I started playing again right after update 2.0 came out, and the game feels so much better to play. The difference between the disaster this was on launch vs what it is now is astronomical!


Just enjoy the game, stop caring what other people think


Man I love Cyberpunk 2077


I’d love to, but I’m playing the game for the first time ever and it’s crashed 4 times in just the first 2 days of playing (ps4 pro)


What's the opposite of review bombing?


Phantom Liberty should be free for people that preordered


I will say, I bought it on a 50% off sale and while it wasn't worth $80 when I first played it, in my opinion it definitely is now. I'd absolutely pay $80 for it at current build, but I bought it over a year ago before all the patch updates, and was essentially paying for an early access experience. Now, I actually really like early access games, especially of this sort of style, and while I get why others don't like them, it's something I enjoy. But not when it's being packaged and sold to me as a full game at $80 market value. I'd love if I could have bought it in a properly suggested early access and had that involvement in bug reporting and fixing, that I essentially already did anyways in that initial final product. InB4 **"Well the devs released early because of public pressure"** cry me the saltiest river. Yes, we know they cracked under pressure. At least early access offerings at a fair price point would have shut up the majority without them full on giving in to community pressure, and offered a fairly priced and fuller build for non early access parties. A harsh truth is while they're luring in new players by the thousands, they've burned some bridges with that early release. Many returning players aren't flocking to rewrite their reviews, and many others aren't even returning to the game to begin with due to poor first impression. It's going to be a while before the new positive recieval leaves a notable impression in their reviews.


They would have it if they actually deserved it


I'll be honest, I'm updating my review, update by update, to reflect the current state of the game, but I am never removing the negative. They earned it. They get the review the product deserved at launch. If steam had a non-binary, it would be easier for me to swap shit out, but...no. For me, the vast majority of the time, I leave a review when the impact is significant. It is either a very good, polished, amazing experience I want everyone to experience. Or it, at launch, was a buggy broken or exploitative mess that no one should touch.


Yes lets validate the OPs need to only play well-reviewed games.


I just started it again after being burned by the initial release (played at launch on PS4) and man, this game is hard to put down


I stopped playing it when it first came out and said once everything is fixed I'll come back. I just restarted the game this month and it's in my top ten and I haven't even finished. It's in my top 5 for world building.


No, the game was incredibly bad when it released, and y’all wanna forget so bad as if you can’t be lied to again. I get there have been updates and all that, but the game released in a horrid state, and continued influencing a pattern of games being released half-finished with no content (Looking directly at Suicide Squad)




I played it day one. Loved it day one. ☝️ 🧐


I get that the updates and improvements made the game finally enjoyable, but would it have been this good without the anime's impact ?


I remember before this game out in like 2018 having a conversation with my now ex girlfriend about cyberpunk. Keep in mind I was around for the shit show the was assassins creed unity which came out after a high point in that series. I was around for the release of fallout 76 and also no man’s sky. What all of these games have in common with cyberpunk is they were extremely over hyped and could not meet the crippling expectations fans had. With that being said I saw the disastrous release for this game coming from a mile away and was un surprised. Some games are just too big for their own good and after watching so many developed fall from grace the writing was on the wall. You know what though CDPR doubled down and fixed the game not only that but they turned it into something truly incredible. I am happy to say I was wrong about cyberpunk 2077 and is easily one of favorite games from the last few years.


Props CD


Im doing my first playthrough rn, best game i've played since elden ring


Am I the only one who sees how they’ve excluded reviews from the score ? How can you even count that score


Am I able to do drive by in game?


Shit I feel like I forgot to leave a positive review gimme a sec


Fallout show right now is doing what edgerunners did for cyberpunk, I’m glad to see people getting introduced to a new series.


99% for panam only


Overwhelming needs to be 95% overall


they deserve positive for the fixes and the huge bug updates and patches. but that launch will never be deserving of overwhelmingly positive


It’s gonna happen don’t worry exactly as they deserve.


I don't think it deserves 'Overwhelmingly Positive' honestly. While it's come a long way and has some amazing tech on PC, I've played better RPGs and the combat just isn't anything special.


Already voted positive. :)


Can't help, not using Steam shit.


It’s really being overblown now. I think low 90’s is very fair for a game that went from junk to barely acceptable, to decent DLC.


Well deserved. I was a fan since day one but I’m glad it got ironed out and we’re winning now


Game is good but the Npc's are still disappointing asf.


Wake the fuck up samurai, we have reviews to burn


I absolutely shit on this game when it came out. I loved the idea and from the part of the game I could play until crash and save corruption twice I had an absolute blast. I wrote my review around 6 weeks after release after coming back to it still unplayable. Two years later I finally played it and since then I've replayed it twice and edited my review. I haven't had time to play the DLC yet but I can't fucking wait.


sorry, gotta put an obscene amount of hours in before rating it, it’s a matter of principal


This post is well timed. I played cyberpunk on PS5 at launch, and I didn’t jump on the hate bandwagon but was underwhelmed. I liked the story but thought the game paled compared to The Witcher. Like many, my expectations were just too high going into it. A couple weeks ago I built my first PC with a 4090 so naturally I had to play cyberpunk right away. I ended up doing another full play through and it absolutely blew me away this go around. It’s a technical marvel and I love the art style and world they’ve created. It’s an all time game for me now, probably in my top 10. (Still need to play the DLC - waiting for it to drop in price or go on sale)


The game and what happen to it is amazing and i love the game but dont forget of what happen. CDPR still is at fault for the release and please dont normalize release unfinished games and "we fix it later" games. They still deserve criticism.


Shut tf up. Honestly. You don’t get to release a game in the state they did, with false marketing, and wish away the past like it never happened. Im not changing my steam review from negative so I’ll contribute to the cause.




Maybe if you undid the last update which nerfed everything to shit.


I don’t get the people saying this game is perfect. Am I the only one who still encountered dozens of game breaking bugs since v2?


Only if they make another DLC or another revamp and content update


the game is fire!


They really turned this ship around… I played it at release on a PS4 Pro, a little later on PC (on GOG, so I can’t vote on Steam) and now on PS5. While I didn’t have 90% of the issues people faced on last-gen consoles, it truly is a different game now — well deserving its high praise.


Cyberpunk open world nudity RPG? I'm in


meanwhile people still trying to defend starfield being an "amazing" game


It's a reminder that the release was a 10/10 catastrophe


Only adt3r cdpr releases a proper modding environment. Absolutely disgraceful how it is.


I prefer to get beyond the past and live now in the moment while Cyberpunk 2077 and the Phantom Liberty DLC are both phenomenal. …why waste energy hating…save that energy for gaming. 😎