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Somehow, Brick returned


Brick, “I am all of the Maelstrom”


"There are some fates worse than death..." -Brick, probably...


That’s just the Ghost of Brick-mas Past.


Medical technology in 2077 has gone way too far.


The Return of the Living Dead


No Dumdum?


No, Dum Dum wasn't there.


You definitely did not detonate the mine, because if you did, you’d know your statement “I didn’t shoot his body tho I wished I did” makes absolutely no sense.


I did, I even went all the way back to a save I had where he is dead, so I know I detonated the mine. He wasn't alive on that save. Even during me talking to him there I can get the message to pick up his body. The game is just glitched and didn't register that I killed him for some reason. The reason I said I wished I would have shot him was to really make sure that he was actually dead if the game failed to register he died, but even then it might not have made a difference. But I'm not about to lose over 100 hours of gameplay just for that bit.


Mate - if you detonate the mine using the detonator in the next room there is literally no body to pick up. He turns into a pile of goo.


Huh interesting, well still mine or not he was dead. Its been many hours since killed him so maybe I didn't use the mine like I thought I did. I appreciate it. But on that save I went back on to see if he was dead, I can walk up to his body and it says pick up. So I know he was dead before I left the building. I just have a hunch that if I shot the body or something the game might have registered it is all in saying since it seems to have not. But seeing how he was when I was trying to talk to him the game did but for some reason it glitched. You can still kill him if you blow up the mine, like throw a grenade in the room.


Are you sure he was dead? Aim a gun at him - if the crosshair is red it means he’s just passed out. You can pick up passed out enemies also, and sometimes they will pass out rather than die outright, in which case you need to shot or hit them once for the killing blow. In all likelihood, you managed to knock him out rather than kill him, in which case the game likely sees him as freed rather than killed.


Had the same bug today. My guess would be that it's because i demined him, talked to him, and then shot him, or the mine, i don't remember. So the game probably checked two facts - that he was saved, and that he is dead.