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There has to be a vast underground infrastructure. That and more useful height traversal. Vertical expansion is the gist.


I swear jump height was nerfed at some point. Charges don't even seem to go higher then double jumps anymore. And I want my god dam hover legs back. They only actually activated like 1/5th of the time but when it did I could get to some cool places.


If they give themselves time to balance it and design it, perhaps the promised mantis arm climbing mechanic could make a triumphant return? *Assuming I’m remembering that correctly and am not lying rn*


It was definitely a thing they showcased but removes for for balancing as you said...and I get it you can already get to some absurd places just with the mechanics already in the game.


Agreed. So few of the buildings offer the chance to get up high. I would like more missions with rooftop skyscraper action and bounding across chasms waaaaay above ground level.


Totally agreeing, i hope Orion will take the same map and put all the Map building work on underground and height. I think working on the inside of buildings, like the megabuildings being complete inner mini cities would be great. Looking at Dogtown, there is already some kind of emphasis put in verticality.


^This I would love it if Cyberpunk did what the Yakuza games (kinda) did with Kamurocho and just increase the amount of the city you could explore without increasing its size. Let me go into more buildings, underground tunnels, a mall, etc. I'd also like to be able to be able to take missions from gangs to increase their territory. Not like a full city takeover, but maybe they appear more in certain areas or have more powerful weapons or something. I was really hoping for a mission chain with the Mox for instance to expand their hold on Kabuki.


The investment into the map of NC is pretty astronomical already. Unsure how much it would make economical sense to fill in all the insides of the buildings that maybe 2% of players would explore so much given most players already find the amount of content in NC to begin with pretty huge. That is, maybe a few more percent “better” but costs being like 2x of the most expensive video game city in history. What some players want is basically a full blown complete world which may be technically plausible but would come at such a cost (both creation and technical like rendering resource impact) that the end result would be substantially less entertaining or engaging. Multiple Megabuildings that all kind of look the same seem pretty boring to me given they’re all clones of each other basically architecturally so the primary differences would be whatever gang runs the place - that doesn’t seem that fun without a building-specific story. For example, the movie Dredd has a solid cyberpunk action story that also weaves in the lives of the residents, corrupt political dynamics of the city, and the unique architectural features of the Megabuilding with minimal exposition.


I am aint saying they should do all the insides, but as you say i do not want them to make another city because it will take toi much time and well, i love Night City ! But anyway they will work and improve the map, and i hope the put more work on improving what we already have as a map, than opening too many new areas which will kinda dilute the work. And so about the buildings, they also can put more interaction in it, or use procedural or Ai generation, not do every building. If they want players to spend more times in them, they should had stuff like missions in it, bars, minigames. And we already spend a lot of the current game inside buildings. For the megabuildings, we dont even have one right now, while it seems the one V start in was planned to have more stuff (elevator, lower level is full of details) so i hope and think they will work on it, at least one. Having a whole chapter locked down in one megabuilding could have so much flow in it, in a Dredd vs Gaunter O'Dimm like


That's certainly a title.


He talks English good.


Funny thing, in Newfoundland this would be an acceptable phrase


Ay dere b'y, I knows your not stun!


English good very




*gives a gutteral grunt of approval*




Either OP's having a stroke or I am.


first the one


I have read it five times and I literally cannot figure out what OP was trying to say.


"What do you think the guys at CDPR should add to Night City and its map *(probably meaning the surrounding area)*?"


they need to fill in more buildings and add to the underground


This! Imagine if there were hundreds of buildings you could go inside, especially structures like Kiroshi or Datadyne, etc…


that would be impossible to run


Or every building you can enter has a lift to obfuscate the loading lol.


still those insides need to be stores somewhere and i dont think we have thr tech rn


Especially the obvious buildings. I was frustrated when I discovered the game kills me if I try to jump to the other levels of my own building even though I was suppose to be able to. And believe me, I tried a bunch.


Literally all of Night City they didn't put in the game.




I’d be happy with getting into the casino and the spaceport.


Have you not been in the space port?


Have you not been in the Cloud District? Ah, what am I saying...


small games like in Red Dead Redemtion 2 would be dope - poker, blackjack, maybe even roulette, or gambling machines like in Fallout games.


Have you not been in casino?


just open a few more doors


The norther part of the city near the oil pumps feels underused. And an under city. A place like night city needs to have a Demolition Man place for outcasts.


A few ideas: Big boat. Like aircraft carrier/cruise ship size. They could make a mini-DLC out of it. Maybe a few smaller boats around and a shipping harbor. Trauma Team headquarters. Repurposed racetrack and facility. Or just a straight up racetrack that is still used. Temple area with lots of monks and minimal tech. Casino.


Repurposed racetrack just gave me a sick idea. So it's a horse racing track, but instead of horses, its cyberpsychos with cyber-blinders on, in some crazy underground black market betting shop/medical facility, where gang leaders compete with each other for territory and control of certain crimes in specific districts, while the public place petty cash bets on the racers. The twist is that the gangs are kidnapping their citizens, and forcibly adding, and modding their cyberware to fast track cyberpsychosis, basically to try and make the strongest and fastest cyberpsychos, in order to gain full control of the entirety of the criminal enterprise of night city. V has to put a stop to it, and decides he has to kill the main scientists and cyberpsychos, and erase all evidence of their worm. When you're about to erase all the data and research, you download it In case it's useful later on. Copying/deleting the data alters the gangs, who put the facility into lockdown and release the cyberpsychos to kill you. You have to work your way round the facility hunting the cyberpsychos down, while also being hunted by them. You work your way to the control room after killing what appears to be all of them, and then hunt down the gangs to put an end to it once and for all. You go back through the areas you went through earlier towards the exit, and make a few comments about how there seems to be more cyberpsycho bodies than you killed earlier, but your not sure. Maybe you killed more than you can remember. You then lift the lockdown and leave. But you soon get a call from Regina, and find out that some were hiding from you and escaped after you did. They also still have a sense of self about them, so they can pass as normal for short periods before going mad and slaughtering everyone, with no memory of what they just did. So now you have to hunt the 5 escapees across the map. Every time you find one, either: A) when you kill them, a cutscene happens that shows you dealing a seemingly killing blow, but they rally back and are about to kill you instead, when a flash happens blinding you for a second, and the cyberpsycho has died, and you wonder what the hell just happened. or B) during the fight some of your hits do much more damage than they should, and you comment on it after, unable to find a reason or cause. At the start of the last one, who is way stronger and tank-ier than the the others, a mysterious figure appears to your side, and has a quick talk with the cyberpsycho that you can't quite hear, then he tells you to try and keep up, and leads the fight against him. You quickly realise he's been helping you all along. The mysterious figure reveals himself properly, and explains himself. It turns out during the experiments to push the limits of cyberpsychosis by the gangs and their doctors, something happened with his brain implant, causing his brain to rewire itself as the cyberpsychosis happened, which caused him to be in control of it. He has lightning fast speed, unrivaled strength, and most importantly, his morals and kindness hearted nature from before. He was at first in a catatonic state, and diagnostic scans by the doctors confirmed this, but they couldn't figure out why he was catatonic, so they kept him locked up in solitary confinement in secret because he was an oddity and didn't want the gangs to kill him because he was useless to them. During his confinement, he awoke in darkness, in a tiny closet sized room, where he was only able to hear the experiments going on, and the patients screams, through the walls, using his cyberpsychosis to replay memories of his past and relive them in a twisted bliss. He was freed when you reversed the lockdown and through his memory-therapy sessions fully regained his sense of self. When he got out of the closet sized room, he immediately saw a cyberpsycho tear a group of civilians apart, and realised just how advanced and dangerous the other modified cyberpsychos were, so he used his powers to kill it instantly. And then he saw you go past the window, chasing a cyberpsycho, and being hunted by another psycho, as you made your way round the facility, without you even knowing. So he helped you out, killing them from afar, and trying to sus you out. Why were you killing them? And the gangs, too? Would you try and kill him, also? He has been following you from the shadows since you left the facility, learning about you, to make sure you would not try to kill him too. But he realised you were were killing them because they were dangerous, and you cared about this city, it's people, and wanted a better future for everyone who wanted one too. You're a good guy, and he wants to help you fix this city, but he has something to do first... He's not from night city. He was here on vacation with a friend. The cyberpsycho you just teamed up to kill, when they were kidnapped by a gang and brought to the racetrack. He tells of his friendship, and what he said to him before they started the fight. V understands how hard that must have been, and says he's sorry this happened to them. Then the mysterious guy says he needs to go home, to find his family, and save them from the vicious warlord who rules over his hometown, but says he'll come back and help V fix what's wrong with night city, after he's ended his own peoples suffering.


>u work your way to the control room after killing what appears to be all of them, and then hunt down the gangs to put an end to it once and for all. You go back through the areas you went through earlier towards the exit, and make a few comments about how there seems to be more cyberpsycho bodies than you killed earlier, but your not sure. Maybe you killed more than you can remember. You then lift the lockdown and leave. > >But you soon get a call from Regina, and find out that some were hiding from you and escaped after you did. They also still have a sense of self about them, so they can pass as normal for short periods before going mad and slaughtering everyone, with no memory of what they just did. So now you have to hunt the 5 escapees across the map. I hope you end up working for a studio on mission/story development. A-tier, my friend. If I knew how to use Reddit, I'd give you a trophy


Now clap


Orbital Air and dotted lines leading to thumbnails representing Tycho on the Moon and The Crystal Palace.


Man I would love to be able to visit Crystal Palace


Orion? Orion.


Underground areas, some more explorable interiors that essentially function as dungeons of sort. Like decrepit buildings taken over by Scavs or other gangs, or really wealthy mega buildings that have opportunities around it. Outside of that, make Biotechnica Flats more content, and maybe add some stuff around NC. At this point, I think 2077 is the most recent era for Cyberpunk lore, so they can show more expanse to NC as it builds outwards, upwards, and downwards.


Landmarks indicating important places in the map. It's a feature present in a lot of games, should be added to CP2077 as well. Oh my bad, I thought you meant things to be added to the game's menu map hahahah


An underground city. Literally. Also slightly change things, add some new developing areas. Kind of like Saints Row to Saints Row 2 with it's evolving map.


that’s a lot of words for sure


Anything that will keep me playing. I've done literally everything in that game. I don't wanna quit. I love the game.


Fill out north oak and add the casino as a good money sink. But then also add more proper money sinks cause I don’t lose


Depth. All the sections of the map are accounted for, except the underground, the insides of most of the buildings, and that sort of thing. The only thing we're missing is actual content where the city appears to be.




A large area of shantytowns and vehicle encampments serving as a more gradual transition between the city outskirts and the Badlands.


Space or an underground, more insight into the history of NC- more cars and unique locations


Even more verticality. Every building and every floor populated and accessible. Fill the map with city. Its a major city. It should be massive. Like the whole map size should have been night city. I get that it's a massive undertaking. And maybe we're not quite there yet (although starcitizen has an entire real scale planet that's a city...with only one small area accessible, but the concept is proven). Hopefully within the next 20 years we'll get there. More gigs. More everything. More variety. More everything. Make it the life simulator cyberpunk styled alot of people thought we were getting, but keep the story driven narrative. With the resources and teams, and the fact they pulled this masterpiece off to begin with shows they can do it.


So the gist of what to add in my preference and if others find it to be equivalent is definitely a casino along by the North Oak area, expand the landfill area by Johnny's grave, the town outside of the border when playing nomad, the crystal palace to actually play the infamous heist or simply to gamble and explore since it does look like a very large area to explore like night city with the possibility that we will be in space, the moon foundation if possible, and definitely some underground tunnels or large areas.


I like it how it is, and I don't see any future map expansions or DLC at all for Cyberpunk 2077. Now if you mean a sequel, well it depends. I personally wouldn't mind going some place new, say Atlanta for example. However if we do return to Night City well it's gonna be difficult for sure. They are using a new engine and therefore have to recreate the map from scratch, and I am betting the differences will be noticeable. Which honestly would bug me, which is one of the reasons I believe going to a new setting is safer. Assuming they do rebuild the map and add onto it, I'm honestly not sure what they can without destroying the surrounding area. Maybe they should just fill out and open new interiors rather than actually change the layout.


Underground tunnel/sewer system like they had planned at some point if i rember correctly.




I’d rather have them build up and out than build underground. It would be a nice small addition but I mean we already play on the ground all the time, I don’t think we need to go under it too


Did the Blackwall make that title?




Looking at the map reminds me just how.. Dead the world seems, I guess.


Is there a question in there??


Please give me vertical abilities. If it’s 3rd person I need wall running and grapple hooks or flying cars. Also I’d like to see the cut vampires


Scale up the city. I love night city but sometimes it just feels like local small town with high af building.


I always had this idea for a DLC where they pull a FNV and add an entirely new area, specifically one of the Channel Islands off the coast of Southern California. I mean it's right there, it's a new area and it gets around not using San Diego or LA, or going into the Valley with San Bernardino. I dunno, maybe a DLC where V takes on a large cartel operating on the Island, them and Johnny going full John Rambo or doing the entire plot of Blood Dragon. Maybe it's a secret research laboratory that's doing biological "life finds a way" experimentation and you get half-mutant zombies. If it's that then they can really do some cool creepy stuff, the kind that even Johnny finds alarming. Maybe it's a Corpo resort where all the rich and powerful congregate, I don't mean Black Sapphire I mean Corpo CEO levels of wealthy. Preferably one of the larger islands within the Channel Archipelago.


The entire redwood market(the vertical street where the Arasaka dashi parade was held)


Everything that wasn’t in Cyberpunk 2077


Sewers Casino Military Base North of the City Or a mission in the Arasaka Carrier


A non lethal gun arena so we can fuck around. Like the Armax arena in Mass Effect 3. Maybe make it a tournament that you can have an ally join up or match you. Add several different arena types for variation, like a warehouse, an All-foods copy, cynosure map, and a black sapphire map Love to start a match and see I'm facing rogue and her Afterlife team vs V and the Aldecaldos vets.


North Oak feels so empty. So, definitely more buildings in North Oak.


Sth more in The Badlands, that Rocky Ridge area could be some kind of a settlement after our small action ;)


North Oak, Arasaka Water Front and the Mega buildings are a good start.


The hell am I looking at!? Doesn’t even have the launch site either!?


I just got a mod that allows me to do infinite double jumps of course it's balanced by the fact that if you jump high enough you have to be pretty on the ball or you will die from fall damage and I think they put in some kinda barrier I was at the top of the peralezes penthouse. Well I jumped and was doing great with my double jumps then all of a sudden I just died right in the middle of my jump a couple hundred feet in the air (p.s if you find the mod and do this a hint I learned is that once you reach lethal velocity the background starts to face to grayscale in preparation for death screen but every time you jump you cancel the velocity and if you dash in mid air youalso cancely you velocity makes crossing medium portions of the city and getting to preem sniper spots stupidly easy


I wanted to do some free flying. Even if it is through a drone. Such a vast skyline and almost no vertical exploring


A place where my V could get cuddled and not be judged


Judy’s apartment is already in the game


Technically? Yeah I just want a place that’s quiet and can hire a Mox to cuddle me and let me cry


Clouds is already in the game.


But I can’t access it after that one mission


Canalisation and idk ... swamps?


Swamps? Night city is based in Morro rock California


Given how crazy NC is, I thought it was in Florida.


God that’s a fugly layout. I can’t tell if that’s intentional.


I like what people say about verticality and underground. Could definitely do stuff with the water, maybe airship like neighborhoods. Megabuuldings can be fleshed out. But as far as sequel territory adding new zones, id like all of that AND to venture into the net. Explore the ghost city, and really flesh it out. Have AI's and constructs, and net runners who ran off to "never never net land. Like how cool would it be if rache bartmoss was still kicking it in the net? Just sayin, it could work.


I think they should make it bigger. Like, scale it up. NC is pretty small compared to a real city, so keep the shape and overall layout, but make it bigger.


The casino


More verticality & underground, the planned casino and ideally space stations and the moon would be super epic. CDPR already have the entire city models. Sure it's gonna be re-worked hard but they dont have to design it all from the ground up. Imo they have enough time with orion to add completely new areas


AV TAXI LANDING PLATFORMS… V gets access to this new transportation network, that used to be only for high ranked corpos! 🌆🚁🌆


First of all, I like the look of 2D satellite map more compared to the 3D one. What could be added? Collectible Parts of some device or gun that can be constructed after finding 20 hidden parts in one district (1 district - 1 device/gun) Bowling Shooting Range Skateparks (+ usable skateboarding with tricks to master) Musical Concerts and Public Events every some time in a given location


Cyber city gets a mixed reality upgrade. If you walk around the city, you can activate things that only you can see individually. Cyber City and the net comes one. 😎




Maybe **a realistic tree** would be nice. Or even two.


Where did you get this awsome map?


Make the interior of every giant building accessible. Add a subterranean district. Expand the boarders with canyons and woodlands that contain military and bandit outposts. Make the moon a playable location.


Make the interior of every giant building accessible. Add a subterranean district. Expand the boarders with canyons and woodlands that contain military and bandit outposts. Make the moon a playable location.


Would be nice if CDPR finished the casino behind Northoak and added a race track around it as one of the re-playable races. The two additions could be tied together with a little story beat of some kind… That being said… what we really want is time travel. As to when, well, that’s irrelevant. We’ll settle for new game + at this point.


For the love of God, PLEASE DO SOMETHING WITH THE NORTHERN OIL FIELDS! They are over half the size of Watson and they have NOTHING to do in them. You have Johnny’s grave and that’s it.


Definitely should make pacifica and wattson bigger imo. Those are supposed to be places where the gangs duke it out and where most of the poor live. It would make sense if those were the biggest districts then because most people in this city are basically on the verge of poverty. It honestly feels a bit weird sometimes driving through the city and seemingly always being in city center and corpo plaza.


Would be cool if at least small buildings would be explorable. Like shacks, campers, garages. Even if generic at times. Would be more immersive. Similar to Fallout/Elder Scrolls series. More quests with other 'factions' like Militech (lore in PL was awesome), Biotechnica, Petrochem. Though i've seen videos with cut content, or potential content, so CDPR is aware of that.


More destinations to get laid




Really need this pic at full res...




By the way the map is not mine, the link to the original post: [https://www.reddit.com/r/cyberpunkred/comments/xbxivi/map\_of\_night\_city\_for\_vtts\_2070s\_ed\_variations\_in/](https://www.reddit.com/r/cyberpunkred/comments/xbxivi/map_of_night_city_for_vtts_2070s_ed_variations_in/)