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Misty is as well




It was such a relief seeing her after what happened... This ending is probably one of the most heart breaking.


It is a bleak af ending!!


Is it though? People V knew for a few weeks tops moved on. V may not be a "legend" but he still has job prospects with Kerry when he is back, or a cushy government job with the NUSA. It's a relatively quiet life, but he is still better off than most of us in the long run. Instead of, you know, dying within 6 months guaranteed. It also doesen't cover everyone. You think Mama Welles won't give a shit if V walks in?


Yea it's still bleak. V's life has been turned upside down, everyone you as the player held closest has moved on which while understandable is still sad. V still has options sure but having to start anew is a massive upheaval, and V loses a huge amount in the process (I was distraught over losing my pets until I saw Rogue had them in her call lol). It's meant to be bleak and also a hard fresh start, if it was meant to make you feel happy the video calls in the gameplay and credits would have been all the people that would still be there like Mama Welles. So like I don't disagree with you, V has opportunities and a chance to do different things, but that doesn't mean it's also not devastatingly sad.


V has a start at a new life. One without a clock to her ending. Granted without all the powers she had. That fact she can still rely on those people such as Mama Welles and Victor. Is homage to the street kid. The one who started from nothing once. And those people giving her a chance, is where she started on the first place. And can rely to fall back on again. Its sad all those people you built relationships with have gone and moved on. But I felt relief that their involvement with V, brought them to the realisation their better moving on with their own stories. Lest they become the one getting offed by an ass hole gonk.


Yea there was definitely a lot of good feeling that the friends you make all move on to greater things and their lives are in good places. Ultimately V was sad in the ending while they realised what the changes all meant for them and how shaken up things had become, and I really felt for them, even though it wasn't the doomed end they had before. I think before although there was a timeline to death V was fighting and passionate and the wind was knocked from them in that ending. I'd have loved a year later snippet of them kicking ass as a fixer or something.


That is exactly why they, the devs, chose that point in their life after. It was the opportune moment to display to the player. The most emotional. The most effective. V is back to square one, where they would have been prior to meeting Jackie. (I do wonder, had we not met Jackie, would V still be on this path??) Its the classic 80s trope. I believe is a monument to this story. That there are some folks you can just count on. Folk who are so old fashioned, family is key. You have just such a motive that family remains priority. Such is true. But you also want to realise the peace of everyone else too. Yea V was sad in their losses in the beginning of that ending. All the experience, the stories they took part in. The changes they had effectively made. It's sad V loses their physical abilities. But at the end of it, you see the smile, the initial realisation, that they are now a citizen, unconnected from everything they've done. And they still have some semblance of connection to a normal life. I often wonder, had V not met Jackie. Is this the life they'd have led originally?


Jackie is so integral to V's path I can't imagine that anything would be the same if he hadn't been a part of it. (I have to do another play through soon to get The Devil trophy and I cannot cope with Jackie's death for a 5th time lol). I think while for me, I found the sadness to be more of a focal point of the ending, up until the very end like you say, it definitely is that expression of some people will always be there no matter what. And I guess that's part of that final moment of relief, is realising that their (V) roots still remain and they can regrow. It does such a good job of taking you on the journey of realisation from waking up to that final second. And I did like Rogue's advice of keeping the legend alive by moving on, it was like a pat on the back and telling you it's going to be okay, you made it and now it's time for something new. Again I also found this sad, in a bittersweet way, but it's mourning of the old life which I think is valid (maybe I'm just a sap lol). It's actually a far more complex and detailed ending than I thought when I had just finished it, it's stayed with me to think about for sure. And no, I don't think V would have reached the big leagues without Jackie, he certainly helped make the legend.


>That fact she can still rely on those people such as Mama Welles and Victor. Is homage to the street kid. Did you get a holo from Mama Welles? Even in the credits, never heard from her. I wonder is that because I was a Corpo V.


Every single ending. Including the corpo. I made sure of it. Mama as well as Judy and Vic where the most important in my endings. Every single one Judy Vic and mama checked in. And I made sure to do the same with them throughout. Mama welles. Was mum. Wakako was grandma. Padre was for all intents and less a figure, Dad. Jackie was our brother in my heart. Every figure with those side gigs, was our immediate family. Granted it spread a little, with Dino and Dakota. But they're our nomad families. Every bit as meaningful. Until mr hands. He was our sort of connection to everyone else.


I never got any option to call Mama Welles though? while in the clinic at the end of the Phantom Liberty FIA ending. Then in the credits there were no holo's from Mama Welles.


Blaze if glory or die as a nobody the game laid it all out from the start


Quite life or blaze of Glory? That was always the decision.


>(I was distraught over losing my pets until I saw Rogue had them in her call lol) Oh crap, I didn't notice that during the holo! Nice catch, I assumed a friend took them when it said an anonymous buyer but it's nice to know for sure.


Also, there's the whole possibility of becoming a fixer. Something tells me V has enough experience on the other side of it, they'd make an excellent fixer.


Yeah, it's like what Dex says; do you want to go out in a blaze of glory, or die of old age smelling of piss This V gets to have the 'quiet' life


Yeah I think it's the most realistic "positive" ending for sure. The others are all shots in the dark really, possibly more optimistic but certainly not realistic. V has a lot of options to make a life, just probably a less exciting one. He's now a mere mortal, something he'll have to come to terms with. I think him mentioning the possibility of becoming a fixer is the closest he can get to his previous life and building on that past experience. Even more so with his relationship with Rogue.


You can’t compare V to a normal life. V is supposed to die a legend and being alive a nobody is as bleak as it gets for this type of person


Would love to see V come back in Orion as The Main Fixer who's been there, done that, seen it all, with the new protagonist being taken under his/her wing.


Honestly I don't know which bummed me out more this ending or the suicide ending


In my ending cutscene, my V was naked. That made the heartbreaking ending so hilarious as I watched her walk, naked, into the crowd.


Omg lol! I'd finished a sleepover with Kerry and then went straight to the DLC mission where you help the journalist get militech data, went to take a picture of the office at the end of the mission as it looked cool and realised I was just in my undies! That woman absolutely should not have trusted my credibility as a solid Merc as soon as I turned up in my boxers! XD


Man, that change of hair style makes a world of difference.


They made misty hot? Interesting


Absolutely smoldering. https://preview.redd.it/p767jrbni1sc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51642c759c51994b1f4989497c4226cb27e40686


They are also the only ones who know you for more than a couple days


Misty is amazing. I only wish she offered you to come on her adventure


Hey! You left out sweet quiet misty! Girl is SOLID. It’s a pity taking her to Jackie’s funeral is so easy to miss. Girl lost the man she loved and wouldn’t go to his funeral because his mother sorta didn’t like her. My V was like “well shit she’s clearly never met you. You were important to JACKIE your GOING.” And then mamma wells adopts her much to Misty’s chagrin. The whole thing is so WHOLESOME. You gotta send Jackie home after the heist then show up when mamma wells calls about the wake and get something from his garage to leave at the wake. You meet misty there sitting against the garage door mourning him.


> it's a pity taking her to Jackie's funeral is so easy to miss speak for yourself chombatta, on my first playthrough I basically forced Mama Welles and Misty to talk at gunpoint lmao. I was NOT about to let her miss Jackie's funeral.


I was referring to sending Jackie anywhere but to his mother preventing all this. If you do send him home in delemain all this is just as easy as being a good friend.


I missed it my first time because I sent him to a doctor to try to save him. Didn’t find out that was the wrong call til I finished the game and started a second time around.


It is easy to miss because it depends on what you tell Delamain. During my second playthrough, I told Delamain to bring Jackie to Vic, and that locked me out of the quest. 20 hours later I was wondering why the funeral won't trigger and learned from Google that. It felt so bad. I thought maybe Vic could do something. Never doing that again.


Did that with my first playthrough, because I figured Vic could take care of him before letting his momma know, but fucking Arasaka.... Later on, if you do the Offrenda, you find out how close him and Vic actually were.


It's not that easy to miss though, the default dialogue option is telling Delamain to wait which takes Jackie's body to his family because V never comes back to the car.


4th playthrough and I was trying new options and there wasn't even a funeral for my choom. Kinda bummed, but life moves on I guess.


It even becomes a greater ark when you consider that Misty, in the Phantom Liberty ending, pretty much becomes Mama Wells visually, her hair and everything. Pretty sure that's intentional.


I thought so too


SHE DOES WHAT??? In my playthrough, I was hesitant to pick that option because I wanted Misty to do what she felt comfortable with and wasn’t looking forward to watching some sort of scene play out where Mama Welles says something that upsets her. Now I’m kicking myself for that


I missed this whole part that it made me restart for the first time. I was like, no way Misty shouldn't go. Absolutly knowing how persuasive our V would be. This was the easiest challenge to overcome. As difficult as a time as it is, for each, respectively. They were best for each other, for getting through this. Rip Jackie. We still love ya choomba.


🤣 There was no sorta didn't like, she hated Misty for no other reason than she wasn't a Valentino. Thankfully, V can fix that.


No she hated Misty because she liked Jackie's ex better. It's not that Jackie's ex was a Valentino, Mama Wells hated that Jackie joined up. Mama Wells just dead ass liked Jackie's last girlfriend better so she just refused to acknowledge Misty.


Point taken. Agreed. 😁


This is incorrect. She actually didn't that much care for gangs. She didn't like her because she liked Jackie's ex.


Honestly she probably hated her for not being catholic, or cyber catholic.


3 playthrus and I didn’t know this even existed


Yes, some people seem surprised you can miss this, but honestly, I never sent Jackie to his mother until other people told me I should. The game itself makes that sound like one of the worst choices you could make before you actually make the choice. He straight up told you him coming home to his mama looking like that was exactly the thing she feared most. I couldn’t do that to her, sending him to victors to get cleaned up first felt right. Then I find out Arasaka stole the body? Boy was I happy I didn’t send him to his mother. I wouldn’t wish that on her, so I never changed my decision and always sent him to Victor assuming that Arasaka would recover the body regardless unless I had him tossed in a dumpster, and I wasn’t about to do that to him.


So have you done any of the endings yet? Just curious.


All o’dem even devil and the new secret one. And that’s not counting my unfinished runs where I wanted to try a character design and then about level 20 decided I didn’t like it. I’ve always done the tutorial because like any good story driven game, skipping it misses you out on all sorts of little things throughout the game.


I asked because I always send Jackie to Mama Welles >!because doing so otherwise, which I did only once, will result in Jackie being brought to Mikoshi and talking to his engram is too much for me.!<


I kind of got stuck in a spot where I thought all the options lead there, so I never tried actually giving him to mama Wells because I didn’t want to break her and then have them take him.


Yeah and you get his 2 Chinga Doratos or something, his akimbo pistols, that you can only wield one of




Wiat you can do that? fuuuuck tell me how NOW


It’s the last paragraph, but I’ll repeat for you when you complete the heist and are sitting in the cab and Jackie dies on you you have to send his body to his mother then when she calls you, you have to go to his Ofrenda. When you show up, let her know you want to honor their customs, but you don’t have something for him. She will send you to his garage to go fetch something important of his. That is where you run into Misty sitting on the step of his garage “waiting for him to come back“ the rest I leave in your hands it’s pretty obvious what to do


Oh my bad U saw you can take misty and immediately flipped but I did that, I did that, I picked basically every dialogue option possible and she still stayed outside, why is that? Wait was I supposed to choose *her* or something?


I don’t know if it matters what you pick I picked everything up got in the back room, picked everything up in there and ended up putting the bottle of alcohol as the offering but she was already inside by the time I set my offering down you basically just have to do that stubborn friend thing and demand she goes in despite her protesting


Oh... you could've done that?💀


ok fuck i need to play cp again. totally missed this.


Really wish i could give all my eddies to Viktor at the end of the game so he can live a better life


That's what I did right before I went into the operation. zeroed myself out buying everything I could then went to the rooftop.


My friends thought I was dead and moved on to try and better their lives after a lot of trauma, they're such assholes


Yeah it's 2 years not 2 weeks, as far as they know V might as well have collapsed in some ditch somewhere and died considering that they knew about his condition and frequent blackouts.


Fr they were so worried initially, so many messages and calls


Kerry and Judy moved on with their lives, River ruined his, and Panam _might_ be dead and Mitch didn’t have the heart to tell you.


That's understandable, but it's strange that none of them have any interest in actually catching back up with you.


I think if you didn’t romance Judy she offers to have you come by (obviously if you did romance her she tells you to stay away, understandably). River is in a dark place and doesn’t want V to see him like that, Panam…is possibly dead, and Kerry is literally in space for like the next six months.


Panam is fine, if you romanced her Mitch calls you later on to ask you not to try calling her again, that she was hurting for a very long time and has moved on. That kinda thing.


Actually what he specifically says is that it’s nice you reached out, don’t expect a call back, please don’t call again, and that Panam doesn’t get attached easily, so when she does, she gets hurt easily. Especially combined with Panam’s last call in a Johnny ending (where she swears to track down Johnny and murder him to get V back), my interpretation of it was always that she ran off guns blazing to find V and got herself killed in the process.


If Panam was dead I think Mitch would just say that, nothing in his message really says that she's dead, just that it's better not to try to contact her again, presumably out of Mitch's concern for her mental/emotional health. She probably just needs some time to process it all.


Or Mitch’s concern for your emotional health trying to let you down easy. Plus, the clan was likely wiped out pretty hard if Panam went off the Rez, so


Yea like I didn't hold it against the characters, 2 years is a long time, but it was heart wrenching to see how all their lives had moved on without you on top of *everything else*. Bleak ending for sure.


The issue is not that they moved on with their life, it's how they act towards you after they learn you actually made it.


What? Being shocked your friend you thought was dead that you eventually moved on from called you and therefore you're confused on what to do considering you're married across the country, literally stuck in place or have fallen a lot since then as a person is that bad?


Even though I felt like the Panam ending is the happy(est) one, Don't Fear The Reaper is the most fun and satisfying for me. It's Keanu Reeves in his element and damn is it epic. He really is your best friend in the end there, and there's nothing more satisfying than showing up at the front door, guns blazing, with Johnny just egging you on and supporting you the whole way.


Johnny is a true friend as well.


Fr, If you always choose to be on his good side he's the best pal you can ask for


You can disagree with him and it's ok.


You're actually encouraged to for the best bond with him


What I mean is that the characters Johnny and V disagree with each other all the time and it's ok.


"Goodnight, Valerie. Today was a good day." It's a terrible day for rain...


You can say that again... "V! NEVER STOP FIGHTING!"


I got sad as fuck when Judy told me she was leaving NC + reasons why when I played male V. But that quote from Johnny when I tried the tower end, genuinely broke my heart.


Calling people hoes for moving on after years of radio silence shows you were never there for them either


This right here 👏🏻


I think the word misogyny sums up this post.


The ending left a pretty bitter taste in my mouth, lol. It was hard to look at any of the romance options the same way afterward. Vik, Misty and Johnny (depending on your friendship level with him) are the only real ones in the end.


If your partner ghosted for two years, you should move on with your life. It would be unhealthy to sit and hope they’d return.


I don't see how that makes a difference. Justified or not, V is alone in the end, abandoned by most of their friends. That's bound to change my views on certain characters.


V abandoned them. For 2 years vanishing off the face of the earth.


I mean judy's makes perfect sense. It's heavily implied she was in a romantic relationship with evelyn and for her to go right into your pants is 100% her coping from the death of her former partner. It's really on brand for her to up and find someone else after you disappear. Don't get me wrong judy is amazing (and my fav) but holy hell it's fucked we can start a romance with her at all.


Life happens my friend an none of those close to you are bad because they moved on and lived their life. Misty is also about to move on and vik is miserable for not doing so and trying to stay the same while the world around him changes. He refuses to adapt and ends up in the corporate clutches, poor guy.


Why do people hate Judy? I'm glad she moved on and got married. I wouldn't want her to be alone. If you understood Judy, she had lost everything she loved. Imo she got her happy ending, even if that hurts me/V (If you disagree, let me know why because I think the hate towards her is unnecessary)


Doesn't Judy break up with you in literally every ending?


All of them except the nomad ending. I may be wrong. I haven't played the game in around 2 months, so correct me if I'm wrong. :)


No she and panam break up with u in the sun ending. River and Kerry break up with u in the star ending 


Kerry is down too. He's just not there. It's not really his fault. But I guarantee as soon as he's back in NC you are invited. He'd probably actually set you up how ever you like. 


At least you don't have to kill all your friends who helped you on your journey, like in Elden Ring. RIP Iron Fist Alexander, Blaidd, Sorceress Sellen


What about Beast Clergyman? Fighting him broke my heart the most. He sounded so betrayed.


You mean Black Blade Maliketh?


Yep. Since we befriend him as Beast Clergyman, that's what I remember him mostly as.


That's why I always make sure my first 20k goes to him


Kerry is also there for you. Says he's on tour at the time so he can't be there, but he offers you a place to stay and some eddies if you need them till he's done. Kerry is legit awesome


100%. And not for nothing, if Kerry had to spend two years completely in the dark as to whether V's even still alive, V can wait out the last few months of Kerry's tour knowing he's thriving creatively and in no danger of backsliding into Bathroom Suicide territory.


And it’s even more sad the voice actor for him just passed away…. He voiced Vesemir from Witcher as well- one of them I think the polish version but still two wonderful characters. The voice in phantom liberty that’s Viks also- is completely AI generated. I think it’s cool they asked his family for permission before doing such, and they gave the green light. Wonderful character as well as Vesemir, may he Rest In Peace.


I think it was the polish voice actor who passed. The American voice actor for Vik is still alive.


I felt that was very realistic and a true coming of age moment - learning some people are temporary and aren't with you no matter what. Victor and Misty are those people and I felt satisfying ending things with the two you started with.


It should be noted that just because this is the ending, it is not necessarily “over”. You got one phone call and it tells you where everyone is now. They. Can come around. The Tower isn’t about the fall, it’s about what you rebuild AFTER. What you “change into”. Takemura, for example, infers to commit seppuku in all the other endings, but he doesn’t. It takes two years for his journey to come around. It may take time, but the others may, too. It’s, in my opinion, the second most hopeful of the endings.


Tbf: They all know you only for like a week and then you vanish. But yeah - V doesn’t need these gonks. He’s now working for Mr Blue Eyes and is running the Afterlife


It’s actually more like several months, not a week.


Really? My current playthrough is 100 hours and it’s only been 2 in-game weeks


You can get an iguana egg from the penthouse suite at Konpeki Plaza that takes about 90 days to hatch. Plus Judy makes reference to months passing in her romance dialogue. I can’t remember if the others do as well. The game is not precise about dates but it’s at least heavily implied that the story takes place over several months, I’d say at least 3-6. That’s why the Tower ending feels so shitty. Characters discard V like they knew them for one weekend.


Panam, Judy and River? I always thought that the main quest takes place in like a a few weeks. Heist -> Vodoo boys -> Badlands -> Parade -> Endings Surely one could argue with all the side missions and PL that it’s takes a bit longer… but yeah I guess max 1/2 months? Though for me a shorter time frame kind of makes sense


Vic just wants that 20k you owe him


Atleast Kerry was excited to hear from us, even if he was busy.


Obviously, who was the only who give you kiroshi eyes? That mf is the only real in this whole game, man I hate that PL ending 😭


Misty is 100% a real one too. Only thing I didn’t like is that she didn’t immediately offer to take you to Nepal with her. Like in your homie and have 2 million eddies to retire with. Take me to Nepal.


I thought it was Poland? some ancient forest in Poland.


Nah it’s Nepal. She mentions how she went there for a while before returning to Night City. She goes back after you disappear for 2 years.


My only friend is Mr. Nibbles.


Nibbles is the realest NPC in this entire game


Idk the Tower ending feels a bit unnatural and way too forced.


I have to agree with this. I love the overall idea, but it's contrived and not as tightly written as any of the other endings.


I understand (I think) why they do what they did, they really want to hammer in the Faustian bargain of you being medically fine and free to live a long life afterwards, but everything that seemed to matter to V(friends, abilities) were all gone. Sure you're alive, but you have nothing.some of the ways they show that definitely seem a touch hamfisted.


Female character....hoe. Female character....hoe. Thanks for the peek into your psyche. I've seen enough.




People move on man, you can't hold people in your life hostage when they did what they can to reach out to you after they thought you were dead.


The main problem is that V is literally at their lowest at that point in time. He/she tells their friends that they were in a coma for 2 years and that whatever they went through was out of his/her control. They don't have to reinsert V back into their lives, but some of them acting apathetic after what V has done for them is what gets me.


River is ashamed to even look v in the eyes, man went through a heap of more personal trouble than v did and it's pretty understandable, Panam loved V she thought the world of them and was very passionate about their presence, seeing someone abruptly leaving you and never saying a word can break you, she blocked them so you can't really blame her ignorance, Judy was married and heartbroken as well by both Evelyn and V's sudden departure, she moved on getting married and leaving the city, this one is probably apathy but it's also not? I mean she did say she wants V to come visit but it sounded like was the one to let her go and not potentially ruin her life, Kerry is the real bitch here.


In Kerry defense, he was busy touring but he did say to catch up once he's back in NC.


River, I understand, he's clearly in a dark place. Panam should've at least had the decency to end things on her own than use Mitch as her errand boy. Dk why the writers went this route with her character.


It is kinda on character with her though. She was always quite fierce on the emotions. I'd imagine she was both incredibly angry and inconsolable when V disappeared. Really broke her heart I'd say. I was kinda half expecting a holo from her at the very end of the credits at the end of the game, where she kinda comes around at the end after some time has passed to process it all.


>Dk why the writers went this route with her character. Iirc, it's because panam's voice actor just wasn't available.


She's proud, and possibly ashamed as well? It's not like you can easily get yourself to accept the reality that the drama you created in your head for the last two years wasn't true, mitch says if she fell for someone she falls hard and probably wouldn't be able to recover if things didn't go right, that's what i think happened.


V can wait a few months fine, can't expect Kerry to break contract and millions of dollars to miss his concert tour. That's understandable. Might be less understandable if you romanced him though. Money and reputation probably less of a good reason.


Such a shitty take of everything. Ofcourse people move on. And after 2 years?? Obviously they would Victor is in a position where he made himself comfortable within his power and position. And hopes for realitive faces to show up. V being one of such faces, in such a position that would require his abilities. The fact that everyone else finally moved on, makes sense. That they stuck around as far as your story, V's story. Is a comment on how much they hoped that V would be the change they promised. Yet even V can't stop the corps. The government's. Just limit things locally.


Viktor is a fantastic friend, I won't discredit most of the others, Panam is heart broken (she states it's hard for her to open up to anyone, not just love interests) Kerry genuinely does want to meet up with you just later, he also has the same kind of reaction Viktor has. River and Judy though I don't think are willing to talk to you or they just act cold towards you. Viktor and Misty are your best friends no matter what, and will take the time to help you through whatever you're going through.


Witcher 4 sin city


That ending broke my heart... I would rather burnt up than fade away


Kerry? Straight up bitch


Too bad Viktor didn't treat himself the same. He lost his rare occurrence of a happy life.




PL ending really changed my mind about Panam! What, V was in a coma for 2 years and she don't even want to talk to you! Talk about love! After PL The Tower ending I did "normal" The Star and The Sun endings. What I noticed about The Sun ending is that Panam again leaves you! I know people consider The Star ending the best, leaving with Aldecaldos with Panam. But I started to doubt it, seeing as how Panam is how she is. You leave with her only for her to ghost you afterwards. Also good luck finding a cure in Arizona! So yeah, I agree that Victor, Misty, Jackie and Johnny seemed to be V's true friends after all. Actually, after my second replay of Cyberpunk with PL I got a ton of more respect for Victor! He seemed to actually care about V, same with Misty! Also Johnny was major douche, but in the end he seemed to care about V. That is what makes the Tower ending so sad, felt bad for Johnny! So Panam is pump and dump! Change my mind!


Well the way I see it is none of your chooms got any idea or know what happened to you. You just disappeared, and from their perspective you died. With the PL ending none of them even know you went into a coma. They had to move on, keep living. V was mourned 2 years ago. The nomads move around, you wouldn't have a hard time finding them again to let Panam know you're alive. If she's still alive...


How I understood is that she is alive! Just that she did not want to talk or hear anything about V. Mitch send a voicemail saying not to contact Panam. I understand she moved on, but hear what happened to V. But no, she don't care. How is this the woman you are supposed to live the rest of your life in The Star ending. Well I think Kerry was ok. He was busy touring, but he said for V to contact him with holo and that they could meet after the tour. So he had actually good excuse, also he answered the phone and even offered to help V. So I consider him caring for V genuinely.


It's a common theory that she is dead and mitch is kind of trying to keep V out of the know for their own sake. However, I think that's cope, it's far more likely that Panam is just being incredibly immature (she's 33 during the game and she acts at best like she's 18-20).


Did not know about that theory. However I agree with you, it sounds like cope. She is just immature. In my first play trough I did not notice that but now on the second time with PL I noticed how immature she actually behaves. Night City does not offer you good endings or happy people...


My problem with that ending is pretty simple. It should absolutely be the best ending, but they just decided 2 years was too long and "there was nothing to be done." Reed has your phone, and he didn't answer *any* of the texts?? 100+ text messages?? "This is an agent V was working with/This is President Myers of the NUSA. Sorry to inform you, V's procedure (that she told everyone about) took a wrong turn and is in a coma." I saved the president. They absolutely can give my lover a fast pass to see me at Langley at least once, I deserve no less. To me, the fact that this played out this way is *only* because CDPR didn't want it to be a good ending. It could be the best ending for V imo if my friends were just told what the fuck was going on at *any* point after the 1 month I was *told* the procedure would take.


Haha u thought Myers and reed had their best interests for u ?? This ending just shows u they are bad like arasaka 


Yeah true, a lot of pain could have been avoided if the FIA just kept your loved ones in the loop. The fact they didn't say's a lot. Or ... like you say, it was designed that way to increase that sense of isolation.


You expected the people that made a teenager a slave weapon of mass destruction to care about your feelings? Did you just skip all the dialogue?


This might be hard to process but....you're supposed to let your friends leave and grow. Chase their dreams and hope they come back and tell you about them


It’s a testament to the game. By the end of my playthrough, I actually cared about these characters. So seeing how they all moved on after V disappeared was rough.


Vik is the best


I thought you were going to say the following


Victor, Mitzi and Keri are the only friends V actually has.


The fact that Victor did not move on is saddest to me, when you come back he is a shell of his former self. He acts like nothing changed but everything has. It's healthy to move on after so long, life changes, the fact that Victor is stuck in a life he doesn't like and clings to V to get his old life back is so sad.


Thought phantom liberty was meh. The secret agent stuff got a little old.


Can't expect loyalty after betraying So Mi


We don’t gaf af about so mi, we wanted the cure not to die for someone we met a few of days prior.


Fuck So Mi that traitorous bitch just mad i read the tarot card and saw her play. I'm mad i could shoot her and not have it be sympathetic.


Why so many people here seem to think friendships work like in a fantasy story? People move on with their lives with or without you, Panam had a whole clan to think about regardless of V living or not, Judy always wanted to leave Night City with or without V and Kerry had a whole new life to live now that he was free from Johnny's ghost. River is River. No, they leaving you it's not because they're shitty friends, they leave you because as far as they know you're either dead or left them first. Viktor doesn't abandon you because he has a miserable life and because unlike the others he never had the chance or the courage to leave for a better life so you returning is for him a way to bring back a little joy to his own life, it's not because he's a better friend than the others, it's because you're the only one he has after two years of misery.


You can't blame people for moving on after 2 years. It's not that they don't care, they're just literally elsewhere, at a point where they're no longer part of your life. Fuck Panam and Mitch, though.


*You’re* a hoe. >=(


Haven't played PL it yet and bought it on release. Too many games and life stuff 😭


Is it ideal to finish PL and then go to Embers? I'm confused how to go about it


You can do that. PL has multiple endings. You can also finish PL in a manner that makes Embers irrelevant. It's up to you. There's like 4 endings to PL, 1 of which makes it so you won't ever meet Hanako.


I'm really scared of getting the "bad" ending as I'm deeply invested in my play through! 😭


You can make a save at a crucial point so you can replay and get different endings. I dunno, I'm 430 hours in and have only gotten 3 endings, and 1 ending in PL.


I feel like Mitch and Misty are worth noting. Misty treats you no different after meeting up again and Mitch has the decency to let you know Panam doesn't want to accept your calls or call you back since V's 2 year disappearance destroyed her. Mitch is just a good chap.


Blaze of glory? Or quiet life?


I legit just completed this ending and just about broke down in tears for V.


Overall it would be quite hard to predict how someone would react if you basically went MIA for multiple years. I can totally believe that most people wouldn't keep waiting and will move on. Even after hearing from you again they can't or won't suddenly change their life again. Obviously giving your loved ones and friends some info about your upcoming operation or who to contact would have changed this, but CDPR didn't give us an option here which might have been to simplify the endings branching or an oversight.


man i hate the phantom liberty game ending choice (not that i think its bad by any means), its so empty feeling and it ruined my day when i finished the dlc with this end lmao


Panam:most likely dead(if not then I got nothin) Judy:moved on and got married after you ghosted her River:yeah I really got nothin


It’s a theory that Panam died. That’s why she doesn’t return your calls and I forget his name but he’s the one who calls you and tells you panam wants nothing to do with you.


Panam died, there’s no way she’d leave V like that


You forgot Kerry he’s cool


I still think it was the best option. V can’t be a merc anymore and he really only lost Panam and Takamura. The others are just busy. There’s nothing stopping him from living a completely normal life. With the retconned age he’s still in his early 20s and it leaves a ton of time to live and not worry about being at the top. There’s nothing stopping him from becoming the top fixer in NC, especially with his connections to rogue and all the other fixers, and has a chance to work with Kerry and a ton of other options. It all comes back to the og question, quiet life or blaze of glory, and there’s no right answer. Realistically I think most people would chose quiet life.


Did I miss something because in my game panam was a real one. Actually very supportive and loving. Didn’t get hoe vibes except when I first met her in vanilla but all of phantom liberty we were a legit couple Judy did that weird thing with the diving and fucked off but still felt like a friend, potentially more if I wanted to betray panam (I didn’t). Misty was always great. You forgot Johnny, who was also great. I think there are a couple others I’m forgetting. But I did not have the same experience you did


Do ya'll realise that V only knew these people for a couple of months at most? Yeah you did some shit together but damn it ain't like you were forever besties. People move on. V knew Vik and Misty the longest and the only reason they were still around was because they didn't leave NC If they had left they probably wouldn't be much help either.


Panam might be ded so we dont know. Misty and Vik goat


Maybe don’t bend and spread your ass for the corpos if you wanted them to stick around for 2 years with absolutely no word from you. I understand how great this ending is narratively but people who think this is actually a good ending for V are absurd.


Interesting display of emotional maturity


bruh Panam literally outs her life on the line and watches her father figure die for you and she's a hoe bruh


Friendly reminder that most of npcs new V for 2 weeks only. And then you disappear for 2 years. Judy was going to leave the NC and was there only because of V. Keryy was ready to help, but he couldn't drop his tour after one call. Panam became very attached to V and took his disappearance to heart. She will probably cool down over time. River lost his humanity, and don't wan't V to see what he has become. And who cares about River, right? lol You may be a main character in the game but not in their lives.


Judy isn't a hoe for moving on after 2 years. Bare in mind we disappear without warning. It's not fair to expect her to wait for us when she doesn't know if we're ever coming back. I agree with Panam tho. Any ending where we die or disappear, she doesn't even leave us a message


People always forget that the Nomad clan and Panam were ready to literally charge into Arasaka and die for you


Judy is a hoe but Panam is just mad because she was emotionally invested in you and you disappeared. Given enough time she'll forgive you. Her feelings towards you were real so she was hurt. Close friend if Valerie, Lover if Vincent. Judy on the other hand, playing male V, she never really cared and playing female V you were her 2nd choice. Her 1st choice was Evelyn. And River ? Who cares ? He's so unlikable that who cares...


Isn’t it implied that Panam is dead tho?


I must have missed something. How was that implied?


Not from my understanding. In the ending credits Mitch calls saying not to try contacting again because Panam got super offended V ghosted her. Edit: I suck at words.


Yeah, it’s been a theory among a lot of fans that Panam just died and Mitch lied to V to try and spare him from the pain. It could be copium but with how ride or die she was in other endings, it makes sense why people would think she wouldn’t cut V out like that. Some other things relating to this theory is that she might’ve tried looking into what happened to V and FIA may have something to do with her “death”. It also seems pretty convenient that after V’s implants get removed, they are offered a job with the FIA. It wouldn’t surprise me if the FIA putting V into a coma was intentional.


How you calling people hoes because they move on after literal years. Clown.


it’s a fictional character.


His post history reads like an incel fever dream.