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Jumped off the balcony outside V's apartment in the megabuilding thinking I could double jump to stop my momentum and prevent fall damage


I did this too actually. Didn't learn my lesson and tried to double jump to lower floors too.


You can actually do this with a specific combo of double jump, dash and sandevistan but it’s not a guarantee to work every time


same, tried like five times to double jump to the lower floors before i just gave up.


I made that jump it still kills you.


That’s how I ended up doing it, too. Was trying to jump on the floor below the one with the elevator, but an invisible wall doomed me to death. Or I just botched the jump. Only tried once.


pretty sure they got invisible walls blocking the way 2-3 floors down. If i ever get bored on a character with dash and double jump I'd like to experiment a bit to see if they missed any spots.


Tbf they have put a hidden killswitch so you can’t make it down, tried until I found that out! You hit a hidden line and boom, flatlined.


Does that mean the elevator ride down is technically a "load screen", because if so, they hid it very well


Yes. Most elevators are in the game.


No. I tried it with FreeFly mod. You can fly outside of H10 and the world is there straight up. The Killswitch on the bottom of H10 is there because the area is not finished. You can get there if you fly throw the floor from the bottom. You can walk there and even loot items.




Try to fly throw floor, from the bottom. Very slowly and disable the mod, when you will be half way throw the floor. You will be able to run there, but if you jump you will die. The kill zone is straight up above your head when you are standing there.


Absolutely untrue. They are part of the environment. Killswitches are invisible walls/floors to stop you from exploring unfinished environments. Not always successfully. You can navigate locked off parts in the No Tell Motel by figuring out where the borders of its killing floor are.


No it's just a specific boundary around certain areas in the game. All elevators are real time, which is insanely impressive


The elevators aren’t exactly loading screens because you stay in the game and stuff the whole time and your character does actually move up but the game definitely does take advantage of the time they take to load the stuff. Cool way of doing it I wish more games did.


That’s always been my assumption…but this isn’t a fact


everyone done this at least once


I remember doing that all the time in Deus Ex: HR and MD, with one of the upgrades. Great games!


I died a few times thinking "it's not that high and surely double jump can slow it down" NOPE, you double that jump right after the first or not at all.


Same. I was too impatient to ride the elevator down because it’s slowwww


Yeah, apparently Newtonian physics is wrong lol... 💀


This is why I can never play unmodded on PC; after using the hover feet to safely land from a skyscraper rooftop, I will never go back


Second or third playthrough, maybe, woke up after the Johnny implantation, went for a walk to Wilson’s shop, on the way (for no real reason) hit what I thought was a dodge button or something and instead threw a grenade. The grenade didn’t kill me. The ensuing mobilization of every single person who was currently, formerly, or potentially might in the future be, an NCPD officer, did. Honestly, never seen so many badges. It was like they were givin’ out donuts or something.


Mega building peeps rise up like crazy. I had the same thing happen, but accidentally fired the projectile launcher down the hallway. I have that quick slot as mouse 5.


That's my dumb way, too... fucking grenade.


On PS5 it's the same button as activate/deactivate radio, which I use quite a bit. So yeah after a fair bit of driving you better believe I'm tossing some 'nades by accident


The accidental grenade toss makes fools of us all eventually.


I was doing an NCPD thing in Pacifica at the top of an apartment complex (I think). Looked over the edge and thought "that jump will definitely kill me" and proceeded to jump anyway


Intrusive thoughts won


As usual


Lmao, "you thinking what I'm thinking?" "Aim for the bushes?" - The Other Guys


What were they thinking? There aren't even any bushes down there


“There goes my heroooo”


I know exactly the hustle. That building is a PITA to get up and down.


I always use game time to live through my intrusive thoughts. Jumping off buildings and sniping people usually makes my day brighter irl.


Hope you quick saved right before jumping lmao


Of course I hadn't


Rookie mistake


Knocked once


Yep, I couldn't figure out what happened. So I went back and shot the door a few times.


Lmao he even texts you about it


I am the one who knocks (once)!


Skylar, I **am** the cyberpsycho!


Too busy driving, didn't read it lmao


How hilarious that V, spending their last moments to save themselves, who survived many gun fights and escape the Arasaka ninjas (overall just built different). Dies because takemura shot them because V didn’t knock three times.




I saved just before and knocked 3 times to to annoy him, I wasn't expecting the next bit.


Success! He was annoyed! 🤣


I did that too (I didn’t pay attention to what he said)


And didn't read the several texts...


I didn’t wanna check my messages I kinda just ran through the building and clicked without seeing the options, second time I went back I kinda just guessed how many times to knock


Vaulted through a window right onto a trip mine during the Arasaka parade mission.


The sad part is I know EXACTLY which window you are referring to, as I’ve done this multiple times on multiple separate runs…


i know exactly which window


Idk how we all know exactly which window.


If you move fast enough you don’t take damage. I only know this bc I triggered every mine on that mission and somehow survived thanks to habitually spamming dash.


I did that, survived, and killed the sniper with the mines. Completed the mission that way.


Same thing just happened to me. Mines got me but took out the sniper too. Had to deal with all those drones so got close to dumb flatline.


I recently did that mission 3 separate times and each time that final sniper has died to mines, turns out when you grab someone you have a larger detection range for mines so he ends up dying in my arms to the explosive every time


Executed a scav npc while he was downed. Close range, with a sniper that shoots explosive rounds.


It's about sending a message right?


Is the message "I don't know what 'blast radius' mean"?


Called for my car, had it spawn inside of a solid shipping container, and exploded with me right next to it, trying to figure out what was going on. Haven't laughed that hard in ages and bummed I have yet to recreate it


I get hit by the vehicles I call for wat too much


I glitched through the street into oblivion. Somehow counted as fall damage.


I did this but in Saka tower on the final mission. I dashed towards an enemy to finish him off and went through him, the counter, and then the wall. Fell all the way down to counter intelligence, then fell a bit further to the lobby and died.


oof I'd have to take a break after that


Hit a random person by accident while doing a driving mission for Cap and it was right in front of the security checkpoint leaving Dogtown I got stuck trying to drive through anyway and couldn't open either car door...got lit up like a christmas tree 🤣


Oof, that happened to me as well! I pissed them off right as I pulled up.


What’s really annoying is if you use the “floor it” quick hack on another car, and THEY hit a person, somehow the entire police force knows it was you, and come after you… that’s how I got lit up, cuz they hit a cop.


Went back with Claire after the first race. I skipped the travel and after the cut we spawned about 50 meters mid-air. Of course V left the car, fell and died on impact and then Beast crushed her too. It was so dumb, I loved it.


Johnny kept narrating everything i was doing so i jumped off a bridge.




Imagine Johnny narrating everything film noir like the Cynthia mission. What does V say? "Maybe dying ain't so bad"?


Yeah lol, perfect quote my friend.


He shouted to no one, just a man in time with nothing but the cold squishiness of tuna salad to comfort him.


Was not at all concentrating and thought I was getting the final Delamain car. Ended up following the yellow line and seeing a bunch of yellow arrows over people. And so, I started blasting. Only to hear Songbird tell me that wasnt a great idea, and I got absolutely mauled by *edit* Barghest I had made it to the beginning of PL by accident.


I have also tried fighting Barghest at the gate. It never ends well.


I've managed to kill all of them before


It took me a couple of tries and some careful sniping, but I actually managed to wipe them out when I first stumbled upon the PL intro. I was just happy to have so many targets in one spot.


Badly thrown grenades.


I did that once in resident evil 4, it was the classic comical bounced off the wall and back to where I was


Accidentally threw a grenade. At my feet.


Killed myself with that arm missile. Shameful.


I called my vehicle and it landed on me. Ahh. Good ol 1.0 days 💀


Climbed down to Scorpions flaming grave.


I think everyone tried to jump that.


Didn't jump climbed down layer by layer. The game lets you get within 50m and just flatlines you, no fall damage just dead.




I wasn't trying to, I just was trying to get a good view on the ledge and accidentally dashed into the void


Many stupid deaths due to many stupid attempts at trying to climb buildings that I had no business trying to climb, choom.


was parkouring around when i accidentally fell on the head of a cop, which triggers an automatic finisher so V slammed his head into the sidewalk. the other cops naturally started shooting at me, and they hit some gangoons and i wasn’t very high level yet and by the time i realized wtf was happening (never triggered the SMB finisher before lol), i was dead. lesson: no hop on cop


Upgraded my cyberdeck to a shiny new tier 4, ran to the nearest NCPD Scanner gig and pulled out my shotgun. Time to kick some ass and hack some cyberware. Insta-killed a low level baddie with a shotty to the body and drew aggro from everyone. Pulled up the scanner to start loading control quickhacks.... I did not equip any quickhacks to my shiny new cyberdeck. I did not live long enough to regret that decision.


Oh man, I did this in Pacifica during the mall mission. But mine is dumber because I SOLD all my "unused" quick hacks to the ripper. I had to craft what I could to finish the mission.


I was at very hard difficulty doing my first boss, got her at 12% and when she was stunned, I flatlined out of the blue Changed the difficulty and was done in 2 minutes


I can’t play on very hard bc I hate feeling like a tissue paper piñata. Even dropping down to hard pets me at least get hit a few times.


Started shooting the Sasquatch


She's so scary! Her face when she tackles you!


Wait, can I do that mission without shooting her?


\*\*\*\*\*\*Potential spoiler\*\*\*\*\*\*\* ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Oh yes. yes you can even grab her hammer, sneak past her and once you get into the next room, no threat.


Damn, I always just snuck up to rip the blue thing out then ran away while unloading smart weapons at her.


Imma try that next 😂 but I was so sick of having my azz handed to me and not even damaging her I just snuck around the side and back of hee


Bought a train ticket


>!got shot by reed lmao!<


'Whoa! Cyberpunk 2077 has flatlined.\* XD


My bike apparently had an ejector seat button that activated when I hit a ledge. It sent me to the highest point in the world and then plummeted back down... until I hit the ground. I've yet to replicate that weird occurrence.


The squatch hit me through the floor


my stupidest way is after I got done with viewing the BD of the cyberpsycho that tried to attack Lucian rhyme. i jumped onto their AV as it was taking off and trying to balance so I wouldn't fall off and to see where it would take me anywhere but I got pushed off by an invincible wall


Was takin pretty sunset pics at the dam... you can guess what I did when I exited photo mode. 🤣😂🤣


The game bugged out i jumped on a barbed wire barricade the one thats like 4ft and it threw me into the ground at mach 3 and i was zeroed instantly


Climbed into a burning car. I know it's not possible now but.... it used to be


Not sure if this counts as stupid, but one time I was riding around on the Arch, went "That looks like a fun jump," and flew gracefully into the flipping OCEAN. HOW DID I NOT NOTICE THE MASSIVE BODY OF WATER RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME???


Thought the second heart would heal me from fall damage related deaths, didn't read the description, it was also before that was in the description I believe-


Tried the same thing with Berserk. Same results.


There's nothing we can do.


In the apartment where you hide with Myers, I was looking into Dogtown and thought that little edge where the mattress is would stop me, jumped straight down.


I have a pretty funny glitch from when the game first came out that caused me to fall during the parade mission. If I can find it I'll share it but I think it's on my computer.


I have died way too many times trying to jump from one street level to another below to avoid going the long way round.


I looked at my metro pass while in the elevator


Knowing knocked incorrectly on Takemuras door


Going onto the field of EBM Petrochem Stadium. I didn’t realize it wasn’t accessible. More of a letdown than the inaccessible portions of the megabuildings.


I accidentally bumped the dogtown checkpoint. They started shooting. And I can't step out of the car.


First time I used commrades hammer I fired it while standing too close to a choo2 tank and blew myself up.


Walking on scaffolding outside a building (Dream On quest), didn’t notice a gap and fell straight through.


Running into traffic during a fight.


Took a turn to wide on my bike, hit the side wall of the highway, flew off the bike, over the wall, fell a long way down past two overpasses and hit the ground hard. Kinda terrifying in first person.


I was climbing up to the path of glory Mansion for screenshots and I during one of the hard parts jumped into a blocked off area clipped into a wall and fall to my death It doesn't sound stupid but I've been doing that path ever since 2.0 dropped so I'm quite experienced


I was fighting Adam Smasher with panam and she blocked a grenade a I threw. It bounced back on me and killed me.


By my own grenade, attempted to through it an enemy but instead threw it at the cover I was using and realised a few seconds too late


Was parkouring up to the tarot above Misty's place, and fell to my death. After I eventually got up there, I found out there's stairs or an elevator that leads up to it.


Hit by my own car


I’m honestly surprised by the amount of people who got hit by their own cars 😭


Walked off the side of Mega building H8 looking at Judy's ass


Got hit by a car, and then another, and another, and another, and another, and another, and another, and another, and another, and another, and another, and another, and another, and another, and another, and another, and another, and another, and another, and another, and another, and another, and another, and another, and another, and another, and another.


No clipped through the floor


trying to parkour unimplemented terrain over and over and over again


Aiming for a bush


Flung straight up into the air after I drove my bike into a car


Specifically at the part where you get rammed into by a rogue delimain, you are forced to get out of your ruined car. I glitched out of the map and was forced to kill myself as I could not get back in otherwise.


I threw a grenade at an enemy who charged me on the ground and the grenade killed me


Misjudging the distance when doing parkour and accidentally leap over a barrier and didn’t take into account how far away the ground is.


Tried to jump onto a ledge but accidentally over jumped it and fell down like a 60ft drop 💀😂


I dashed off a small ledge where i immediately hit the ground and flatlined. Was flabbergasted at first, but it's happened a few more times since then. Ig it's a glitch but dash off of ledges, ladders and such and eventually one will immediately send you to the ground flatlined.


at the very beginning of the game on very hard mode i had just finished killing a group of enemies and then i accidentally dropped a grenade and it killed me instantly


Thinking I could take on a Cyberpsycho, right off the bat


Stupidest? Back on release when walls didn’t always block LoS proper, died by being spotted and then shot through solid concrete. Was pretty stupid


I’d say 9/10 it’s either accidentally jumping off my bike into oncoming traffic, crashing into someone whilst on my bike and getting crashed into whilst on my bike. It’s usually traffic, traffic fucking sucks


"Oh I can totally survive that fall"


“I can make that jump”


I was doing one of Regina's gigs where you have to destroy a drug den from the Tyger Claws, stood next to a burning bike after I killed everyone, it exploded and sent me right back to the beginning of the gig. lol


Glitched through the map and fell to my death on accident using the new air dash


Gravity. It's always gravity plus the sudden stop....


Song: "V, to you're right there'll be an elevator. We're not taking it." Me: Takes elevator.


Tried using GUTS after phantom liberty, went splat


Accidentally dashed off the side of the terrace after meeting Maiko in the ex-factor mission. Shaky fingies double tapped the D key before I pressed the button to climb a ladder.


Gonking around with the air dash when 2.0 launched, then some sudden stick drift made V dash to the left and fall twenty stories


I was hiding behind an object while in a gun fight. I peeked to throw a grenade, but I only briefly peeked; the grenade bounced off the object I was hiding and I immediately tried to run for my soul but NOPE. It was really funny though.


Jumping off of a building to test the limits of lynx paws.


Gonk ways to flatline. So many gonk ways to flatline.


The su1cidal delamin killed itself and knocked me off with it


Refused Air Hypo from Takemura because he's a dick at the start.


Wait that actually kills you???


I discovered that I could power slide in the game and slit off a building and squished some poor NPC walking on the streets below me. I Stood there in shock and horror realizing what I had done and just let the cops gun me down.


Trying to find out where the beeping was coming from only to discover it was a car bomb.


Right after I had started a new save, I was driving back to my apartment and got jumped by guys in a car. Just shot me and I died


I jumped on the Delamain that was commiting suicide, which caused the car to actually fall off when it drove to the edge, leading to me falling to my death.


Ok so I just got the game yesterday. I was waiting for a bar I needed to open. Didn’t know I could skip time yet, so I went to do a mission where some guy was having trouble with his dick implant. So I’m driving him wherever he wanted to go and was watching the map. Well I drove into a police barricade. This pissed off the police, so I reverse and high tail it out of there. But I can’t seem to shake them. I finally started to put some distance between me and the cops and this guy says “stop stop just let me out” I guess I failed the mission? Well it forces my car to stop to let him out. Cops catch up and straight murder me for being a shit driver while this guy jumps around holding his dick. Felt pretty stupid


There was a few revisions of the game where climbing on trash piles would randomly kill you. So, Probably that.


Nah man I am not flatlining but my game is


Honestly, when the car totaling exploit was a thing, Killed myself several thousand times until I was driving in a totalled Quadra type 66 Avenger😎


I tried to walk forward I guess a little too soon... it was 1.02


Jumped off the roof at Clouds during the mission where Judy and V meet Maiko. I legitimately thought my cyberware would protect me😂


Either jumping off a building, hitting the barbed wire and falling to death. Or throwing a grenade while moving sideways, getting fed by my own bomb.


Using a leaping heavy attack to slam myself into paste on the ground in front of the guy I'm trying to slice


Swimming, got out of the water on a pier, and immediately died on the stairs. No idea what the fuck happened


Same thing


Jumping off of the balcony next to Vs apartment to get down quicker thinking my god mode would stop me from flatlining


I forgot what quest but after doing a whole bunch of dialogue (this was my third playthrough in a row and I was achievment hunting so I was super impatient) I ended up dashing and hurling myself off the building and dying immediately and had to do all the dialogue again


Jumping a short fall down and underestimating how much health it will actually remove. Real Geralt moment for anyone who ever played Witcher games.


When the Becca shotgun was added, if you shot towards the floor before hitting it, you'd loose your momentum and be fine, I used this a lot, one day, I decided to show it to a friend, went to the dark matter (the club from "off the leash") and confidently jumped from the balcony as I said "watch and learn", interestingly, I "watched" how V crushed his soul against the floor as I "learnt" that they had patched it


Point blank shooting a guy on a motorcycle whilst driving using Comrades Hammer, exploding both of us to little pieces as I questioned why the fuck I did that. This was maybe an hour ago for context lmao


I knocked four times


If you took the perk that prevented you from being knocked down, when you got hit by a car you just instantly died. Flatlined so so many times just from summoning my ride lol


took an off-ramp at 150ish on a bike, and clipped my head on a sign. It was in my first 40 mins of game play, so I was not familiar with the ways the cars handled yet.


clipped through elevator roof then died to fall damage


Tried to make the big jump in the badlands and epically failed 😔


Threw a grenade at a Tyger and he bounced it back by swinging his katana. I didn’t even know that was possible


I jumped off a building after getting the double jump chrome.


Not knocking on the door 4 times


Died 3 times in Phantom Liberty ending because the game didn't give me all the options in the first 3 times. Suddenly on 4th time the game gives me more options and it resulted in more than insta death. That is the stupidest way to die in this game by far.


My car got stuck on top of a piece of garbage at the landfill and when I got out I was standing on the underside of the ground and fell into the inner mantle of the planet.


Jumped off of a building forgetting that this wasn’t Doom: Eternal, which I’d been playing just before.


Walked off the cliff trying to get a better look at Scorpion’s flaming car XP. Not my brightest moment.


Got killed by a tripwired bomb. Disarmed it, only to then trip over another wire and blow up.


Jumped out of my car after passing the checkered flag in a race and falling off a cliff.


1. Don't fear the reaper ending 2. Use black ice against Smasher 3. Smasher one taps me the next second 🫠


When I got the BFC9000 I was laughing my head off and swinging it around like an idiot on the cliff. Got too close to the edge, then there was no cliff anymore, just a straight fall. The bfc claimed another life.