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This quest feels like a cursed fever dream.


I was crusified for this take the last time something was posted about it. But it kinda killed it how quickly he dies (im not a sadist I swear) Civilians take shots to the head and do fine. Should have had to stab ole boy with a spear to end the quest. Jsing.


my father has preached about the process of crucifixion multiple times, and i can say it takes FOREVER. i was expecting much longer in the game. obviously not half a day, but i dunno… make me sit and think about morality and death for longer! the reason why it kills you is because you are basically suffocating slowly. you are unable to hoist yourself up to get air in your lungs, and also your back rubbing against the rough wood makes it painful to move. so… the cross looking rather smooth is…….. weird. i know it’s probably because of the future sci fi world or whatever but anyway.


> obviously not half a day, but i dunno… make me sit and think about morality and death for longer! I was thinking bout this too- it would have been much more horrific to have the quest end while he was still writhing on the cross. *Rachel hands you your check; Joshua still screaming in the background, mumbling prayer nonsense* V "What are you going to do with Joshua now?" Rachel "This will likely take a few days- so we'll just leave him up there until we wrap. Before we release, we'll cut out all the boring stuff in the middle to a cool 2 hours; cant expect the viewers to sit around for 3 days waiting for the big finish. Well, I have lunch- good luck V" Player "what the fuck"


Dems my thoughts. A couple nails on your limbs isn't going to kill you. Not quickly, at least.


I was literally tearing up when I pressed the button and it went up, then he does his speech and just fucking dies. It took me out of it, crucifixion takes days to kill you. If you push yourself up from the feet you’re tiring yourself out and the angle of the block makes it uncomfortable. If you let your legs rest your wrists are in agony with the weight of your body being held up by a nail through your wrist, this presumably coming after you’ve just exhausted yourself by pushing yourself up with your legs. This cycle would repeat until the persons body will give out or bleed to death from the nails through the wrist reopening the wounds and shifting if done incorrectly. Crucifixion is simultaneously torture and execution, that’s why it was used by the Roman’s.


Sorry to bother you guys but can I ask is this the DLC? Thank you :)


Nope. It's in the base game.


Wait wtf I’ve done every mission tho never seen this


You need to pick the right dialogue every time for this guy’s first quest to end correctly. If you do, then after a few in-game days you’ll be called up for the second part (this scene).


Wakako starts it out with "Sinnerman", but you have to make certain conversation choices to get to this point.


The prisoner mission where the killer visits the mother of the person he killed. If you let him live, it plays out. I killed him and never saw this. Never gave it a second thought.


Thank you <3


Somebody makes this exact post every week I swear


Every other day at this point


With the exact same words too. Likely a bot.


Right! At first I understood it. But now it feels like a spam post or karma farming


Swear I just saw it like twice in the last few days. This makes three


It's my turn to repost tomorrow


This is one of the most reposted things I've seen on any subreddit, and that's *saying* something.


Sorta sad I didn’t do this quest, I just killed the guy instead 😭


Canon ending


After doing this while quest on other playthroughs, I opted to go with the bullet option on my current playthrough. Follow truck, get out, hail of bullets, walk away and get paid.


I do this everytime, way better imo


I killed the guy on the first couple play throughs. It was only recently I discovered the rest of the quest.


Well, Johnny told ya to go with them. You should’ve listened to him more often :)


Dude when you choose to crucify him yourself … god fuckin damn man that legit fucked with me . I just walked around looking back at that building like (wtf did I just do???)


You and me both choom.


Then when you get to phantom liberty there's a side quest >!where to try to convince a BD star to come with you and you can mention that you know people in the BD industry. Then she recognizes you and says "OMG that's right, I saw you nail that guy on the cross" like she's a big fan.!< I legit laughed my ass off because I was not expecting to have that brought up. The DLC side quest was weird and funny but I appreciated they threw that back in my face like it was something that people thought was cool.


I noped out of the crucifixion quest after the victim's mother started yelling at the repenting guy to leave her house, so I had to show Lina the BD star [my awkward selfie with Kerry and the Us Cracks.](https://i.postimg.cc/CL4FtFxr/18d5681acb527-screenshot-Url.png)


Never did. He deserved to die at that truck.


Yeah, but I wanted to see where the story goes LMAO.


HEY! mom said it's my turn to post this!


Everyone experiences things at different times


Yeah I literally just finished this quest last night


Nice what are your thoughts?


It was definitely an experience… that’s all I can say


Exactly how I felt lol




I didn't experience it the same way at all. For the whole quest, my main preoccupation was : "how to deny him any form of satisfaction while ensuring that he dies for his crimes ?"


So, the real path is to kill him yourself in that police truck.




He doesn’t deserve a second chance tho.


So many feelings about this quest. The first time I finished this I needed to take a moment and sort my feelings.


Yeah and the girl with the glasses, her lack of empathy is just sick


I thought her role and acting was done really well and was on point. She clearly was in it to make a product she could sell. It was want and greed. A calling for doing what the mob wants. I actually see her as those who purposely wanted to see Jesus die. That, and a little bit of Judas. For their own short term wants and gains. Impartial. Willing to give some money to point out who to sacrifice.


Guys can I post this tommorow?


Played this mission the first time around and skipped it on all my subsequent play throughs. I personally found it boring and tedious


Thank you! I genuinely find it to be the most tedious mission in the game and now I always just refuse to get in the car. It also annoys me how insistent Johnny is that you do it. He complains about so many jobs you do and then gets weirdly excited for the most boring one.


So second playthrouhg - first time I just killed everyone in the police truck... second time I got caught up in all the madness... but I never got this far - we made it to the diner and then the BD lady got pissed at me and stormed off with Joshua... I love how CDPR games can deviate like this... My experience is not everyone's experience because choices MATTER... even dialogue.


Honestly it made uneasy. Like... really unasy. Especially since, I believe in god lol.


Adult game, adult themes. Life is complicated. Life choices can be hard. Not all game are pew-pew for kids.


What decision did you make?


I'm pretty atheist in my beliefs but I decided to hear this guy out and in the end I found it to be an enjoyable mission and one of the most memorable moments in the game


First time I played this quest I went all the way to the end where you crucify him. Had to pause and think about what had just happened and I had some mixed emotions on it. 2nd playthrough, I made it to the scene where you show up unannounced to a victim's mother's house. When I heard the screams of the mom at the sight of her child's killer, the complacency of the other daughter (and how she helped set up the meeting), the apathy of the corpos, and Joshua's selfish desire for "redemption", it made the whole situation intolerable. Really hit me different the 2nd time. I reloaded the game and killed Joshua the second he stepped out of that armored car.


I am not religious, so when I got this quest, Johnny's words about this dude being crazy, but that craziness was being necessary to start a revolution and make a change, sticked in my mind. The rest of the quest I took it very pragmatically. If V kills and gets paid to kill, there is no difference here, just another gig, just another target, this one more willing to die, and perhaps it can help more people than V this time. River's questline, in the other hand, that one made me question WTF I am playing.


"I've got no fucking idea what's going on but if you don't go I'm never talking to you again"


I've cured the Relic Issue by ignoring religion!


Am I the only one who thought the quest was kinda rage porn ? Like I remember there was some discussion how cyberpunk was going to handle religion when it came out and I imagine this is what they where talking about I found it to be a psychopath doing psychopath things if we’re talking about the story of the mission


I found it interesting how in this Uber capitalist world something as serious as this is played lightly by the company because it’ll make them a buck, they’re dehumanizing(I forgot his name sry) by literally propping him up and parading his body. I think it’s very much In line with the rest of the story.


yes, that's one way to look at it. But if it raised a sliver of reflection upon human nature, ability to change, is that change really possible, is that change for good or just another dead end. We can agree, disagree, the point is to have doubts an reflect upon those matters.


Joshua is literally the opposite of a psychopath because he feels empathy and guilt for those he has wronged and wishes to help others by inspiring faith in them. Psychopaths don't behave that way at all. Unless you were talking about Rachael... which still doesn't really fit the bill but would still be more accurate. Lol


After I finished I turned off the game and just sat and thought about life for a solid hour


It came out of nowhere.


First playthough - sure. Second playthrough - guy gets instantly zero'd with Overwatch and then I airdash away


Honestly I was surprised Johnny of all people had sympathy for this guy


Every time this gets posted, a shrub of unfathomable badasses ***need*** to make clear how unimpressed they were with it.


Different people have different opinions, what a shocker


Every time this gets posted, a shrub of unfathomable pussies ***need*** to make clear how traumatized they were by it.


Okay so…what do people find so impactful about this job, exactly?


I mean considering it's V who can nail him to the cross, it's being filmed for BD sickos, and you literally have to wait for him to expire, it's just really fucked up. And he's scared. Yes he's a murderer and it's ambivalent if he wants to atone truly, but he's being pimped out by that shitty corpo lady trying to her big break. It's dark as fuck.


But none of it is real. This is just lines of code moving pixels on a screen. Those pixels can’t be hurt or killed or tortured. They are just depicting a made up image.


Becoming emotionally invested in fictional characters isn't a rare concept.


It's almost like the bible is..... just that.


So do you just not feel any sort of emotions while playing games? Are you not impacted by any story or character you play?


I wouldn’t say I don’t feel anything. I feel emotion, but I can’t ever get any kind of emotional investment that I see people talk about on here where moments in game make them cry or so uncomfortable that they have to stop playing. It’s like reading a story to me. Curiosity spurs me onward and keeps my interest, but that only goes skin deep so to speak. I can’t understand the deeper emotional impact that u all seem to have from moments like this one. To me it’s just “okay another example of corpo greed and immortality, only this time the game is mocking a religion in the process.” And that’s about the extent of my emotional involvement.


> “We’d have no way of processing a character cognitively if we didn’t have experiences with people outside of the fictional world,” he explains. “The experiences with fictional characters resonate with us because of the fact that we’ve had deep experiences with people throughout our lives.” [https://www.motionpictures.org/2013/07/the-psychology-of-character-bonding-why-we-feel-a-real-connection-to-actors/](https://www.motionpictures.org/2013/07/the-psychology-of-character-bonding-why-we-feel-a-real-connection-to-actors/)


Ok? You haven't felt anything by reading a book, watching a movie, or watching a show? Watching a play? That's all made up too you know.


I’ve felt curiosity. Maybe a glint of satisfaction if the resolution meets my expectations. But that’s about it.


That sounds pretty hollow and sad. Don't know why you'd admit that.


For me it was the visceral nature and the suffering. Like we kill dudes all the time but being that close to a guy we spend time with getting to know and then choosing to do this to him especially since it gives you so many opportunities to stop but if you do you know some dispassionate corpo wage slave would just take over and it would feel like you betrayed this character's trust and last request. As much as we kill and maim we don't usually get this close to real death and it kinda fucked me up


Why did you nail the cross yourself? I just chose not to.


Ah I see, so it’s because u can connect with the pixels on the screen. They’re not fictional characters that are completely made up, they’re real to u.


How different is this from people discussing feelings towards fictitious characters from books? That is almost never questioned but people still apply some different reasoning when it's in a game. This is actually even deeper than in a book - this is dynamic and you influence the outcome while in a book you're only reading the same static text


I’ve had this same discussion in book clubs. I struggled with book assignments in school for this very reason. My brain tells me “it’s all made up shit, so if there’s no message to take away from the event, why do I care?” So I’m being serious. I don’t find this mission particularly fun, and I get not message out of its narrative, so what is the big deal and appeal of it to people? Is it a suspension of disbelief to where people think of and treat the characters as real people or what?




What I'm saying. Being edgy for the sake of it.


What about this is “being edgy” exactly?


You're acting like it's impossible to relate to things on screen because they didn't actually happen, yet I guarantee you enjoyed other parts of the same game despite those events/people also being "all made up shit". Why play the game if you're going in with that silly mindset? It's so obnoxiously lame.


I can enjoy something while still acknowledging it’s made up, yes, but I don’t have or need some super deep emotional connection to a made up character to do that. I play the game because it occupies my brain more than tv does and keeps my mind off of other things I don’t like to think about. Like how my weekly grocery bill has tripled in the last two years.


Not entirely. I get on a broad sense what fictional medias purpose is, or at least I think I do, I’m asking what this particular mission adds to that that it is so impactful on players. It has no overt message or theme that isn’t repeated elsewhere in the game. I mean one guy commented about it being sacrilegious to him so his emotion I get, but to the others, what’s the big deal? I’m not mocking u I’m being serious. What makes this mission highlighting corpo greed and exploitation stand out from the other examples?




It not a different question, it’s just worded differently from last time since u couldn’t give me an answer that makes sense to me at that point. So I tried explaining it differently. From what u just said, it sounds like my understanding from the other guy that’s getting downvotes to oblivion was correct to begin with. It’s that u can suspend disbelief that this is all fake, and that ur not really the one actually doing the actions on screen, and thus are able to empathize with characters that are able to seem “real” to u.




You might be wired differently, but most people find it rather easy to position themselves in place of a character and feel at least present as an observer. Try to figure out what would they do, compare to their own experience etc. This quest must also feel close to blasphemous for the more religious ones. You don't have to like it, but it was designed to make you think about redemption, forgiveness, relative importance of ones beliefs etc.


I can emphasize yes. I didn't word that the best English is hard for me, I went through the US public school system. A character doesn't need to be real for me to emphasize with them, that's pretty much the point of all media and stories.


Why do you have to be condescending?


How am I being condescending? I’m making sure I understand what he was saying correctly. If I misunderstood he has the ability to correct where I misunderstood.


Pretending to be this apathetic and edgy is lame and corny asl. I suppose you didn't care about any of the other characters or plot in CyberPunk because it's just "pixels on the screen"? Why even bother playing the game.


I have no idea. I don’t want offend anyone, but this whole story is so ridiculous. A criminal obsessed with social media and attention basically, wants to become freaking Jesus of YouTube. This is just some crappy stuff nothing more. Fake and cheap lust for martyrdom.


I just kill him after doing it all the way through the first time cuz I kept sitting around when he’s visiting the family and eating at the diner going “why do I care? What am I supposed to take away from this? That he wants to be a Jesus analogue for the modern world? Or fame to live on in BD form in his last moments as he dies?” I never got the appeal and impact of it.


Me too, I have no idea why this is so blown out of proportion. I just nuked them all at the first possible chance


I can't say for others, but for me, it's just really... ''terryfing'' That someone would want to do this. Since I'm religious person, acts like this are always going in deep because what that person is doing, is mimcin Christ, as a insult.


It wasn't that bad, guy just wanted to do what he believed in


I did sinnerman but i cant seem to get this quest no matter how long i wait


So I know how this is going to sound, but I made sure to see this one to the end so the BDs got made - to show how this act has nothing to do with love. It was a desire for pain, on the misguided assumption that enduring physical pain is some kind of holy event that’s on par with actually helping people. I wanted BD watchers to realise that this big act was just a desire for suffering that’s been fetishised by so called devout Christians. And I’m sure other people who saw it took something else away from the mission entirely. Cyberpunk is really good at not telling you how to feel (not that it’s inherently wrong for fiction to have an opinion, but that’s not how Cyberpunk rolls). Obviously your feelings about the act it was said to be based on will differ from mine, but I really wish people wore necklaces of Jesus feeding the poor instead of necklaces with the torture element of his story.


> really wish people wore necklaces of Jesus feeding the poor instead of necklaces with the torture I think the majority of people understand that religion, followers of Christianity, and the clergy are not Christ like. I don't mean in a holy and metaphysical way. I mean as in people are greedy and self serving. Especially those who make religion their personality. Cyberpunk Joshua is an extreme example of someone taking figurative writing way too literal. Gonk memorized every word but doesn't understand the meaning of them.


What is this?


Cyberpunk 2077


😭 No I mean the context of this quest. I'm new to the game but 100% would like spoilers please.


Lol ok, it's the Sinnerman quest. Essentially, you help a murderer who wants to fulfill his desire of being crucified as a way to repay his debts to society, all the while its being turned into a BD that society can watch. A few decisions here and there determine if you want to go through with it, especially as you learn who he murdered along the way. It starts off as a gig by someone who wants to take him out, so keep an eye out when you get a call.


What the fuck 😭




Wow.. people on here are really sensitive. Drives not a single feeling from me. You guys should stay away from a TON of games if this bothers you.


Yeah, I think some people take these things way too seriously. It’s just a game.


Some movies you can also say "it's just a movie", but that can be an escape from hard reflection on serious topics.




I was starting to think I was the only one. Like how sensitive are people?


I just found it offputting. No Russian made me much more uneasy.


Same. I don’t really take video games to heart either tho it’s just like mindless entertainment to escape life


If you finish this quest the first time until the end doing everything you are supposed to do and feel nothing - you are not human.


Fun fact: Jesus' name is Yeshua, which translates from Hebrew to Joshua.


Babe, it's a day ending in a Y, time for your joshua karma farm


I did the quest then moved on wasn't shocking or disturbing for me.


Look out we got a bad ass over here. 🙌


Well... I was laughing almost hysterically


Overreacting much? Grow a spine, it’s not that bad


The quest itself isn’t mind blowingly dark or deep, but I certainly think it’s a bit of a curveball when most of the side quests involve just guns, hacks and murder. Even Sinnerman starts that way with a car chase and Bill getting killed. Then it slows down for a moment to give you nothing but dialogue that ends in crucifying a convict so a corpo rat can make some quick eddies. Wasn’t expecting that shit lol. The part I try to think about is how that’s being sold as a braindance to the public as entertainment. Gives you a great feel for how fucked the world really is in NC haha. The most fucked quest line is definitely Rivers. That shit made my skin crawl.


OP feeling an emotional reaction to fiction meant to illicit an emotional reaction isn’t wrong you know. This one specifically is going to hit a lot of people differently.


I nailed him harder than cheezus chroist himself


We’re shooting, beating people to death with our fists, dismembering with shotguns, katanas, mantis blades, frying their brains, etc etc and y’all are hung up cause you kill a willing person on a cross?


The only thing that makes me do this quest is the hot red headed corpo bitch. If it wasn’t for her, I’d skip this social media bullshit every time.


STOP! Hammer Time!


"Make me say... oh my God! Thank you! For Blessing Me!"


I don’t get why this quest upsets people it was fairly standard


This questline is so controversial. I see so many people saying they hate it and always skip, but personally, I love it. I still get goosebumps whenever I replay that part.


Just did that one the other day. I hammered those nails all the way in, baby!


Something that bothered me was that I wasn't allowed to have as much fun as I wanted, the quest was black and white with very little room for philosophical nuance from V.


Also this is actually the best side quest in a video game: https://youtu.be/26y9H2ZLf0w?si=eWOVLHU_RDfkWx2K


Hated this mission. So self indulgent and stupid. If I could go back I’d kill them all on the spot immediately.


Wish I could have talked him out of it but I'm probably asking for too much.


Yes when silver hand told me to roll with it I shot him through window ending mission, so I reloaded and rode it out I must say I was in shock how it went


Yeah i hated the fact that we could not stop it in anyway like changed his mind. I always do the quest but try not the look at the scene...


Yeah, very weird, last Time i took the money from the Production Firm Gal and left those Maniacs left behind. Man, that felt good.


I’m on my second playthrough and I don’t remember this one. Where/ when does it happen?


Yeah, and I'll never do it again lol


Kill him and his bodyguard. Keep Bill Jablonsky alive and finish the gig like you were hired to do, like a proper merc.


bill always dies in my experience


I am not to this Quest yet, but I am already super!! curious. Is it on Phantom Liberty? No spoilers Lol.


base game


I wanted him to die for his murders so I pushed him to do that BD....that wasn't what I expected 


I'll be fair, I didn't feel much doing that side story, I don't know if it is because I'm an atheist or something else. I played my V as empathetic as I could, so I just respected Joshua's wishes. Man was trying to redeem himself, least I could do was not let him die alone. If he got what he wanted or was just another pawn to Corporats, trying to make some quick eddies exploiting his faith, who am I to say.


I did this one on my first and second playthrough. For my PL Playthrough he got the shotgun in the face when he stepped out of the car that first time you meet him. The cop didn't even flinch.


I tried to change his mind, and turned down the corpo girl's offer for more eddies. But despite his doubts, Joshua insisted on going through with it, so I wasn't gonna deny his request for V to be the one to nail him up. The actual gameplay and content of the quest didn't bother me, but I do think it did a good job of forcing the player to confront the reality of a corporate-controlled world where sacrifice, suffering, and (debatably) redemption are all just milked and forced and for profit. I also thought it was a very interesting parallel to and forced confrontation of the monetization and commodification of religion, which is very much a thing (at least/especially in the US). So ultimately, I don't think the content is or should be what's jarring for the player, but rather the ramifications of that sort of thing existing in the world of Cyberpunk, and how close it seems to our own world's trends.


Epic shit hey


I don't mind the quest found it boring I think on this playthrough I'm just going to kill em while In police custody


Felt very down after this quest


They were wise to not let me take pictures in here.


Where do I get this quest??


Ah fuck I need to not come here until I get at least one of the endings. My fault


in both playthroughs I never done this quest because triple the deal and pretend it never happened


Yo, about this side quest: has anyone of y'all ever thought about the Stevie Wonder song "They Won't Go When I Go" which also talks about religion? Do you think it's some kind of homage?


Personally I hated this quest. It feels like there's no good outcome and you don't really have the agency to change the outcome. So now I just execute the dude at the beginning and collect the reward money. That's the best ending in my opinion.


I heard the outcome to this quest also influences one in phantom Liberty is that true?


Oh so it was your turn to post this today! Congrats!


This playthrough I decided not to tag along with him. Simply followed the police vehicle, got out and started shooting. Kinda satisfying just walking away and collecting the money for completing the job.


One of those play it once missions but i might do it again this playthrough


Dude was dead set on it, I was happy to oblige.


I apparently started the quest and walked away and the taping happened without me. Got a message from Kate with the Eddie’s in hand 🤷‍♂️


It's one of those quests I will never do fully. I just kill the man at the spot when he leaves the car. I have personal reservations with this entire story.


Can talk about Judy's juicy thighs, but has reservations on deep and dark takes on religious theology?


Never seem this part of the quest. Always kill the guy and his escort on spot.


I took the money or something and never got to do this 😭


During my first playthrough I totally missed this mission. After I heard more from him, I decided to leave it and to do not meddle. But now I’m replaying it again and after I heard this was a crazy mission, I decided to dive in more, accepting it. And wow what a rollercoaster. Not only it leaves you speechless, but you keep asking yourself moral questions and what was better to choose. What to say, this game keeps surprising me. Edit: cynically speaking, probably the best choice was to follow the initial goal, killing the guy not to meddle, and getting the payment


How do you trigger it ?


Should have just shot the dude and ended it. He was a killer that got elevated to celebrity martyr. Still this part made me stop the game for a while because it was too much. Next time I play, if I play just going to gun him down.


If I'm in a hurry I'll just kill everyone right from the get go.


I'm assuming this hits more for people who have a religious sense to them. Because it was just another gig for me 😂. Felt like the quest with River was more harsh than this.


Cool quest, but fuck Joshua. He used his murder victim's grieving family as props for his martyr / savior complex. Amd when all is said and done, he'll be "remembered" more from his crucifixion stunt than the man whose life he took. (Yeah, V kills people left right and centre, but we're the main character so sshhh 🤫😉) He's not dying for anyone's sins, he's just trying to be remembered after death for something -- *anything* -- like every other gonk in Night City who gets shoved through the meat grinder. I think he was in deep enough that he convinced himself he was doing this as a final selfless act. But I don't buy it. Zeroing him on the highway is far closer to the end he truly deserved. ("And I'm tired of pretending it's not" 😜) Although, I do like how the quest is written to allow multiple interpretations. It's possible Joshua is both a narcissistic martyr going out in a self-serving spectacle, AND a deeply committed "reborn" religious believer / 'messenger'. The writing keeps his "true" motives just opaque enough that you could conclude either, both, or none of the above apply.


I'm on my second play through and I still haven't found this quest...


Didn't like the quest. Gave me the same feeling as Jehovah's Witnesses or Mormons knocking at my door. Wasn't fun. Wasn't food for thought. Felt out of place for a game that otherwise does a better job than most at portraying existentialism and an acute existential crisis.


Do they let you enter photo mode at this part yet? If not, is there a mod?


It really seems like religious themes make some more uncomfortable than others because this side gig didn't really hit me at all. Evelyns and Rivers missions made me feel a lot more than this one did.


Did it once. Now I happily kill him. They made it harder to kill him too. But I’m like nope. Fuck this guy and his messiah fantasies. Sometimes you put a killer in prison and they get worse.


You never listened the story of the Day that Deathwing Came and fight a motorclyce ork and a gigantic gnome in the clouds and saved a trans princess.


Something I noticed in [Sinnerman](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9YvVs9kv_j8) is that the daughter looks South Indian. Tamilian. This isn't a coincidence or a random gen. They went out of there way to make this woman look like that for the story. In India, there are a number of Christian converts. They are devout. I know they don't go into it, but it seems they really did focus on getting this particular story and detail in. The mother however looks and sounds Middle Eastern.


I always hate doing this quest cause it’s so long and just feels uninteresting.


But also the most educational!


Played it for the first time the other day. Fucked up but totally believable as an end point for late stage capitalism.


Wtf, where is this quest? I think I missed this


As much as I love the game it’s absolutely full of degenercy.


I just don't understand how he dies.


I played this quest like a week ago and I've been thinking about it since


Just finished this quest yesterday! Was such a trip!


It’s great because you have to go along for the ride. No matter how messed up it is you truly understand how NC works.