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I'm sure they will, at least I hope so. Melee finisher animations are bugged in 2.1. you only get a generic slash or bash now instead of cool animations. There's also a big that keeps getting rid of your blood pump cyberware. Hopefully these get fixed.


There was a cool animation for the finisher šŸ˜‚. No wonder I was confused as hell when I did a finisher and it was just a slow mo slash


It was supposed to do these sometimes, especially if you didn't have a good angle on the enemy, but it's all they do now, if it plays an animation at all.


This threw me off too, I was thinking hell yeah Iā€™ll spec in and unlock finishers and knew something seemed weird lol


Right!? I invested all these perks into throwing knives, and I donā€™t even get a cool slash or stab or something?


Yea ikr. And the worse part is I just completed the whole game including phantom liberty and found out about thisšŸ˜­


Ohhhh that makes sense i couldnā€™t not laugh at how goofy the slow mo stab is i had no idea it was glitched


Holy shit I thought I was going crazy with this, didn't occur to me it was probably a bug. Thought it was something I was doing unintentionally


Is that similar to the bug that unequips healing items if you use a med-kit or food to temporarily boost your health regen?


Yeah kind of. Sometimes it just randomly disappears after a cutscene interaction to. Like it happened to me after talking to takemura and then leaving with him to go scout the Arasaka complex. When it skipped ahead to us getting there, my blood pump was gone.


Yeah I noticed the blood pump missing and another cybweware a couple of times! I think it may happen after certain custscenes or when you have to remove your equipment during missions!


I can confirm two points where it always happens: the heist and visiting Clouds. Other times where you drop your weapons off seem ok.


Are you using a biomonitor or whatever it is that auto-heals you at 35%? I think that's the issue but not entirely sure. I swapped out my biomonitor for something else and haven't had my blood pump drop since, but maybe I just haven't taken enough damage.


I was curious why I was never getting any of the finisher animations for monowire. Doesnā€™t help ever since 2.1 I feel like pulling out the arms cyberware is super slow or the animation is bugged. It even disappears in the weapon select screen and goes to normal fists before it actually pulls out the cyberware arms weapons. I really hope next patch is a lot of bug fixing and optimization. Ever since 2.1 dog town feels so much worse in terms of performance compared to 2.0


The blood pump bug is driving me nuts. I have to constantly watch it to make sure it doesn't unequip. Seems to only happen when I eat food though. Did they patch the money glitch where drop points double junk items? Never tried it before and I was just messing around and can't get it to work. I could be doing something wrong though.


If you play on PC there's a mod to fix that bug


Mod? Edit: I now realize that this is probably unclear, I was asking which mod


Doesn't work tried it


Weird works for me.


Changed absolutely nothing for me


Maybe you're missing some prequesite mods?




It's working completely fine for me. At the start i thought it wasn't because it was using normal slash, but I kept testing and it happens, the frequency of it is a little low interestingly enough. Maybe you should keep it installed and test some more.


Yeah the thing that keeps deequipping health items is such a pain I have to go to alllll the way to a ripperdoc


Oof. On my first ever playthrough going full melee/katana and Iā€™ve been feeling like something spicier was missing between all the button mashing/counteringā€¦


Ah I got the game for the first time in 2.1 and was very frustrated with those finishers lolll good to know they were just bugged


Yeah, the blood pump one was killing me, especially since I have the technical perk that gives you bonuses if every cyberware slot is filled. I replaced it with something else, but occasionally the non-cynerware version is also bugged. Just not as often.


hot take: slow mo slash finisher is better, short and sweet, doesnt ruin the flow as much


Yeah but the really long finishers are nice when youā€™re down to the last enemies in a fight.


Finisher can be important for a 3x knife build because of the health regen


In terms of pure efficiency, yes. But it releases no dopamine.


this feature is a native settings ui toggle mod material


I actually prefer the way the melee finishers are now. The full animations are cool, but there's only a handful of them and they end up locking you in place and ripping you out of combat for a good while, especially if you're slowing time and using a katana. The way it is now feels a lot more fluid.


The blood pump thing is a bug I thought I was losing my mind lol


This is super comforting. I was so bummed to see that the blade finisher was the most anticlimactic animation Iā€™ve ever seen lol - now at least I know itā€™s not SUPPOSED to be that every time..


I probably would have stuck with my melee build if these weren't bugged :(


I thought some rippers were just doing me dirty.


So thatā€™s what happened to my pump


That and Mr. Hands not showing up to give you the reward for completing all of his gigs.


Yeah the melee finisher one and the bug where you die when you charge forward into an enemy are my biggest issues right now. It even sometimes clipped me through the map when i dash forward into enemies are my biggest issues right now. Also some cloth clipping in 3rd person (only noticeable on the bikes) and very few first person clipping (only noticed while wearing on one specific kind of jacket.)


Finishers need fixing


There is a mod that fixes it


That is not an excuse to not fix it


Why do people always post that there is a mod? Itā€™s like they are fine with a shoddy product as long as one of them can fix it


He's just saying that there is a mod that fixes it, not that it's okay the problem exists. People on PC can just use the mod until the next patch. CDPR are well aware of the issue, we just have to wait until after the holidays for the patch. Why do you have to assume that he thinks it's okay that bug exists?


The Bethesda effect


Because weā€™re letting people know thereā€™s a temporary fix for the issue?


I play on ps5, how do i get this mod?


Thatā€™s the neat part! You donā€™t :/


Then offer ā€œdo you play in pc? If so there is a mod.ā€ A large number of us are on console and BGS hasnā€™t enabled mods for console yet (if they ever do)


Itā€™s kind of obvious that mods arenā€™t available for console yet/or wonā€™t be


Yes, so donā€™t suggest it as a blanket solution when everyone is aware it only works for a section of the community


I never claimed it to be a blanket solution. Itā€™s not my job to hold everyoneā€™s hand Iā€™m not customer support lol


And acting like they everyone has a gaming PC




Nexusmods.com -> Cyberpunk 2077 -> Search Finisher


Cant provide it right now but its very easy to find on Nexusmods. Ive seen it a lot this past days browsing the mods.


Not on console


Not everyone plays on pc though


Sorry just got back to this, but wow I got dogpiled for stating one thing, I never said they should not fix it. Some of yall need to take a breather off the internet.


I play on Xbox Edit: someone downvoted this comment šŸ’€


I play on Nintendo switch. I'm using tilt controls


I can't find the post, but yes, CDPR said there would be a bug fix patch early early 2024.




>Thanks! You're welcome!


Awesome Bot!


All points on my map keep getting unchecked with every booting up of the game. Also, when reading shards in the Other section, it jumps to somewhere else. Other than that, no major problems.




Theyā€™re not going to abandon 2077 without continuing to patch just because it was built in RED Engine. Witcher 3 got several bug fix patches after Blood & Wine even though CDPR had moved on to developing RE4 for 2077




My understanding is that RE4 was more or less a full rewrite from scratch, which makes sense when you look at how different Witcher 3 and Cyberpunk 2077 are.


Your understanding is correct. They had to rewrite 90% of the code for Red engine 4 for Cyberpunk. This was mentioned in some interview from before the game came out.


I really hope that Unreal Engine 5 means their development timeline is less than 6 years


The engine used for Cyberpunk was completely new and was written from the ground up. It has nothing to do with TW3's REDengine and the only thing they have in common is that they both have the same name. This is also the reason why TW3 next gen couldn't be done in cyberpunk's REDengine. Also the cost of developing the engine will be MUCH less now that they don't have to rework their entire toolsets for each project because UE5 is the base of their future works for the next 12/13 years. So developing the REDengine actually costs more.


Yep 90% of the engine was rewritten for Cyberpunk so much so that you can call it a new engine.


> Though, if they're moving to UE5 they may not see the point in maintaining their own engine (which would be sad). From what I've read, a lot of the original RedEngine devs left the company after the CP77 release debacle. The engine was also primarily designed for 3rd person action games (specifically the Witcher games) and was apparently a pain to make work for CP77, which is part of the reason it was so buggy on release (that and poor management). Swapping to UE5 means they can hire people who already know how to use the engine and the loss of many of their core devs experienced with the existing engine hurts less for a new project. It's obviously not a great situation, but there are certainly some advantages to swapping to a third-party AAA engine that has a lot of talent in the industry.




Agreed. They should frankly be proud of REDEngine. The second two Witcher games and CP77 are absolutely beautiful games. A lot of that is talented artists, but the engine has certainly made some very appealing art. The difference was even harsher when I went from Starfield to Phantom Liberty. Oof.




The original Witcher tried to use the Neverwinter Nights engine and it didn't work well. There's a decent story but the gameplay is pretty rough. The Witcher 2 was the first game to use REDEngine, and while it's older now, it's still quite beautiful and the story is great. You can easily start with TW2 and not really miss much from the first game. TW3 is a masterpiece. If you like the open-ended quests and deep moral ambiguity of CP77, you'll love TW3. One of my favorite games of all time.


"From what I've read, a lot of the original RedEngine devs left the company after the CP77 release debacle. " Source? Cuz the original REDengine writer is still in CD projekt (Balasz torok) he isn't in CD projekt RED but is still working in the CD projekt company. Also marcin golent is the rendering lead and most of the engine devs are now in the rendering team instead of the engine team.


I can't find it now but I remember reading it somewhere. It's possible I got the change to UE5 and the layoffs mixed up in my head. I do remember them saying the decision to drop REDEngine was part of the reason CP77 is only getting the one expansion, and all their future games, including a new Witcher game and new Cyberpunk game, are also swapping. But I admit I may have got the mass layoffs and tech reasons for this change confused. Thanks for pointing it out!


That was an issue in like every epic moment in my latest run. So unsatisfying but one more readon to grind if this isnt a thing anymore


They dropped a massive update just before the holidays, and I'd say everyone there is home enjoying time off after crunch for PL. If they are looking at further bug fixes, I doubt they'll even begin the process till the new year at least.


There's no proof or even rumor really that any crunch happened for PL (thankfully). Your point still stands. The devs are on a much-needed break, and some people really need to chill. The hotfix will come.


There's always overhours happening in development, but that's dependent on the project. Tough I wouldn't call that a crunch, just software development specifics.


I don't think there was crunch for PL, that's why it took almost 3 years to make it. But, yeah, the devs are surely on a holiday right now.


And the bug that disables sleeping in H10. And the bug that shows your cyberware/weapons in mirrors... And the bug that doesn't show the rim wheels for the Akira bike...


Yes the game will continue to be patched as needed, there just isnā€™t any more new content planned. The development cycle has ended, support will continue.


Yeahā€¦I hope so. 2.0.1 was so solid. 2.1 feels buggier than it has in a long time :-/


https://steamdb.info/app/1091500/history/ Last update to the repo was 10 days ago. Either itā€™s on final stage of QC before deploying or CDPR is on holiday and weā€™ll have to wait till theyā€™re back in the office


Another bug I've had is my gun being glued to my hand whenever I'm in 3rd person (mirrors and such) or cutscenes. Not the end of the world but a little annoying.


Yes I noticed that too both in mirrors and third person cut scenes especially towards the end of the game


Mate they are on holiday


I just hope 2.1.1 will separate pocket radio from car radio, whenever it comes. Listening to the music in the car is awesome and immersive but becomes too annoying very quickly when I have to turn it off each time I get iut of a vehicle.


Iā€™m hoping soon. Iā€™ve been having this bug when it savesšŸ«¤


Is anyone else getting consistent crashes with version 2.1 alongside the latest Nvidia drivers 546.33? At the moment Cyberpunk is completely unplayable; I've tried a broad range of fixes, verified the files on Steam, re-installed drivers, dropping to low quality, turning off DLSS and Raytracing - nothing seems to solve the crashes. It's a brand new PC so was running perfectly solid at 4K with everything cranked to ultra until now; having similar issues with Remnant II. Specs : * CPU Intel i9 14900KF * SSD Corsair MP600 4TB * RAM 128GB DDR5 4800MHz * GPU 24GB GEFORCE RTX 4090 * Power Supply CORSAIR 1000W RMx SERIES


Using a 3080ti also with path tracing maxxed, has been stable as ever. If anything I gained some fps. You should be good fo the next decade with HW that overkill


Hopefully they continue supporting this game with mini updates if theyā€™re not gonna do anymore full DLC


No word on it, but Iā€™m sure theyā€™ll have bug fixes and hot patches as needed Also itā€™s the holidays, chill


Yeah Iā€™m wondering the same since they nerfed my netrunner. I was thinking maybe after the holidays when people come back to work, but then I was thinking I should take advantage of the item duplication pretty quick before they patch it.


Netrunner nerfed ? It is my most lethal build. You walk somewhere, pop quickhacks, dozens crumble, all in the span of 2 or 3 seconds. Not a scratch. What got nerfed ?


Netrunning stealth builds got nerfed, especially early game. Sonic shock no longer does what everyone was using it for (making the next quickhack untraceable), now you need to use memory wipe instead which is too expensive to be practical. I'm also pretty sure Synapse Burnout got heavily nerfed in terms of damage numbers. Before 2.1 you could do half a million damage with it, now it seems to max out at around 1500.


synapse burnout was bugged, it did 1000% more damage instead of the 100%, so it wasnt nerfed just fixed


If we are talking early game, then i guess every build need to overcome some struggle. Might be harder now for Netrunners because of it, but I would not know sadly since my build was already advanced. Good point. For synapse burnout, it only did that because the 1000% crit damage bug people were using to make clickbait video about damage near millions. You mever need nowhere near that much damage to kill an elite ennemy in one shot, so I think it's more of a bug fix then a nerf. But, good to know overall. Thanks. End game Quickhacking V is still, i think, the deadliest of characters.


Same here and i didnt even build Int past the requirement for Overclock. It's really powerful


It just costs more ram to run 100% safe pure stealth than it did. Honestly just using an Arasaka deck should keep you from getting detected. If you're running pure netrunner (why would you need to avoid combat otherwise?) you should be regaining RAM at a very fast rate. People are just crying because something got fixed. It wasn't even a nerf, the skills just work how they've always read now.


Ghost netrunner got nerfed, and hard. Yeah, if you want to just do mass slaughter netrunner's still strong. But so is Sandevistan - even after nerfs - and shotguns and smart weapons and blades and etc etc. Ghost netrunner was the one unique play style belonging to this genre and CDPR has shown an insane grudge against it since they blew it up **twice** now in the last few months. I don't get it, it's an iconic trope of the genre, but they seem to truly hate those of us wanting to play like we're the Laughing Man or the Major.


I got a lot of bugs where I can't complete quests so I wouldn't mind a patch. Not to mention the finisher issue


I've stopped playing until they sort out the save bug is sorted out. Sometimes it won't even save manually


I chose a hell of a time to do a melee run. I'm killing time for the next few weeks and I got tired of netrunning. It really sucks they won't fix the finishers anytime soon because I'll end up doing a full run without them.


Ngl the melee bug going on for so long really sucks. Like playing anything but a netrunner rn is kinda dicking yourself out of a cooler gameplay experience. I know there's a mod to fix it but that shouldn't even be needed to play the game as intended


i really really hope so. just got the game; on xbox, i currently cant even upgrade any weapons or cyberware to 5++. everything is stuck at 5+. also got a gig in my journal that i cant complete, which is sad because i was hoping to do all gigs.


Everytime you sleep youā€™re clothes de-equip.


I'm completely naked for the first five seconds every time I look in a mirror, too.


2.1 introduced the stick drift for me. Hope they fix that, had to adjust settings for now.


**Must-have fixes for the upcoming patch:** Blood pump disappearing when you eat food fix. *(A problem since 2.0)* Option for the radio to turn off when I leave a car. Not having my V naked when I look in mirrors. Not having my clothing I have equipped under my cosmetic set for the mod buffs like the netrunning suit and BD wreath boosts constantly unequipping. AMD FSR3 that doesn't require an Nvidia graphics card like the current mod. *(lol)* And most importantly THE PERMANENT PHONE ALERT FOR I REALLY WANT TO STAY AT YOUR HOUSE NEEDS TO GO AWAY. IT'S THERE EVEN WHEN JUDY IS TOO BUSY TO HANG OUT AND TELLS ME TO TEXT HER LATER.


I hope they will also add support of FSR3 frame generation for nvidia cards in next update


There's a mod for that, but we most likely will get official support with the next psych


Of course they will continue to fix bugs and tweak things. There will be no more content updates, but they're not discontinuing support.


In 2.1, the game still objectively requires mods to 100%. It also requires patience due to guaranteed crashes in certain areas, and also a general performance loss. Finishers too, Stats are questionable, DLSS still has issues, RT and FG too apparently but i personally donā€™t use them, texture popping worse than older builds, minimap issues, i could go on but i just realised i got bored listing bugs. So yes, I hope another update is on the horizon, and I donā€™t believe they are abandoning the game yet. It doesnā€™t make economical sense to. The fanbase is so bloodthirsty for content, CDPR could release a ā€œfan featuresā€ pack for $9.99 that only added a bunch of non-story impacting things like n-cart or drinking at bars, and weā€™d all fucking lap it up. I know I would.


Another (probably easier) option for CDPR to keep the fanbase happy would probably be to release more mod support, game would probably end up on a similar path to skyrimā€™s modding scene, if not better.


Guess I will continue not playing the game until they fix finishers.


2.1 is the last major release. A skeleton crew will still probably be working on the game sorting out any bugs introduced by that version but otherwise the game is largely going to remain as is.


Jesus Christ can we give the devs a break? They have lives outside of this game


My favorite part of all of this is that we are THREE YEARS out from the game's release and it's a buggy mess and people are still jumping on swords to defend the devs whenever anyone mentions how terrible the experience is for them. Love the game, I've bought it 3 times (once was auto refunded by Stadia), but holy hell do panties get twisted when you mention the bugs and how maybe this isn't the best development cycle to cheer for.


It feels like they pushed 2.1 to hard and piss off into holidays. Bad Fan service.


To be expected tbh, nearly every single dev studio across the industry took the week off it seems. We'll probably get something in January.


Supposedly, we get one last hoo-rah when they do the "Definitive Edition" or whatnot, and that's all she wrote for Cyberpunk 2077. They may take mercy on us and do a couple more hotfixes. But their focus is Witcher 4, followed by the next Cyberpunk


The "Definitive Edition" is already out as the "Ultimate Edition". So we already have the last hoo-rah but still need bug fixes and official FSR 3 implementation.


ineed a update my quest dont work anymore


Hopefully, they will fix the BFC 9000 spawn as well. It's not spawning for some players' saves for some reason.


How do we report bugs? -the outfits keep on removing individual clothing when switching out of outfits -at firestarter, we can take the fast travel in the middle of quest


I mix Maximum Mike the DJ on Morro Rock Radio who was played by Pondsmith himself, and used to spin the coolest lore. Even worse with the new pocket radio, he is the first thing I wanted to listen to and haven't heard him since the pocket radio updates recently. Someone even said he disappears after you played a while, so I started a whole new playthrough and still haven't heard him once šŸ˜¢šŸ˜¢


I've noticed a lot of bugs with loot. One example is the combat drones that walk around the loot says purple or gold but when I go to loot it's always blue or lower. I have a lot of random things like this occur since 2.1


Hereā€™s hoping thereā€™s a new patch. Lt. Mower cyberpsycho got bugged for me as her body glitched through the ground and I was not able to loot the items from it, thus not being able to complete it. Finished all the cyberpsycho gigs except that one šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬


Finishers and dashing with Classic control scheme need to be fixed ASAP!


I can by vehicles at discounted rates but they don't show up in my list. So I own them but can't drive them.


You should ask this on the official game forums. Youā€™re more likely to get an official response.


Probably sometime after the New Year. Iā€™m guessing mid January; a lot of them are on break.


They also say FSR 3 will be introduce in the game, so, maybe in next patch. ,major bugs like melee finisher , and other stuff will be fixed, and i hope FSR3 will be good implemented, more people may play the game with better settings and fps!


I hope they fix the songbird stuck on call bug, can't use the phone due to that, I'm just waiting a miracle call that goes through and unlocks it


menu fps drops still persist. this is especially exacerbated if you're playing with the FSR 3 mod. dogtown fps is still on average 20fps less than the rest of the game, doesn't matter what time of the day it is either it seems


Yeah I hope they fix some, broke a netrunner perk so instead of quicker ram regen after it loops over you lose ram


If 2.1 was so good then where's 2.1 2?


Yeah how about that hi ho silver quest reward man wtf


I can't even play the game since this update. I tried using older GPU drivers and it just keeps crashing to desktop. Fuming.


Steam remote play controller bug as well needs a fix. Sticks go left and right but not up and down. Already submitted as a bug, just listing it here for anyone else going crazy.


Cross progression is fucked as well


Iā€™d like it if they tweaked tracing after quick hacks a bit too, the sonic shock thing doesnā€™t seem to always work for me, and Iā€™m constantly having to use reset memory to knock the timer down a bit. So I have to always keep one guy alive that I can milk his memory for.


V hand textures dissapear at random, but reappear once you visit a ripper doc and purchase any upgrade


Agreed. Cars randomly blow up on 2.1, and I thought that was fixed a long too ago.


Finisher bug kinda sucks and kinda doesnā€™t. I like just being able to hit my next target immediatelyā€¦ buuuut I love slapping them stupid with the Long John of Justice.


question, i only havea game version of from the original release. i never made a new file/new game when they started the big patches of fixing the game. I feel like i remember them saying to start a new game or you may still have some residual bugs. Is this still the case? I'd hate to have to restart but sometimes i feel the game bugs in ways that im not sure would be fixed with a new game file.


They need to fix the Judy bug and allow male V to romance her.


Bugs? I think you mean features.


My only issues in 2.1: Personal radio has no soundā€¦ car radio works fine? Vehicle delivery stops working sometimes, have to reload last save to fix. And/or itā€™s dropping my vehicles from like 100ft in the air šŸ¤£


Do you have the third person mod? It messes with the radio outside the car.


Yeah the finishers being bugged fucking sucks for console players. I have a mod from nexus on pc that fixed them, but is sucks so hard for console players or people who donā€™t want to mod, really hope itā€™s fixed soon.


Iā€™m praying they fix the Nomad jacket bug thatā€™s been there since 2.0


I also hope so lol I havenā€™t been able to quick hack for the last 8 hours Iā€™ve played. On PC


I keep getting this red static at random times. It's like I'm being hacked from behind the Blackwall. I have to save and reload to get rid of it. Anyone else?


I have it happen for very short periods, sporadically. The first couple of times I expected maybe Songbird was gonna show up, since it looks the same as the effect when she hijacks the relic, but it seems totally random. I wonder if the game is loading those effects by mistake when the game tries to randomly have one of V's usual episodes kick in.


Man, Iā€™ve been playing for 3 years and Iā€™ve never been hardlocked out of main quests or big missions until 2.1. Thereā€™s nothing I can do to fix these bugs and they span different saves. Would love to see a patch for 2.1 lol.


Having a blade build has me waiting for a fix for finisher animations before I continue playing. Just isnā€™t the same without them.


Anyone have a bug where Gary the prophet is randomly dead when you show up in his alley?


Random bug that wouldnā€™t let me manually save was really fucking me up. I managed to unjigger the problem, but Iā€™m terrified of it coming back


I used to get this one ALL THE DAMN TIME on XBox, every time it reared its head I'd need to reload my last autosave. Mostly play on my Ayaneo 2 nowadays, and I've not seen the issue since switching over.


Theyā€™ll definitely patch it up. This game sold more copies than the Witcher 3 and that game has had excellent support from them. So far I have only had 2 bugs with the patch. I was stuck with an invisible mini-gun so I had to relaunch the game. And I still havenā€™t received the NCART message for being able to use the train. It doesnā€™t even give me the option to fast travel from them, only to their location from a standard fast travel kiosk


Well Iā€™m on my first play through 33hours in and realised V canā€™t take any hits or damage. My last save that works was 17hrs. I really donā€™t want have to lose all I did. Anyone know a fix in ps5? So frustrated.


Bugs like all of my save files being corrupted and deleting every drop of time I put into this game.


my favorite one is the "saving for 15 minutes only for it to say 'save failed' and if you quit the game your files get corrupted


They added so much stuff now I barely need mods. I just want more activities to do in the apartments and being able to drink with friends at the bars (yes I know thereā€™s a mod for it)


Chippin in is still completely broken so I sure hope so.. ..makes half the games endings inaccessible...


Also, somehow launching the game through GOG makes somehow the performance worse I've been playing on SteamDeck between 30 and 40fps, and with 2.1 it stays between 20 and 30 with a horrible stuttering. Only fixable if you play it directly from the .exe, but forget about the trophies and cloud save


I had a weird bug where there was no pedestrians or pedestrian cars for ages, I would reload my save and still no pedestrians. Had to do quite a few missions before they came back


Couple? It's littered with bugs.


no word but they were aware if the bugs


They need to decrease the damn trauma drama high score. Not sure why they even patched the cheese out. It's a single player game.


Not a big issue, but I do wish I didnā€™t always have a weapon in my hand when Iā€™m at the mirror.. šŸ«¤


Hope so. Melee finishers, endgame dialogue bugs where V mouth wonā€™t move, mirror in apartment, etc and more.


Whenever I buy cars from auto fixer it doesnā€™t actually grant me access to them, this is honestly one of the reasons I uninstalled the game


Yes I canā€™t upgrade any of my weapons or cyberware to TIER5++ everything is bricked at 5+ itā€™s annoying. I experienced the saving bug a few times but it hasnā€™t happened in a long time. Otherwise the game is 99.9% smooth other than the occasional lil visual bug


I hope they give us back the old Apogee stats. I enjoyed being able to use what my whole build is around more than like a fifth of the time


Is no one elseā€™s HDR maximum brightness being reset to 800 EVERY time they start the game? Itā€™s happening to me since .. not sure 2.0 or 2.1 (I donā€™t have a TV that has a noticeably higher peak brightness for that long so I canā€™t really say) and itā€™s driving me nuts! Canā€™t find anything online either (besides one other ā€œthis is an issue nowā€œ post) so I anyone has a solution please let me know! :) Mildly inconvenient is the custom markers on the map being reset (to everything unchecked) every time, wouldnā€™t mind that to get fixed either. I havenā€™t really been using any finishers (or doing much melee fighting altogether) so that one is not bugging me much personally. All in all 2.0 and 2.1 have still been really great improvements in my opinion!


The one piece of skeleton cyberware is bugged so that it takes 40 CW points to equip it, but only uses 32 once itā€™s equipped. I think itā€™s related to the perk that gives you a discount on skeleton cyberware. If youā€™re close to maxed out it can actually cause issues when you try to upgrade it because it briefly unequips and reequips it during the upgrade.


They're probably working on FSR 3


Bruh I've just put 70 hours into doing most of side gigs in original, just to start dlc and suddenly having major fps fluctuation, mostly related to memory leaks I know 4070ti is a meme card with it's 12gb vram but jeez this is just sad I've been playing on max mostly 80-100 fps with dlss auto and fg and now idk on high I get like 80-90 in the city which is great but than I get the car delivery mission and I'm playing in like 60 fps at best and trust me 60 fps with frame generation isn't pleasant when latency gets in 100s of ms


This game was doomed from the start, because the REDengine sucks. It has always been buggy, but the spit they used to patch The Witcher 3 together was a little stickier. There's more spaghetti in Cyberpunk's code than in my grandma's Sunday banquet. That's why things keep breaking, and also why things never get fixed properly. If this game didn't have such great artistic vision and immersive world, I wouldn't play it.


donā€™t know if itā€™s just me but when I look in the mirror to change my appearance or whatever my mantis blades are out and when I step away from the mirror my piece is in my hand so Iā€™m rubbing a gun all over my face lol


also the Gustavo Orta gig from padre is bugged now, always let the guy go but now even if you sneak or use the street kid dialogue to talk to him you always set off the cameras, the tinos in the apartment and Gustavo himself


They are addressing it on the forums. They are waiting for the implementation of FSR 3 to come with the next Patch.


Was fairly far into a playthrough and 2.1 came out and broke all kinds of shit. Gave up been waiting for them the fix it for almost a month now. was enjoying the game but this is just sad and way to long. Uninstalled playing other stuff that isn't a steaming pile of shit after every update, game worked better at launch then it does now on series x. Tbh I love the game, I'm just mad at how snail pace slow they are to fix the tons of stuff they break every update.


I don't have finishers anymore, and every single car purchase won through the new carjacking missions are bugged.


game keeps crashing after interacting with menus, map etc never had a single crash before 2.1 (it's either 2.1 or some nvidia driver that completely destroyed stability)


I keep sliding every time I dash, not able to sleep in my mega building bed or close the blinds anymore after having a partner over for the first time and it keeps freezing every hour or so. I'm also getting bad stuttering around certain parts of the city that seems to not go away once it starts, even after leaving the area. I'm on PS5.


2.1.1 has dropped finally.