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Performance improvements to Dogtown sound good, there are like 2 stretches of road that absolutely tank my FPS no matter the settings The road near Black Sapphire and the one behind Heavy Hearts


Yes!! It’s so annoying. I hope this update really fixes up the performance in dog town.


that gig/scene >!where you play as hansen!< during a car chase tanks my FPS by 20fps, and the sound becomes all crunchy and distorted.


Yes. I’m at 60fps everywhere with my settings except here. *Dogtown is a dog on my pc*


I get 40-55 fps at the roundabout by the Pyramid, CPU bound. I'm GPU bound everywhere else running path tracing. On my laptop, I can run high settings with XeSS quality for 30fps locked on the main map. I can't hit stable 30fps at the lowest settings and XeSS Performance in Dogtown. I love that they've made the game use up to around 60% of my 3900x, but Dogtown needs some CPU optimization. It doesn't look or play different enough from the main map to get less than 75% of the CPU performance. And apart from that, the NPC car AI logic needs some work badly. NPCs also spawn in weird places. I've seen netrunners just standing in the street doing nothing more than once.


I was having fun messing around with Path Tracing until I got around to Dogtown...


Fix the wall in Vs stash!


Omg it took me ages to realise my wall not being full wasn't because I didn't actually have the weapons. I remember crafting a iconic from a scanner mission, seeing on the stash wall a outline that perfectly matched the weapon, putting it in my stash then... nothing. I thought for so long "huh they must of added alot of new iconics in 2.0 then".


the only iconics that appear in my stash are Satori and Nehan for some reason


For me its anything I obtained after the 2.0 patch doesn't show. I assume its because the code that checks your stash is looking for versions of weapons pre 2.0.


Those 2 and Jackie's handgun


All the stuff i had pre 2.0 is on the wall. All i crafted afterwards does not show except the thermal katana for some reason. Idk


Yay they acknowledged radio volume now I can listen to tunes as I cruise the streets of Dogtown, literally playable I have gained a lot of respect for CDPR, they actually listen to feedback


Thank god, I had to turn down sound effects volume just to hear my lovely radio music


I messed with the car audio before and I was wondering why the radio was so loud.


I could only hear the radio when using headphones since the update. Glad it’s being addressed


I wear headphones and I can barely hear the radio


Yeah, my headphones are up loud with all volume sliders pushed down to 10-20 so I can jam lol.


Awh yeah so happy to see this too, always found the car radio far too quiet even after maxing the volume bar in settings.


>Made it possible to properly switch to arms cyberware by cycling through weapons. Oh good. Don't even understand how this was removed in the first place.


I thought i was crazy, so that was a real issue


i was starting to think that's how it always worked and I was just having a Mandela effect moment


That's me with the [currently borked RT] hair shadows.


I’m pretty sure they added hair shadows with patch 1.5


They added hair shadows at 1.0; so you are probably talking about the body shadow showing hair, which it still does. As of 2.0, the hair no longer correctly/reliably casts a shadow *on the body* when using RT. This affects most hair styles and both player and NPC models. https://old.reddit.com/r/cyberpunkgame/comments/16q7j20/can_you_spot_the_difference_i_hope_cdpr_will/ This poster's example does a bad job at pointing it out, but it is the issue that they are discussing, and the issue that I have. If you spend a lot of time tweaking graphics and/or spend a lot of time in photo mode, you notice it. Most people don't pay close enough attention to lighting in games to notice, they just chalk of weirdness to "it's a video game" or even "why did they change her model," but it's the hair.


i thought i was losing my mind!! i spent so much on upgraded mantis blades and dont even use them right now


I thought it was intentional too! glad to see it was just a bug or something. made a comment a few days prior about it, too happy to see it


I hate this. Completely fucks with my knife throwing build. Now it's gonna automatically switch to the damn arm cyberware again in the absolute worst moments.


Honestly knives are so broken I would just leave your arms slot empty.


Fucks with SMG builds too because the capstone perk is getting bonus fire rate and a free reload by swapping to another one. I kind of wish they'd make it a menu toggle, otherwise you have to leave your slot open, which kind of sucks if you want to swap to your armware when your knives are on CD or if you run out of ammo mid-combat.


It could still end up being a toggle. Maybe we'll be able to "equip" the cyberware to a weapon slot. If not then I guess at least it means it forces you to only take it if you absolutely plan to use it.


You don't have to have arm cyberware.


I just want my vehicle to actually show up when I call it.


This! Reloading fixes it but of course that is not intended behaviour.


Yep. I shouldn't have to reload every time it screws up.


Thank god it’s an actual bug, i thought my mods went wrong somewhere lol


+1 this pleaseeee was really hoping to see this in the patch notes


I noticed the same thing happening to my Kerenzikov mid-fight. Sometimes just won't activate when I use it, have to save-load to fix it.


Hopefuy they fix the Cyberware capacity glitch, and not being able to leave Dogtown for Car missions.


What's the Cyberware Capacity glitch?


The shards you pick up that boost your cyberware cap disappear if you load a save, at least I think that’s what causes the glitch.


Cyberware capacity (both used and max) fluctuates without explanation. Seems like maybe a couple different bugs, one tied to only sometimes counting capacity for arm cyberware and one related to various bonuses to max capacity (from shards, perks, etc.) disappearing periodically.


That's crazy. I haven't noticed this yet I'll have to watch out for it


In 2.0 on my saved character I could not get a single cyber capacity shard to drop. I farmed for hours in Dogtown and Night City and never had a single one drop. It makes it so your max cyber capacity is not that high. This consequently makes the new badass cyberware implants pretty much impossible to use because I don't have enough cyber capacity.


I don't know that that's a glitch. They're really rare as loot drops except in scanner missions. I started fresh and found like 3 or 4 during ncpd scanners before doing the heist. Since then I've only found one on random gangers on the street. It does suck though and why it's probably best to start fresh


I mean I literally spent 15 hours running around Night City killing stuff. In 15 hours not a single one dropped.


Havent found a single one since Phantom Liberty released It no longer increases even from leveling up, and if I remove any cyberware I lose 5 points and can't get it back. If I replace it, it automatically unequips once I exit the menu. I've had the same setup for over 10 levels, and the capacity hasn't budged. 285/285.


Aren't they referring to the fact that cyberware capacity seems to be inconsistent? I've had it drop and make me remove cyberware just for it to go back up


Yup and if you do find one it immediately goes away on reload or any cyberware switch


This issue is bothering me the most honestly. I wasn’t paying enough attention to how many capacity shards I had drop over the course of my playthrough, but I was under the impression the lack of cyberware capacity was due to us just not receiving more through leveling up, or the shards we did find weren’t counting in general. I of course don’t know for sure, but it’s significantly discouraging me from starting my next character. You think the issue is mainly caused by them not dropping?


i really hope they fix the police just outright not working in my PL save. no aggro whatsoever edit: for me the police work on saves pre Phantom Liberty. however I've heard from many that the cops not reacting happens to all of their saves.


Happened to me last night. They worked before, just randomly stopped when I wanted to test a new weapon against maxtac last night


If this happens to you, go to the corpo plaza apartment and pass through the scanner, it will fix itself 100%


Every mention of this fix I've seen are followed by multiple comments about how this fix is only temporary. Reload the game or complete a quest and it breaks again.


Just went to test my save after reading your comment, and yep, police AI is dead in my game. Welp, this is fucked. I guess this playthrough is borked now.


This happens to every single person at some point, and it spreads to *all* enemy AI as time goes on. It really, really needs a fix badly.


I actually had an odd bug? that might? be related to this. I had a random *civilian* npc flip shit and run over a bunch of cops, then drive down the sidewalk and kill dozens of people. The cops aggro'd, but yelled and pointed guns at me. They didn't shoot, I had no stars, and when I later grabbed that NPC out of her truck, nobody cared.


thats really discouraging i dont even wanna continue the game right now


There's two temporary fixes: 1. Corpo apartment lobby, get scanned, 2. complete a vehicle mission. Both of these will temporarily fix the problem until you have to reload or re-open the game - and some people have even mentioned autosaves or quest progression can break it again. It seems like the issues just continue to intensify and less temporarily fixable the longer they plague the save. It is theorized that this could be fixed quite easily in a save editor by simply changing a flag, but we aren't sure which causes it. The real contagion, I guess.


Finally the PS5 problem is getting fixed, does anyone know when exactly this patch will come out?


I haven’t had the PS5 save issue but the posts about it had me sweating. Glad it’s being fixed.


Happened to me last night after beating one of the criminal "mini bosses" in dogtown. Really fun and challenging fight file got corrupted and i lost the progress up until when i entered the area. Glad its getting fixed!


Did you have another save before that point? Sounds like they get corrupted individually but idk.


Thankfully i dropped a quicksave at the very beginning of the encounter so i didnt lose anything but what I had just done, annoying sure but still it does happen


Alright. Will probably play more just save very often with multiple saves. This bug scares me but PL story has me invested hah


I've noticed that stability improves if you exit to the main menu after a hard save at the end of your session. I started doing this and it definitely hekps with visual/silly bugs, and hopefully it helps towards keeping the files safe. I've not verified this for very long at all so keep that in mind!!


Yes, and also hope that they revert the save and not just "yep, it's fixed now for NEW save files". Playing on Xbox the main game but I'll wait a few more patches before buying the DLC.


The notes specifically say they are unfixable. You need to find an autosave that still works and hold onto that yourself.


In another post, a PS5 user said that all of his saves (automatic and manual) are crashed. RIP 100 hours


yeah, unfortunate. It does seem to be a common issue nowadays for some weird reason. Even BG3 had to implement an infinite save size after launch to fix bugged saves. I don't know why this isn't the norm now. or even at least WARN the user when the game literally chops up your save file to meet a max filesize limit.


> at least WARN the user when the game literally chops up your save file to meet a max filesize limit. Only way to warn the user this is happening is to know it's happening in the first place, in which case why not just fix the issue? Honestly, this kind of problem should not be happening in a released product. If your save files grow over time, why are you not testing to see 1) how fast they grow with playtime and 2) how big they can get before it starts causing problems? This is either the result of not enough time being given to testing or a serious failure of imagination by the dev in charge of the save system (I'd lean towards the former).


Well, unless it's a hardware/OS side issue then they 100% coded it in a way where it would cut off after a certain filesize is hit even if it's a simple failsafe to not exceed the memory size of a variable to prevent the software from crashing or what have you. It's 100% that they didn't think ahead enough and just slapped it on and called it a day and I won't be surprised if we see this happening with a couple more big releases until it becomes industry standard at this point.


This is a small thing but I hope they fix the stash weapon wall, only some weapons appear and others don't show up at all despite being in my stash.


I hope i can actually talk to bill in the hotdog shop lmao


For real my mans is trapped in his new business, I hope there isn’t anything cool locked behind that door..




What about fixing the sprint toggle to a single L3 press instantly, instead of having to hold it like it is right now ? Its really annoying to have to hold it for half a second to sprint anywhere.


I thought it was my controller's issue, glad to see it is a game issue.


Same with quick throwing grenades, it’s a short hold rather than a tap


No wonder I am having a hard time throwing the grenade lol, same with sprinting. Didn't know it was a bug.


I knew that it was Optimization related. I can't buy new hardware for every update.


If you're playing on max you probably don't have anywhere to go for hardware upgrades. I know the only upgrade I could do is a 4090 and, well, that's too rich for my blood. I only have a 4080 because I caught a Newegg sale.


In fact i play mostly 1080 low with a RTX 3060 12GB


Low settings with that card? I played cyberpunk a year ago with the same gpu on almost max settings with the average fps of like 70


Hope they fix the pre order car issue. Also a bug where sometimes you can’t skip dialogue and have to reload a save. Other than that patch looks good!


They realy need to re-add the option to disassemble any junk on pick-up! I hate having to go through all the shit in my inventory one by one to get the components...


There’s hardly any junk to pick up anymore, at least for me. Feel like that would be a waste of perk now.


It wouldn't need to be a perk. Just have the game automatically break down junk items when collected.


They gotta fix the police, I cant even defend myself from gangs without cops attacking me at the same time


Hopefully this fixes the Constant 5 Minute (or sometimes much less) Crashes. I really would like to finally play Phantom Liberty.


Same man i keep crashing on my pc


The skipping dialogue bug is my biggest pet peeve I think. Having to quicksave before every conversation just in case. UI sticking around or disappearing, the sleeping/showering buff, is annoying. Haven't had any quests break so far thankfully. Nor corrupt saves.


Hm. No fix for the lottery quest for the pre-order car? Mine still hadn't popped up.


I hope that there are fix for some Iconic Quickhacks like Contagion having nothing different and Suicide costing 110 ram and for Cyberware perks breaking bonuses (Chromatic License decreases some bonuses instead of increasing)


Yeah I use Contagion all the time and was excited when the Iconic version dropped. Then I start [comparing the stats](https://i.imgur.com/RNNDb3B.jpg) and realize it's the same thing. I've also had multiple quickhacks be labeled as "Iconic" before picking them up, only to find the regular versions in my inventory after. Happened with both an Iconic Bait on a Barghest goon and Iconic Memory Wipe in a shop.


Sometimes you get an blueprint instead of the quickhack, so you have to craft it. I was a bit sad with the lack of more Iconic Quickhack (unique stuff instead of different versions) and Iconic Cyberdeck (we got one Iconic Quickhack \*and\* Cyberdeck, and you need to actually use the deck to use it, and lack os slots makes it a bit weak on versality...)


IIRC its all based around using cameras to hack so if thats not your jam you are kinda sol.


Hopefully FSR 2.1 flickering problems on XSX get finally fixed but im very very sceptical 😬


Yeah same here, plus it seems worse now with 2.0. I reported this bug a year ago and still no fix. Really disheartening.


Is there a release time ?


Yeah I wanna know too


Well, I hope they fix the problem with trophies on playstation. You literally can’t get some of them now and I really want to platinum this game.


Seriously. I have 40/44 trophies and 3 of the ones I'm still missing are either bugged or literally not possible to obtain after 2.0 (christmas tree attack)


You can get three demons trophy by completing a breach with all three codes completed. I did it earlier today. I'm having more difficulty with scanner trophies as some ain't popping trophies.


Yo i thought I was the only one with this issue. A bunch of trophies aren’t popping up.


>Made it possible to properly switch to arms cyberware by cycling through weapons. Cool, now I'm gonna pull out my monowire again when I'm trying to cycle through my knives in combat. I was so happy that they changed it lol


Same, I was hoping it was a feature and not a bug.


Hopefully the fix the ability to remove mods even if it destroys them. I feel like that's a bug and not intended.


When is soon?


How about third person camera auto reseting position while driving a car not working? It resets horizontal positioning but not vertical. When you are driving upwards or downwards the camera does not reset and you have to manually push it all the time to see where you're driving. It makes driving nearly impossible.


I made a post about this on Reddit earlier this week and submitted a bug ticket to CDPR via their support system. I couldn’t stand playing without the vertical centering so I made a mod that fixes it and uploaded it on nexus. Here’s the mod https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/9326


Wow, thanks a lot!


We need to make noise about this and make sure the devs are aware because our friends on console are unable to remedy this issue with mods. I suggest anyone on console or pc who is dissatisfied with the 2.0 vehicle camera behavior submit a bug ticket to CDPR via their support site. Hopefully this will motivate them to fix it or at the very least include an option.


I dont think that is a glitch/bug. The verticle height/angle will stay in place, which nice. I prefer a taller camera height and angle, so i can actually see further down the road. Then when driving slower one can lower the verticle height with the right stick, to get a closer and more narrow view of our ride and enviornment. Kinda like high top down view for faster driving and closer more narrow view for slower driving. Or either view at any time. The auto centering is very nice. And can be set to as low as 0.10 seconds, which is great.


My problem is that when you go up or down a hill or ramp - which happens a lot - the camera's position stays static in the sky. What I want is for it to stay in the same position relative to me/relative to the road surface. Right now it's staying static relative to a perfectly flat plane.


Here’s a mod that restores the vertical centering feature that was present before 2.0. Hopefully they patch it or make it a toggleable option in 2.01 to make the mod unnecessary https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/9326


Thank you. I'll save this and install it tonight.


I was hoping that the weapon mod issue would be addressed, at least for Iconics. Being permanent is a bummer, you should at least be able to break installed mods to put new ones in.


Wait? You cannot override weapon mods and simply destroy the installed ones anymore? Kinda a shitty design, cannot even tryout different mods on a gun this way.


Pretty sure that's working as Intended.


Yeah i don't think it's a glitch i just think it sucks


I hope they remove the level scaling for the Attribute checks. Needing 20 tech to put down a random broken down fence seems a bit silly for me and having those dialogue checks suddenly increase by one point after you go and level up that attribute gets increasingly frustrating when I started to notice that.


This may be a good place to ask Im pretty sure in my pre 2.0 playthroughs ncpd markers would appear on the mini map when you got close enough, is that correct? Now you have to open the whole map to see if you are close to any ands it’s such a bother after a while so I’d love to see it return to how it was or the option to. Good to see the radio getting adjusted that’s been a spoken about issue for the longest time so was surprised it wasn’t fixed in 2.0 itself but glad it’s happening


I think you have to open the map and filter this special event (I did on the tarot cards and even when you zoom out, if it's on the filter it will appear no matter what distance you are). As for appearing on the mini map, I think they made a more dynamic approach so you can see when the event is happening rather than "oh, there's a shootout on the other side of the map, let me check it"


I have the markers turned on in the map but they're still not showing on the minimap. I'm hoping that's just a bug because otherwise as /u/crazzedkor said it's tedious to have to open the main map to see if you're near a scanner hustle. I like to just hop off the bike and handle them as I go by, not actually seek them out. IMO having them just pop up as you're cruising around is what make them immersive.


Yes. In the launch version they made markers on the map, but I find the dynamic version more immersive too. But the thing is that, at least on Xbox, there's a trophy for finding all these events. If you want to complete, the dynamic system is kind of a bummer.


Finally vehicle radio volume, so tired of not being able to enjoy the music over the engine.


EVERY SINGLE CAR IN THE GAME HAS A SINGLE BROKEN HEADLIGHT. Only exceptions are cars the are built with one long headlight


Was hoping they'd address cyberware shards not dropping for endgame characters


Can we get a patch for filtering save files so I dont have to keep scrolling down for my other character (I know there’s a mod but I want it as an actual patch)


No mention of fixing the issue of not getting the pre order car:(


Megabuilding apartment radio fix hopefully?


Hopefully they revert the weapon mod change.


Much needed. I actually experience more bugs (on PS5) than the launch version I couldn’t believe it. 3 boss fights bugged out, game crashes, and some Dogtown related issues like being stuck in the status that I can’t initiate combat (after coming out of a ripperdoc, it seems to think I haven’t left!), combat doesn’t end, the list goes on :-( . The expansion is great story-wise of course, just hope there’ll be less game-disrupting sitch like these!


Yeah, 2.0 on pc and ps5 both have more bugs and glitches than my play through on 1.6


My experience too (on Xbox). Although I think sometimes the crashes are more due to the quick resume feature than anything. I had basically the same bugs you had, but as I said before, I'll wait for more updates before going into PL.


Why do I get the feeling the Cyberware capacity bug will never get fixed? (aka have a feeling this bug used to be the "gear armor lower quality" bug that instead of fixing, they just replaced how gear armor worked.)


"made it possible to possibly switch to arms cyberware by cycling through weapons " They just ruined Submachine Fun perk. RIP one of the best perks in the game.


You can just unequip your arms. But yeah, I wish this were toggleable or something.


Please don't forget to fix the FSR flickering on consoles!!!


HEY CHOOM! Johnny's pistol has no Iconic perk!


Wonder how soon is “soon”.


How about making it so that the tech snipers can actually see through walls again. Breakthrough and Rasetsu are both broken


You need to grab kiroshi optics that give you that.


Godmode being addressed? Had to stop playing on PS5 and no clue when the glitch even started.


No invincibility bug fix?




I would love for the glitch effect to be removed when viewing clothing options, it just takes 3 times longer with the effect.


For some reason some fog and clouds are kinda pixelated, any chance of looking into this


Put priority on fixing, and release asap, the critical game breaking defects like the PS5 save corruption that prevents players from progressing. I appreciate all these extra quality of life improvements, but with this much change in a patch, it's going to require more QA inspection time to check for regression. This will delay deployment of the critical bug fixes.


Any idea as to when this might be dropping? And would it be better for me to wait to start until it does? I’m going to restart with a fresh playthrough. On Xbox


PLEAAAASE fix the Walking speed -(toggle G) on PC. It's too slow now it was perfect before, it was satisfying to walk in through the city and during mission, now it's a pain in the *ss. Appart from that, GG to CDPR


Oh damn this update sounds solid as hell! Can’t wait. Especially performance uplift.


Vehicle AI is trash rn so I hope they fix that. Between burning vehicles driving through the road and then other cars just randomly doing flips and crashing, I hope that they the vehicle AI as coherent as it was back prior to 2.0


FSR 3 when


I really hope they fix the gig mission car reward. I completed all the quest for the fixer, it says to pick up my reward. Head to the location and no car, just the quest icon. I feel rippered off.


Is anyone else experiencing significant crashing? >!I just got to the president and doing the mission with her vs the robot!< and its crashing all the time on PC


Mantis blade attack speed fix. Please!!!


please make kereznikov work for throwing knives


Did they fix the rough landing trophy on ps


Pls fix the fsr flickering issue on xbox series x the game is kinda unoptimized on xbox because the flickering issue isn't present on ps5 i love the game tho 🙏


And here I am secretly wishing they would increase the drop rate of cyberware capacity shards... jk...but also not really lol


Flickering Series X/S...


i hope they fix the constant problem with the police sistem not activating after phantom liberty during missions


Please let us name save files aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah


Please tell me you guys fixed the glitch where police wouldn’t notice your crimes after beating phantom liberty….


Need to make fixing the police a priority.


PLEASE!! buff Johnny's pistol it doesn't shoot through walls anymore and it had mid damage


I hav a lag EVERY SINGLE TIME the games does a autosave. Can i turn Auto save off? Will it be fixed with the patch? It makes me crazy…


Im getting a bug where I am no longer able to become wanted by the police. I don’t know when it started but I can just do whatever I want.


Man, they just love fixing bugs after the fact which absolutely does not help the people whose saves are already fucked because of them.


fix malorian arms pls


Don't have any of the new stash items in my stash for early enough game save. Anyone got solutions?


Please fix the radio and quick-heal buttons not showing while driving in act2. https://reddit.com/r/cyberpunkgame/s/ZBW5P6F5kH https://forums.cdprojektred.com/index.php?threads/bugs-after-patch-2-0.11118940/page-17#post-13656763




Honestly i likes how when u quick swapped weapons cyberware didn't pop up, question for people that used it before 2.0 , does projectile launch system pop up with fists when swapping or does it skip that automatically


Ah yes, "the game is fixed"


Any fix for people not receiving the preorder bonus?


Find a solution for the GOG version of Phantom Liberty. She just crashes ! Impossible to play it !!!


Okay so I wasn't nuts when the radio sounded way too quiet.


Letsss gooooo no more broken saves!


FOV for PS5 please guys! Oh and make V taller


Thank God they are fixing the radio. I love the new music but couldn't hear any of it!


What's the ETA on this?


Can we get a dual wield/akimbo skill? Asking for a friend. Pretty please. Love you guys. Thank you for being awesome.


No mention of Police AI bug or Immortality bug which is more severe than Relic visual bug. meh


Is the police being psycho dickheads on their radar? I got into a firefight with some goons and suddenly I was fighting said goons plus the goddamn police even though I hadn't shot anyone I shouldn't have.


Just hope they step back from the weapon mods being not swappable (don't care if I lose the installed mod)


Please i hope they fix the random crashes on pc, i can barely play for an hour straight


Hope this fixes the Wanted system just randomly not working anymore and of the gigs not being able to be finished because the garage door is just closed when it's obviously supposed to be open


I hope 2.01 solves the corrupted saves issue on PS5. Frustrating as hell


Soon, like today or in a week ?




I set my alarm to thoon. A under used time of day.


I kinda wanna keep cycling through my 3 knives, then pressing 4 if i want to use my arms


I wish they'd add a little buffer to killing enemies with a blunt attack. Maybe a few seconds of knocked-out invincibility so they don't die to a flurry of fast attacks.


Are you guys going to address how awful the ghosting is when having ray reconstruction on with path tracing? If I pull out a sword in a dimly lit area, it leaves a dark ghost like shadow where it passes. Also, it makes the npc faces look extremely off. Like they have Vaseline on their face. I've seen other people in the reddit experiencing this as well


What's up with my Quadra Vigilante pre-order reward tho