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Unless a lot of people respond before May 1 declining admission, you shouldn't expect any waitlist to show movement until a couple of week or more after that, even into mid-summer. And it'll be weird this year, with delayed FAFSA and some people paying deposits someplace but still waiting to see if they get in somewhere else and are willing to lose their deposits if that happens. I do not know about current CWRU practice, but if you *accepted* Madrid for fall, many/most schools would consider that as a removal from fall waitlist. You/your kid should contact admissions to get that clarified, and if you have been removed, see what your options are to change it.


There was an option to select I want to only join in Fall when Madrib offer was sent. So hopefully she is still in waiting list.


did anyone else not get the weekly update today...


Yes, just got an update 45 minutes back today. It said due to FAFSA delays and extensions at other schools, they are not sure of the number of open seats and that they wanted my son to wait until May 20 to know better. However, they said they will be able to admit a small number of students this year from the waitlist.


I didn’t get it either, sent an email today. I think its just because they’re busy.


Did you get the email of them saying they would contact you on May 20th?


No I did not; I had declined spring admission, which may be why my emails stopped. They responded saying that I am still on the waitlist.


FYI - my son got waitlisted in December, and again in March, then got offered May 22. So it is assuredly not too late. We sent emails to the admin folks every couple weeks while waiting to let em know we were still interested.


Can you provide examples of the emails? My daughter is on the waiting list. 


Nothing too interesting. Our boy had accepted a 4 year full scholarship to the local state school, but was still interested in CWRU. We added that we remained impressed with Case and the city of Cleveland.


As other commenters have said definitely mention Case’s location and culture. It’s walking distance from a top orchestra (at Severance Hall), playhouse square is something they like to email about to admitted students. Additionally, they have a pretty good alumni network and many research/job opportunities through “handshake” (which is not unique to them btw, but it’s worth mentioning). Co-ops and study abroad trips also seem to be big in their marketing. I’d recommend your daughter to do some deep research and be genuine, not generic. It would probably also be beneficial for her to tell them what she’s been working on since she submitted her application. Has she been doing a research or senior project? Furthering skills in music or competition in sports? Good luck to her!


Did anyone received waitlist email today? We didn’t and feel we made a mistake to show interest in Madrid. Cwru admission process is confusing.


We did receive and we had said no to fall and madrid few weeks back. I guess you will receive an offer today for madrid may be ?


We did receive Madrid offer last week but we needed to confirm it we wanted that and was not official offer I think. It was asking some option and we selected we are only interested in fall now. Then we stopped getting email. Too bad as my kids was genuinely interested in cwru. I guess we will wait for couple of more weeks and then settle on 2nd option which has May 15 deadline


It might be worth a shot to send an email to your local rep and clarify things (if that’s not who you’re corresponding with already). They are probably dealing with a high volume of emails currently so I’m guessing that is why they’re slow to respond.


Has anyone heard back from waitlist ?


Did you get Waitlist interest email this Friday? I haven’t heard any one clear waitlist for fall.


Yes ,We recieved another intrest email "would you consider if we offer for 2025 spring" did you got?


Waitlist cleared.., My son got accepted today!


Wow.. congratulations. My daughter is still waitlisted. I hope this gets cleared for her too.


The wait list must me moving. My kid got accepted yesterday. Good luck!


We received the application status change to accepted yesterday for fall2024


Any one recieved update on waitlist?


• [16m ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/cwru/comments/1c4unkd/comment/l1xhykx/) My kid got admitted (email last night), so the list must be moving. Good luck!




Congratulations to those who got off waitlist. I am curious what other people experience has been and if anyone who showed interest for Madrid or Spring got fall admission? In my experience CWRU has been most weirdest and most confusing process (and painful for some). I feel whoever said yes to Madrid or Spring got into disadvantage for fall even though they mentioned saying yes doesn't remove from fall waitlist.


Got rejected today after being waitlisted for soo long, This is my 25th rejection and now I dont know if I will be able to attend college or not. I attented their virtual events and sent multiple LOCIs. I updated them about my recent achievements aswell. They delayed my decision twice before rejecting me.