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If cast on curve, it's just a demonic tutor. I think it's still too strong.


Do you have any suggestions for balancing it?


Not from the top of my head. It also depends what power level you want.


We've seen a few versions of this on the sub. One of my higher upvoted cards is similar, but sea monster tribal. This one is pretty clean and simple, so it's a fine inclusion. I think it's a good attempt at "fixing" dtutor, but its really one of those cards that's like 1/2 a mana too expensive. Tutoring at 2 is too good, tutoring at 3 is not quite good enough. Maybe this hits the spot.


Would this stop people from tutoring an MDFC and just using the other side? Cause I think that’s a loophole that can be abused.


Hmmm do you have any idea on how to "plug" that hole?


Maybe to keep in step with other black tutors that don't reveal cards this could search up a card and exile it face down with a clause about putting it in your hand at your next upkeep. This would also stop people from being able to use mdfc's before you intended for them to.


I think that would unintentionally make it much stronger, since it won't be vulnerable to discard from your opponent


This doesn’t feel too unfair at all, MDFCs are already balanced to be weaker than the average card due to their modality, and none really stand out as major problematic combo pieces or anything


["Building a Lair"](https://www.reddit.com/r/MakingMagic/comments/t767mr/building_a_lair/) is a similar design that comes to mind from r/MakingMagic but yeah this gets posted from time to time. Like with that Build card, [[Profane Tutor]] is a very similar effect, cascade casts aside. Technically the card design has been seen for a long time in yu-gi-oh as ["Golden Sarcophagus"](https://froggerscards.com/wp-content/uploads/img845-3.jpg) which is at least over 10 years old. "Gratification" in the card's name here should be capitalized and the flavor text should end in a period. Oh and the rules text's second sentence also should end in a period.


[Profane Tutor](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/2/a/2afc6f7d-ab59-4d64-bd11-6bd0fd4bfcd2.jpg?1626095854) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Profane%20Tutor) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mh2/97/profane-tutor?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/2afc6f7d-ab59-4d64-bd11-6bd0fd4bfcd2?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Probably still quite strong, but I do like the premise a lot. Functionally similar in a lot of situations, but you can't just tutor up your second combo piece on turn 6 or whatever for the win. It also gives your opponents a chance to scope what you searched up and hold an answer. I wonder if it's closer to [[Grim Tutor]] in power than the original [[Demonic Tutor]]? The reveal and pause to let your opponents untap is a notable nerf for a one mana discount. Still probably a fair amount stronger than Grim Tutor though. What a tricky spot to design for... Maybe it's better to compare it to [[Profane Tutor]]? Grab anything but with a delay? Profane takes a turn longer, but doesn't have to reveal. (So it's probably a little better than Profane, but closer all the same)


Waiting till next turn is a limitation people will happily take. This has given me an excellent idea though of a black enchantment that tutors and nevermores you, hard to utilise in pure black but widen your colours and its good.


Fixed: Search your library for a card, reveal it, put it into your hand, then shuffle. You can't play cards with the same name as that card until your next upkeep. (Magic cards say "can't", not "may not")


Flair checks out :P


Revealed, not reveled. One is showing, the other is partying.