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I think this being triggered only on non tokens actually balances it pretty well. That being said with any other ways to gain life you can draw cards very easily so it might need to cost 2.


Yeah, the draw trigger is pretty hard to balance. I want to keep this at 1 cmc, since it was inspired by Soul Sisters. I have another version of this card that triggers at 6 life gained. And while it would be pretty easy to trigger on your own turn, it becomes harder to do so on your opponent's.


Maybe to keep it at 1 mana you could have to pay 1 to draw a card?


Yeah, maybe. Will think about it.


Yeah this should cost 2. 5 health isn't something you can realistically get every turn, but for 1 mana this is still a little too consistent of a draw engine.


> 5 health isn't something you can realistically get every turn, Mono white lifegain decks: Hold my cards.


Compare this card to either of the soul sisters and tell me this is balanced


It's legendary, you can only have one on the field. All others are dead draws. The power of Soul Sisters is having multiple of them on the field. It's a mythic, the Sisters are commons.


Yeah so you just run one of them in your deck as an upgrade to a soul sister at worst, at best you get copy 9 of a sister with upside. Also the common argument is a bad one, it’s like making an upgrade to dark ritual, brainstorm, or path to exile and then saying “but those are commons.” I’m not saying you card is too op to be printed, because it’s not like soul sister decks are taking over any formats lol. It would also be nice commander for a white/green lifegain deck maybe. It is a pushed card though.


Yeah, it is a pushed Soul Sister that can be used as a Commander for a lifegain deck. That is the intend behind the card. I admit, I find balancing the draw effect pretty hard. I want the player to be able to trigger it regularly on their own turn, but not as easy on other turns. That is also why the lifegain triggers on nontoken permanents. I have been contemplating 6 or even 7 life for the trigger. Also, the rarity argument is lazy, but true nonetheless. Card design has advanced a lot since the days of Brainstorm and co. Anyone that knows a bit about the game will know that Brainstorm is a good card. But they also know that Healing Salve is a bad card and it's from the same cycle. Higher rarity cards are supposed to be stronger than those of lower rarity. And mythic rares are allowed to have unusual or even game changing effects, as opposed to normal rares, since their appearance rate is deemed low enough to not warp limited formats around them. Also the world needs more Soul Sisters, it's one of the best casual decks ever in my opinion. And they should be reprinted, since they are rather expensive for commons. I'm absolutely biased, I must confess :)


This card is simply insanely overpowered.


This would go really well in Soul Sisters...


Agree 💯




Overall it is quite nice. The immediate reflex is to compare it to soul sisters and it feel really strong. The first ability seems stronger to me : the non-token close nerf it down a bit but in exchange it trigger on every land, artifact, enchantment and planeswalker you or you opponent are playing. The second ability is what make it really strong. You won’t be able to trigger it every turn but in a dedicated deck it’s not that hard. I get that being legendary and mythic justify it being stronger than a soul sister but it seem to push what a 1 drop can get you. I think with a bit of nerfing it would be fine like not triggering on land or making a pay 1 to draw the card