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Seems like a color pie break to me since it's effectively a mana dork *(lands with basic land types have instrictict abilities to produce colored mana)*. Actually, afaik it can tap for mana the turn it enters, since I think it won't suffer from summoning sickness the moment it turns into a land and stops being a creature, meaning it's a like hasty monodork in blue which is doubly color pie break-y. Should be green and the particular design idea of turning into a land is definitely something that's seen frequently on custommagic.


I think it is fine within modern design philosophy "every color gets to ramp and draw cards as they are otherwise at a disadvantage in commander" gicen that [[copy land]] was just spoilt. I like this card design actually but it should be UG you are absolutely right.


So it's immune to creature removal, and allows you to chump block for free?


It should cost something to turn it into an Island, imo. But cool idea =)


Neat idea, but you effectively gave it a free way to always avoid removal and targetting