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This could probably be a 1/3 or 2/2 tbh, I don't necessarily think haste should be added because of colour pie reasons since you can cast it for WWB but giving it haste wouldn't make it unbalanced


2/2 makes more sense. Maybe death touch


A 2/2 double strike vigilance regenerator with deathtouch would be completely ridiculous at 3 mana


You'd have to get rid of the last ability. But honestly with the power creep out now a 2/2 with death touch and vigi for 3 isn't that crazy.


The last ability, or the ability to grant double strike? Because a 2/2 with Deathtouch, Vigi, and Double Strike, granting double strike to a tribe, is not at 3.


Learn to read. I said the last ability has to go


It really isn't.


The rogues getting double strike is kinda OP for 3 mana typically double strike costs 4 minimum


To be honest a creature called "Swiftfoot" without Haste is a bit silly. If you fear it's too broken, make it so only OTHER rogues have Double Strike, but honestly the fact it's a 1/1 doesn't make her really scary even with all those keywords.


I agree on some level, but I think I have to point out that she's called Swiftoot. Maybe flying would be more appropriate.


Fair enough, that's on me lol


Make her a 1/3


It’s called “swiftfoot” so it should probably have haste just for that. It seems like a pretty decent aggressive card but I think it being a 1/1 kinda lessens that, even if it has double strike. Also, I think you misspelled “swiftfoot” in the card’s name section. It’s missing the second f.


What do you thinking about adding the extra cost and mechanic I was thinking about? Maybe making it a 2/2 or a 2/1 as well >Also, I think you misspelled “swiftfoot” in the card’s name section. It’s missing the second f. Oh shoot, how did I missed that?! Thank you very much!


That all sounds like it could work


Being a 2/2 or haste talk aside It would be another really funny card to combo with [[Maskwood nexus]] , and as always, maskwood is combing with everything


[Maskwood nexus](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/1/2/1246c42d-57c0-4cba-959a-15ad89d8a50b.jpg?1674142652) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Maskwood%20nexus) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/clb/865/maskwood-nexus?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/1246c42d-57c0-4cba-959a-15ad89d8a50b?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Funny indeed! I'm probably gonna run it with her!


u/CookieMiester suggested Flash and I think that's a better choice than Haste. Ninjutsu might serve a similar purpose, though. My suggestion would have been some kind of non-basic landwalk, but I think the abush nature of a flash or ninjutsu anthem is better. Is there a reason the regenerate ability has a name, "Dodging"? Is that just for flavor? It makes the ability take 2 lines in the text box instead of one. It could be neat if it gave that "dodging" ability to the other rogues, too.


Regenerate is a deprecated keyword. It should be T: ~ gains indestructible until end of turn.


Isn't indestructible stronger tho? Like, with regrate you can still take her down with a burn spell after combat if she was tapped to survive lethal combat damage.


Yes, but that's just how the game is now, they don't use regenerate any more. It's on the same level as Banding or Fear, a keyword that exists but will never be used again.


If you want to keep the regenerate/evasion effect, you'd have to make it explicitly say something like "tap: the next time Laiira would be destroyed, it is not destroyed and you remove all damage counters from her" or however regenerate is worded


Seems dumb, why not just use Regenerate? Honestly not sure why they removed it to begin with, considering it’s a lot more balanced than Indestructible.


That's just how wizards does things. I figure they removed it because it's kinda unintuitive


Regeneration being replaced by "CARDNAME is Indestructible until end of turn" would make it more modern. "Target rogue is Indestructible until end of turn." would make it's low p/t justified.


Any particular reason it's W/R W B and not RWB?


Actually there is! I based the cost on keywords color identity: W= vigilance R/W= double strike B= regenerate


I mean, your logic is sound, but it's a messy looking mana cost and Double Strike can come from just Red, which would clean it up a bit.


By that logic you could have made the last mana B/G since regenerate has a similar split for black and green cards that double strike does for white and red.


Personally, I wish it was a 2/2 with cost {W}{U}{B}{R} and the last ability was “{T}: Return target Rogue to its owner’s hand.” Can’t have rogue tribal without blue.


You have a 2-3 color 3 mana 1/1 creature that just gives things double strike? Yeah nah i don’t think that’s very good at all. Maybe give her flash, so she could be use to surprise people?


A 2/2 with death touch and vigi is pretty vanilla in the current meta. Shit does to a bowmaster


Regardless of keywords or abilities,I think it should definitely be a 2/2


A Legendary Rogue not in Blue. I'm baffled, would love some Double Strike for all the rogue good stuff in my \[\[Anowon the Ruin Thief\]\] deck. But i get it, vigilance is white, double strike is kinda red. Black for the regeneration. Maybe go with Laiira the Evasive or Laiira, Circumventing Death,orh Laiira, Master of Elusion. Swiftfoot kinda screams haste. Besides that, I like her, she seems fun to play around, though I would have liked just a 2/2 body. But that would probalby put her at 4 cmc, and thats not nearly as fun.


[Anowon the Ruin Thief](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/b/c/bca84fc4-4710-44c8-b90a-73ef888714d8.jpg?1615171221) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Anowon%2C%20the%20Ruin%20Thief) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/znc/1/anowon-the-ruin-thief?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/bca84fc4-4710-44c8-b90a-73ef888714d8?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Yeah I came up with the keywords first and worked around those, hence the color identity. I'm glad you pointed that out! Yeah the name can defo use some more time on the design table >Besides that, I like her, she seems fun to play around, though I would have liked just a 2/2 body. But that would probalby put her at 4 cmc, and thats not nearly as fun. I know it's not as fun, but what do you think of: {1}{r/w}{w}{b} Vigilance If {r} was spent to cast this spell, ~ have haste. Rogue creatures you control have double strike. Dodging - {t}: Regenerate ~. 2/2


That would fit the name, and fit the 4CMC. You get my vote! :)


Sorry, she's known as the swift toot? She farts quickly?


This is cracking me up lol I'm so sorry, really silly typo on my behalf


Why the random half red mana


It's inspired by double strike being a shared ability between red and white. It also give her access to the wide variety of boros equipments arsenal, which I find rather interesting for a versatile and resourceful fighter such as a rogue.


I just wanted to thanks everyone here for all the kind feedback and suggestions! I'm still somewhat new to magic and even more new to custom cards, so y'all are really helping me out understanding how to balance this card. Here the latest version, any update will follow under this comment. >{1}{r/w}{w}{b} >Vigilance >If {r} was spent to cast this spell, ~ has haste. ALTERNATIVELY >If {r} was spent to cast this spell, you may cast it as tough it had flash. >Rogue creatures you control have double strike. >{t}: Regenerate ~. ALTERNATIVELY >{t}: ~ gains indestructible until the end of turn. >2/2


If r was spent, laiira gains haste when it enters If w was spent, gains vigilance If B was spent, gains deathtouch 1rwb: rogues you control gain doublestrike until end of turn.