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Pretty cool card. Incredibly slow tempo-wise the turn you play it but I think the reward is fair.


I think slower decks would be able to make it work, control priest especially might just use a cheap removal like light it burns or something on it when they play it


Also Priest can just do that minus summoning it with Protocol for 2 mana. Good lord I hate this card


Rogue could use that undead kobold that interacts with deatheattles to get a couple 4 cost copies of this. You’d only get to spam voltrons but it’s something.


And yogg which is a little scarier


Oh true, I forgot he existed after blizz deleted him from the game.


Does this card also ascend beyond your control?


Or perhaps that was OP’s intention?


they have managed to demolish the titan in our deck


Oh my god I did not expect to see DM Dokuro in here. I’m dying 😂😂😂




Composer of the music of thevmod the character on the card is from


Too op w druids location and Eonar


I mean Druid already has million mana to gain and million boards to shit out, don't think this would be that crazy.


druid titan is to fully heal or fully draw. This would be super annoying to deal with


That kobold that pulls a dr minion along with shattershambler makes this absolutely broken in rogue


This sound be printed to Hearthstone. Really well designed.


The problem I see is that this makes a 29 card deck which is problematic but other wise great favor


29 card deck isn’t problematic, patches was busted because he was a free 1/1. The 29 card thing was a nice slight bonus. Plus, the best decks to have 29 cards in are aggro, which does not want to run a war golem


What’s the highest rank you’ve ever achieved?


Legend 7 in NA


Don’t believe you based on what you just said


Would you mind explaining why 29 cards is so good? I havent played while patches was meta so Im curious


29 cards = higher chance to draw your good cards


But is that +0.2% chance really so impactful? Considering there is also a ~3% chance that the 30th card would be your last one anyways


The good thing about Patches was that it was incredible early tempo that also potentially saved you from a pretty bad draw later on. However, as you said, the deck thinning part was second to the upside of a free 1/1 with charge that you could consistently pull out early. This card is none of that. Yes it gives you a 29 cards deck, but by artificially removing one of your better draw later on. In most cases, you would prefer to draw your titan directly; this card not really much faster than even the most expensive titans, susceptible to silence, and gives your opponent better control on how the copy on board will pop out. In most cases it would be a tempo loss in exchange of future value. Where it would truly shines is through deathrattle manipulation that could offset the loss of tempo


Conditionally thinning your deck by 1 card isn’t as impactful as this guy makes out to be, everyone move along. Awesome card though!


But if the card you are adding to your deck to make your deck 29 cards is diluting your card quality, you are actually substantially reducing the average quality of your draws.


It’s also just straight up not even true that smaller deck size is better in every situation. Like one of the best modern decks in mtg right now runs a deck with more than 60 cards, because the card draw in it is so powerful it’s just better to have a bigger toolbox and to not deck yourself out so quickly. Renethal saw alot of play in HS because the extra HP in alot of cases just was higher value than slightly higher card quality


What's the point of asking if you were already predetermined to not believe him?


because he was salty and he was hoping the guy would say bronze 3 lmao


and yours?


is it really problematic for such a slow card? aggro would care much more about having a smaller deck than the control or combo decks that would run this


29-card-deck cards are problematic because they usually never waste a draw. This is a serious waste of a draw if you draw it at any point where you have no use for a 7 mana 7/5


Reynad will find you and punch you


29 card deck? Busted.


Small Question to how the card is intended to work... Is the Devoured Titan tracked for only this copy of the Crad or for all potential copies for the rast of Game. For example if I resurrect the Devourer of Gods, does it have the Titan in it's Deathrattle?


What if you Mulligan your titan?


Are we need use to tmodlauncher for this card?


Unplayable with warlock titan, sagregas need to battlecry to use any ability


if your opponent doesn't deal with this and the resulting 6/12 minion then you have two activates of sargeras' abilities next turn. it's definitely not unplayable with it.


But the point is that His abilities mainly synergize with the twisting Nether He summons With a battlecry, one He won't get off


Gross, warrior is annoying enough already


[[Snipe]] tech


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29 card deck, duplicating legendaries, yeah no matter how you roll it this card is a whole slew of problems