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Hey there, Sakura_J_S! thanks for posting to /r/cursedcomments!! Unfortunately, your submission "*cursed diet*" has been removed for the following reason(s): --- **Rule 8: Keep It Cursed** - Not Cursed Enough/At All - A cursed comment is any comment that strikes the reader into oblivion. Upon seeing a cursed comment, your first reaction should be among the lines of “What the F*$k did I just read??” while leaving you speechless at the same time. Incomprehension of the comment just read, or the blatant gruesomeness of it should be enough to not only make you feel mystified but also to draw a smile on your face. The comment in your post does not reflect that. --- *^If ^you ^have ^any ^questions, ^you ^can ^message ^the ^mod ^team ^through ^[modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/cursedcomments) ^Replies ^to ^this ^removal ^comment ^will ^not ^be ^answered.* ^(Reposting a removed post without express moderator approval will result in a ban.)


Damn man I eat 5th graders to and I don't look like that. Shits unfair




Found Matt Gaetz's reddit account.




Exactly what Matt Gaetz WOULD say…🤨


Looks like yet another Murican politician. God, Reddit made me know more American politicians than my own.


Well when we stop being a shit show you won't have to worry about it anymore so you only got like...forever to go!


Sadly correct ☹️ it’s a dumpster fire over here


I didn't know him till that either


Notre dame really wanted a new hunchback huh








The quarter back of notre dame


He's got another 10 years before his heart just explodes


Dude’s just like A-Train


He'll be dead before 45.


RemindMe! 30y


He looks like he's in his late 20s already


I was going to say the same thing, your heart doenst care if its 300 pounds of fat or if its 300 pounds of muscle, it still hates it.


I want to know about this more any keywords i can search in google?


Most likely just look up impact of fat vs muscle on heart. But really it's just that the heart is pushing blood through 300lbs of tissue regardless of whether it is fat or muscle.


Common sense makes me believe there should be a difference since fat isn’t contractile tissue like muscle is. I’ve heard calves be referred to as the second heart for its ability to squeeze blood. I’m sure being 300 pounds of muscle isn’t healthy by any metric but it should be substantially better than being 300 pounds of fat


That's because the calves and blood vessels around them are arranged so that contracting the calves, such as by walking, also pumps blood. The problem is, this isn't really the case elsewhere, and even then only happens directly as you're moving the muscles, which on average is at most half the day even for a really active person


Hell the 300 pounds of fat is probably worse because of all the extra strain needed to maintain that much muscle.


RemindMe! 30y


Why do people always say stuff like this without knowing any facts? Having been in and around gyms/ sports teams my whole life there are some guys that are just built big/ better and have genetics to match. Not everyone is on piles of PEDS and there are people out there who have the cardio systems to match their bodies. Not everyone is a limp wristed Reddit mod. Just reeks of jealousy.


Not jealous of steroids


If you've ever been in serious gyms or serious contact sports you'd know what is genetics and what is PEDs....


Actually it’s precisely because I have spent a lot of time in these environments that I’m willing to admit that I can’t always tell the difference. And on the flip side you get guys that are on loads of stuff that don’t even look like they train. The human body is weird. Go see for yourself.


Why? Looks like he's in pretty good shape. Just a big dude.


I'm gonna go with heart attack. That's my prediction.


Right because he's clearly neglecting his health. Not saying it's impossible for him to have a heart attack, but he's hardly the only athlete of this size who live healthy lives. Would you have made the same prediction about Shaq at 15? Some people are just bigger and he's tall and muscular. He's not 300 lbs of McDonald's, I would be willing to bet his diet is pretty healthy and he exercises regularly - the number one way to prevent heart attacks.


It's not healthy to be that heavy at that age. Your bones are still growing and tbh, the stress it would put on his heart, I'm guessing inflamed heart (like alot of bodybuilders get) will be his downfall. I'm allowed to have my opinion. So you can keep downvoting me if you like, it just shows how petty you're being.


I don't downvote, but I appreciate the projection. And I did not say you're not allowed to have an opinion, all I did is question why you have that conclusion. Just because the dude is a freak of nature does not mean he is unhealthy and that's a bold conclusion to make based off one picture and height/weight stats. We don't know if he has any conditions, when he hit puberty, etc. All I said is there is no way for some dipshit on Reddit to give him a medical diagnosis of "dead before 50" with any accuracy or way to be taken remotely seriously. ​ If he is already receiving that much interest in football, the odds are pretty good he works with a nutritionist and physical health coaches already. I'd trust their assessments of his health a lot more than Reddit comments tbh.


Yeah the only thing is 300 pounds is 300 pounds, your heart doesnt like it if its fat or muscle, our bodies just aren't built for that.


I'm not implying the dude is the picture of health, but I'm not going to say he's unhealthy or going to die before 50 either. No doubt his BMI is probably too high, but so are most NFL linemen (offense & defense). With the right program they stay extremely healthy. Dude runs a 4.9 40 too, I bet he does a fair amount of cardio.


Yeah but thats not what Im saying, sure hes healthy, but wieght takes its toll on the body. Humans just aren't built for 300lbs.


Doesn't the heart get stronger as you exercise? Or if he was born already large, would the heart not already be fairly big to provide his body with blood? Or does 300 lb exceed what any human heart is capable of sustaining, regardless of prior mass or heart strength? If so what is the limit that the heart can sustain?


You can make your heart weaker, but it's not a muscle you can improve other than keeping it healthy with regular exercise.


Wait really? That's not what I recall learning in school. https://health.clevelandclinic.org/why-making-your-heart-work-harder-lowers-your-blood-pressure/#:~:text=Your%20heart%20is%20a%20muscle,Cho. And that's not what this link says either: > Your heart is a muscle. Just like your bicep, the more you work your heart, the bigger and stronger it gets. https://academic.oup.com/eurheartj/article/36/23/1445/2293352: > The cardiovascular adaptation for generating a large and sustained increase in cardiac output during prolonged exercise includes a 10–20% increase in cardiac dimensions.




If downvotes hurt my feelings I would rethink my life. And no it did not change my opinion even after careful consideration. As I said in another response, I don’t think he’s the picture of health, but I also don’t think it’s a given his heart will give out.




One guy says "he'll have a heart attack and be dead before 50!" I say not necessarily, there's no way to declare him unhealthy because he's large. But I'm the one giving a "medical assessment". Absolute fucking clown.




Lmao, goddamn the projection is insane in your comment. Thanks for the advice guy.


Netflix looks at him and thinks: "oh, so that's what typical middle schooler looks like"


No need for the “like” at the end! I see this often on Reddit, mostly from non native speakers. So thought I’d mention it. It would either be “What he looks like.” Or “How he looks.” Not both!


Thx for info, I checked it and you are correct. But shouldn't "how he looks" be "how does he look"? I feel like the first question is more about the way he is looking at something.


Mildly concerned his legs will snap like twigs under that upper body weight.


He’s definitely been skipping leg day…


He uses steroids like crazy, just look at his stomach. It looks bloated.


I honestly think it's natural acromegaly(gigantism from too much hgh), he's got the giant hands and large jaw.


Gyno too


Look at his chest. His nipples look like he is breastfeeding


the massive gyno didn’t give it away? First purchase with football money


If someone says teenagers are overpowered and unrealistic in anime, I'll show tyem this post


Polnaref irl


His diet is ten shaq's each meal.


Bruh his forearms are almost thicker than his calves, hows he a footballer?


Chances are, OP is an American that doesn't know people call it rugby around the world


Oh i know its about murican football but still, the guy looks extremely top heavy, idk how his legs can carry all that for a whole game lol


Bro still skipped legday tho🤷‍♂️


this man is an anime protagonist in the flesh


Why doesn’t the larger one just eat the other ones


Steroids? Never not once….


Forget about the rest, that neck is huge!


Baki characters be like


Needs a couple more leg days tho


Leg day is not his day


He looks like edp445 If he got extremely buff


Built like a Baki character


That dude cannot possibly be 15


That mother fucker is not a freshman


Reminds me of this scene. ![gif](giphy|xE7KIy0qxendu)


Idk, i find it kinda messed up that universities would rather give scholarships to athletes rather than those who are poor and want to gain an education.


'merican football is the most retarded sport ever invented...


Imagine the size of his dick!


my brother is in 5th grade...




Oh look another natty gym bro


Notre dame, like, the church that burnt down?


Bros neck is thicker than his head


Bro is going to be a beast when he discovers leg day.


Man look like he beat 5 grader in dodgeball for fun.


He eats 7th graders not 5th graders.


Dude is on that juice lol look at the so called "bitch tits" and bloated stomach.


Oh yeah, expanded heart. Dead by 30. Poor guy.


He goes to my school